\ ZB en dh yy y A lg 4s \ soe ss Ae bs) cK 1e Best Procurable. Absolutely pure, 'FRISCO MAYOR SCHMITZ, BROKE Once Famous Character Down on His Uppers Mayor to Schmitz, who Quentin prison with former Boss Abe Ruef by the slenderest legal technicality, and at liberty on all Schmitz is said to be Former escaped going San | heavy bonds, has fortune Who is now lost his dead broke, all his business ven- tures havirg gore wrorg. He was poor when elected mayor, but is said to hay quit very weelthy. When Schmitz was trying to i @ Royal Bank of Canada Heap Orrick: MONTREAL. Capital, $6,200,000 Surplus, $7,200,000 Total Assets, $92,500,000 ESTABLISHED 1869, Savings Bank Department, $1 will open an account. ranches throughout Canada and Banking Connections with all parts of the United States. Agents throughout the world. H, P. WILSON, Manager, Prince Rupert Branch. | get out of jail on bail he obtaired | the assistance of William J. Dingee, jan Oakland capitalist. In turn money in a large cement factory near Santa Cruz. This company was dragged down into ruin when Dingee failed last year, and Sch- mitz lost every cent he had in- vested in it. Then the mine which Schmitz put considerable | money into at Oroville, in Butte county, pinched out after showing | some very rich ore. In despair, Schmitz then started | EGET IN NOW AND GET IN RIGHT The following properties will be sold en block, or separately and on easy terms. SECTION ONE SECTION ONE SECTION ONE \for Sinaloa, Mexico, where his | brother is interested in some mines, | | but letter by| the | is worthless and Schmitz | money |to get out of the country and lreach home. It is estimated that} |\Schmitz made half a million dol- was received one of his old friends saying | mine | a lis stranded and needs jlars, but the only thing that] |remains is a home which is in| jhis wife’s name. All the other ABOUT OTHER | property has taken wings. Block Lots Block Lots 27 42-43 SECTION FIVE R76 9 3-4 10 6-7-9-10 1 Os ikeke Lats ll 1-2-8-4-5-6 19 15-16 il 9-19 20 19-20 8 am 12 22 34 37-38 } 2s 13 21-22 34 42 18 1-2 97 9-10 For prices, terms and particulars, apply to -—— ie ai el AGENT ° S. BENSON, Atlantic Realty & Improvement Co., Ltd. econd Avenue Phone 214 SF The Christiansen-Brandt Co. Real Estate and Insurance We have some good buys in City Property. r Farm Lands proposition along the G. T. P. are worth investigating. Come and see us or write us before buying elsewhere. ba) Se: 3g 3 OL OPPO OL LOLOL ALI MUSSALLEM & COMPANY -»sGood Fresh Groceries at City Prices..... We have just received a new line of Shirtwaists, Underskirts, Shawls and Neckties which will sell at cut | prices for a few days only. ; we To Residents of Sections 5, 6, 7 and 8--We deliver promptly, our goods are fresh, at prices not to be beaten in the city 228 Bock MUSSALLEM & CQ, sis sve. cut o mete + Telephone Ae wow K niin O The Best Engine for Northern B.C. waters is The “Frisco Standard” Cut represents three- cylinder type “ Friseo Standard" Gasoline Engine, sizes 25 h.p. to 125 h.p : Quick delivery of all | sizes from 4h.p, single | cylinder upwards, AGENTS | Rupert Marine Ironworks & Supply Co. Office Phone: Blue 58 WELL EQUIPPED REPAIR SHOP Works on Wharf: Phone 313 ACCESSORIES CARRIED P.O. Box 515 | he Daily News DELIVERED TO ANY AD- DRESS IN SECTIONS 1, AND 6 EVERY DAY FOR 90c PER MONTH 5 FAMOUS CANALS Facts about the World's Lead-| ing Waterways—Giant En-| terprises which Cost Fabu- lous Sums. | The the Panama | |Canal aroused by Mr. Magee’s| | interest in 1 . lecture last night, makes com-| | parisons interesting. The Panama Canal with its length of fifty] miles, width of three hundred feet|will, a pioneer resident and the/left for the City Hall and a lump} and depth of forty-one feet had |Grand Old Man of Amateur sports, | of coal thrown hit one of the} cost up to the end of last year a}died at six this Friday morning at|judges. The fracas caused much sum of $312,000,000. | The famous Erie canal was | opened in 1825, has a length of | 363 miles, a width of seventy feet and a depth of seven feet, and cost about $50,000,000. The Il- linois and Michigan canal was opened in 1848; it is ninety-six miles long and cost about $6 -| 000,000, The Chesapeake and Ohio | canal is 185 miles in length and cost about $12,000,000. The Wa-| bash and Erie is 274 miles in} length. The Suez canal was opened in 1869, and is ninety-nine miles} long, 420 feet wide at its surface, | and thirty-one deep. Its cost was about $100,000,000, The 1894, is about | thirty-six miles in length, 300 feet wide twenty-six feet deep. ‘Its about $75,000,000, | The North Sea and Baltic is sixty- jone miles long and 220 feet wide | land cost $30,000,000. | PLACER CHANCES ON THE NAAS \Valuable Hint to Would-be Pro- spectors from Prince Rupert fect Manchester canal, and cost was The placer ground on the Naas where the April strike was made, according to Mr. F. W. Wright. | one of the pioneer prospectors of | the Naas river valley, shows colors | all the way down, but nowhere the forty claims staked has| The pros- on bedrock been reached. pect is so good that men have returned, packing in supplies, which | include pumping gear. In addi- | tion to the snow difficulty, surface water interferes with the mining operations beyond a certain depth, and to obviate this, pumping gear has been packed in over the glacier. All intending prospectors along the Naas should note that between Stewart and the the strike a glacier field of eighteen miles has be No wood for fuel to make a fire can be obtained, and on account of scene of to traversed, this and the drifting snow much his home in this city. THE DAILY NEWS of Interest AT DAVIS’ F. M. DAVIS ita General Machine Shop and Ship’s Copeoneae Also agents for Fair- banks- Morse and Knox Gasoline Engines. Gasoline Engines and Ac- cessories carried in stock, N.E. end of Wharf Approaching Marriage Launcher and Boats for Hire INION §.S. COMPENY OF B.C, Lt The new steel Passenger Steamer | } | leaves Prince Rupert every Sunday at 9 a.m. for Vancouver, arriving Monday afternoon, MISS MARJORIE SPENCER | } P. HAMAR GREENWOOD, M. Dingee induced Schmitz to invest | An energetic Canadian who has madea One of England’s most beautiful wo- | For Stewart City on arrival from Vancouver Friday night. men, who is to become the bride of Hamar Greenwood, M.P. name for himself in Brit- ish politics. (aot y : Northbound, leaves Vancou- |Gillicuddy of Kerry, while Mr.| yop Wednesdays at 9 p.m. June 3.—A marriage to thee | "d the ln leet] F Ba ee taht ca .;|a8 the guest of the late Sir rec Steerage are piece thie week which ts of especial | ras” Major. McGillicaddy amet} interest to Canadians is that of|pin in Kingston and asked him | The Mr. Hamar Greenwood, M. P.|to lunch, and it was then that the | for Sunderland Miss Mar- | engaged couple first met. It was | (Colonial Press Despatch) , “‘Camosun ”’ is the only steame on the run having water-tight bulk- heads and double bottom, thus en — i and al 2 sion or wreck. jorie Spencer of Townhope Court, |4 momentous occasion in a double Herefordshire, England. Mr. |Sense, for at the conclusion of the | J. H. Greenwood was born at Whitby, | !unch the first shock of an earth-|— Ontario, 1870, and comes of United| quake was felt. The whole hotel | Empire Loyalist stock. |where the party had lunched was | Mr. Greenwood’s engagement|shaken down, and they would) to Miss Spencer has its romantic| probably have all been killed if| side. They first met, quite by|they had not fortunately already | hance, at Kingston, Jamaica, four left the hotel. As it was, all came | years ago. Miss was | through the earthquake unhurt. visiting the island with her uncle} The marriage will take place at and aunt, Major and Mrs. Mc-|St. Margaret’s, Westminster. dificulty has to be overcome. THREW STONES in covering this eighteen miles.| Al BRITISH JUDGE in covering this eighteen miles. | Here one must camp in the snow | aaa and ice and, comparatively short|/Riotous Scenes Following the| as the distance is, many strenuous! Unseating of Sir Henry King | at Hill, England. WEBSTER’S. » NEW “- INTERNATIONAL DICTIONARY THE MERRIAM WEBSTER The Only New unabridged dic- tionary in many years, Contains the pith and essence of an authoritative library. Covers every field of knowl. edge. An Encyclopedia in a single book. The Only Dictionary with the New Divided Page. 400,000 Words. 2700 Pages. c Spencer | | | 6000 Illustrations, Cost nearly half a million dollars. Let us tell you about this most remarkable single volume, experiences have to be recorded. | Mr. Wright constructed the ferry cable near the outlet of the Naas. (Canadian Press Despatch) - | AL. LARWILL IS DEAD London, June 2.—Sir Henry | |King for the past twenty-five} Man of Amateur| years the Unionist representative | Grand Old Sport Passes Away |for the city of Hull, was unseated | | today for treating. Vancouver, June 2.—Al. Lar-| The judges were hooted as they} | } | indignation. “Camosun ” $5.00]| safety of passengers in case Rogers, Ticket Agent. PRINCE AUPERT Wi AND | ANNEX Owned and operated by the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway on the American and European plan. Exceliently furnished, with steam heat, electric light, and all modern conveniences, being abso- lutely first-class in every respect. The appointments and service are equal to any hotel on the coast. Rates: $1 to $3.50 per day. G. A. Sweet, Manager. a | ddhciinal teteugl aae '™ Royal Hotel Cor. Third Avenue and Sixth St. The Finest Rooms. aay ae ipped steam Hot and cold baths. Dining room restaurant 3 Corley & Burgess, Props New Knox Hotel BESNER & BESNER, PROPRi#‘ORS plan.” Flrstclam ca Ais Latent, Modern | smprovements. FIRST AVENUE, PRINCE RUPERT Windsor Hotel FIRST AVENUE AT EIGHTH STREET Newly Furnished and Steam Heated Reems A FIRST CLASS BAR AND DINING ROOM IN CONNECTION RATES 50 CENTS AND UP BATHS FREE TO GUESTS ROBT. ASHLAND P.O. BOX 37 Cor, First Ave. Hotel Central and 7th Street European and American plan, steam heated, modern conveniences, Ra $1.00 to $2.50 per day. : Peter Black Proprietor intimin .Grand Hotel.. WORKINGMAN’S HOME Spring Beds, clean White Sheets 25¢ Rooms 50c BEST IN TOWN FOR THE MONEY The Heights at the Top are always commanded by those who produce the best. Over fifty vears of continued Quality and Purity made “‘The Old Reliable’? Budweiser the unchallenged King of All Bottled Beers. Its world- wide reputation is due to its mild and exquisite flavor which helped to win its Popularity E verywhere. Bottled only (with Corks or Crown Caps) The North British Columbia at the Anheuser-Busch Brewery Liquor Co., Limited St. Louis, Mo. Distributors Prince Rupert, B.C. J. GOODMAN, Proprietor VICTORIA CAFE Lunch and Meals at ali hours; Lunch 16¢, Meals 25¢ up~Come and See YOU CAN GET A SQUARE MEAL ANY TIME. Georgetown Sawmill Co. Lid Lumber Mouldings A’l stock of finigh- ing cr on ig Boat lumber a specialty. made at short notice, Delivery Our prices are as low as any. Call on us before ordering. OFFICE: Cor. Centre St. and First Ave. wel