. I News of The Sport World j f-x M'iiiaa.Mni FIB TIM K!m:ami'V!!lrfl ItflKlilinTB'fHiVilBllIHiKIH.it Sfar r t VANCE HAS SIGNED UP Brooklyn ritctjer Accepts $15,000 Salary This Var I CLEARWATER. Fla. Feb. 25: j Dazzy Vance, star hurler of the Brooklyn Dodgers, deserted- the ranks of the hold-outs yesterday when he- signed up for another ! year with the club. While nqfjsurea were announced, i It, Is understood that Vance will re-1 reive a sarry ef $15,000 for the year. Last year he received $23,000 and war hehlUif out for $17,000 this sm A few days age he turned down $12J0. Several other members of the team are still holding out. : EMPRESS HAS CLEAN SWEEP Concluding Game of Junior Billiard Leagui? Fixture is Played Last Night Giving the grapress a clean sweep vjatery by- an aggregate score of 100 ta 931, Gege Howe 1 Empress) defeated Johnny May (Hawks) 200 to 171 last night Lj the final postponed game from Monday evening in the Junior Billiard League. As a result the Empress moved into first place aheaJ of the Jewellers in the League standing. The league standing for the second half of the season to date as follows: O. Ttl. Av Jewellers 7 6426 914 Emprcsi 7 6417 921 League of Nations ... 6 5294 882 Hawks ......'...!.-.:.;. .:..8' 6910' ' 831 Billiard Averages Junior Lea cue j O. T. Av. J. Saunders (J) 7 1400 200 P. Vaccher LN) 9 1724 102 W. Stuart (J) 10 1914 191 N. Chenaskl (B) 10 1896 190 O. Howe (E) 10 1898 IPC J. May (Hi Jl- 2071 1MI P. Johnson E 10 1877 188 L. Raabe J 10 1874 187 W. Hutaon H 11 3080 185 P. Chenoakl E) 11 2008 183 A. Zadaroakl Et 10 1833 183 R. Fong iLN- 9 1645 183 W. Funnel! J 3 546" 182 R. Wicks iH) 11 1947 177 W. Murray. H 7 1236 177 A. Strachan J 10 1739 174 F. AldrWge (LN) 9 1593 174 E. Batt LN) 9 1546 172 B. Wendle LN 6 1028 JJ1 A. Murray (LN) :.2. 335 108 ' J. nnlger j) io 1523 159 C. Perry H 10 1535 154 W. E. Hayhurst H 4 601 151 ' Argentina Swimming Ace Who is this good looking guy? Well, girls, Alberto Zorrilla come from Argentina, is 26. won the 430-metre race at the 1938 Olympics and hopes to dQ better this year. What a man! BASKETBALL February 26 Panthers vs. S. O. C. High School vs. Merchants. Cardinals vs. Amazons. League of .Nations . Vs. Scouts-March 1 Panthers vs. C. N. R. Tuxls vs. High School. Amazons vs. Cardinals Rovers vs. Leagve of Nations. March 4 S. O. C. vs. C. N, R. Tuxls vs. Merchants. Cardinals vs. Amasons. Scouts vs. Japanese. March 8 Panthers vs S. O. C. High School vs. Merchants. Cardinals vs. Amazons. Revets vs. Scouts. March 11 Panthers vs. C. N. R. Tuxis vs. Hifh School. Cardinals vs. Amasons. League of Nations vs. Japanese March 15 S. O. C. vs. C. N. R. Tuxls vs. Merchants. Cardinals vs, Amazons. Rovers vs. Japanese. The first patent issued in the United States was for a process of making pearl ashes. Lefty Grove and Rube Walberg In Seattle Just Now SEATTLE. Feb 25 Robert Moses Leftyi Orove and George Rube Walberg. star southpaw hurlers of the Philadelphia Athletics, are paying a brief visit to Seattle and are guests at the Olympic Hotel. CRIBBAGE SCHEDULE February 29 Grotto vs. Musketeers. K. C. vs. I. O. O. F. Elks vs. Eagles. Seal Cove vs. Moose. P. R. Hotel vs. Swlf U. WHIST SCHEDULE February 25 Seal Cave vs. Grotto. Moose vs. Legion. Musketeers vs. I.O.O.F Empress vs. Fish Packers. Totem Park vs. Sons of Norway New Thrill For Visitors To Palm Springs Th idea Ls to stit:k on the painted pony s ba 'k while hu;;ky rnv punchers m; ke i: buck and rear. Juet another thrill for Palm Springs visitors provided by an energetic publicity man. FAST TIME TURNED IN 'Sir Malcolm Campbell Made 2G7 i Miles Per Hour on Part of Re-, cord Hun Yesterday DAYTQNA BEACH. Fla.. Feb. 25: -On the first run of his new record breaking automobile time flight yesterday. Sir Malcolm Campbell, the British driver, attained a speed of 267.45 miles per hour Returning, his time wa 2-U.-773. being slowed down by a brisk wind His new record was 253.968 m.p.h., surpassing his old record by 8 236 m.p.h. BADMNT0N STARTING i Annual City Championship Tour-! nim.. I. 1 ft mi ITn.1 w I Tonisht With nineteen entries in the 'courts, the venue for the finals , having not yet been decided upon. : The entry list is quite as large as . last year and competition Is expec- ted to be jost as keen. Draw fdr tonight Is as follows: j 9 pjn. Robert Bartlett vs. C. J. j Norrington. 9:30 pjn. J. Horton vs W. Tebey. I 10 p.m. W Lambie vs. Dr J. T. Mandy. Equals Record All in a ,mff. Emmttt Topping. flashy sprinter from Loyola Un- , iversity, wa photographed after ! equalling the world 6Vyard record. 0:2 seconds. ' Want Garner j ! As Candidate Seattle Democrats Getting P.usy in Support of Speaker as I'res- drntial Nominee I I SEATTLE, Feb. 83:- Supporters in this eity of Speaker John M Garner at Democratic candidate for the presidency are considering forming an organization whfch would for its piiiv rxjl object the ng or wash nsion State hemndjn cHndldature ft Garner MA&ema- cratlc nor.ilr. Jl .NIOi; UlLUAItltt Feb. 25 -Jewelers vs. Empress. Mar. l--EaiDi;ess vs. L of N. Mar. . Hawks vs. Jewelers. Mar. 8 L. of N vs. Hawks. Mar. 11 Jewelers vs. L. of N. Mar. 15 Km peg v Jewelers. Mar. 18 L of N. vs. Hawks. Mar. 22-JpweIers vs. Empress. Mar. 25 -Empress vs. L. of N. District News VANDERHO0F Through the efforts of A. Bryan 'Williams, provincial game commissioner, two dozen Hungarian par-, tridges arrived last week from Le due, Alta., and were liberated at the farm of John II, MacMillan with a view to ascertaining whether or not they will thrive In this district The choir sang the anthem "Rend Your Hearts and Not Your Qar-! ments" in the local United Church on Sunday last. I The Vanderhoof hockey club has returned from a trip to Burns Lake and Fraser Lake, having won all games it played. Fraser Lake and Burns Lake played return games here at the end of last week. "The Son's Worship" was the .subject of Bev. Basil S. Prockter in preaching Sunday evening last in the local Anglican Church. Manjfll J. Griffin of the Finger Lake district bas been visiting for a few days In Vanderhoof. Mrs. Cecil Steele returned tost Friday to her home 1 Smlthcrs after a visit here with her mother, Mrs. Andrew Finnic j The Department of Agriculture &t urging the farmers of this district to plant as oed a grade of seed potatoes as possible. Samue4 W. Cocker returned here last wek from a trip to Vancouver and Victoria. j W. N. Campbell, who was former-: ly Identified with the Fort Fraser district, arrived here last week to take cnarge of the forest service in the Vanderhoof-Fort Fraser dis- ' trlet. PORT SIMPSON Work Is ; bridge betnr progressing on the built hre by the Ip- 9 I KCNu I H IIP IEBLMH HiMDumiHaniHf dlan Dcpaitmei.' As men are employed. Dr. L. W. Kergrn was a visitor in town, called In for consultation or -some eases in the Simpson Rev. Arthur Darner, superintendent of Indian Missions for the United Church of Oanada, was a visitor and preactied in the Church both morning and evening on dun? day. Monday was devoted to inspection! work etc. Armed Guard For Train .Mexican Govt rnmr nt Decides Pre, caution Mut Re Taken FlW n Bandit Attacks MEXICO CITY. Feb. 25: -yellowing bandit attacks which have been made recently, the government has decided that all trains henceforth leaving Mexico City must carry an 'Tle advent of Turret pipe tobnero lias heeh, a great Immhi to me and haa aulved my tobacco problem. It therefore with genuine pleasure that I, unreservedly iiihI unhesltat-recommend TirrcJ pipe tobacco to all persons using a pipe who arc discouraged In their effprta to find a cool, satisfying blend. Turret plpo tobacco nullifies both my puis t o nud my punc. It li sweet ami cool, undaboro all, has a wonderful lasting satisfaction", YQUR SLEEVE Evervorif" V The wood contract for the Van-1 The United Church missionary jderhoof Creamesy has been let by boat, Thomas Crosby, called in on I M. "Valentin to A. M. Johnston and Saturday, bringing the local pas-j Duncan Donald of Stony Creek. ''or. Rev. V. H. Sansum. home from j i the Presbytery which was held In mens singles, nrteen m tne mensj 04rtd Irvlng returned home last Prince Rupert. aouoies. sixteen in me muea aou-Wwlc from a trip to the coast, hav-bles and eight in the ladies' dou-!ing disposed of a carload of stock bles. the annual city badminton ;for farmers of this district. , tournament will get under way to-1 night on the I.OD.E. courts when, The Prince G forge hockey club opening games in the men's singles : defeated Merrltt in the semi-final i will be played. All qualifying game;tor the British. Columbia interme-W111 be played on the I.O.D.E. diate chamnionshln. George Mitchell, of the Big Bay sawmills, was in town in the intent of the lumber company. . . mina-Btrength in restj: in as important a, au cular strength, Bovnl not only dtvdom thi muscle and the frame- develops stamina by storing up a, fund of energy 7 reserve. Build Strength with OVRIL many as W The Heartier Salvor was in port with a large cargo of lumber. She left here to go to Cassia r and O. A. Canneries on the Skeena for shipments of canned salmon. ENJOYAE . aai Mice .Mieuuanre at By Eastern Star Lat j? In Maienic Ti-apk A highly en' . ,. , was haid last myir .. hall-of thi- mU) BelUt Chapter N K. Kiiteni Star THere i forty and fiity . tht function v, ; The hall was iv for the occum"! Mrs. Samuel M; trwi. was hoiu - j. kins, worthy y Mr. T M h, . . of the comm:' -members of Mrs. c. A. Kn-Jt' Jj Ulanee. Mis Mr. C. J No:: bert Gordon Prize wlnnti . i Mlfi Ftoren: n George Hill j: 1 Valentine: me.i f ll endall; second w : f 1 third. Dr L W K The, drawing was nude by Ui- ML uinncr being T Dcjldous reif i.-ved before the av HUNT UEEK HIT1I K2il Indian deer a when stalking "' armed guard for the protection of being attracted ' p.isengera and train crews. 1 than frightened PIPE TESTED by a LAWYER TURRET t OB A A good, cool smoko r-" Pip0 tested wrr" ln' r' for tho0 teho roll th.tr n