PACKETS What have hiscuits k' 1 V vTnere's a recipe for nuking die limes Daily News Want Ads. 98 most delicious cream pie, with Christie's Graham Wafers, in every one of the new packages. Christie's Graham Wafers 11 The Fish which made Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED BLACK COD Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Lid. PRINCE RUPKKT. IIC. ecure Lash During Hard 1 WORKLESS MEETING Serious Straits of Roth Sin;le and H.i. ti lli . Married. Men; '. ' .l.IOl. .. MJI'l! I 11). T 1 "NIGGER IN JL.WOOD .W' Revie wed PILE" Victoria to be Communicated With I Married Men to Convene Teachers expressed their wiDint-soas to meet the Association in this matter and the secretary. T. W. Murphy was instructed to make arrangements for a meeting wUb the Parent Teachers' Association to discuss the proposition. Mr. Chapman reported that, on a recent visit to Smtthen. he had bean instrumental in setting up a local at that point. The comWned rncraberahip of the locals at 8m!- tfceo. Stewart and Rupert was now over 60. W. Maboney reported for the delegation which had met the Crtv OeanoB to present the case for the married men working for the city in rctaup for relief. They had also taken up the matter of free aaedi- eal attention. In the which ettaiMd it was Mt by present that, in regard to the hold- The. Classified Ads. Many people have something in the bottle they would tike to eell which could be turned into money if they knew of a customer. Try a ciaaoffed advertisement Most people rpad the ekwtifleds. For bout fifty cents yon rap let them know about it and it may prove a prefltaWe tra reaction. Renting the House There are a number of houses in the city not rented yet and many people make little effort to secure a tenant Others who are wise to their op-oprtunities try a classified advejlifement in the "For Rent" column and often get results. As one satisfied customer said recency: 'Those little ads certainly do bring results." Some Like Reader Ads. Some people after trying Qter, jkAdgpf advertising decide to sy a reader among the locals and Phon e pei!8nal8 Th(JD thev have got' result&he oost is a little hiffher hut thpv novo Kon -n o:j o - - J v noil CtlUoSloU When conditions are like they are today the newspapers can often help. The price is not very high-Do not lie down and bemoan your hard fate. Try a different kind of advertisement and if that is not successful try again. lny : a -nigs:: Ah enthusiastic meeting of the suggestions National Unemployed Workers- As- were exprv soclatton was held In the hall of th:s was lea the Canadian Labor Defense Lea- tna" fw tV eue last night when some 400 whlh. in t! THE DAILY NEWS Tkorsday j)Jae n .. . wa v :i and ;v.:ble graftine 1 I: ay ft It ihat :.iatt'T !or the city -.vinrl i;Dvornrnen. opinion of the men. tmen packed the place to capacity, was the resn .nsiJle party and. on In his opening remarks, the motion of G orge Murray, the sec-chairman. Charles Chapman, said retary was instructed to writ? to that there had oean no change In Victoria anc: alo to tre Islind the situation confrontlnt the un- headquarter of the Nation! Un employed and particularly those of employed W rlter.'- Association in (this district. The shoes and dotfc- an endeavor n find out Just what jlng. whkh had been promised the lay behind vie deJiy in supplying 'men. were not yet forthcoming, the Ion; premised shoes and cloth - Neither had the needs of the mar- inc. 'ried men. who are working for th" Case Married Men city In return for thctr subsis- The case tru marr mn I tence, been met. was dealt at cwnriTabie j A letter from -the Prince Ruperr length. Thei: n'ieM ws sh"wn t- Parent Teachers' Association to re- he evn mor- dr-perate t-ar. tha ( ply to a previous letter from the of the single men In order ir per-j National Unemployed Working As- fo the work wh!Ji the city jsociation. asking their endorsatton ks of the" r'ilar-ment of cloth- j 'of a pettUon which was being i abso! -.iuly necessary as is' elated asking tint needy children also a gnar.intc against evirnon be given one hot meal dairy in 1 for non-pnymem of rents. In -! school was read. The Parent- oer w arrive at a concrete plan o' action it was decided that th should he m meetihg of the mar- j lied men on Sunday. j A report haying been reetv"i that two men hid been threaten -1 with curtailment of their direr: relief for fan-payment of renr wa referred to the central commute for mveefltgaUon and immediiae a-rtkm. W Maimer tendered his resignation as a member of the central committeeThis was received with rcsics 2S XT M.-.r.:?p.ey w Onder goad and welfare on the agenda, thft were lively talks and discussion' which uriioaten the keen interest being taken in current affairs of political econ- Mmy. Speakers under thi heading Oscar Larsen. Oeorc Mur-, fay and Nell Lang. The meeUng adjourned at 11 p j l with the singing of the Red Week-End Specials Picnic Ham a-lb. kut per lb Malkm's Btst Loganberry Jam. 4-lo tin Malkin s Best Btrawberry or Raspberry Jam 2-lb Un Maikin s Be; Royal Anne Chernes 2tT's. per Un Rojral City Pork Beans 9 per tin Freeh Cr :wood Creamery Butter. 3-. brick Austiahai Raiatns 8eedles.s t lbs. . Crisao S-lb. tir. Lyie's Golden Syrup t-. tin H Frfh Extras In cartons. S doc. Mien's Lemon Cheese per jar Food Horseradish rpan Mustard Jar s Worcester Sauce bottle aflnat i m 17c 45c 30c 25c 20c 70c 25c 75c 25c 70c 30c 20c 15c 95c Alberta Market p ' -MUrT.A. Fifth Sfrt P-oprlor VAUDEVILLE 'CLAM PACK BY LOCALS WAS LARGE Special Attraction Arranjed ForjNootka Packing Co.s Salmon Can- lipitw inrairr iicrc uuring; Last Week in June lo u alrir. exclusively is to be 'eatured m serial vaudeville at-tra-KT-! to br offered to patrons of tlif Capitol Theatre here in ad- oT!dv sketch entitled "The Impertinence of the Creature." presented by Miss Margaret Palmer and James Farquhar. With Amateur Daddy." starring Warner Baxter, the feature picture or Wednesday and Thursday nights, the vaudeville entertain- mcnt will vary on Wedneaoay and; Thursday evenings and at the, Thursday matinee. On Wednesday; night there will be a musical con- uet both for singing and Instra-j mental numbers. On Thursday af-'ernoe there will be an entertain -! mnt contest for ch'ldrm and on Thursday night a contest for dancing comedy or other non-musical turn.. W 'rnnn. Malumey and Charles Chup-membm of the cntrsl "j'n- thanked for h's untiring efforts oni!rm of tnf Pn"tt' KuJCr4 behalf of members of the associa- Dl5trtct branch the National fn tkm. Mr. Ma honey is taking up im-!'!mplovwl Workers' Asswlatlon sn aorta nt duties in connertion with ' lavin! 00 this afternoon s tran the organla&Uor. in the south. ,fnr tnc talert'jr Mr M.honev wi! The determination to stand outi"11 Smlthers and Prince George against the governments offer ofland Prwee to the south'-n tIM p This is eny couni month was reiterated. reaoiution which the endorsed at a recent reinoeer. driven from Al- wlll rearti their nr quarte's Worth "stern Canada in 1W2 oi rne province on general or-entratoti work air. Charanan wit! visit the Usk unemployment relief -imp i'hene 95$ Maisun's Best Btrawberrtea I Sow S's. per Un j Ayunri Catsup 2 botti-s for !Mkc Best Hcaa Sieve 1 5 tin for Ayimn Gnipe Fruit A? : t:ii for i-.;:.' SEEJ Ajinier Pork I pt-r packages 3 tuu for Mai km Best Water per tin Kadana Cocua per 1-lb pkg. Sliced Breakfast Bacon-Cello wrapped per V-rb Phone 953 De Jcms I u Cash and Carry Friday & Saturday Specials 24c 31c 29c 39c Malkins Best ! Strawberry I or I Rnpbero ! 1am 2-ib pan 29c 45c 25c 15c 23c 8C Alberta Eggs Adp a Anw f- lit W Wa AVI i nir at New Massett to (inerate at Half Capacity This Year O. S. Morris, manager of the Nootka Packing Co. s cannery at Massett. who is a visitor In Prince Rupert, announces that the com- n t tnc regular lauung pic-, imuy tuu juoi muaum putuiiK up ' ure programs during the last j a pack of 10.060 cases of halves at we- of June, starting tomorrow jits clam cannery at Tow Hill near night, it is announced by the man- Massett This was good deal larger I ager. Lieut. Col. 8 P. McMordte. D- S.O. I On Friday and Saturday nights jthis week-end. the Moose Legion i Band, under direction of Robert Greenfield, will appear on the ;-.age. The feature picture for the wk-end will be "The Cohens and Kelly's in Hollywood." Th vaudeville attraction on than the pack of dams last year. Mr. Morris Intimates that it is the intention of the company to operate the salmon cannery at Massett at only half capacity this year owing to general market conditions Two seineboat crews will be operated as compared with four last year.' The Intention of the company. "onday and Tuesdag. in aodition Mr Morris states, is to. spread the the feature pirture. "The Flesh j work out as far as possible and :s " : :arnn? Robert Mont- i -tens are being taken with th is end gonvrr and showing for the first in view time m Western Canada. wOJ be a Mr. Morris will return to MaasrU on the Prince John tomorrow night. ; Q. l. Brodte. inspector of weights and measures sailed by the Prin-ceas Louise yesterday afternoon on his tetom to Victoria after a brief i visit here on office duties a Tirn ........ "oua Feature Stark at Ms ' 'uaest Ol Laugh 1 1 I H f IV III mio ij in NIGHT' With 1L,1 UAIITt rn..... ' ' All LiLuil A Illlllt . ii; GRANT Naughty Sliehi;-. MiJ .. Certainly, Ron-.a:- u ' tnrely Funny i ... A Parasaoant rVtur.- iiUi7!rr; a -... la cl'MMER nut Sport -oivr. in- FOX XEH s THUawAY MATIMJ: ai I rMHt Wiru i 10 4 jjj IWDAY and s ATI RD.Y amd Moot Letwn gnd v First the Qua choice of all Children ! In the chikiro bate QaMkcf Cor3 JUST Flakes uoce. aotl then they HI m M ihcsa ilwirv The flsvvwr it imriKMeng. It i the hiehrsi umImt of &aiMK ner peit into s corn fike. SmI mh, pure CAKE sugar srul salt of crpul purtty. And preserved cxip and fresh bj our triple emj sod was wrapper. Kkh enerpf food of tuB-ripeoed corn, oka rri oourubment of nulk sad Crrm. The chtldrcn need do coaxing to take raUt when yoo serve it oo Quaker Corn FUke. Lettbeai Kite all of this delicious Cereal they will rat For any meal, or at any time of day. Cost but a cent a serving. Quaker Corn Flakes arc always froth in dx stores. MADE IN CANADA. LORN WLAK E XT.TT': .-- --: Austraiun Sliced Pmeanpte Qp . " iWn. ZDC suers.per tki ,...Lv:-. . C! " F 0 W 6 bar Aphtha Soap mvOtln Oo . 22C Fbwie Ywm- Order We Deliver a vv AIR DRIED SHINGLES Retain the cedar oli ui the wood, affording etra anu tw"t' I1''" servaUon than kiln .. 1 " -dried shingles irom wiucb Uie csa-. has been evaporated Our shtnek-s te made on Queen C!' ' :o Islands and a.s a tiomr ptodurt. deserve your preference S:;in;if' makers wage on thr Islands are spent eventually in Prim e K pert, while Vancouver wages never come north. Support a : i'1'1 industry and your own welfare by specifying Air Dried Stvin- Prices: No. 1 5X $3.75; No. 1 3X $3.25 HYDE TRANSFER PHONE 580 ' . aw Reckitt s Blue ilo' -'i .- . 'iT I 25c ifWunw$9JL I Greenhouse Tomatoes nP jr Crescent Ground Crow-Cut Saw, No. 325 AOKs f per lb VitawwifaiiupMiM-t m .ut U cuw vi,..l it a 1 Nrw Potatoes' CiCn I W frl nfcfaw ni mtmbant. Jl n-Jc -xk U 1 I