ftvnday. June 23, 1932 The 40th Anniversary of For 40 years SALADA has given the Sinest quality in tea Present prices are the lowest in 15 years. Thirty Eight His Royal Highness, the Prince cl Prince of Wales Is Thirty-Eight Hric to British Throne Celebrates Ills HlrthJay Quietly With Royal Family LONDON. J ine 23:-Thr Print rf Wales celebrated his thirty eighth" birthday quietly with U Royal Family today. WILL CAN OYSTERS Details of New SUO0.0M Industry For Everett. Wash- Are Announced EVERETT. Wash.. June 23 Details of a huge co-operative oyster pu king plant for Everett were announced yertcrday. The first year'i pack is expected to be 200 000 caser involving an expenditure of $1,500.- Ooo in connection with the plant and development of oyster beds. An ultimate annual pack of 400,000 rases I planned. WIND UP COMPANY Alsoma Steel Corporation Is Found Insolvent By Toronto Jude TORQNTO. June aS:-The Al goma Steel Corporation was adjudged insolvent yesterday by Mr Justice Sedawlck at Osaoode Hall His Ijrdhln if-ued an order thul the company be wound up. WEMBREPORT Dead Tree Point-Showery, light southeast wind; barometer, 30.12; temnersilure. 58; light chop. Triple Island-Overcast, light easterly wind: sea smooth. UNION STBAMS1H!S LLM1TEI) TXH. I AT.U.A KVWIV ;!:A:3C ThUd.y t . Wr timniA" 'eVEBV 1 IU..AY MU t. Arriving Vw.ouUv .8und.y . . . . ...... .11... . 1 , 1 T 1 Diliiunvi' WtTRiy Mlllliai . . ,,. On. w ill' " TH1 jttts will j till oad 117. , if Years Old m -ftft for E. senger south j I stone ; ; the sailed route the was Five on W'aks. whose birthday It is today. When Canadian Navy Met and Defeated, Enemy B. c. 8tevens of Sfcidegate, Queen Charlotte Islands, writes that th tint Canadian navy had its base oi 4ueen Charlotte Islands. It was commanded by Admirals Kdenshaw Wheas. Nlng-glng-waa, ami Sea-ftjay and controlled all the coast from the Aleutian Islands to the Columbia River. 1 hU fleet proved Its prowess when in eight Spanish sloops of war were sighted off the coast of the Islands A large fleet of war canoes went ou to meet them, the paddies lining inn fnillna with rhythmical regu larity, keeping time to the drum of the coxswain, who stood m me prow chanting the death song. Two of the Span tan ueei escupcu. tx were destroyed, and the mem bers of the crew left alive were made slaves. Thus it was on the Queen cnar-itte Islands that Canada's navy or the first time gave battle to a 'orelan navy and Inflicted on it a humiliating defeat. Halibut Landings C. Summary Amerlcan-56.000 poundi, 4.8c and 8c and 4.7c and 2c. Canadian 9,000 pounds, 4c and 2c. American TBhoma, 21.000. Booth. 4.6c and 2c. ...... Wtoard, 38,000, Royal. 4.7c ana x I Canadian :, Vera Beatrice, 9.0O0, Cold stor- ,ige. 4c and 2c. REMOVAL OF BUILDING Bids for the removal of the vtontreol Importers and Kalen Hardware building. Third Avenue, vlll be received by the undersigned on or before July First 1932 Highest bid not necessarily accep- tad 147' COLLART & McCAFFERY, limited. miJ Arm ; , Btewart and Nla THE, DAILY NEWS PAQB TBRBt LOCAL NEWS ITEMS Tonight's mixed train from the East, due at 11 p.m was repartee niuinlna'to'be'oir lime. I Montreal Importers' Fire Salt be on soon. Keep your money then tor the real bargains. 148 ! The cheapest luel in town, blj?, slab wood $3.25. Albert & McCaffery Ltd., Phones 116 andj tl MfvuiiS ft$, Wardrope and son Anyox, who arrived in the city Tuesday from the smelter town, on yesterday' afternoon's train Montreal where they will embark for a visit in England. F. L. Sturdee, general passenger agent for the Canadian Pacific Railway at Vancouver, was a pas aboard the Princess Louise yesterday afternoon returning after a trip into the Atlln district. Dr. and Mrs. George A. John-! and little daughter of Los Angeles, California, after a trip tn Eastern States, arrived here on 'yesterday afternoon's train ana later in the afternoon on th? Princp Louise , fpr Vancouver en- Jiqrae. There were 51 passengers aboard steamer Princess Louise which in port yesterday afternoon southbound from Skagway to Van couver. There were no passengers disembarking from the vessel hen persons went south from here the ship. BOSTON CAFE Reopens Saturday, 11a.m. 'thoroughly Renovated Bright anl Cheery,, Make a point of visiting the Cut mate Shoe Store before buying elsewhere. It will pay you. 14'.. W". E. Walker, manager of Arran dale cannery, arrived tn the cm yesterday afternoon by gaaboa from the Naas River for a brie business visit tn town. Union Steamship Co.'s freighter Chilkoot. Capt. John Muir. making her first appearance at this port two years, arrived at 11:15 this morning from the Skcena River, where she.has been unloading cannery freight, ana after a brief stay, proceeded south. Save Money On Your Tunhase We Offer This Commodity at Less Than Cost Helm Pickles Sweet, Sour. Onions, Itehah. Chow-chow z'lC Reg, 36c, per bottle 9t B. Branston Pickles 9. per bottle C. &, B. our Mixed. 20-oa. Q EJ Old dountrv made, bottle C. i B. Walnut Pickles 7ft o 4U-U&. jeu 65c rn sret uuiwe HeinWorcester Sauce 40c lar lrco, -r:" ,,Xfcridnr(iU. " 39c Mlum..3tlnIor: Heinz SthU 40c MMhim') 3 tins for Blue R-lbbon Tea Tho 41c famous flavor, lb. Blue Ribbon Coffee The 43c famous flavor, lb. Pure Gold Quick Pudding -tfln AUt' ner kz Fresh Peas ftp JL, J per lb i Strawberries, Cherries, Lettuce at Reduced Prices Miissallem's Cash & Carry Store "Where Dollars Have More Cents" 319 Third Avenue Phone 18 & 3G0 Moose Picnic Dlgby Island Sun cay, June 23. Boats cave Cow Bay IjAnd 10-tf AdultTMc'Chlldren" Irt8.",tt ...VI ' t'H l' In Merely- Club business 'was :dcalt In with at the regular weekly lunch eon of the Prince Rupert Rotary Club in the Commodore Cafe. A flying boat, arriving from th& couth and proceeding this morning to Alaska, was ah overnight visi tor in toton. The' machine did not report to the authorities. ' Forced to Give Up Job He Held Fifteen Years "Poor health forte ma to tin ip jo 1 bail held for fifteen, PT-1 yeari. BteBtich trouble and trained mf whole nttem. Mr elr- eulatlon iu ttj poor To and oeuntu la raj leg waa eo painful I eoaid hardly let about. I fell off to where I nl weighed IN pound. It's ameaing th war Sarfon took bold of all my trouble. rv actually gained over 10 pound and M longer hate neurltl or stomach dlatreia. The Benton PUli regulated my bowels like clockwork. I now bate the strength and energy to tackle any Job. that comes along." Xrnest 1. Carter, Toronto. 17 Lappln At. ORMES LIMITED RETAINED HIS SEAT Brolhrr of Mrs. T. McClymont of Thk- City One of. Few Conservatives Elected . In Manitoba James O. Mcf nanhan. brother of Mrs. T. McClymont of this city, was one of the few Conservative? who was elected last week in the provincial general 3leetion in Manitoba. Mr. McLenaghan succeeded In retaining his t in Klldonani riding which he has represented for several years. NAMU HAS BICPACK Cannrry Jn .CentraLDIvision Xlolng Sirong Skfcna Sockeye Fleet Is SUII Tied Up According to word received in the ! :iiy mis minimis iieuuu uautray ui h central area is packing . salmon - l full blast, having put up some 500 cases since the opening of the sock-eve fL'hlng season at the first of the week. The Skeena River sockeye fleet was still tied up today awaiting an answer from the cahners In regard to the demand for 30c instead of 27i be pr fish. Announcements En ales' Dance Friday, June 24. Admission Gentlemen 50c. Ladleu refreshments. Moose picnic, Dlgby Island, Jun 26. ERtjles' tfance July 1. Admission, Genta 50c. Ladles 25c. No refresh ments. Eagles' Picnic, Grassy Bay, July 10. Canadian Legion Picnic, Dlgby Island, July 17. Hotel Arrivals New Royal Hotel THE HOTEL WORTH WHILE Hot it Cold water: Steam Heat 75c. PKU DAY AND UP J. Zarelll Tt'lrphone tSI Ffljx Reda city. uum ii nun ii li COAL! COAL! Satisfaction "guaranteed with our Famous Ertson Alberta St Bulkley Valley Coat; No. 1 Bulklcy Valley Timothy Hay. Wheat. Oats Si Barley. Pratts Baby Chick Food, 8ecds Si Fertilizer. Prince Ruperl Feed Co Edward Marsden What a warrior you have been, No greater general was ever seen, You have fought for God and Son, wh..vjpt(1yflij1hay,e1,y!on past1 wHen'heaits; Srtftild,'cl6cH'he your arrny.'in' MasSett'line, Then with arms you used to corm over, And rearranged It to a better ma- noeuvre. Your other battle line, Metlakatla, B.C.. Tho' situated far. across the sea, Fought on most-bravely with you Because you fought so brave and true: Port Simpson, too, fought more-sin cere, When they saw you battled without , fear. They cried happily wjth a shout Because you moved their heart from doubt. After you have united our Cana dian troop f your mighty Alaska fighting group. You have gone to see our King In Heaven, To wait for us there with his dis ciples eleven. General Marsden, for you we mourn Because without you, we seem for lorn, But you have taught us how to fight. 60 we will carry on with might. ITirough you, God's will Is done! What a victory you have won! Now that you are our King's guest Rest on. O Great General, rest! By Ivan Adams of Massett, In the beloved memory of the late Rev. Edward Marsden who died at Ketchikan recently. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOR SALE Bureau, stove sideboard, two beds, piano. Phone Black 417. 149 au bj a mxaa BJXR&ftxBJ! atuar WATTS' SPECIALS for Friday & Saturday FANCY BARTLETT PEARS Mai- kin's Befct, No. 2Vi tins V7o per tin L1BBY73 PICKLES Sweet and. Sweet Mustard 25c per 18-oz. Jar - OHANGES-Julcy 85c Nice size. 3 doz EAGLE BRAND LOBSTER Large rs,, S1.00 SARDINES IN OLIVE OIL 4 ft0 ;aster Brand, per tin -a-vi GRAPEFRUIT Ay lmer. Packed In! Canada iftp YfM vs FRUIT SALAD Aylmer 25c No. 2 tins, per tin ASPARAGUS TIPS-Llbby's 91 pi . Picnic Tlh. ner tin RICE KRISPIES The Ideal 41n alimiHA MaMl fTVAr nlft & aUlllIItC74 VCICOli JV js p. & a. soap 49c 12 bars LUX 9c per pkg EGGS. FRESH EXTRAS 45c Scott's In Cartons. 2 do. TEA Our Own Blend Bulk 2C UKl tU LARD Swift's or Gainer's 38c per 3-lb. pall FKUITS & VEGETABLES Bunch Beets JCl Ul.il Bunch Carrots-4 6c per befy ..ti, Green Peas 3 lbs Hothouse Cukes-each ... '. : New Potatoes , 0 lbs. , , California, Cantcloupes , Sdnta Rose Plums 2 lbs. . 25c 15c 25c 18c 35c STR AWBERRI ES Arriving Saturday Morning QCn 6Di' 3 boxes Watts Grocery PHONE 55 PHONG 56 "THE BEST FOR LESS" mx-mm vm ra mmmsmm rmtM Certificates I Heie. Mail lo AUr. Grocer' Aam... Slofan. fln words e leaa) . ADULTS - V ihU Entry form It U uDilrntood tkat lj eateVlef tie NaUb Elofia Cosleat, nm aftte to abide by all Ibr n,l-. and nralatiMu. aad lial tie oVttelea l Ike jadeee will bt aenpted u final. 1000 EXTRA PRIZES FOR THE CHILDREN (12 Years Old and Under) BEACH HALLS ! t t BASEBALLS 1 ! ! NABOB GOB CAPS i I I Just DASDY Prises for 1000 Lucky Children. Come youoiratere Sfcfcw Mammy oad Daddy bow clover you aro . . . loat alt dowa and write Mabob Slogaa . . . a 1 1 wo fall Nabob Certiorate from Mother and phi Ibem la your Slogan . . . tbra mall It to Kelly, lloutlee A Co., Ltd., Vanoourer, B.C. Daddy wilt live yoa) a llimp, Jaat look at lb Daady rrise. Tba brat &00 eloeeae Mat la by rbildroa 12 year old and under will win a GREAT Dili BKAC1I BALL. The SOO neit brat Nabob Smaaa wUl win Spaldina No. IX BeorbalU. . . . and the nnl brat 200 Simon will all win e Nabob Cob Cea J art Ilk the reol ullore wrar. All Chlldrrn'e Sloe.n. will bo omrUlly rntmd In I he big Nabob Holiday Slogan Contoat. Cot boay today . . . tbere lia'l murk time left. He tb entry form belw and bo euro to mark your envrlooo Cbild'e Mogan Entry." CHILD'S ENTRY FORM SIgH KELLY, DOUGLAS & CO. VANCOUVER, B.C. ii iii -t n i What nn easy vay to Ret vacation expenses paid ! Hut you roust hurry, or your slogan (and it may bo a prize-winner) will be too late for judging. Act quickly now and you may win the First Prize of a Two-Weeks Vocation for two people with all expenses paid up to $500.00. Then there are eight second prizes, each consisting of week-end vacations for two people with all expenses up to $75.00 paid for you. It'e ooey to write a elogea. Simply tblak mt tb abeoluto parity and freahnrae f Nabob Product! tbo Wilful blondlac and pocking that ha rronlted la tb IneomparabU flavor of Nabob Tea and CoeTeei tb guaranteed parity f Nabob Baking Towder, and the fact tbat tbeaa are Western Canadian product, giving regular amnloy-anont ta bnadrede of your tctlaw-werkere. Then write dewa your tbougbte In o elogen f tea word or lea and maU It K1CUT AWAY. - . Frr Forms or Ad Utwael atrar May bo 06tinee! from rur Croeor ... or by rritlag to Kelly, Danglae Co.. LtL, racavr. B.C. At. Attach X Nabob Certlteatre and maU to Kelly. DougJUa A Ca. Ltd-Veaeawvor, B.C. NABOB II II I '1 i n iBavBvBvBvBvavaWeraiMelSfmTam A Product Y of C.G.E. W1 V anvBvBvBvBvBvavnnaaa.Vv It rla. St a. j 1 1 I V CONSIDER the importance of quality, when you buy lamps. Edison Mazda Lamps bring you . the advantages of every improvement nude in lamps - since Edison's invention of 50 years ago. They give you soft glare-free light. . . and full talue of the ciiriint' consumed. -Buy them by the carton, at the price of ordinary lamps. 1-40 EDISON MAZDA A CANADIAN GENERAL ELECTRIC P.RODUQT -fir- -'" -ti w is"" 14aC.mllJhEKlHliK eaMBUp'tM If you lose anything, try a classmcd arL i 1