May M. 1932 Same Fine Quality Lower Price m m JB A mm mm trwi'it nil ts mlml m mum ri m Jiool Board TEA - Mackenzie Furniture , Phone - fljit. . -.v Radio Tubes Tested FREE Nlth the Jewell Tube Tester McllAE UROS., LTD. "Fresh from trie Gardens" 26 Phones 27 Confers With School Heads if school trustees m laat evenniR in the h Memorial School mI of the various city in regard to or-i the coming school in September. Genii was expressed by with the personnel a now constituted i! salary revision was usMon at the nvet-j nouncement in regard : r'hcomlftR after thC -en. wh( arrived in from Stewart, will the Princess Ade- ver whence he will York where, on email rk on the ' lm for his home Norway. TERRACE MAN DIES James W. Graham, Aged Interior Farmer, Pastes Away in Prince Kupert General Hospital James W. Graham, well known pioneer rancher of Terrace, passed away at 1 o'clock this morning in the Prince Rupert General Hospital where he had been a patient since last February. He was 78 years of age and a native of the United States. A son lives in Los Angeles and there are also other relatives in the United States. Funeral arrangements pre Inhi nana oi ine a. c. vnnttTaan, Twenty Years Ago In Prlnee Ranert May 38. 181 J. H. Roger was the toa st master at a banquet held in the Centra! Hotel by local Yukoners In honor of Dr Alfred Thompson. MJ.. for Yukon The feature of the pro-Iceedlngs was the presentation to BlH BOAST AND PRIDE! TwP"n ot niooseskm ad mi. nil knowledge that v:nuK is by far the .1 the work done in v store while jewelry "i making is always id business or service ' which equipmt nt :-v '.iiue to the comrn n.-'i jewelry eqiiipmei't '' iiiiipiete set ol wa.i li ''ills of course. x.i.-Uy what wo have hi: department. It L- ST AND PRIDE to have ! mcI MOST COMPLETE !'' repairing 'ooU that buy. no one has anv yruuse they are rot i i we doubt if any sto-e Rupert has anywhere wi an outfit :(( "lire on Watch Re-; int 's why we i the best pos.Mble cUw ' '"pairing at the lowest in ice in our repair depart- convince you MAX 1IE1LBKONF.R The Pioneer Jeweler Mackenzie Furniture LINOLEUM SPECIAL HMDAY and SATl'ROAY led LinolewiB with Bur- 11 pc square yard 98c only 400 yards 1 " i Covering, while it lasts i ! yard Wc M us. each 15c dress designed By Morte craig. in l addition to the toastnaster and ,Dr. Thompson, other speakers included W. P. Lynch. Weston Coy-ney and J. B. Roerig H. 8. Clements, at a public meet-ng in the Mclntyre Hall, gave an a "-otint of h! stewardship as membrr cf the House of Commons at Ottawa for Comox-Athn. HALLERAN'S MEAT MARKET Saturday Specials Rib RoasU- per lb - Rump Roast per lb - Pot Roast 4 lbs Brisket 5 lbs Sirloin 8lgg-r,v ' 2 lbs. Leg Pork per lb. Shoulder Pork per lb. "ork Chops 2. Ibsv . .... . rairuiaer, ( per lb Bre ist Veal per lb. Diamond A Bacon- side sliced 18c 18c 50c 50c 45c iSc 15c 35f 25c Hbr.J'SC ...Zl2Ac 15c Free with every Dollar Purchase 1 lb. of Our Special !lreakfat Sausage Phones 26 & 27 LOCAL NEWS Chimneys swept, stove pipes ana gutters cleaned. Phone 5. tf ' II 1 ; -li t i., I Elks' (.BaHopn . Danes tonight,; 3 vaudeville acts. Admission 50c. VIOORO Complete plant food for lawns, gardens, flowers and shrubs. 10 lbs. for 85c. GORDON'S HARDWARE. tf P. Q. ShaJero arrived In the city on the? Princes Adelaide this MHESMRfTomiA hmxhjMxb j afternoon from Vancouver,' being SUNDAY MORNING BREAKFAST FREE To introduce our delicious sausapc we are giving 1 pound entirely free with every $2.00 order in our grocery department on Saturday. FREE DELIVERY Vcw tock in a clean store. Anything not iri stock we will be pkaM-d to obtain for you and deliver it at your deer. Git us a trial HALLERAN'S PAYAN TAKIT here in connection with ad lust meat of insurance claims resulting from the fire to the business sec-,t4on here on Tuesday evening oi j this week. ! Girl Guide Display, Cathedral tonight at 8. Admission free. Collection. HQ Acidity Overcome Wonderful Results From Famous Vegetable Pills Instead of having an acid stomach and being constipated, Mr. Frank C. is well. "I can eat anything since trying Carter'! Little Liver IHUs," he uyi. Because they are PURELY VEGETABLE, a gentle, effective tonic to both liver and bowels. Dr. Carter's Little Liver Pills are without equal for correcting Const i pat ion, Biliousness, Headaches, Poor Complexion and Indigestion. 25c. & 75c. red pkss., every where. Ask for Carter's by NAME, Girl OtrtSe Display, Cathedral tonight at 8. Admission free. Collection. H9 Provincial Constable J. C. Devlin will sail on the Princess Norah to- mornow mnrninr for Tlmranh 'creek wnere be will be stationed for the fsMnmer. Mrs. Ness O. Olsen and two chil dren, who arrived in the city earlier in the week from Anyox. left on this afternoon's train for Halifax where, on May 30. they will esapant on toe teaaaer Grtpaholm far a visit to Mjs. Olsen home in fcxleh. Aweueft! 1r:!,01sen. who ac- i companied them here, will sail by Use UOu Sunday night on hv return "to the smelter town. Her Past Life Far From Happy Rescued Prom Misery of Cruel Indigestion and Bad Nerves by Fruit-a-tives IflKS. II. D. writes: "For years I suffered knife-like pahts from indigestion, was badly constipated and a nrr-vsas wreck. I decided to try rmit-a-tives. In a short time my stomach slopped troubling me, my nerves calmed down, and constipation disappeared." What more could she say in praise of Fruit-a-tivcs? They stimulate five vital organs to art naturally the stomach, kidneys, liver, bowels and skin. Completely overcome indigestion and constipation. 25c and 50c. Sold by all druggists. Try them. We Are Open For Business as Usual WATCH FOR OUR Smoke & Water Sale ANNETTE LADIES' WEAR CO. LTD. Plumbing Prices Reduced plmRlraljrCJoods? 4-Piece Plumbing Outlit Complete with QQ trimmings WVD Compare this with Eaton's catalogues and remember, we pay the freight. ' Labor charges reduced from $1.50 to $1.25 per hour Smith & Mallett Ltd. Phone 174 P.Q. Box. 271. T9. THE DAILY NEWS PAGB THREE Saturday Special Swift's Sliced Bacon 4rn per lb Munro Bros. Why hire a ton trurk for pound parcels? Phone Messenger 131. (tf) Girl Guide Display, Cathedral tonight at 8. Admission free. Col lection. 119 Mrs. A. II. Ray, mother of Mrs. A. G. Rlx, sailed last night on the Prince George for Vancouver where another daughter, Mrs. N. M. McNeill, resides. Donald Melvor "was brought to the city last night on the Prince George from Anyox to serve a term of sixty days in jail here, having failed to pay a fine of $50 Imposed at Anyox on a charge of creating a disturbance. Rev. P. M. Fosse, new pastor of St. Paul's Lutheran Church here, sailed on the Prince George for the south. On his return to the city, he will be accompanied by his wife and family from Belltngbam who will take up residence here. CPU. steamer Princess Adelaide. Capt. S. K. Gray, Is due In nort at 3:30 this afternoon from the south and will sail at 10 pjn. on her return to Vancouver and way- points. The vessel will stop at the j ocean dock first to unload an au tomobile. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Cadden and child left on this afternoon's train for 1 lay sport where they will re side for the next two or three months while Mr. Cadden, who is a member of the Government Telegraphs staff, takes treatment at the Port Esslngton hot springs for rheumatism from which he is gra dually recovering. Mrs. radden and child arrived this week from Seat tie where they have been vlsitlnr for some time. ZAM-BUK . Seolhet s Quickly Healt BURNS & SCALDS Mr-. C. B Schreiber, who arrivea in the city on yesterday's train from Grassy Plains, sailed last night on the Prince George foi Vancouver. VISITING AT ANYOX ALICE ARM, May"fc0: Mrs. W. MacDonald left last week for Anyox where she will visit for a few months. ALASKA WEATHER Juneau High. 58; lew, 46. Ketchikan High. 66; low. 44. Announcements I Elks' Balloon Dance May 20. Eagles Narcissus Dance May 27, Ladies refreshments. Gentlemen 50c. Prince Rupert Singen Concert. United Church, May 30. Elks' Flag Day June 3. 26 Eastern Star Tea June 15. Moose picnic, Digby Island, June NOTICE OF Sheriff's Sale Ronald Tcelc Et-AI vs. North Pacific Mines Inc. By authority of a Warrant of Execution and Judgment to me directed, I will cause to be sold at Public Auction at Massett, B.C. the following: Placer Lease No. 132, Vicinity of lot 749. also the buildings, equipment, gas-engines, etc., of the above defendants, now at the building on Lease No. 132 at East Massett, B.C., at 2 P.M., on the 2nd day of June, 1032. An Inventory of the above equipment may be seen at Sheriff's Office. James Martin, Sheriff's Agent will conduct the sale at above place and date. TERMS CASH. S. A. NICKERSON. eamwor SsttstXsUBlK'Sf JgSgUKt isciizn SAVINGS i On Your Pantry Needs j for Friday & Saturday PRUNES Medium size, Malkin's 2-lb. pkgs. -f per pkg Xi7l PURE MAPLE SYRUP Canada's Pride aiZr per quart tin PANCAKE FLOUR Aunt Jemima, per pkg ENSIGN PEAS Choice Sieve 4, per tin 17c WHOLE CLAMS Saanich -t JLfJ Cp Wn 1 fin nar tin MALT VINEGAR Empress OOf TOILET ROLLS 6 for FLYTOX Kills moths A. ff GOLD DUST per pkg MOLASSES Aunt Dinah No. 24 tins, per tin UBBY'S DILL PICKLES AOK, OCp per 2Mb. tin CHOICE WHITE FIOS QQp GANONG'S COCONUT MACAROONS, per lb. AUSTRALIAN RAISINS New Shipment, 2 lbs. JIF "Suds In a Jiffy" -i 7p ICINO SUGAR per 2-lb. pkg CALIFORNIA GRAPE FRUIT. 5 for lie 22c 23c 22c 35c 25c 16c ORANGES ORANGES New Valencias Two Nice Slses Z 27c i 79c per Q9p ' doa. WAi dew. 92c 25c Watts Grocery PHONE 55 rilONE 56 ; "THE STORE OF PLENTY'' riririi:H t wi;'i:i fsfsnjTBfi si Hotel Arrivals New Royal Hotel THE HOTEL WORTH WHILE Hot Si Cold water: Steam Heat 75c. PER DAY AND UP J. Zarelll Trlrphont tSI Mrs. V. C. Grant. Balmoral; Vf.'Q, Elliot ; Budweiser I r " r I MALT I TT t jWiSUWB! HBSSSBlBBSi TEAMWORK between a Malt and its user is absolutely necessary to get results. Because it is made by and for expert, BUDWEISER users know they can depend upon this malt over and over again. Have your dealer deliver BUDWEISER and watch BUDWEISER deliver the goods. BMC-M Budweiser MALT ANH.EU S ER-BUSCH ST. LOUIS Cyril N. Langton. who has been 1 ' residing here for the past few years ' i left on this afternoons train for Montreal where, on May 28, he will sail on the steamer Laurentic fori his home in Hull, England. Dr. Maguire - Dentist ROOMS 7-8-9, SMITH BLOCK 525 - Phone - 525 The Fish which made Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Bran SMOKED BLACK COD Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT. B.C. ALL OUR COALS ARE IN A DRY SHED Delivered Dry to Your Bin. You are assured In getting full weight JASrER WILDFIRE EGG Per Ton, $12.50; Cash trice $1110 IASPER WILDFIRE LUMP Per Ton, $13.50; Cash Price 115Q PEMBINA EGG Reg. Trice, $I2J0; Cash Price .. 1150 These Coals are from Alberta. Dry Jack Pine and Cedar HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 5S0 l l TREAT, TRV LyOWLMiVK IPfl UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Steamers leave Prlnoe llupert for VsocjUW. ivs.x. i atai.a i:vi:kv ti khh.w. t:3ii r.M. Via Ocuwn Fill1 arriving Vancouver. Th.'rsdsy p.m. T... HKIIKNA KVEHV I'RIII.W MIHMflllT. Arriving Vancouver Sunday mldaight. appros. Wkly (.wHlngs to Tun Sliupaou. Alice Arm, Anyos. Stewart and N River polnu. Sunoaf. w p.m. rMtarcHm all saMUis aud ttokata t . , , -. itina trnif- i,we ?H I i i