L of Today's Weather Tomorrow's Tidies Friday, February 26, 1933 High 4:00 a.m. 21:7 ft. tn by Island nam, strong sout. v 16:32 18:8 ft. wind, barometer, zujb; tern- '& p.m. Low 10:30 am. 3:9 ft. If! llll it. 44; rough sea. 22:31 p.m. 6:8 ft. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER M , No 46. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1932 PRICE: FIVE CENTS VESICATION JAPANESE PLACE 60,000 Select Committee Of Legislature To Probe Relief Administration Prominent Members of House Named to Probe Which is lo Be Made at Instance of Government Itself II. I). Twigg is Chairman Yi TORIA, Feb. 25: After two hours of debate, the i iaiure yesterday endorsed without division a plan i -.tovernment to investigate all matters pertaining to . i . . a (imini.strauon 01 unemployment renei tnrougn a sel-, , : r inmittee of the House consisting of H. D. Twigg, V .a. chairman; T. D. Pattullo, Prince Rupert; A. M. omineca; Dr. W. H. Suth-1 r i:. p!stoke; Oeorge Pear-. umu; Jack Loutet North i W Beiry, DelU; Col. ' sum: T. W. Kirk, Van-Ur R. W. Alward. Fort :! .1 H. Jfeattv Vr.torln. T .( i utiient desire to clear lt-: ,Mdt.spread charge which ,,KU in connection with i'i.iii ol relief. KILLED BY ACCIDENT Ot n Wnlir Prominent Victoria liuMn's.man, Shot Ity Gun In Hands of Son Mi ToRIA. Feb. 25:-Otto Well- 71 prominent furniture -sit of this city for many i d well known trapshooter. ' iflentilly shot and killed !f! iy at the rifle range when a i:. i he hands of hi son. Otto, . cm turned. TRAIN AND CAR CRASH four Persons Killed at Level Crossing Near Krnnewick, Wash. j KI N'NEWICK, Wash.. Feb. 25:- ' fi persons were killed yesterday v ' m i passenger train crashed in-' " nitomobile at a level crossing f Ihtp. Denounces All Relief Plans of Government VICTORIA, Feb. 25: The whole '"ir.se of relief administration was dnmunccd by T. D. Pattullo. leader "f the Liberal opposition in the I-iiaslature. Halibut Landings American Sunset. 3,500, going to Seattle. Canadian Alice May. 2,800. holding over. TELEPHONE DIRECTORY A new Telephone- Directory Is about to be Issued. Applica- tlon for moves, changes or new Uitlnga for this issuo must be made In writing to Telephone Department, city Hall not la- tr than March 5th. Won Contest Three inr.hrs ovei five feet, hard eyes and brand tc uUr the virtues of oxiber.irue und smouldering enigma won El-Un Kent a popularity contest. Reflecting the spirit ot the times, FIGHT FOR MAYORALTY John Dore and ."Tayor Robert H. Harlan High Men In Seattle Primaries SEATTLE. Feb. 25: The Seattle mayoralty election will be fought ...i ti.rxh . a hotween John F. out Vll - - prominent lawyer of the city. Dore, . . n.u... tr Tint-Inn who and Mayor nuucii, came out on top in the primaries. .... !(.. ih well known or- VIC mcjv. - - chestra conductor. Is back making music. He receiver less w -.""v out of 113,000 at the primaries. WHEAT UP A (IAIN TODAY VANCOUVER. Feb. 25: - Wheat was quoted ai oin- ---exchange today, this being a gain of He from yesiemaj- ALASKA WEATHER KeUhlkan-IlaX": 'owr 40' Juneau-Hfch. 40; low. 18. BRITAIN PEGS ITS DOMESTIC WHEAT LONDON. Feb. 25: The standard price of ten shillings per hundredweight of 112 pounds, or about $130 at par for a fifl-nnunrt hnthpJ fnr rlru 4 mestlc grown wheat Is fixed In the government s wheat quota bill, the text of which was made public yesterday. MEETING OF NAVY BODY Loral League in Annual Session Report of President Shows Work Done The annual meeting of the Navy League of Canada, Prince Rupert; Branch, was held last eveninc w.th a fair attendance of interested ind enthusiastic members. The affairs i of the League were found in a very ! satisfactory condition, membership numbering 64. After the transaction of routine bu4nK,the otlleersjpf J931 were re-elected for 1932. A vote of thanks from the Navy Lea iru e was extended to Mr. and Mrs. A. 11. Young. Mr. Young for efficient work In training the boys, and Mrs. Young for her help in so cial affairs connected with the Sea Cadet Corps. Lieut. W. Hume, R.C.N.V.R. was thanked for co-operation in allowing the unit the use of the R.CN.V R premises and equipment. Instructor A. H. Young brought before the meeting particulars. regarding the Royal Life Saving So-clty Club. After due consideration Mr Young was authorized to form a Life Saving Class under the Jurisdiction-of the Royal Life Saving Society, which will be formed by the R.C.N.V.R., Prince Rupert A vote of thanks was passed to J. Macfle for his assistance In the training of the boys and at Cadet nanies. Lieut. R. Blance reported mere are one or two vacancies for boys in the Sea Cadet Corps. Chairman's Report The report of the chairman, T. II. Johnson, for the year follows: "It Is for the fourth time that I submit a brief report of the activities of the Prince Rupert Branch of the Navy League of Canada. "Durlne the oast year this branch of the Navy League of Canada has continued its usual activities, al though handicapped to some extent by the existing commercial depression. The various meetings of the executive committee have been well attended, and our honorary secre- tarv. Mr. W. O. Vlgar, has continued to give his time willingly for the good of the Navy League. Mr. Phillip M. Ray still holds himself ready at all times to supply books and magazines to anv deepsea vessels which may visit this port. "While we cannot show such an excellent financial position as we did last year, nevertheless, consid ering general conditions, we must still call our financial position sa tlsfactorv. "We have 64 members in good Continued on Page 3. WEATHER REPORT Langara Rain, light southeast wind, light swell. Triple Island Overcast, strong southeast wind, moderate sea. Dead Tree Point Rain, light southeast wind, barometer, 29.44; temperature, 48: light swell. NOW MORE TROOPS AGAINST Olof Hanson M.P. Asks govirnoienl wa.it i& bei . ci :iu m regard lu fish duty negotiations. QUERY ON ! FISH DUTY Olcf Hanson, Local Member, A:ks Questions of Government Regarding this Matter OTTAWA, Feb. 25 Olof Hanson, Liberal member for Skeena, intends asking in the House of Commons what progress has been made In negotiations with the United States In regard to the duty on Canadian fish going into that country. Mr. Hanson has also given notice that he will ask if negotiations are proceeding at the present time. RENO MILL IS BURNED Damage of $90,000 at Interior Mine Fully Covered By Insurance NELSON. Feb. 25: Fire this morning destroyed the mill of the Reno Gold Mines Ltd. in the Sheep Creek district The loss of $00,000 was covered by Insurance. Reconstruction of the mill will start Immediately. GOLD STAMPEDE IS REPORTED ON AIR News broadcasts from Uni- ted States radio stations last night declared that a mlnla- ture stampede was developing following the discovery of gold nuggeu a, large as beans' IZlnT01 1 t0" 1 British Columbia Some pros- pectors were mushing in whUe r oiners were vraveiiiiig mj vne t scene by airplane, it was said. The reports are believed to be caused by the activities of a party of gold seekers going in- to the north from Burns Lake. - DECIDED mmmm DEATH FOR MRS. JUDD Sentenced to Hang My 11 For Murder of Agnes Lcrol PHOENIX, Ariz, Feb. 25: Mrs. Winnie Ruth Judd, who had been convicted of the murder ot her friend, Agnes Leroi, was sentenced by Judge Howard Speaknian yesterday to be hanged at the Arizona State Prison on May 11. Mrs. Judd interrupted the judge during passing ot sentence with protestation of her Innocence. Only appeal to higher courts can now save Mrs. Judd's life. TEACHER STABBED Inquiries Received Here Regarding Incident in Klspiox Valley Inquiries were received at the Dally News office today from Van couver requesting details regarding the stabbing of a teacher near Kls piox in the interior. Up to early this ; afternoon police headquarters were I In receipt of no definite lnforma-j tion of such a report. There was. however, believed to be some foun-atlon for the report and further Inquiries were at once Instituted. According to the Oovernmcnt Telegraphs at-Haselton, police officers and a doctor had left there for Klspiox and had not returned up to mid-afternoon today. The road to Kisplox, owing to hea,vy snow, Is open only to sleighs. i Klspiox had been found with a . !fc , or fa t M , Schoo, No definite reports are yet available. The name of the teacher was not given. ' Until 1780 naval guns wero fired by means of a priming and a piece of match rope. Naval Headquarters of Invaders Bombarded By Big Artillery Fire Between 1200 and 1500 Defending Soldiers Killed Since Week-end Prolonged Conflict in Far East Is Foreseen Now CHINA REGAINS LOST GROUND ' SHANGHAI, Feh. 25: Held all day under heavy Japanese bombardment, Chinese troops in the Kiagwan sector of the Chapei-Woosung front swarmed out of their trenches this evening and launched a swift counter-attack as a result of which they gained back nearly all the ground they had lost in the Japanese drive during the day. SHANGHAI, Feb. 25: Sixty thousand additional Jap anese troops are being brought from Japan to reinforce the 25,000 men already here in continuing the attack on Chinese strongholds here, it was announced at Japanese military headquarters yesterday. Every available man was rushed to Kiagwan by the Japanese yesterday, massing of Chinese troops there be - lng taken as a-slgnal of attempt to smasn we Japanese lines. A protest was sent to the United I States by Japan yesterday at the fact that Robert Short, an Ameri can aviator, who was shot down and killed from a pursuit plane on Monday, was serving for the Chinese against Japan. The United States Is being requested to prohibit Americans from fighting ac tively against the Japanese. Mean time It is declared that many of the bombing planes of the Chinese are manned by foreigners particularly Americans. Aircraft are continuing to play a more and more important part In the conflict here. The Japanese excel the Chinese considerably In this form of warfare. China is virtually making a national hero ot Robert Short. The Nationalist government Is requesting permission to give Short a national military funeral. His body Is sxpected to arrive here -today. The Chinese renewed artUlery bombardment from Chapel last night of Japanese naval headquarters. Between 1200 and 1500 Chinese soldiers have been killed since last Saturday in defence of Chinese positions against the Japanese invaders. It was stated last night by General Tsal, Chinese commander-in-chief. League Sees Consequences GENEVA, Feb. 25: Momentous consequences are seen by League ot Nations observers following the successful resistance of the Chinese against the Japanese attacks at Shanghai. That this may lead to a prolonged and bloody conflict In the Far East is feared. China, It Is learned here, has placed huge or ders in Germany for war materials and Is preparing tor months, If not years, ot fighting. The threatened Japanese invasion Is having the effect ot consolidating various elements in China which have conflicted In the past Italian. Cruiser Shelled WASHINGTON. D.C., Feb. 25: Admiral M.N. Taylor, commander-in-chief ot the United States naval squadron lying off Shanghai, re- ! ported to the government yesterday j that a shell from Chinese land guns I had struck the Italian cruiser Libia, which Is lying In the Whangpoo River, and pierced her side. The commander of the Italian warship had threatened to return the tire. UPON CHINESE ; HELD BY WEATHER Planes Unable to Start Search For Graham and Mrs. Christotfer-son Owing to Storms Search planes, which have been poised for almost a week at Prince George and Atlln ready to hop off, were still being delayed this morning by unfavorable weather in starting their quest by air for William R. Graham, Nome pilot and his companion and backer, Mrs. Edna Chrlstofferson ot Portland, who have been missing since Monday ot last week on a flight from Hazelton to Atlln while on their way to the Arctic Ocean to salvage the fur cargo ot the Hudson Bay Co.'s trading steamer Baychlmo, which was lost during the winter In the Ice. Their Bellanca plane was last sighted on Monday afternoon over Nahlln, 100 miles south of Atlln. Pilot S. E. McMillan will conduct a search from Atlln while Pilot E. P. II. Wells Is ready to go from Prince George. Both are Canadian Airways planes. Authorities of Canada and the United States are co-operating in search plans. TO CONFER ON LI0U0R Gathering of Republican Party to Be Held In Chicago Next Month WASHINGTON. D.Oi Feb. 25: The Republican party has decided to hold a party meeting In Chicago on March 4, with delegates In at tendance from all states In the union, to discuss the party's attitude on prohibition. Dr. Nicholas Murray Butler, president ot Columbia University, will be the principal speaker. John W. King, port steward oi Canadian NaUonal Steamships, who haK been here for a brief vis t on official duties, will sail by the Prince George tonight on his return to Vancouver.