Ldar February 85, 1932 fflfECLBV JHCSIEBY Ml Me-'ury Hojiery looks the part on all formal occa-t,j" because of its "quai'y". ! wcy; re-wiibly wi!!. Ask to tee the laes shoaei in Morcur Hc;iery when buying and aon't be put off by the offar of "something just as good". , , , If isn't. b'.b i b r x i,3:fc,:B.iaK:in:BtBini(iE!H'iinin:iair.Hi(j Demers' February 1 Westingliouse SALE Sale Ends March 1st k for Bargains in Coats, Knitted Suits, g Dresses, Lingerie, Hosiery, Hats, Etc g Greatly Reduced Prices VOW IS Till; TIME TO SAVr. MONEY. COME ONE COME AM- " in n am i r wn n :. if c n im ma t ixi i cijceid i SENSATIONAL OFFER! DOUBLE SIGHT GLASSES . - "IF I.I n n.rl Washing Machines Vacuum Sweepers Flat Irons Mazda Lamps, etc. McK AE HKOS., LTD. t .l.ir li'l .ltlnnl,(ilHUir- 4 Q Q p. ..i rk ..-. far m OMtJU f '! u.i shew you ho to get $15.00 value i '" M-til coupon twtuy ! Or. RltlioU Optical Co.. Dept. KX-53 29 Mdinda St.. Toronto, Ont. free TRIAL COUPON Or. Ultholt Optical Co. Dept. KX-53 Sfl Mrlinda St- Toronto, Ont. I want to try yeur glasses on 10 Day Trial v r ' . Ate At5;S HIT) Box No. Pom OH ice Prov. BUY CANADIAN GROWN Sweet Pea Seeds Varieties and quality the WORLD'S BEST Also up-to-date selection of DAHLIAS Including all the latest types. Write for our Free Catalogue CHOSLAND DUOS. DUNCAN, B.C. YORK Mil CH i - , - - Mwvan i iti iu auiu iv i It does pay to buy those advertised. 110 V "lallSe It flnncii'i no.. 4n ...l.-,.-4icn nnnr lirOdUClB, and Staff Captain J. Acton of Wrangdl, Alaska, will visit herej February 28 and conduct a service! In the Salvation Army Citadel that; evening. : Mr. and Mrs. W. Carfrae left on yesterday afternoon's train for Prince George where they will take up residence. Mr. Carfrae having been transferred there as representative of McLennan, McFeeiy Co., Vancouver hardware concern. Richmond Mortmler sailed Tues day afternoon on the Catala for Vancouver enroute to Vernon where he will resume his duties with the Canadian Bank of Com merce after having spent a vacation vlstiing here with his parenU. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Mortimer, Fifth Avenue East. Mrs. F. L. Young, who has been employed for some time as cook in the Prince Rupert General Hospital, will sail tonight on the Prince George for Vancouver whence she will proceed to Halifax where, on March 27. she will sail or. the steamer Pennland for her native home at Ameraham, Buckingham. England, where she plans on resuming residence. ANNOUNCEMENT Jasper Wildfire Coal is now the hottest in the domestic field. Gov emment analysis shows it to bo the highest in B.T.U.'s and less ash V starts quick and lasts longer. Fur thermore, for ywir benefit don't think forpe minute because our com is lower in price inai we are giving you a cheaper grade as other coal dealers mxy state to you. Your next order "Jasper Wild fire." egg or lump. Note our adv for cash prices and save yo'ir dollars tf Hyde Transfer Phone 580 B K. HI Ml SAWkUi KXMZKS I QUALITY FOOD SPECIALS Hams Swift's Premium, whole or half, the finest money 99f can buy, per lb. Orange Marmalade per 40-oe. glass jar Tine Bulk Mincemeat per lb; Toilet Paper 7 rolls Ripe Olives Finest selected Qftn ru.r Q.n. Mi, Kellogg's All-Bran per pkg PHONE 55 19c Sockeje Salmon Clove rleaf 4 ff p per Ifc-lb. tin lox' Australian Roast Mutton XOi 1 C p No. 1 tins, per Un Chocolate Eclairs Red 9Qp A prnwt f roth rrvU nAf IK mmMf Christies' Sandwich Bis- OtII Qlp milt. n.r lh . av. Jelly Powders Nabob or Empress, 5 for French Oastllle Soap (Jen ulne, per 2-Ib. bar 24c 25c Tomato Catsup Crosse & 9Qp Blackwell's. large bottle t' tosedale Soap Nicely per- -f ftp fumed, cello-wrapt 3 bars"1"' Spinach Malkin's Best 1 (?p ut No. 2 tins, per tin Baby Beets Royal City i Qp Ai' choice quality, per tin Tomato Juice 1 9r Der 16.02. tin ... Wax pirierV? Ml 9c Helm Gherkins XtJU Cp per doz Sweet Potatoes 25C Watts' Grocery IMIONE 56 THE BEST FOR LESS im mmm, wmvwm unira m THE DAKiV NEWS Bert's Taxi, Phone 678. "Service" Is our motto. (Jive us a call. tf .,SiSger.,an4 . Better than evtr fancss triaay, j cq .zq. Aam. 50c. Refreshments; . 43 G. A. Woodland was speaker today at the regular weekly luncheon of the Prince Rupert Rotary Clrb iruthe Commodore Cafe. He gavs an intetesting account of a recent trip to Bermuda and the East v!, Panama Canal. President G. H. Munro was in the chair. fib Phone 933 est Colds Blue Ribbon Tea per lb. Rub well over throat and chest VSSks Announcements Elks' opening dance, Feb. 26. Moose, whist drive and dance March 1, 8:30. Eagles' Social Dance Friday March 4, dancing 0:30 to ViO Gentlemen 50c. Ladies, refreshments. Everybody welcome. Pioneer Banquet March 10. St. Patrick Celebration, Catholic Hall, March 17. Catholic Women s League Sprln; Sale April 7. Phone 933 De Jong's Cash and, Carry Friday & Saturday Specials 39c,; I Blue Ribbon Coffee QQp per lb. Aylmer Corn-on-Cob 2(i Size 3 per can Ubby's Saur Kraut Size j4C Red Arrow Sodas 2 pkgs. for 35c Granulated Sugar lUX AQp 10 lbs. for Robin Hood Oats With the new Wedgewood China 2lP per pkg. Malkin's Best Fancy Corn Oo UUl, Size 2 s. 2 tins for Olde London Olnger Wine lip per bottle v Gold Dust Washing Powder OlZn lorirA nVa mmUXJ ft Royal Breakfast Bacon Der 4-lb. ok. California Drape Fruit 4 for Rhubarb per lb. Celery Large white sticks OQi each Hotel Arrivals lie 25c 9c Free Delivery on Orders of $2.00 or over New Royal Hotel THE HOTEL WORTH WHILE Hot St Cold water: Steam Heat 75c. TER DAY. AND UP J. areUX Telephone ISI MEETING OF NAVY BODY LUwYL INfcWS IILM I J (Continued from Page 1) James A. Brown, well known Port Ewlngton sawmill operator, is paying a brief business visit to town, having arrived In the city from the Skeena River yesterday afternoon. : Commissioner Henry, territorial leader in Canada West. Mrs. Henrv Sam Jabour sailed yesterday afternoon on the Prince Rupsrt for a visit to Anyox on insurance business. . . , , Why pay more? Best Alberta footless egg Coal $11 per ton. Albert & McCaffcry Ltd. Phonce 116 or 117. tf standing, and we continue to carry on our work in connection with the Prince 'Rupert' Sea' 'Cadet "Corps,, Captairf"CooC 'grWcWrVa'nt TtX Blance, who continues 'lh charge of this work, is still enthusiastic and gives freely of his time, and the members of the Sea Cadet Corps, as well as the Prince Rupert Branch of the Navy League of Canada, very much appreciate his efforts in this branch of our work. "We very much miss the usual allowance from the Department of National Defense towards the expenses in connection with our Sea Cadet Corps, and our tag day collections suffered by nearly fifty percent owing, we believe, to the present hard times. "The present strength of the Sea .Cadet Corps consists of 26 Cadets on the roU. The fact that this Is 14 less than last year is explained by the boys entering High School and not being able to attend the drills and meetings. The boys take a keen In terest In their work, and 21 atten ded camp at Terrace, B.C., which is located about 96 miles from this city on the Canadian National Rail way line. They had a very successful time, which was enjoyed by all, and they created a favorable Impression at Terrace where the people stated that they would like to see them again. "A series of parties have been held during the past winter to vhtch the Cadets invited their girl friends. These very successful affairs were organized by Mr. am Mrs. Young, whose work in this .onnectlon Is very much appreciated. Cadet Lieutenant W. Fidler. whe received his appointment as Sub-Lieutenant In this Corps during thi oast year, was selected by the Navy Department to make the West Indies cruise on the HAI.C5. "Skeena." through his membership in the R.C.N.V.R. We consider this election a compliment to our Sea ?adet Corps. "A very good report was received from Admiral Storey after his an nual Inspection of the Sea Cadets "In conclusion, I wish to tender Lieutenant W. Hume, Commanding Officer of the Prince Rupert Unit if the RC.N.VJI.. the very bci thanks of the Prince Rupert Brand of the Navy League of Canada for he use of their quarters and officers' mess during the past year: to the members of the executive "ommlttee. and to any others who have helped In any way this branch if the Navy League. I wish partl--ularly to thank Mr. and Mrs. Young for their assistance In connection with the Sea Cadet Corps. "Mr. Young continues to be In i-harge of the actual training of the boys, and Mrs. Young Is always available and willing to help on all oclal occasions." ONE OF THE If you ask your grocer simply for a tin of beans you will often get the boiled or steamed variety. Only Heinz beans, of all the well known makes, are actually baked. You know the difference between a boiled and a baked potato. There is the same difference in beans. The Heinz process of oven-baking retains all the flavour. In a Heinz tin you find a perfection of plump, mealy, golden brown goodness. Once you have tried Heinz even-baked beans you'll always want the extra flavour and food value Heinz provides at so reasonable a cost. PAGE THREE S7 FOUR KINDS all baked! WTTH TOMATO SAUOC AND PORK IN TOMATO S AUOS WITHOUT MEAT (VEGETARIAN) BOSTON STTLX WITH PORK RED KIDNEY BEANS WITH PORK HE IN Z MADE AT UAMMGKX. OMTAMO, FOt NCAtLY A OUAITU OF A CENTUBV oven TO 17 j& kJC baked JD JCimJra l3 ALL OUR COALS ARE IN A DRY SHED Delivered Dry to Your Bin. You are assured in getting full weight JASPER WILDFlUi: EGO Per Ton, $12.50: Cash Trice $11J0 JASPER WILDFIRE LUMP Per Ton, $13.50: Cash Trice .. 1JJ0 PEMBINA EGG Reg. Trice, $12.50: Cash Price 11.50. Dry Jack Pine and Cedar HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED ftttammi Prlnc Rupert lor Vancouver: T.K.K CATAI.A EVERY TUESDAY. 1J0 P.M. Via Ocean Falls, arriving Vancouver. Thursday p.m. TJl.S. CAKDENA EVERY FRIDAY MIDNIGHT Arriving Vancouver 8un4y midnight appro x Week aalllngs to Port Simpson, Allot Ann. Anyox. Stewart and Kaat River points. Sunday. 9 p.m. Further information regarding all aalllngs ana ticket at PRINCT RUPERT AGENCY: ttreond Avenue, Phone WiS "How do they do it?" Among your friends there's sure to be at least one smart young married couple who arc the envy and admiration of all who know them. With an income that is frankly abbreviated, and with no benevolent Aunts in the offing, they still have a home that is correct and comfortable in all its appointments, a home that is admired and copied by their friends. "Yes, Jane is a remarkable little manager," will probably be the young husband's proud answer. And there is little doubt about it. THEY DO IT THIS WAY Take a look around that home and you will find no end of well known advertised products. For Jane is an efficient little mana-,g'pr, Shq, can't afford to take chances that must only be debited'" ; t6 "Experience." When she buys for her home she must get" 'tried and tested and trusted products which carry an, honorable name to guarantee her satisfaction. You will find that Jane is a consistent reader of the advertise mcnts. Are you?