Tv ; iiv. Jans 2V1432 ' THE DAILY NEIVS PAGE FIVE Thousands of People Read The Advertisements on This Page Every Day RENT THAT ROOM, SECURE HELP, SELL FpNITTOREj REAL ESTATE,, ETC )THROUH A; CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENT CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS Ir rent, fur a am) alt. other , mail, advertisements In tbls sector, eharjcd at lb rat. i '. , r, per ,ert.0n llb l, : lusertlons.for the price of four. By the JSul Ng advertisement taken for less than Mo, FOIL SALE i K:'t ' 1 1. -J HANCfc) for sale aheap; ii tttf ftcjill. Aftflly 291 th p i' FAl E or Rent. 8th At. Wart, i room house with stefingl ;; h :md basement. Apply Box' 141 Daily Now, 153 FOR KENT r ft HRNT rivevrooRk modern 'io'iso, furnished for July and Au'tuat. Phone Qra 89 ew .iiks. 152 M UKKN six-roomed "house, hot A.itt-r Turn ate. and leMrtc o e Apply M- Btolh Aveatw !..i-,t. tl I TRANSFERS j l AMEItON'f, Transfer Phono IT1 ' .r Dry Ulth. Cedar and Jaekj Ptnr t Si m. COVE THANSFBR. Wood for i t- at reasonable price Phone r.tff-n 609 or Blue Wi. i WATCH-MAKERS Send Your Watch, Clock, Jewellery and Optical Repairs to A. E. IRELAND Hi Third Ate. Prince Hupett, B.C. Thirty Years Practical Experience Assures Absolut Satisfaction OUR NEW LOW PRICES WILL SURPRISE YOU PAINTERS LIGHTEN YOUR SPUING) CLEAN-IN Q LABORS Phone Red !02"(evTnlnl tq J. P. MOLLER for- Kalsomining, Painting & Paperbanging Uy Day or Contract KEASONAULE CHARGES The AUCTIONEER Parking -- Crating - Wrapping and General Furniture Repairs List your goods with me OKI). J. UrtWES Phone Black 180 AUCTIONEER List your rMMls v.lth us Prince Itupcrfi leading Auctioneer. G. M. HUNT Srd Ave. I'hone Red 637 Manure For Sale No Straw, $8.00 F Yard Casey Cartage Fuel Co. Phone 303 PRINTING OFFICE BVrFMES Rose, Cowan & Lntta Phone CHIROPRACTIC W. C. Aspinall , K. H8i 'bree Year Omental ChtropraeUe M" ' iAi, Ododycat Tire at lowr i, it than any mall order i, . i Kalen Motor Ltd. Phone si r l: ALB pair of adjustable hurting hangars. Also gaivan-iron tank. Apply Daily New. tf Modern Kay Treatments (liven Phone fur Appointment Oreen Ul and S49 I'APKKHANCiING I'aperhanjjinK, KalsQinining 'ami Painting At prices that will suit you Open Bvenlnn 8 Kxcruwce UlY Phone K'd 91? Summer Resorts -.' 11 hVK wgr AM,. Wtf " C. Reuse SUMMER RESORTS When Coming, to TERRACE For Your Picnic or Uolldai MAKE ARRANGEMENTS AHEAD, WITH US Tq Greet You, on Arrival We Meet AH Trains Special Rates For Picnic Parties to Lakelse Lake We Can Take You Anywhere, at Any Time At Moderate Rates r e v ry x mSTJhVW Furnished Furnished Cabins Cabins on on the the SWAIN'S TRANSFER & TAXI Wood . Coal Terrace, R.C. FOR RENT Lakelse Lake Shore Close to Mineral Baths and Lodge Apply V, Soucle, Terrace, B.C. "THE DUNES "TILLIE THE TOILER" cooes, vcur- 1 VOo'ce " 1 9 eW At Beautiful TIell, Queen Charlotte Islands Th Meal summer resort. A home away from home, A p4ao tor the tired businMan to rest and where the children ban piay unmolested and without danger. xiUm of sands beueU. huge sand dunes, all the pleasures ol the farm with Irt""frHk and plenty of thick cream, fTeah Retahles &oCcoS3 MmeaLs. Trout and satoon lUhiog Itt TjU Blyef. SPECIAL KATES FOtt THIS SVMMWi-.". make It poaalble for anyone to pay a visit. Here U cost' per. person,: Board ami room for 10 days ui .20 Return steamship fare Care hire to and from boat Total for 12 days Children, half price. No extras $0 Prince John leaves Prince Rupert June 10, 24, July ., .22, Aug. 5, It Write or Telegraph Madame Rajaut DAIRIES For FRESH LOCAL MILK Phono Red COS or 953 1 DOMINION DAIRY i Quarts or It Pint for 11.00 j . i J PASTEURIZED MIIK IS SAFE MILK Fresh from Bulkloy Valley Karma j VALENTIN DAIRY j Phone 657 TUB RiNKHtrtfV ACT 10 the EataU ot MU6SALLEM ORO-CERV COMPANY LIMITED, Prince Ru-pertt B.C., Authorliwd Assignor. Ncaipe la hereby given thai MUSSAL-IXH OROCEHY CO. LIMITED. Prince Ruirt. Province or British Columbia. laid on the Mb day of June. 1032. make .an authorized aaelgmnrnv ot aU Km pro-I wrtT for the toeneflt ol i credltora. land that H P. McUod. Ottlclal Recel- , yet, tiaa ppoloteU ua to be custodian 'of th atate of the debtor until the lint meUn ol cfedltora. notice la iurther dvtn that the fin - lmUng of credltora In the above ea- tate will be naa a uie wun nuunc Peine RujMrt. HC. on Monday, tfea -27th dar or June. 1032. at 2:3Q o'clock ' In the afternoon. t To entitle you to vote thereat, proof . of your claim must be lodged wttti u before the meeting la held. ; ( Proxiea to be tided at the meeting mutt be lodged vtth vlth ua prior thereto. 1 And further 4ake notice that at eueh ' , meeting the eredUora vlil fleet toeper- manent Trustee And further take notice that If you. have any claim against the debtor tor, which you are enUtled to rank, proof of auth claim must be filed with ua. or with the Troetee when appointed, ot-. ermlae the pr.cced Ot tte debtor's estate win be dw -muted among the pae tie entitled thereto without reaard to your claim. Dated at Vancouver. B.C., this Bth Oay of June, AH, 1U2. i j THE CANADIAN CREDIT MSW3 TRUST ASSOCIATION LIMITED. Custodlao. S23 Paolflc Building. Vancouver. B.C. XANB act l Notice at .InlenUrn t Apply to Leae I liOl In Queen Charlotte District Land Recording Dtatrlct of Prince Rupert, aad altuate in front of part ot Block o. Supdlvlslon .of txit 3, .Queen Charlotte District. Map 848, Townaite ot Oraham City. Take notice that we. Imperial Oil Limited, of Vancouver. B.C.. occupation Oil Distributors, intends to apply for leaae of the foUowlng described lands: , j Commencing a a post planted V' chain aouth of tae N.W. corner of the aatd Block t. thence southwestwerdly S chains; theoce auuthaaatwaxdlj S, chains: thence northeastwardly S' I ebalna; thence northwestwardly fallow- ing the Shore line at II W.M. t point : I of conuuencemeet and containing y acres, more or leas. IMPERIAL Oil LIMITED, per H. T. CotUaon. Agent Dated AprU 5. 1833 "(lOVEUJOIENT LIOjt'OK ACT Notice or Application for Consent to TranIre ef lleee Lleeuee Notice la hefby glren that, on the ' Hth day of July next, the undersigned intends to spply to the Liquor Control Baud, for onuvt to traaster of Beer Licence Number 2063 arid' Issued In re- pect of. premttee being part ol a build- tag knowa as the Royal Hotel, situate ! ak 701 Third Avenue Wert. Prince RU-Ipert, B.C., upon the land deeertbed M I Lota No 11 and 12. Block 32. BeoUon . j. Map No. 923. Prince Rupert Load RegWUattou DUtrkoc in tfc Proflnte of 1 BrttMi Columbia, (rom Dlamantre Zar-elU to Northern Hotel Company Limited for Prince Rupert, British Columbia, the ! tranafen. I DATED at Prince Rupert. thM 7th day I of June, A D. IBM. ! NORTHERN HOTEL COMPANY, LIMITED Per: Patmore ft furton. Sollrttors Dally News an-Ada. bring results. EUt t'vn TO TBU- SOU cm v L'-m i..r-'u 1 til I e j"fAHll I I 1 T I .VaLTltJ I I 7 tl It ik4 II I ' , A s wwir i LIL ifH'""1',, , v r)(llni.. mmmmmmmmmmmeamtBtmssy POSTPONED AUUMl SALE of Household Effects ON SATURDAY, JUNE 35, at 1:15 n.m. AT THE FEDERAL BLOCK, On accuunt of Closing Bylaw my sale of Thursday IS was van-celled, io I will sell on Saturday the following: 2 Ranges; New Tent; I Gramaphones; 3 Beds; 2 Dlnlngroorn Suites; 4 Heaters a Dressers; 2 Carpets; Auto Knitter; Centre Tables, and miscellaneous articles. Send In your goods for this sale. G.J. Dawes THE AUCTIONEER. Phone Black 120 Red C33. Advertise in the Daily News. Mac's Favorite Dishes THE MARKET Pork shoulder, lb. Fork, loloi lb. Retail prlees current here at pre- vfi- nt are as follows: if'T CWH b Butter 'VbuI, hildv lb, ... 'anrv rnrtnnprf lh 58 AUC. . j r,, - No. 1 Creamery, 3 Ids Flour Flour, 8's, Na.,-1 hard. heAt Pastry Flour. 10 lbs. Aust. Pastry lour, 10 lbs. KKU Bracked Kippers lb. HLtkWon. fih, lti UalibuU lb Es U.C. Frh Pullcta, d(. B.C. Fraah Plr.a, doa. D C. Fresh Extms, Uoz. Local, new laid, doz. . Meats 'Fowl. No 1. lb Roasting Chicken, lb. Ham. sliced, first grade Now, Mr. Businessman, have you ever tried to diagnose the reason for that sudden drop in profit over the figures of "last month?" If the temperature of your business alarms you there is no need for you to lose any sleep the remedy is simple. - ' ADVERTISE "Ah !" you say, "But that's all very well. I'm only a small man and can't afford it." That's the reason the small man. remains a small man. The big men in business today did not become big by hiding their light under a bushel,xhoy advertised, and Advertised, and ADVERTISED. Advertising is as necessary to a "sick" business as the doctoVJS services are to a sick person. And it vill find the hony tn pay its own bills, if done judiciously, from the- IncreaS-. ed volume of increased profits. Start with a small IN "THE DAILY NEWS" tomorrow and test the idea for yourself aftor all it's RESULTS that count today. We have an expert advertising man at your service at any time. He will advise yon as to size of space to use and see that your space is filled with "business bringing" copy. PHONE 98 and make an appointment By Westover. ZZ 1 VMMEWE i fl i - ' I j VOO 50iMAi;iJ I THAT'S Ll fiKTL -It M ' JTV ' rir 1 CAK I III Ml I , J-t M M k c ' IMXEx ' ML 7 ' rz wv t viii .v y it x ii. " v. 1 1 ii iiajia ii yaw ffea yr.mj . j tU cfJ- " , 4 .15 .20 20 .20 .30 .15 ttNttfan fancy, hox ...355 ; tss. : , 10 teo' M Vitiviww. Oranjas, do? 25c to M iAem, Cnt Urge 33 tq is , m. faSfaWItt, u i .10 ti Can Ulouie, Mxkn, each 25 'y nnuhari, m tt. - .... JW 15 i ttbta, HA 35 Airi Alrtrta (irapsa. lb, 0 21 1 hHesv nin Oft.. Jh. 40 03 : traiwtew'loa, HC, baskets 2i g iiooGetierrtea, 9 lbs .35 A r"o Wbftt. Ne. 3 Alberta 1.75 a Vhat. Huikley Valley 1.75 .35 rmis 1.75 5'iirrTftn U0 ' Veal, loin, lb 20 Short , Beef, pot roast, lb. 15c find 18 Middling 135 2J20 Beef, boiling, lb., 10c to 12' Barley ... 1.70 Beef, roast, prime rib, lb Laying, Mash , , 2.C5 Lamb, shoulder, lb. 20 Oyster Shell li)0 Beef, steak, lb. 25c to 30 ' Beef Scrap 2.90 Lamb, leg, lb 30 j Ground Oil Cake 3JD0 ' iLamb chops, lb 25c to 30 Fine Oat Chops 1J0 I Mutton, shoulder, lb. . .15 Crushed Oata -.150 Cottage Rolls, lb. 23 j Fine Barley Chop 1.95 Ham, picnic, first grade, lb 1H Vegetables Bacon, side, sliced, best, grade .. .35 1 Potatpe. 15 lbs - 25 DOES YOUR BUSINESS NEED JL DOCTOR? ".off; ft