TTTF BAITY a, - i Phr,v Biousands of People Read The Advertisements on This Page Every Day RENT THAT ROOM, SECURE HELP, SEll FURNITURE,, REAL ESTATE, ETC., THROUGH A CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENT L : 5 . Ill I ij 'i ... i j m-m-m mi : a mm a a t u. m r mm a a- a. aa a a a a a a a a a I CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS i News of The Sport World I WT FOR SALE I' WNTKRS OPTOMKTRISTS BASEBALL JDC UNlF0RM W U lUUuUUL) ( vs. empress otNAlUho boVtle. I ' ivm ah V- Mail Your Watch THNirUT C.tC j , ,;, ,iuble for, to Herchants Overwhelmed By Five to 1 UIlIvJll 1 - IJ.4J Took Both Ends ol Dounk-Header JlfmllTSjk tW I Apply Dally News Flume Red W. lo Sil Sc4re in City Championship I From Yankees .csterda and IfcfeMll iT--. B ,f V. I. IKhl.VNI) Football Series ------ Lattci Haw Onh Technical aMiTa JI'MOI.I.II; Watchmaker '''" IfpSrlrlfflfe, I :;"J,F! 12, Third Avenue SPORT CHAT -w Te ..- fPIUllW Ltd Phon- ll kalsoriilliilU'. i Painting Prince Rupert came up before play had hardly nlng streak of the New York Yank- (hpflDVO ;ees ended at n..c IB VU MUU & ...H.rh. fo. Kstimate Kv Return " Old Man w, ,, .,,, JMml h. ' to nU in the Mobiey cup 'ttty . . I Mtaw aooas you prefer tracl avor Wltn biewings knight k d hill:n., .TMeM II ' W1''h 'Jid'-: ' REASONAIil EpiSs u"' f Prince Rupert .senior baseball f reducing th su! M .WlS K ' 1 T I KEfAiKh to consolidate then upiemary in . , ... : I . I -: T ' ' the -e. Playing on should get off with a bang premacy of the Yanks in the Am- M k f& ,V(, , .-. rompetitio. I'U'r I'll . I i downh.U and before the wind, the when 8ons of Canada, winners 0f,erican League to a mere m ' ltfb W ' Z I . ' 77T s repairs rr'Tr-T - - 3mm'$ mm nm ivr, i . goals m the first half and. even af- ,, years. vpnrs nooK hook nn up wun with the ine urn Old' lftU) flftn wltn .i t,c tifcsmiSm. ' ' 1 I 1 ) ,h h m ti Hll PuupriYiniriivr K-il.mi.,;.,.r CKTTIIKBKST . J ! VT. Empress team. Elks and Empress st. LouLs Brwns by defeating the W "J, V w 1 flat " ' ' 1 "Hi-Hi- . ii in i m L- "i-i i hi. im. i ulav and netted tw more. Johnny . ,, . lilkV "O nr 11 t Mi were to ha-.e tn.ngs off on lowly Boston Red Sox In the on. Mh; f tpply Max Heiii. .,,, I,,:,,,:,,, 'N WORKMANSHIP Morrav was responsbl. for four of ' MlXUn M-day night but we, grounds and ,'her American League game yes- VT; Z' t s, rrlce the Legion goals w.ule Sam Carrie i J W slx-roomed At prices Uut will , made the fifth. . un pn v. nua the game bemg terday XP6 I ar Booth School Phone 1 Plat(i In the National League. Chirac W W I IAH I Ol 1. Is nilJHi HIHK, The ine incu inrlemencv mency oi of tne the weather weatner I'hojie nibf. margin of fti Red ttiv ( Kusr exrem,, ! m am SHOt KIPAIRS kept many fans away while the leadership to three full games HBSgSflr i Modem furnished . ,w 8Ue4. Kuerl m'' 'jf UlSe prMent Were dr,VW1 Manager Stan Moran of the Can- ovpr tne si Braves by defeat- 1R:.tJ7 I i : muir Street ..!:. . v the wind b-ame stroirier ucks has his youthful players aU inR Uie Clnclnna, WmWy B I AdmuiLstra-or IllliUl'l ' IK , and the rain more heavy. , hned up for the opener, with almost amp . .7SMmmmm . ..... Sin yfcu ,;cJ, rttaenunl u not pu- aH I I I A' Vll'll-'S ' 3 Lin'-ups were as lollows: the same squad as he played last The cellar-dwelling Pittsburgh u.iud or dupiad )u Uvw H " Ugion-S Ourvich: A. Stalker, who cavorted 1 Jt&S? , H. ( .nia year. Bobby Prates won a tight victory from II ;.'"'f, 22'" AW,I ,(' ,Dree Vear Orauu I nraetlr " ,8ttk,!,' F "meZ; J reer S ?t a,UUnd lhe left fieW ga''den the Brooklyn Dodgers in the other ZII I " ' 120 cnlroPractlF F FRKSH U)rAL M,LK ue T Haddon; T. Bussanich. J. K I n. will essay to hold down the NaUonal Lyeague game. tne Dod(?. B weU furnished Modern Kav Treatments (iiven , . , Murray. C Baptie J Mowat and j catcher's position Bill Lambie. old ers as a resuU dropPing in-o RacAKall MantrliniTC I m suite Palme- PboM for AppolBtaBl I hone Red WW or 9d3 H Parkea. ! reliable of the Sons, will do the Seventh place below the idle New DdCUUl JldlsUliigd I I Ik-enu Phnn Ri-d 444 t . . ,v Merchants-V. M-nzie; Douglas heaving while Styles. Eddie Smith, York Olants (.reen Ml and f, DOMINION DAIKl J Hardy: C'D. Hill, A Dickens. Gil- Johnson and Moran will fill the in- yesterday's Big League American League fa J m houte partly fum- Open Evening. Exrnange BUr 9 Quarts or U Pints for $1.H .ter; L to H Dickens. J McKay. field Bury and Comadina are ex- a mump an i pa t f w l Pet UW Fonu and - Fez pected to play in the outfield while : pI lelnhiV 4 New Yodk IS 8 7U4 til35 f 'M' A1&- ween , ,tandi ItW or Jim McNulty will .SJi-rt. 8.7 Wasinng,,,, 21 9 I The pres. ing of the Mob- fill the third position m the outer ix iroit 1 12 .556 mWm C J ..X . ley Cup series :!ws: garden. Kanaya. one of the inter- NATIONAL I K cievelind 17 15 531 III I I' WANTFD Ollmmer KeSOrtS W D L F A. P mediates, will turnout as a utility f1 2-pl tsbu"h' 3" 8t. Louis If 16 .500 3 4. Cincinnati ! Can Legion 2 2 0 10 4 5 1 infielder. McNulty and Kanaya are ; Chicago M M I ...,. 2 V)TJnly two new members of 9 19 321 I t Remment 10 n 14 4 2 team. Canada's aoverse balance ha 'Boston 5 23 .179 -ngines or PL'OtUIV g.s cimmlo I sfiie "n Sl .MMKK RKSOKTS Home on 011131 ,, rPdueed to tne Dalallcin8 I too'ant ,ooa ' J " There will be a ew new faces on . , ' mm w llmg ma wj where l Benny Windle.s Old Empress line- .... ov,i o 7m I y Wfws i wa,n SOFTBALL BY ? ,'? r 3. Qurvich catch while - 1 us expected to Empress intermediates will be held TI IM? i 1' Cincinnati 18 17 514 IST lgi ' "r ' J L H (JUL UlKLo duty for the Hotel boys. Douglas, a ,1a 13 17 S : .ll WW MARK AKRAM.lM.vis MIMH new player m town wUl pay first. Jimmy Farquhar and Fred Ste- York , M Finder pleas. with Kenny. Windle and Vic Men- phens will be on hand to take care Itoh. Reward if ilSKWWi WITH US The Wild Cats got away to a good ze fining in the other Infield po- of the umpiring duties. Mayor C. H. pJ l(i ,7 37, p- - ! i'jt start and scored three runs in the sitlons George Howe and Doug Orme. honorary president of the inLm I h (.r.rt Vou on Arrival iirst inning of the High School girls si, ilker who have been traded from league and donor of the handsome L-iiTVl tM TM rr Trains .s-oftball game yi-sterday. The fiekd- the Elks, will cavort around the cup for which 1! be Divisional headquarters of thr BI ing 0! .lea was wild ami outfield along with Hibbard. who battling. Is expected to toss the pravin -ia! p-ili' OUND pair, of spectacles with BWmWW Se('ial I'ates For Picnic they allowed the Wild Cat eight -ontributed a lot of punch to the first ball over the pan Uf he cam. ratified that Frunk Evich has I sold mountings :n blue mm 2r jiAiSm I'artieis ' to Lakelse Lakf more iuiv in the second Both Empress batting Une-u.j last year.'and Aid. Rudderham president ol :d bound over to H-..1.;.. IW one Dail n if Bmmrmm A " 1' teams worked hard in the third and or Lawrence, another newcomer the league, will do his best to catch eip the peace At Any ox on a L r9l Gk Vir " ' Wl ' ,in T;ille You fourth innings and prevented any Fong, who plays fust base for the It. charge of creating a disturbance. ' 1,W.T Ml SrV Mr, H-f Anywhere at Any Time ru bnn, M.0I,,d The Wlld Ca's TKANSKKKS l ma ,how any seiuse of ITSf'l Tf H Phom frj WaL--PJ aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaawaaaaa I -dar aud JacK fw, 'Plf ---- , W 1 j Bttrv. wild ens Kathleen Keiiback. Thousands now smoke a better tobacco it's r,,m,-, r), I 1 t. A dMIVWs. Elcano. S.eveit. 1 M.Mai 1'hon l l , 'MA I ' nil SS 1 bt Hniell. , The AUCTIONEER ' jUCIM d I (rating Wrapping 3T ImWy Beverly Jack 'l I I T Dl I I I nd (.emral Furniture Repairs Brook' bank M-apt.t. Hose If. vUl I L U VJ MM T you- goKls with me PV1k E,lyf1 Morrls . . l'," 1 I'uvis " Phone Black 120 vV!e5r Umpire. Miss M Delaney If you "roll your own, use Ogden s fine - cut eiRarrttc MWEl. JpJrV sciinkeep-i Maxlne Hellbroni i I S fir ETiyd Morris. BBBBaBBBBBBaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBa AUCTIONEER - - - I ':l::Z,::r TILL1E THE TOILER" An Apt Pupil -By Westover. I G. M. HUNT Manure For Safe 4 4 -?4 x ft 4 -r ! . ;i -Jr( p,j k .j , - ;' I. PRINTING JU- ; ". Ifc .aa-ii ' 1 lili