PAGE EDC Having acquired the interest of the late H. S. Wallace in the H. S. Wallace Co. Ltd. the store will be closed for three days, FRIDAY, SATURDAY, and MONDAY, to enable the staff to go completely through the stock and adjust prices for Big Dissolution Sale Which Will Commence TUESDAY, MARCH 1 WE SPECIALIZE IN COAL wm 1 11JAU'VJW which elves the greatest heat for the money expended, believing that a satisfied customer is the greatest asset a merrhant can have. Phone us for a trial order and join the family f contented householders who are using the best fuel in town. Philpott Evitt & Co. Ltd. 1'hone 618 Telephone Service to Vancouver Victoria etc. WW OPEN i It is now possible to telephone from Prince Rupert to points throughout Canada and the United States. Ask the operator for "Long Distance." Hate to Vancouver One minute $3.00 Two minutes $3.13 Three minutes $3 JO Hate to Victoria One minute ZX5 Two minutes $350 Three minutes $3.55 S For the present the hours of: service arc 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. North-west Telephone Co. Early Ad. Copy is appreciated Prince George Moves , Out of Dry Dock; to ! Go In Service Tonight 1 Having completed annual over haul In th: local dry dock, C.NJt. , steamer Prince George, Capt. H. B. Nedden, moved from the shipyard to the Canadian National wharf about mid-afternoon yesterday and ' this evening will sail for Ocean j Paills. Powell River and Vancouver, i ed overhaul is being attended to. ECONOMY SPECIALS Get It While It Lasts We have a limited quantity of this line which we offer at reduced price Braid's Tea With cups It saucers, per lb Economy Brand Coffee freshly ground, 3 lbs 45c! 85c! Elmer Golden Bantam Corn f Cp r nr tin Aylmer Orange Marmalade 40-ounce Jar Heine Cream of Tomato Soup, small, 0 tins Heinz Pork St Beans- medium, 6 tins RowntreeW Codos Famous to drink, 4's, Sunklst Oranges 5 dozen Sunklst Oranges Large size, 2 dozen Chocolate Bars Good for school children. 8 Pure Lard Z'a ,JFb. for & Pure Lard 5 's 5 lbs for 33c 85c 85c 24c 95c 95c 25c 40c THE DAILY NEWS Thursday, Febma; CONTROL OF LOCAL FIRM PURCHASED O. Minns Take Ovef of Late II. S. Wallace partmcntal Store TEA WAS sceen of a delightful and success lnnrsts Scottish Travel Following the demise of the senior partner In the firm of II. S. Wallace Si Co. Ltd. the total outstanding interosus in the company have been purchased by C. G. Minns of Fulton Street. Mr. Minns has managed the business since 1918 but up to the pre- SUCCESS relieving the Prince Rupert. Capt.' " D. Donald, on the run between here .Affair Held Yesterday Afternoon By and Vancouver. United Church W. M. S. at The Prince Rupert, on arriving Home of .Mrs. W. T. Kergin this evening from Anyox and Stew- art. will be withdrawn from aer- The home of Mrs. W. T. Kergln. vice and will move up to the dry Fourth Avenue Bast, formed the dock tomorrow afternoon to re ceive her annual overhaul. Mission Boat Is In Dry Dock Kev. It. C. Srott Spending Few Days In City While Work Goine on The United Ohurch mission boat Thomas Crosby is in dock for re pairs and will be here yet for srv- eral days. She met with a little mishap at the week-end off Tugwell Island, and Rev R. C. Scott, the missionary in charge, brought her In to the dry dock where she to being repaired and where other need ful tea and sale of home cooking held yesterday afternoon by the Women's .Missionary Society of First United Church. The spacious room were attractively decorated for the occasion with potted plants and spring flowers, the tea table being centred with mauve and blue flowers. Despite Inclement weather, many ladle called throughout the afternoon. The hostesses, Mrs. W. T. Kergin and Mrs. W. II. Kergln. were assis ted in receiving by Mrs. Alfred Wil son. Mrs. J:J. Payne. Hrs. Hugh KUIin. Mrs. G. A. Edgeeumbe and Mrs. Helen Macfie poured and ser- viteurs were Mrs. W. B. Cornish, Mrs. N. Thomas and Mrs. R. II. Bedford Mrs. James Krikevsky. Mrs O. V. Wilkinson and Mrs. J. S. Irvine had charge of the tea room. Mrs. O. F. Davey was cashier. In charge of the sale of home cooking were Mrs D. Santerbane and Mrs. O. Cicconne. During the afternoon there was a delightful musical program which Included vocal solos by Mrs. J. H. McLeod and Mrs. S. D. Johnston, accompanied by Mrs. E. J. Smith and Miss Maude BoldtR.N. respectively, piano solos by Miss M. A. Way and Miss Swanna Olafson, violin and piano duets by Misses Ruth and Edith Wilkinson and recitations by Mrs. Charles Lord. Mail Schedule CLOSES AT POST OFFICE: For the East Monday, Wednesday and Fri day 2 p.m From the East Saturday, Tuesday and Thursday 10:40 am For Vancouver Tuesday 12:30 noon Thursday 9 pjn. Friday 11 pjn. Feb. 14 and 28 pjn. From Vancouver- Sunday ..... pm Wednesday ' '. ' '' 10:30 a.m. Friday pm Feb. 10 and 24 pm Sunday 8 pm For Stewart and Anyox Wednesday 3 pm From Stewart and Anyox Tuesday . 11:30 am. Thursday 8 pm. mm g i "t iiui ivircr anu iuiv omifsuii UCr Sunday 8 nm.i rmn, v. nr...; Cn M,iafMml 4 doz. f, n. I Feb. 14 and 28 pm. Larry Mor es i 1 : ;,a,sftka- Feb. 10 and 24 - pm. "Where Dollars Have More Cents" i ; No. 1 Store Fifth Ave. rhone 18-84 Oeorge and oQier interior points. On Sunday Is Now Different LONDON. Fh. 24: This attitude NEW ACTOR IS WINNER It is no slur on cither Claudette Colbert, that charming brunette actress, or Qary Cooper, the strong silent hero, to say that the show in "His Woman," mid-week offering at the Capitol Theatre, is stolen from both of them by a real newcomer to the screen in the person lr.f Xfr nioharri Rnlrn Mr Rnlrn ta J I ..... MBM -J J . U dimpled and beautiful. Ills enunciation may not be so good but his gurgles and even his howls are ut Prince Rupert, who will continue to . . ? 7 - , .to!0' Scotland towrds trawl nn on U terly harming. u nnpmtj. ih. m rfP,rtmPnfi , andSawbalh" hafi completely changed months old. at the corner of Third Avenue ile is just nine in receni years, according to uie swry 01 urn woman- con- General Manager of the Glasgow cerns a sea captain who, while go-Transport Department. The ma- ing ashore at a foreign port, finds pnt tim. h.. t,M nniv a minoritv ' Jorlty of the cltlwis see the day a baby floating in the water. He de- "' &Ue6" Mon stog their cides to adopt the infant and sear-control interest in it He is now In complete travels- A ew ao the traffic :hes for a woman to take care of i after 9 it. A girl, who has but wa" ne8l'8'le pan., whereas anything a To start with Mr Minns Is put- business' lt heavlest thl hour "Ptaon n the town, ap- ling on a readjustment .:ilp at uhlh h nrnmlwi anmp : Tram and bus services run in tho plies for the Job and the captain. forenoon for church-goers wonderful values. During the time have the business has been in the hands !ner pald anrt ncver wiil P' helicvinf? her to be decent and comix-tent ukes her on. The captain , Vw. i.l I n W.. 1 notProved of at 10 th finds out about her past he tries has been handicapped in not being rkm c,assts but used b bu" fo,rKCt her 8ev' lodramatic allowed to make extensive pur- and n,hers .'vents ensue and finally. moving chases. Now orders are being placed ,men the centre of the city The -f the baby, the captain and the for new goods and by the time the ' with(,rawal of ne-cent !ui--s wmild "l forgive each other and marry, sale is over a complete new stock will be on hand j result in the : eduction of th, 1Unv Mks Colbert plays the part of the With the business now in local br.of PMSenwrs- UEeiyairl and Ciwper. the captain. Both addlUonaI revenue a, quit themselves with credit. control a progressive policy Is pro-ipnwuce mised M KTI t Week-End Specials Swift's Pure Laid 3-lb. tin Alberta Rose Flour- per 49-lb. sack . Alberta Rose Flour per 24-Ib. sack Matkin's Best Coffee 1-lb. tin Malkln's Best Teal-lb. pkg Royal City Fancy Peas Stse 4. 2 tins 40c S1.35 70c 40c 40c 25c Royal City Choice Tomatoes OCp 248, 2 tins &Ol, Malktn's Best Pure Honey 7fp . 4-lb. tin ' u Buckeye Corn Meal 10-lb. sack Purity Rolled Oats Qflp 6-lb. sack OUi Ensign Golden Wax Beans OET 2's, 2 tins UOK, Jap Rice 6 lbs. Premium Bologna Sliced per lb. . ,. Sweet Mixed Pkkles- Navel 8weet Oranges Alberta Market P. GAMULA, No,4 Store 127 Third Av. rhone 375. lhe city, on .1W morning's train r,,,n a,r"1" from a builness trip to Prince Poprfetor Phone 208 NESTLfi'S llrwlMt CONDENSED EVAPORATED Tn 4 ttkr Sim) Sweetened Coadeattd Milk ht the Blue Label Unsweetened Evaporated Milk bat the White Label Wednesday &v nvo show' . , , f TWO (,ltr,T Punt... w. ... . HIS WOli A hard -hi Sli hardhueddaBlfh Married bnthaB0 ATai amount thk, Comedy- "Srj-il..), .. Another Exccfc li'ograni Feature si . ADMISSION , j- TIlinsDAY M'TlMr rraiure ai.iri- r r... ... . THE CIlAMr estle's-World's Largest Producers and Sellers of Condensed and Evaporated Milk CREAM Drop sweetened milk delici hi in T r-j Y i r . :i ens and rrcr j : coffee and coc x T5 evaporated is I'ftf-ened and add a r fornr richnr t milk disbes c ' vising sugar. The Fish which made Prince RuperlFamu "Rupert Brand SMOKED BLACK COD Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Siorage Co., Ill PRINCE RUPERT, R.C 25c 20c 35c 95c ,l:M " P ' 25c Mussallem's Cash &;rTfc COAL Satisfaction guarantee with Our Famous Ed son and Bulk-ley Valley COAL: No. 1 Bulk-ley Valley Wheat, Oats and Barley. Pratt's Chick Food, Seeds and Fertilisers. Prince Rupert Feed Co I'HONE 58 & 558 rsaamosssri TELEPHONE $ VALENTIN D.MrF0 SKEENA BRAND Creamery Butter1 Cottage Chee m.exrnt!7.EU,a ri" Early DtUrtnJ me ' htiit SgNOWS SAW? The most economical saws to Simond Canada Sw Co. Llmitfd.St.Rcmi A',';! Vancouvtr, B.C MONTREAL .