1: - ' - - . i- : ' lypBpMMMMBMHigiiMjaicM : 1 A CME IMPORTERS BOOTH WINS Travels By, Plane FALCONS ARE IN SOCCER Defeated Borden Street School. By Odd Goal In Junior, Football League IU was, only, after, a strong, finish that Booth, Memorial School was able to make the goal' that gave a, narrow win by two goals, to one over . over Bordert Streot School last eve-1 ning in a regular Junior Football '? League fixture. Booth players had hill and sun in ttwir favor and pressed most of i the first hJf. Cone shot Jui past and later Nelson was neatly through ' but lost eontrol of the bait Borden ; now had more of the game and j Blake did well to save at the up- J right from Shrubsall. Eby got the ball away -when things looked dan- gerous. toe Booth and then Oomez I came through to put Booth a goal ' up. The lighter Borden players were j fighting hard but lacked the strength to clear strongly. "Nelson I later hit the upright from close in and Annesley cleared from McMee-kin and again from Oomez. Borden was dangerous and Shrubsall shot past. They forced a corner but it was cleared. Booth then made headway and Hong cleared as did Currle a moment later when Oomez was dangerous. Lindsay made a good run but Ritchie cleared. Shrubsall was limping from a bad kick but pluckily stayed Baseball Standings American League W. L New York 24 9 Washington 22 13 Detroit 18. IS Philadelphia 18 18 St. Loots 19 18 Cleveland 18 19 Chisago 13 21 Button s 27 National League Chicago 24 12 Boston, r... 22 ,12 CtaeHuto. ......20 20 St. Luls-. . . .'.-I :. 16 19- New York, 14 17 Pittsburg 14 17 Brooklyn 15 21 Philadelphia 15 22 Pet .727 .629 .545 .529 .514 .486 382 .182 .667 .647 .500 .452 .452 .417 .405 FOOTBALL Canadian Lesion vs. lUglment TONIGHT, 6:30 K. O Oandir Dowp:. English tennis star, keeps hi.- numerous playing engagements by plane. Here we see him about to make a flight to Bournemouth after finishing a game at Kensington. in the game and was rewarded by -beating Blake for the equalizing goal. This gave new life to the game Rifle ,ri SnOOt TrODiW and Oomez and Nelson were dan- r J gerous till McMeekln luckily turned a cross from Nelson past Annesley Just after a cross from Oomez went right across the goal mouth but MacDonald missed. Borden attacked but Pulton cleared and Booth held the one goal lead. Booth Blake; DeMarco, Ritchie; MacDonald. Eby. Fulton: Nelson, Lear, Gomez, McGreish, McMeekln Borden Annesley; Purrie. Hong: Naylor, Veitch, Houston; Lindsay. O'Neill. Shrubsall, Campbell. Mc-Ouire. Referee D. H. Hartness. Linesmen A. Ivarson and Mary Jane Kellogg of Willmette, 111., with one oi the cups American middleweet rifle teams shot H out for. The American legion trophy went to Wmukegan high ' school REGIMENT LINE-UP Regiment Une-up for tonight's senior football game is announced as follows: T. 8mlth, B. Thurbtr, B. Hunt, P. Edgeeumbe, P. beJong, O. Wing- ham, A. Walters. J. Red path. M. Watson, M. Cokuwi. C J Nor ring ton. Reserves: Vance, Clark and Wll son. ISfflsl i urn 59 LONDON PRY GIN This advertisement is not published or displayed, by tn Llquo'i Control Board or by the Ooverpment , ' of British Columbia, NOW LEADING High School Softball Game. Played on Wednesday In . yesterday's regular High School softball fixture, the Pirates were defeated by Falcons.by a 10-5 ! score. As a result, the Falcons consolidated their first place position. Although the score was very close at times, the Falcons had no trouble in dealing with the Pirates 1 and were able to keep a comfortable lead all through the game. The play was ragged at times and, as a whole, it was not up to the standard of orevtous games. The Pirates were j hort some of their players and no doubt will make a better showint next time. The batteries for the Falcoru were Allen and Chri$tenson and foi. Pirates Kanaya, Nakaraoto and Postulo. Umpire W. Tobey. Base Umpire H. Morgan. Scorekeeper Y. Kishlraoto. Reporter S". Kanaya. The next game will be played on Friday. WILDCATS WIN SOFTBALL AT BOOTH SCHOOL In the. Boys' Softball League at Booth Memorial School Ritchie's Wildcats turned the tables on Gomez" Hornets yesterday afternoon when they scored 15 runs to the . tatter's nine. The Hornets got away to a flying j start, scoring six runs in the first and one in the second, while Mc- j Orelsh held the Wildcats scoreless. ' But the Wildcats! added three in the third, six in the fourth, four in the fifth and two in the seventh while ' we nomeu couia only score one. I in each of the fifth and sixth. Rit- I VllA AA tnmA V. nr. .... (.1,41 .k 1 1 - 'I ovine t.ca.jr uiibuig i Emmerson's catch was a fielding; feature. Snldal did some clever base j running. Wildcats Glllis e, Orosvenor lb., McMeekln 3b., Ritchie p, captain. ; Snldal. Hirano cf., Emmerson rf.. Dell m Berner If. ' Hornets McOrelsh p.. Lear rf., Oomez 2b. (captain). Larsen If,. MacDooaJd c. Nelson cf.. DeMarco 3b, Eby lb. 'captain). Fulton ss, Umpire J. Hutchinson. ! Big League' Scores ft National Leacue Brooklyn 2, Boston 4. New York 12v Philadelphia 8. Pittsburg 9. Cincinnati 4. Chicago 3, St Louis 0, No American League games. Baseball Scores PACIFIC COAST LEAGUE Seattle 14-7. Sacramento 2-1. Los Angeles 7-1, San Francisco 5- Portland 6-1. Oakland 0-0; Hollywood 5-2; Missions 23. BASEBALL SCHEDULE May 27 Elks vs. Empress. May 30 Empress vs. 8. O. C. June 38. O. C: vs. Elks. June 6 Empress vs. Elks. June 10 S O. C( vs. Empress. June. 13 Elks. vs. S. O. C. June 17 EJks vs. Empress. June-20r-Em press vs. 8, O. C. June 24 S: O. C. vs. Elks. Juue. 27 Empress vs. Elks, July 1 S. 6. C. vs. Empress. July 4-Elks vs. 8. O. C. July 8 Elks. vs. Empress. July 11 Empress xs. 8. O. C. July 15-8. O. C. vs. Elks. ' ' v: v Senior Football May 26r-CanadJan Legion vs, Regiment, May 31 Home Oi vs. Canadian. Legjon. 1 June 2-Recjment' vs. Merchants. June 7 Canadian Legion vs. Uerduntj. I BiMtEM&E Avis 1 Sale Starts V M W VI Sale Starts I PRinAY 3k 1A .P. FBITYAV BNPaM flHB AMI We-ace. compelled to sacrifice all of our largestock of Men's Weac iix. order taob taia money enough to pay. our. bills. To, do. this, our whole up-to-date stock is novy being offered at unheard of prices. We MUST, sell it, even at a sacrifice! This gives you: the opportunity to buy NEW, CLE ANi goods, at leas than manufacturers' cost Here Ar& a Few of the Prices DRESS SHIRTS A nice lot of Dress Shirts in broadcloths. Regular values up. to $1.75. Sacrifice Sale Price CPJt, WORK SHIRTS. One lot of Work Shirts. Wonderful value 7Ep Sacrifice Sale Price 1 MEN'S SOCKS Men's Cashmere Socks. St. Margaret's make. Regular value up. to 95c. C-f -f A Sacrifice Sale Price, 3 pairs for J-X V MEN'S UNDERWEAR Men's Underwear. Stanfields. Medium weight Short sleeves. Regular $2.50 value Sacrifice Sale Price ?i.UJ MEN'S CAPS One lot of Men's Caps. Regular values up to Qf $2.00. Sacrifice Sale Price BOYS' CAPS Boys Caps in a big assortment Values up to r7? $1.50. Sacrifice Sale Price OK ' ' ! TENNIS SHOES Tennis Shoes, a'very, large selection to go at cost price MEN'S POLO SHIRTS Men's Silk. Rayon Polo Shirts. Assorted Q'lP shades. Sacrifice Sale Price v "FLIGHT" SHIRTS The famous "Flight" Shirt. Made by Tookes, of Montreal. Teh different colors. Known all over Canada as "stabilized" will not shrink, fade Qf Qff Or stretcli. 'Sacrifice Sale Price ?ie7tP. ; BOYS' SUITS. . 12 only Boys' Suits. Short pants, bloomer m have two pairs of pants QS) nc i t To go at . VJ0 MES WORK SOCKS Men's AIL Wool Work Socks, Regular 3.V Attn vahift. ShprifiVo Snli PHpo. 2 tin In far Uv SEMI-DRESS, SHIRTS A nice lot of Semi-Dress Shirt. Rogulav Q4 t)t ! value. Sacrifice Sale Price ....... V-lu MEN'S- SWEATER' COATS Men's Heavy Jumbo, Knit Sweater Coat", A- r in all shades, to go at CO (K Sacrifice Sale Price vV BOYS'-SWEATERS & PULLOVERS j Boys' Jumbo Sweaters and Pullover?, in QCn 1 assorted colors. Sacrifice Sale Price " MEN'S SUITS ;uen s ayiis in worsteds ana i weeus. terns and in the latest snrinc stvlen. Y Silk lined. Regular $28 to $85 values Q-i R Qfl Sacrifice Sale Price BILTMORE HATS Biltmore HaU. Regular up to $G.50 vahu- 2Q Gj? Sacrifice Sale Price ptf MEN'S UNDERWEAR Men's Silk Rayon Combination Undenv. QfC Regular $1.50 value. Sacrifice Sale Pru . uuv MEN'S SHOES Men's Shoes. A nice selection of well make ford style. All sizea from 6 to 10 CQ Qh Sacrifice Sale Price ?0vu OUR LEADER! MEN'S BLUE . SERGE SUITS Guaranteed indigo dye; will not fade; 18-ounce serge; Regular value $32.50. Sacrifice Sale Price $22.85 Acme Importers - - Third Avenue Mail Orders Filled at These Prices Terms : Cash ; No C.O.D. Steamship Sailings; For Vnnemvfi Tuesday-M) Catala Ii30 pan. Thursday -m. Pr. Oeorgef-10 p.m . Frlday-ia. prlo, Adelaide lp o.n. 8a. Catilena,'. mldnifiht May 25-. prin. Alice,, ' p.m. ' Vorouej-.i . - 8juiday m. Oatala ,tJ p.m. Thurs . Pr. Oeorge J-t p.m. Wed sa. Pr Oeorue 10:30am Friday-. Cardena p.m. Ss. Princess Adelaide p.m. May 2las. Prin. Alice ajn. For Naa Klver and Port Slmporir-"Sundoy-m catala. 9 pjn. From Naan Hlvcr ft Port SlmpMmr-Tuesday ss. Catala .... 11:30 ajn. For Stewart aad Anjox Sunday as. Catala. .. .... 0 p ro, l Wed -as. Pv. Oeorse 4 p.m. 1 Mom Queen Charlotie I Stewart ruart nnil and Anvnr 4 . n I ii. in nr4 'li Ti rrom Tuesday-ss. Catala .. . 11:30 a.m. For Ocean Pall Tuesday as. CainU t-m m Thurv-a. Pr. Ocorgo .... 10 p.mJ rnqay-as. prln. Ad?laido-10 p.m From Ocean Fall Wed-u. Pr. oeorge . 10:30 Frldayr-ss. Cardena: .'. : .'p.m. 8a. Crintasa. Adelaide, fan, it Isbnd'- i aiiu ftiay . ..,, For, tjuecn Charlotte May 14 and M - p For. Alaka May 21- s. F"11 Fronii laka Mnv 2588. Prin Alu''' From Skeena Itlv r-- Friday-as. Cardena Advertise to the Dan."