Ladpy. March I, 1932 THE DAILY NEWS PA3E FTV2 housands of People Read The Advertisements on This Paee Every Dav RENTrTHATiRGOM,' SECURE HELP, SELL FURNITURE,, REAL ESTATE, ETC,, THROUGH' AXLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENT FOR RENT " " " " " " 1 , : i '""7 i i CLASSIFIED ADVERTISE! hi ! g Kent, o rooms, zna Ave. i. iisin. Acme Importers. tf , let 1742 Atlln Avenuf. - Bluck 487. 3' )1 is i jjt live roomed furntihe.l iii-iu. $15 a month, Musta;- fif u grocery. tl) ill RKNT -Modern bungalow, !!:.: Avenue. McCutcheon, 841 Av-nue West. itf) RKNT -Steam heated anqrt- !.-t large rooms, kltcher 'ntrally located; $35.00 ,,irh -toom dwelling, hot wate -.i riiih Avenue West. An f rdffery. Gibbons tt Col. Bar' L-d j b.i RENT Any person can do on Third Avenue . and )d living quarters by e in coiiage next aoor te Is DmIv News Only "sn T s n great opportunity FOR SALE 1031 Ford 'Town & i i : ety uwned SptondM snap. Phone 778. 5i HELP WANTED W ANTED AT ONCE mow employed h?-.. ! 30 Musi be ot heat a: id have home her-. to work rain n' i full parttoulat SPECIALTY SALES .: H ig., Victoria. B C BTt'ATlO.NS WANTED t. .'.usekeeper wnt': -'jn'Uon to childrc V ' H Millaoaw. Room ! Buck, between 7 and 52 I AM ACT 1: tni inn io apply to lrae l-iaa ' ' Ko'tt iMine iMiri?t D.-lrlct of PrUMfi Rn-'ii um Sewttiari) pat I . II Via rrt' rA&aa m u. re ncgoiniuf the frac-1 "i i iir fractional anatlh 674. Qiiren hax- i -lrl-l "'i the Home Oil Dlx ro ol Vanaouvtr. Bnttah p.t ti on a mercbndta. . 'nd to apply far u 'i ihk described lad;- ' i jwxrt planted at to i "f the fraetlon'. frucitoiMl flottttk-eeti l7i, Qtirrn oharloMe Ii-' cute South one ohm. :iw water murk; Utrar-iUr mark In a Sotrtli-n JO chain more c lev ' ol Hie South-wre uar-'I traruoniU West half o. souiii-fiuii quarter ot L une chain mvr 1 'd Routh-veM corner. -fHieriy foltowlnt thr '' ry ot the sold Lot ft. r am to poaml ef com-'"d r-nnuttnlnx two tit HOME -Oil, DISTHIBUTOns; MMITER ' N'-iton U Page. Agent. 7th. 190J THK 1IATTIU Of TIIK TOMl'lN. Ii:s ACT". J ' ' HEREBY CUVEN that tbt l eptly to the- TtTfNrTr , '- Vic Wria BjC. . alter the , 1 "ii" notice for four ive it name to thai of - .Muu.tMrsrtY LIMITED, . " Rupert, BO., this IMjW 1 'I'llHl-V i , . .. .: ' 'UIUCVMJ A COLLAUT, J,0OSE HALL FOR. RENtI' 1 Nlp Dance sJt'nn Unve and Dance $25.00 "wUnes ssnnn 'r I-. i- frtt.W R7 Mh uioo Store For Rent Typewriters for Rent "ose, Cowan & LaMa 3rd Ave. SALVAGE & TOWING "If It's on oi unoer the water we do it" Pacific Salvage Co. Ltd. Fully Equipped ror Diving and General Salvage Work Agents for EASTIIOPE ENGINES Boats and Scows of all descriptions for Charter Row Boats and Canoes for Hire BARGAINS IN GAs ENGINES Northern B.C. Distributors Coolidge Propellers Sand and Oravel In any quantity delivered anywhere by water Phone Day or Night 564 P.O. Box 15C4 ian xnTirE NOTICE Is hereby given thit - 1. Geo. Bacon, occupation miner. In-ten to apply to the Mnmtostoittr of lrxl (or pemvhelon u parch tbe SaHowtat tend OoaunrBtiftf at i poet about tv; wiles southerly from TuUqeh Peat ctoher 27. mi. ose. BACON. The Auctioneer Packing Crating Wrapping and General Furniture Repairs , List your goods with me GEO. J. DAWES Phone Black 120 AUCTIONEER List you goods with us Prince Rupert's leading Auctioneer. G. M. HUNT Phone Red C37 WOOD FOR SALE Any Length j Apply T. Glenn and K. Viereck T. & R. TRANSFER Phone Green 609 Reasonable pricej j Orders Promptly Attended j f-f'lfl' w,aamniKiMMW MACKENZIE'S FURNITURE j A complete assortment of FURNI TURE and FLOOR COVBRINQ. Br-rythrnt for the WINDOW. If you are selUng out we. will AUCTION your goods or pay casb outright. Call tu up. Prompt service. Phone T5. j Mackenzie's Furniture & I Auctioneers ; Painting and Paperhanging By Day or Contract Charges Reasonable J. P. M0LLER Phone Red 802 i F.NTS For rem, ior u - smau advertisements in this section chawed it the rate f t i . word per insert.on with si insertion, for the price of four. By the mon h ?h ! ! advertisement ten for less than 50c. LOST LOST Curly white Spitz. Finder please phone 667. 40 LOST A length of Tank Waggon Hose, with Brass coupling. Finder please notify 533. 55 CHIROPRACTIC W. C. Aspinall Three Year Orfduate Chiropractic Modern Ray Treatments Given Phone for Appointment Green 211 and 519 Open Evenings 6 Excnange Blk. TRANSFERS CAMERON'S Transfer Phone 177 for Dry Birch, Cedar and Jack Pine. tr BOARD AND ROOM urnw. wence so chains aotrHitnjr. aa tbiiM veeterii. thence ROOM and Board close In, gooa helna northerly, tftence M chalna to' localltv Phnnp rnone iliue nlue ?M1 3JU. Ktnt of oommenotment. oonieinlnf em mare or tea. - - - JN TIIK MATTER Or THE "ADMINISTRATION' ACT" 1 and IN THE MATTEIt OK THE ESTATE OI I'ATItKK I.IIMlY MILVII.I.E. DKCEASKIt Take nctfcc that ty order of tbe Honourable Aulay Horrjon, Chief Justice of tbe Supreme Oatirt of British C 1 tun Ma, OeWd ITth Dearoiber. 1M1. 1 was appointed Administrator of t.i Ratal of Patrick LUMy MulvUle, de- All perue having claims aca.rvn th-aaM Mate are hereby required to tot-rt4 tame to me proywij rerlflea oo or before tbe Vth Pevuafjr. 1933: an;! all parties bring indebted to the sa d BiUte are hereby required to pay tli.' amount of tbelr indebtedness to oi forthwith. O ted st Smlthera. B.C.. this 8th d; at January, A.O.. 1931. R B. CAMPBKLL. Official Admlnlatraarr SEATTLE PIONEER Clartnre Barley, Historian, Had Lhcd In Paget Sound City Since 18C0 SEATTLE, March 1 The funeral took place here yeattrday of Clarence B. Dagley, 8a -year old historian ol this city. Baglty, who dW last Friday, caunt to the original rettlement of Seattle In 1860 and had made hlc home here ever since. BODY NAILED UP ON WALL ,Toni Marino, Japanese, Came to Ghastly End in Los Angeles ; Vacant House LOS ANGELES, March 1: The body of Tom Marino. Japanese, was found on Sunday nailed to the wall of a closet in a vacant house here. The remains showed signs of having been beaten to death. It is believed by the police that the body had been hanging there for at least three months. "TILLIE THE TOILER" MUST WORK DINNER ON FOR MONEY LEAP YEAR City Council Advised of New Policy , Ladies of First United Church Are of Government in Respect to j Guests of Men at Very En- Direct Relief joyable Affair Authority Wanted Aldermen Welcome the Suggestion Contained In Official Communication From Victoria A letter from P. Qalker, deputy provincial secretary, advised the eity council last night that the unemployment relief committee of the executive council of the province was of the opinion that the principle of some work being given in return for relief should be extended to those persons In cities and municipalities who were receiving direct relief. The letter suggested to the city that every person receiving such relief be required to give work to the amount of what was received. The city could pay In cash, according to Its own discretion, thus ovblating the system of Issuing relief orders. It would be understood, of course, that not more would be paid than was required by the person concerned for actual necessities. If any person, without good reason, decline dto work then he would automatically cease to be eligible for relief. The communication expressed the hope that the city would be able to carry out future dispensation of relief under this arrangement." Aid. PUlsbury pointed out that this was along the lines of views that had been lon expressed by the counetl. There were no direct ln- structions however, to adopt such j a policy so he moved that a wire be jsent to the govenunent to ascertain If there was definite authorization to carry on under the new Doric v. Aid. Casey serohded Aid. Pills-; burr's motion wh:ih was passed af-jter some discussion as to whether I or not (lie federal as well a the provincial government should be wired to. No Fire Damage Here in Month Department Responded to Five Alarms Four Were Chimney Fires The city fire department responded to five alarms during the month of February this year. There was no lass durlnp the month, four of the alarms being due to chimney flrw and the other one to a smoke scare. Last year In February there were also five ularma with no 0PF0SED TO RELAXATION OTTAWA, March 1: Strong opposition to any relaxation In the regulations governing the use of ourse seines in the Canadian sea fisheries was expressed by A. W. NeW. Independent member for Co-mox-AlbernL at today' sitting of the standing committee on marine and fisheries. Over one hundred were In attendance at a Leap Year supper last night In First United Church social parlors. The ladies were the guests of the men of the church who looked after the catering, serving and all details! The affair was highly enjoyable. After full justice had been done to a splendid supper spread, there was a program of music and spee ches. The program included piano solos by Miss M. A. Way, violin solos by Bert Cameron, vocal solos by Archie Scott and vocal duets by Ar chie Scott and Rev. R. C. Scott. Mrs Alfred Wilson was accompanist. Speakers of the evening were Aid. P. H. Llnzey, J. W. McKlnley and Rev. R. C. Scott. Rev. Alfred Wilson presided and welcomed the guests In charge In the kitchen were J Wostenholme, Frank Vlckers and T. C. Wilding. Those serving were Rev. Alfred Wilson. O, W. Dunn. Hawthorne Dunn, Frank Derry, H. Harper, O. V. Wilkinson, James Kri-kevsky, P. C. Miller, Duncan Miller. O. A. Edgecumbe, O. F. Davey and B. E. Valde. 1LLI0NS RELEASED Important Bill Signed Saturday Afternoon By President Hoover ot United States WASHINGTON, D.C., March 1: i President Herbert Hoover affixed his signature Saturday afternoon to i bill which will make $3,500,000,000 of new money Issuable by the Department of the Treasury for agriculture and other industries of the United States. Provision la also made for the release ot Idle gold in the treasury. Were Winners In Guessing Mrs. Crukkshank and Mrs. Kenney Secure Prizes at Annette's ' Store This Morning Annette's guessing contest win ners were announced this morning following a count by Mayor Orme In the store on Third Avenue. It ' was found that thece were C83 ean- 'dies in the jar and Mrs. Crultk-shank was the winner with 685 thus winning the $5 and the candies. The second prize, a pair of silk hose, was Won by Mrs. Fred Kenney with a i guess of 095. Hockey Standings International Division W. I). L. Canadlens 19 6 14 Toronto 18 6 15 Maroons 15 0 20 Americans' 14 7 17 American Division Rangers ..; .. ... 20 7 13 Detroit 18 7 17 Chicago 14 10 14 Boston ., ,U , U 17 ,. m . A Terrible Shock P. 44 42 36 35 47! 39 33 ,33 AFFIDAVIT WASFALSE Testimony Relating to Sinking of Canadian Schooner During War Given In New York NEW YORK, March 1: Testimony that a false affidavit was drawn up to show that the schooner Gypsum Queen was torpedoed by a German submarine during the Great War was given yesterday before a Canadian Royal Commission. Alexander Allison, negro second mate of the vessel, said that Senator Hance J. Logan of Amherst, N.S, persuaded him to swear an affidavit to this effect In a Boston hotel. Freeman Hatfield, owner and captain of the schooner, has been awarded $71,000 reparations on the supposition that the vessel was torpedoed. ELECTION" INFRANCE Premier Tardieu Insists That Ills Budget Be Approved Before Assembly Dissolves PARIS, March 1: Premier Andre Tardieu has Intimated that he has no intention of allowing the present French assembly to rUtsolrc until after it n&s approved of his budget. In view of the Premier's ttand. It Is believed that various parties of the Chamber will support the budget In order to permit of a general election being held the later part of May. Geherar Pershing" Enters Hospita! Arucrftan Commander-in-Chief I Said To Be Not in Serious Condition WASHINGTON, DC. March l-Osneral John J. Pershing, eom-lrinder-ln-chld of the United States Army m Frame, has been taken to a hospital hi thta city suffering from an Illness v. Men U stated by his physicians to be not serious Mail Contracts Are Cancelled Postmaster General ot U. S. Is Accused of Showing Favoritism WASHINGTON, DC, March 1: A bill was passed by the House at the week-end ordering cancellation of all air mall 'contracts which had been awarded recently without public advertising or the call for tenders. Post master Oeneral Brown was charged with favoritism in connection with the awarding of the a N. ... TRAINS For the East Mondays, rf-' Wednesdays ..,-.. and . SUGGESTION OF AUDITOR George Rorie Feels City Should Give Him Some Protection Following Reduction of Fee The city council declined lait night to accede to a suggestion from George Rorle, city auditor, that a special licence fee be Imposed upon transient auditors operating In the city but agreed, however, that the licence bylaw should be strictly enforced to Insure that such transient auditors are made to pay the same licence fee as required of the resident auditor. The request from Mr. Rorle along with his acceptance of a cut In his annual fee of $75d. Mr. Rorie pointed out that In recent years city auditing had required 1,100 hours time and this year might require more. Tbe fact of the matter was that about the same was being paid per hour for auditing as a day laborer received for his work. In view of this situation, Mr. Rorle felt that the city council might well afford him some protection under licencing against the transient auditor. The city solicitor gave the opinion that Mr. Rorle's suggestion could not be legally implemented It would involve discrimination beyond the powers of the council. It was moved by Aid. Collar!. TMonded by Aid McCutcheon and nrried that the licence bylaw be strieUy enforced so as to apply to transient auditor! Extension of Time is Asked City Makes Formal Application to Government to Set Forward Date for Completion of Relic' Work In compliance with a suggestW made In a communication from Patrick Philip, chief engineer ot the provincial department of public works, the city council last night dtotdect to make formal application to the government for extension of time In which to complete work which was instituted under relief program and which mii suspended in Dcsenibtr when fund ran out. Under the reguuttiOBJ. th work would have to be eompktcd by March 31 unless an extension ot time was ap-plisd for. While the mayor and some of the aldrraun did not see when funds were going to be forthcoming to complete the work unles a new federal relief act was passed, it was deemed that no hirm eou!d be done by asking for extension of , tune. Aid. Blade and Aid, Lirifiy 1 moved aoaonllngly and the motion was passed. Prisoner Hangs Himself in Jail : BURBANK, Cal.. Mrch 1 Jack TtVI Inh.mKiM m n.J o ...L- i a - . viMiuvEiA &ru oo, wuu ii4u tjeen days - . 3 pjn. arrested on chsrges of forgery and From the East suspected burglary, hanged htm- Tuesdays, Thursdays and Satur- self In his sell In the county Jal days . 10:40 am. here at the end of the week. By Westover-