.0B FOCS Till; DAII Y NEWS Pit. Mf l Mk Ban. anas. ibbbv mmV i ll rr -n BBBk amIisssssssv BP ,x Baaav I mm Ik. ki r?i f mi 1 I SPEAKS ON SCOUT WORK W. Solway, Commissioner For Wes- (em Canada, Addresses Parents W. Solway of Vancouver, commissioner of the Boy Scoute' Association for Western Canada,, addressing a meeting of lecal Boy Scout' parents and friends in Toe II Rooms last evening, spoke of aims, objects and results after 23 years of Scouting. There were now almost three million boys identified with the Boy Scout movement in various parts of the world, Mr. Solway revealed. In order that the work might be carried on more effectively here and to stimulate more general Intel est. Mr. Solway urged the establishment of a local branch of the Boy Scouts' Association. Scoutmaster P. C. Miller presided over the meeting and there were other speakers. Wednesday, evening Mr. Solway addressed some fifty Cubs, Scouts and Rovers in the gymnasium of, First United Church. Scoutmaster Miller was also in charge of this meeting. Mr. Solway left on this afternoon's train for Smithers. His present tour will take him as far east as Portage la Prairie, Man., and he will visit various points enroute including Prince George and Edmonton. District News 1 SMITHERS The spring program of municipal improvements started on Monday of this week when a dozen men were put to work on the various undertakings which had been decided upon by the board of village commissioners. Winnipeg Street is being prepared for traffic, other streets are being scarified and a big culvert is being put in at the corner of Main Street and Third Avenue. The Smithers Athletic Association, at its annual meeting held re cently, elected officers for the ensuing year as follows: president, Clarence Ooodacre; vice-president, A. H. Fe-rde; secretary, C. A. Warner. The association will co-operate with the Sons of Canada in staging the Dominion Day celebration here. Dr. II, C. Bamford, Conservative caHdWale frvSkeena in the net proviSMtol election, and Commls-stoner'Cti8irie Morris were speakers at a meeting last Friday night of the Smithers Association of the Unemployed. The meeting decided to carry on municipal work at the same rate of 35e per hour as paid ly the provincial department of public works. " " 1 C. L. Dlmock received a shipment of 150.000 new bees last week for his apiary here. They are being divided Into tea colonies of about eaual ; number. .-anrj With their Ford car piled high ' with prospecting and canning par- j aphernalla, Anthony MeDonald, Ivor Johnson, Charlie Hansen and Dave Bird left 8mtthers last Saturday for the gold creeks of the I I ll II i It Pays to Paint NOW Oils GJass Paints Brushes Varnishes Wallpaper White Lead Pure Oil Shingle Stain Muresco and Perfecto Wall Finishes And All Painting Supplies Get them at Silversides Bros. Third Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C. Telephone 22 BAPCO Pure Paint Products Shingolecn Turpentine Linseed Oil Hapco Paints Marine Paints Satin Glo Finish Satin Glo Enamels Satin Glo Varnish Bapco Floor Enamel Many Attractive Colors From Which to Choose For Sale By Thompson Hardware Co. Ltd. 255. Third Ave. Phone 101 FIRE! FIRE! FIRE! Ninety-five Percent of Fires are caused by dirty chimnios WHY TAKE A CHANCE? Get your chimney swept and stove pipes cleaned by the only fully equipped chimney sweep In town. I specialize in: Chimney Sweeping, Painting and Repairing Roofs, and Cleaning Gutters. H.ZUMKEHR General Handyman Phone 204 The City CLEM-UP The City of Prince Rupert has fallen in line with other cities of Canada in organizing a Clean-up Week. The present is a time when all the citizens are asked "to see that their premises, front and back, arc spic and span with all loose cans picked up, filth cleared away and neatness and tidiness replacing slovenliness. Citizens are also urged to repair. and paint .their, fences to paint the housc-or-outbuildings if nedessary and to generally keep in line with modern civilization. Everyone knows that these are difficult times but no one can afford to look poor, even if he is poor. Much can be done at little expense to make the shop front bright, to brighten up the outbuildings or to overhaul the interior. The condition of the home has an effect on every member of the family. Several persons were only last week making remarks about the appearance of some of the smaller stores in the city where neither landlord or tenant was willing to paint the shop front. The windows never looked really attractive where the paint on the shop front was badly worn or had a shabby appearance. The opinion expressed was that it helped business to keep the place attractive. People do not . like to shop in a place that seems to be down at heel. CI i Br ML Your Home and its Surroundings. lansMMiinw i in nil i Council has Declared this to be aintU: ean up! rmnt up! ?m?r:'1",mwgM,' Beautify! lift hN Trf TT via.. in wi i in - V1 IVUL PL IT lu'jn iw. - iiii Paint A clean hou.M- , in tiilia q i f ... into dun ;.v. IT PAYS TO IWIM NOW Fred Scadden House Painter .v , omu airrri, YIW. K;;bH ! Phone: Green 92 m a w r a L ean Un Pam i and - mil YOUR HOI " Let Us AH Co-operilt tiring your x. . lems to u.. V - B-H 100 Pure Paid Goes farther Last- r t if 1 bordon s ilardwa McBride Street SEND IT TO LAUNDRY Save Inbor ar ' ing time h 4 iiri Ti iiii: i in in ii . Carpets rtw and other houwhold (abrici K Uundry and have tl- m con" like nr I-et us dye your old "-it and ,.and mate tho gaimrnt " ..... ar Canadian and Pioneer Laundry 8 Phones 11s