lib. ft Ms mi PAGE TWO THE DAILY NEWS Tkujtjjday, February 25, 1J iifHAXi Had Thirteen Boils On His Reck Mrs. H. V. Duncombe. Graaay Lale, Alt., writ: "My husband was covered with boil, having aa many a thirteen .9d.hU neck at once, If tried varyUung powibla. but noihitg did anv good until ha took Burd&E Blood Bitten, and before he had used one bottle tlx boils were all gone, and be has not been bothered with them since." ,r, ,1. htt tb pt 1 )hii tjr It THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE KUPERT - BKIT1SU COLUMBIA- Published Eviy A.ternoon. Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert iHUy ."'ews. Limited, Thirr! Avenu' H. K PULLEN - - - Managing-Editor SUBSCK1PTION KATES City delivery, by mall or earner, yearly period, paid In advance For lesser periods, paid In advance, per week contract latek on application. Crtllor and Reporters' lelepnone 86 Advertising and Circulation Telephone 98 Member o( Audit rtureau of Circulation DAILY EDITION Thursday, Feb. 35. $5.00 AGAINST P. G. E. SCHEME The railway engineers' report on the Peace-Coast out ing railway furnishes the most economical route. It says nlsn that it. will talp mnnv timoa tha ovtctinnr tvnffio t n iiio-1 tify another outlet. And it concludes that, by the time the volume of Peace Vailey traffic reaches a point where the construction of a new coast outlet would be justified all the relevant conditions may have materially changed. What does this mean ? It means, unless we are greatly mistaken, that neither the Canadian National nor the Canadian Pacific, and neither separately nor jointly, will touch the coast outlet project until times are better. It means, in consequence, and it should so mean, that what can not be practically considered by the principal Canadian railway companies as a sound business venture can not be considered as good public policy by any Canadian government. And it means most lilcely that we had better allow a considerable discount, for some time to come, from any of those frequent stories we are hearing about the completion of our own Pacific Great Eastern into the country of the Peace. There is no great comfort in all this, but neither is there reason for unrelieved gloom. It does not mean that there is to be no development of the great potential grain areas of the Peace, and it does not mean that some day the stream of Peace wheat will not flow down by its most na-turaj channel to its most natural outlet on the coast. It simply means what it says: "Not justified at present." I I t tv mi 01 f or we a ox after the thow at . . . ... bridge pirtiej . . . teas . . . dionerf , , . ways . . . serve Christie'i Snow FUke Sodis. Tbfir fine ihvor and (laky fmhncii add a zet to every mouthful. in tuc tjg. neu family-size package. Chrii&ie's SNOW FLAKE SOPAS COAL MINE Judge,!!. A, Robertson. Investigates Telkwa Colliery and' Sees. Much 01 interest SMITHERS. Feb. 24: While- In Smlthers last week, holding his regular monthly sittings ol the County Court, relieving Judge Young who Is absent on sick leave. Judge Robertson of Prince George accep ted an opportunity of seeing for himself the Bulkley Valley Coal Mines, the only coal mine lit Central British Columbia now In active operation. The first striking thing on the trip was the condition of the road leading from Telkwa. to the mine, seven miles distant. Slipping smoothly along at forty miles an hour In a high powered automobile In the middle of February struck 10c Judge Robertson as being very dlf-, ferent Uideed (rem the time when he. 'mualuti" cat snawshaea over I the "Trail of Nlnety-elght" on the I moat spectacular mining expedition j the world has ever known. The 'mine road Is In the very best of 1912 i condition and roads In the Bulkley iVaHey district are the best winter j roads that the district has ever known. Although seven miles from the let, tabled in the House at Ottawa the other day, will come J railway at Telkwa the mine is in as a surprise to nooouy, savs the Vancouver rrovmce in a ine ai,ey uoa VTe?- v"ou" recent editorial article. It says, in brief, "not justified at taty lh T!lwKRhte,; "J. present" If we said also that It would not satisfy anj-bodySffi that would not be to say that it was the wrong report, that he has chrnod atall The-good There could be few schemes of large-scale railway exten- road and easy grade have been of sion in Canada these days that would be likely to com- eret to'et to the operators of mend themselves as sound business, and what is not sound lHe mlne her ,produc business these days is not likely to be practical politics. JJ SSS?hl! So, if we say that this report, adverse to the immediate ; on arrival at the mine Judge Ro-prospects of a Peace-Coast outlet, will neither surprise beruon was conducted by Frank nor satisfy anybody, that is only another way of saving m. pockrui the operator, through that the Peace River-railway project, along with many tn J0"- Tne buildings and bunkers are on the nthPi oinei rlpsirablp aesiraoie nrntat projects, nas riii got ont tn to mnrk mark tirnf time. iflat vaUe fl00f besWe Qoat Creek That marking time is inevitable in this business can wWcn excellent saw timber hardly be gainsaid, but certainly it will save much lost gave plenty of building materia! motion ana energy if the fact is recognized. This report j right on the ground, in constroct-H nf tKo inint cm-vv unrlovtnVon h' trio twnihig the present buildings in the ,,r,50i ;i..,.. ' nA rrXy-,n ! fall of 1WQ the metho followed wa ; "a"u"lurcV i MU,W v-ito take in a portable sawmill ow ernment, and it is signed u by the chief - engineers of theend by van Horn and sow of Tel The mine workings on a steep hillside rising from the bank of the creek are close to the spot where In 1898 the outcropping of this 14-foot seam led to the first dteoovery of coa! in the district The coal measures were taken up and exploratory work one at that time but passed Into the hands of Ontario capital who have made no attempt to operate themselves. It' was only a year and a half ago, when Frank M- DockrtU obtained a working lease, that thU seam was- first actually mined. In the short time that he has been operating Mr. Dockrill has accomplished a very great deal and Central British Columbia owes much to him for the establishment of this new industry when so little other mining la being done. Two slopes are run Into the hill-aide from the level of the top of the bunkers, about 30 feet above the valley level These two slopes follow down the dip of the measures on an easy gradient, and are connected at the No. 1 level run about two hundred and fifty fee from their portals. Chambers off this level are being mined for the coal now being produced. Horse-drawn ears haul the coal to the bunker where it It sereened over wo screens and then dropped di rectly into one of the three great bins from which the trucks are) leaded. AU of the working are In coal and it U not found necessary to take out any materia! but the clean coal owing to the fact that the 'earn l of almost uniform width of between, thirteen and fourteen feet, all clean ooaf except for an Inch-wide parting of shale In the middle of the seam. It Is not found advisable to mine more than the lower nine or ten feet of the seam, so as one walks through the mine-workings one Is. struck by the fact '.hat walls, floor and roof are all In kmI. The. workings ore dry though ' I down ol root coal brings extreme pressure on the wooden support ! until they creak and groan aa If In Q 1710 ITU T paln llke a human being. When the i j Y lul I lL? i supporting pillar was knocked cut I oy me miners a nuge diock 01 coat : welithln two. or three tons dropped iruni ine ruui. 1 Mining and shipment of eoal Is going steadily ahwd uncle: Mr. DockriU's personal cilrecttoa. Kot only are Smlthers and Telkwa supplied by direct truck-hauling but carload shipmentr to point along the railway from Prince George to Prince Rupert supply a growing market as tho high heating qualities of the coa! become better known. It is the highest in B.T.U.'s; 13,900 of any coai norv. being! marketed In Western Canada and Bulkley Valley folks are Justly! oroud of their Bulkley Valley Owl Mine. j i Twenty Years Ago In Prince Rupert 4 February s. An English symWcaie, ol whi( h F. O, Green is the repwiwative, ha transpsrted 35 tons of oil drill-' lng machinery to the Qw Charlotte Islands. One- hundred tecUom of land Is to be tested. Fany men are now employe!. ' Thirty local propetere are to leave on the Print May tomor row afternoon for Sixty Mite in the Yukon Territory and the Liard River district where gold strike have been reported. Word was received in the city by today's train of the death of Dan Stewart, raneher at iJtUe Canyon arid one of tfce teal vetemn pioneers of this part of the country. C. N, . TRAINS For tbe East Mondays. Wednesday and Fri days 3 prn. 1 From the East Tuesdays. Thursdays and Saturdays 10:4Q am. railways and by J.R.Crysdale for the Tolmie government. I kwa. and cut the materia; at the iMsrisMMWBsaiHs It s'ays that no western outlet is justified in the present) mine. ...... general condition of Canadian business, because the exist-! Ncf Near r Original ri8l"aI Discovery DlscTn, the face of , I 1 1 H h A K 6 1 - ! I JH VALUES That make the problem of food economy amazingly simple. Never before have there been vuch va- ; lues in Northern B. C. Granulated Sugar Limit 20 lbs.; 101b. for. Pota toe Selected 10 lbs per sack Creamery Batter per lb. Lard Swift's, or Oalneis per 3-lb. pail Jap Rice 6 lbs Strawberry Jam Royal Oity Brand, 4-lb. tin Thrllt Tea We highly recommend It, per lb. Victory Coffee per lb Eggs B.C. Fresh Extras Scott's In eartons. per doz Up river Turnips 1Q lbs Brooms 5 string each Floor Wax-2 in 1 1.1b. tm 46c Terce J5C S1.25 20c 35c 24c 47c 34c 22c 28c 14c 28c 32c QUALITY VEGETAIILE SPECIAL 2 tin Quaker Corn, 2' 2 tins, Royal City Tematoe. 2's 2: tins Royal City Fancy Pea Sieves CO The 6 tins for Picnic Ifsms per lb. Many Flowers ToUet Soap per bar Chateau Cheese per 1-lb. pkg Peanut Butter per 1-lb. tin vxne moUiura comeft from the coal O rah am Wafers afc'ft t u nefct&ry Ux have a pump ' per l-lb. OtHo oke. int)ho-iQWfX.?Js.;.o which the SlngatwetPpplogia water drains by gravity and Upum- aluns trots 14c! 6c 32ci 14c! 4 ?0c ped to the surface by a hand-pump. ! California Had Lettuce Q p i .uaacs invrs(icaiin During the judge's visit to Uie rri . rs l n I 22Z3L hT,und"- Inrmlaiih&tarry ground making a thorough investu jation. He was. shQwn the removal urnoox- carr and save" of a pillar which supported a weak "1 Third Ave A Few Doors Down spot In the roof of. on of the From Moose Hall Phone 179 chambers from which the coal wax MrBEimrBiim-Bfan atinra1 being mined. A gradual settline SOUP STEWS GRAVIES J ETC. jDuality has ml uPM$?j no suDsmute 50M0 Cbokitiq saons Save 50 Oxo Cube Red Wrappers 0X0 PIE 4 Urtt kUJmi 2 Ui Ctitl 2 OnMi Prpptr mj SU It UsU Met l)PUt1 mnJ Mini ti pal thtm in th fit Jiib in Um Mix li Ox h itJtl V hi t4ttr, tmj pur tttr, pMttmf tmU pint if Jripping m hf. Bait tm 4 hit turn luttil tkii) brtientJ, wd Jrn. Every kitchen should keep a supply of Oxo Cubes constantly on hand to add flavour and nourishment to soups, stews and "left-overs". They put in that extra nourishment which your family needs. Save the Oxo Cube Red Wrappers and seed themt with your name and address to Oxo Limited, 1 9 1 0 St. AntoineSt., Montreal, Que. Tlh offer applies to residents of Canada oahf expires on April 30, 1932. HJSOURES Cacrt of tlic more tlian600 branches oftlieBANR of Montreal ,no matter wrtere it is located, has behind it the full resources of the whole oraniia tion,which has Capital and Reserves of oTcr 74,000,000,and Assets exceeding $75 O.OOO.OOO. No account Is too small and none too large for the BtVROfMoNTIAL to handle with efficiency and courteous attention to the customer's individual requirements. BANK OF MONTREAL Established' l8l7 4 Aiuta in exceta 0M730.000.000 t Prince Rupert Iiranch: F. A. .MacCALLUf, JNIanaKor If you want anything, try a classified ad.