FADE TWO THE DAILY NEWS. rnixcE ncPEKT - British Columbia Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News, Limited. Third Avenue H. F. PULLEN do cents per hour. Managing-Editor . . i: SUBSCRIPTION RATES MACMILLAN ON EUROPE paper At I City delivery, by mall or carrier, yearly period, paid in advance 5.00 For lesser periods, paid In advance . per week 10o By mall to all parts ol Northern and Central British Columbia, paid in advance for yearly period . 3.00 By mail to all other parts of British Columbia, the British Em "Russian newsprint is being sold at $41 a ton in San Francisco, underselling Canada and the East Coast of the United States. Sulphite pulp is being sold at $24 at California ports, seriously affecting prices at importing ports." Mr. MacMillan is not pessimistic as to the future but he , (By "Davaar") Along the seaboard of British Columbia we have lighthouse keep- position with between one and two million unemployed. I ers m wno6e interesting lives have Within the past three months this country has felt the full ZCldL? effect of the depression and has been shocked by bad busi-jSrove !u eE 5 ness failures. Her national deficit amounts to $200,000,000! sung heroe and heroines in spite annually while adverse trade is $480,000,000 and the na-if their obscurity, tional railways are losing $100,000,000 a year. j n Good Friday last, as I logged In Germany b, state decree, wage, and prices have been ; 0?ns icuuvcu as wcu its laies tn interest, ireignt ana COmmQ-jJourn to Northern B.C,. little did I dity prices, postage, power and water. Half the trade tin-'think of the drama- that! was U be ion members are out of employment and incomes are low. i enacted a few hours afterwards in TW,nc nf WoUA, nf w; ; u u itne little white home perched on . - uj.ug pun ci in Micw ui re -f5urf pomt which Juts out Into MI11- tions, there is unemployment in Canada. Britain blames; bank sound, marking the western France for wilfully destroying the pound sterling and extremity of the sheltered seaforth rocking the European boat as a demonstration of strength (Cnannei- ivory island is approxi-to Germany but the psychological time for compromise' atelfr 325 Mtih by west c06 natrs hr cor, with Britain as medi?tor fo1- zzxz lowed by a return of confidence, enterprise, employment side Passage.- The lightkeeper is and trade. The British are of this opinion and that the; Mr. Greenwood with Mrs. oreen-tariff will afford protection and bargaining power. wood M nls onJy assistant. They ri2r?M?5; W"? k Mma and ran to taST2ST51IS given in air. juacAlllian s OWTl wortls: duties, besides being most capable "There still remains for consideration the situation in 'through having many years of ser-Russia, which in some ways profoundly affects Canada, I v'ce in several of the mast outlying Russia's credit is declining and if she does not pay what jt,so,ated uhth0USM on th can anyone do about it? Their efforts unpacking, the se-1 judging from the nature of their cond five-year plan became effective in October last with lives one would expect them to be additional rewards promised to workers in the way of , morose and reserved but. on meet-home comforts. ln them for the first Ume recently, "Some striking visible effects of Russian competition1 ) uTjSSXi may be Cited. 0jten received a friendly wave from "Gasoline sells in Holland at 10.4 cents nnr fTrinpnnl rrnl' them when steaming past the Ion and at 22.6 cents per gallon (including, sixpence tax) XTn f Oreenwood' thh in VnnUnA 1 ' getting on in years, seems always ' mrrrvnnri aav mnrt aolla nnrt full "To compete with Russian timber we must sell at $8 per i pep. with lots of London pawky M hre. In the last five years Russia is the only country tOhumor Mr oreenwood. trained in show an increase in timber export. Up to three years aco,ilhf jd. ,ndJam. ,s aiso-brim- ? iftT ot thHe W stcsVl c? n $ SXTSrsS t3 sell n f from m fifty to one hundred million feet of railway ties the pacific, m one ot those winter to the United Kinguom. At present none are being sold and: Wows so often tragically exper-to do so the price would have to be $3 per M. ,enccd y the hardy off-shore fish- bw eden, I inland and and has Norway, forced wages down, adrift m a dory for four days. Jn these countries loggers and unskilled mill hands get 551 They are both great naturalists cenisuauy ami board themselves; skilled sawm abor SI : with a vast store of information to $1.10 (lailv.and mnphinp fpnflnrs in mnm- tnilla voifa about sea bird life. To Get Meat However, to get to the main theme of this article. It transpired that Mr. Greenwood decided to re . . . - plenlsh his larder so, about mld- Iday, the weather being auspicious. he rowed to the east side of the i Island which is about half a mile strnnirl'v iirfrn ihp hnlnnrimr f KiwIrrAto o,l oil ,!;..: 'square and covered with stunted - nrj, e'J v,w """vti, v. umi(,ciD uiiu 1111 aujuatlliy i trees ourselves to a new standard 6f He Hying. Bays! 0n beaching his boat he shoui- 'A 11 Jltotli. nnkTll . v. i 1 1 .'v. 1 . 1!.f ttr l J I 1.1. I - j ic ic juawjr akLMKiiuu wj uux 5iamia.ru oi llvinir, we uc,ru nis oea nut, ana accom- will seek to protect it. It us remember that we are all here because and so long as we can make a livinc sellincr panled by" hU faithful spaniel, was In the act of stepping on to the forest, mine lnj Ifishproducts in foreiBn land... We cannot,Sy,ST,: rocks when he trlDDed and fell. influence the sale price. That price at present goes chief ly 1 though he had previously attended to pay two charges, and two only taxes and wages. The to the safety click. His right thumb taxes come first. The higher the taxes the less there is left was comPietiy blown away, and for wages. The wage earner has, of all people, the greatest tis thlgh rece,vpd practically interest in bringing about a decrease of all tamf pub- SVS.'S-f SlfS- HC expenuitUre. nose whUe another lodged In his TK? ,P4US NEWS Mcnaiy. Mnv 9 1932 Drama Enacted Recently at Ivory Island Is Typical of Life on Bleak North Coast V: l: broom for support' accomplishing on tile rocky shore of Ivory Island rounding Dryad. Point Lighthouse the homeward journey In three and nd making the landing, most dlf- n,n.,, a half hours, which ordinarily Is a flcult. The doctor and his crew were " "piui ten minutes' walls. The-brave little all visitors to the Island on pre? Once again Dr. Darby und hu woman got her husband in doors vlous occasions, thus simplifying cm uu ut nurses nave de. . ........ ... .1 .4. 1 monstrated the usefulm. ana lavisnea an me uiicuuuii one hwucis. m could to ease the excruciating pain. ... r, . properly equipped hospital in the At this time of the year there Is U!"1 c' , iUiKoasiiso.aieareg.ons of British very little shipping across Millbank Needless toVafc. Ivory. .Island t pplumbla, for Mr. Ortvm j, Sound and. as months often elapse Lighthouse continued unlnterrup- slowly recovering after the extra without a single visitor, she was al- tedly to flash its friendly ray across tlon of numerous pellet of lead In. most frantic to know what to do. the treacherous waters of Millbank eluding the- one close to the nm, Manv heroic deeds were accomplished daily by the three Jn,t,ni.tiw,v ,. nmvi amMtiv sound that night thanks to Mrs. vein. great engineers Winstanly, Rudyard "and Smeaton that help might be sent her In her Grcenwood-thus recalling the lines. Dr. Darby most consldenw, f.,;fu v,,v v.i.nrl-lo nf n.n-Vo.c rlnnnrr fT,n. araMinn nf thp hm.r nf riistrpss written in the visitors' book by Sir made arrangements to have (riPM. ! v alii Liiuii 1 1 u i I it 1 1 u7 ui nui o uui - t biic w- ---- . . . . . . j L - ' - . - . . 1- iri.A. rjjT,i. tL. Tf ,.oQ It ! raid "Truth 1 straneer than waiter scott wnen ne visiura me acompany Mrs nlrp anrt ftnttH fi.ifM nalH In aHvanrP t,r vnr fl on ' mrW II I'll tf lUWCJ UI1 UIC liWUUUS -UU VSIUI1C w " . . Prfrf.tnn. T mth... In 1RIV .h. nlnMrh reincarnates '".7, m: :::: :..T V 2 a-A 1.;c ,Mao K,-U e,.V, o o,Uf.V nut rnn ""ion " out oddly enougn. a lone -7 0 inau w uu uuier cuunwre. per year V.W a giauu cu.u fciuiiuuo m vw.v.r - indlaiv wno had established a advertising rates - ;I,ttle is recorded m praise of those gallants who, first of huntlng camp on a nelghborlng ouissuien aaveriuinK, per uueruoa, per wora - , ,fr Local readers, per insertion, per line ., an, an, actea aciea as as ngni-Keepers. iigni-seepers. quite- vuiw- Legal notices, each Insertion, per agate line .... .15 Translet display advertising, per inch, per Insertion 1.40 Contract rates on application. . Editor and Reporters' Telephone Advertising and Circulation Telephone ....... Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations ..86 .98 Indian to Aid On seeing the injured man the visitor instantly made up his mind what was best for him to do so, knowing that Greenwood was as "Pharos Loquitur "Far on the bosom """" w of the deep island actually dropped in to pay "''uncertain as to the ability of man's neck. After bandaging his hand as tne 0reenwood's a friendly visit "'er th,ese wl,d shelves my watch bniinin? ingenuity ana skui 10 host h rnnid ho thnimnr. annul ias- t- . ... 1 u , - - - o mat aiiernuuii. huucuiiiik ui uic jfrustrate the terrible onslaught of tenlng a note to the dog and dls- door 1(ke an apparjtion to Mrs. jthe huge combers hurled against patching him to the lighthouse for oreenwood .whom he had greaj dif the tower which often vibrated and Mrs. Greenwood who was the only Shook as If about to H. R. MacMillan, vice-president of the Vancouver Board i house for a whole month during was unable to cut even a rope yarn from the boat's painter. Show; Initiative However, necessity is the mother of invention, and having: been trained throughout life to use his Initiative powers when in a tight corner, nothing daunted, he pro of Trade, Who has the controlling interest in the Big Bay iwhich space of time the survivor's cured an old broom which lay-.in Lumber Co. of Prince Rupert, recently returned from a111-1 of d,stress w ot no arouse bottoa of the boat and impro- s0 a eruten wjui tne aio: or making It for hlrn. to tend hiiqirtpss tnnr thrnnn-h FnrnrtP inrl Vip writp fii imnroo ; necessary j DSln.eSS l0ULl, T0.USr ..r,U,r0,pe,a.n(1 NVIlteS mS imPS the liRht allnUht unta finally, re- which he succeeded In reaching the sion in an article just published in "The Commerce of the, ,eVed "from shore He could not ! ngninouse via. an oia trau usea dv iNatlOn. Ihe- article IS full Of interest, the first really in- throw the badly decomposed body'"16 keepers to the sheltered side of terestmg article ever published in a Usually rather dull! into the sea for fear of being sub-;ine Kiana " naa weasenea con journal. Mr. MacMillan deals particularly with Britain, France, Germany and Russia, viewing these countries financially and their effect on Canadian business. He suggests that) surroundings. It Is now generally j Painfully towards the door half SO far as Britain is concerned the recently reported im-' understood that three attendants 'crawling, half clinging to the provemeni is mostly psycnoiogicai ana will not show in ,c thia vpnr'c halnno choofo hut iD nf VQ tuu I isolated lighthouses around the anu courage. France, Mr. MacMillan sees, tumbling from her former sequently charged with murder. itjSiaeraoiy Iroin iom or Diooa, ana can better be Imagined than de-i8Urely presented a pitiable spec-scribed what mental strain the poor!15"16 when fIrst noUeed by his de-fellow exDerienced In his weird i'0 companion, as he struggled ficulty in comiirehendlne on ac- crumble to other person on the island. The dog he excitement pieces, these people must nave sui- was wearing no collar and, as fered much mental anguish Greenwood's knife was shot away throughout their period of horrible and lost in a crevice in the rock, he ! Isolation. 'I It is recorded that only two keep- DAILY EDITION tg&iP Monday. Mav 9. 1932 1 era rc!HQea on we 01a woouen erec- ! tlon built by Rudyard and that one of them died suddenly. Owing to the boisterous nature of the weather it was Impossible for any boat tn mnlrp nniiMtlnn wlf.h thp 1 io V t-. i Keep, "A ruddy gem of changeful light "Bound on the dusky brow of night 'The seaman bids my lustre hall, "And scorns to strike his timorous sail." Weather condlUons made It Imperative to postpone the departure until daybreak, when they succee ded in portaging the stretcher case comfortable as the circumstances 0Ter lhe rouih trall to ke lhore would permit, he got aboard his Yaiboat, and soon covered the 15 miles to Bella Bella Hospital where he gave Dr. Darby the whole story. Besides being- preacher and doctor, this much respected gentleman is an amateur navigator with a thorough knowledge of the many intricate and dangerous channels 'it Northern B.C. Giving instructor!, to his matron to have everything ready- for his return at mld- where they boarded the little hospital tender. A fair westerly wind and following sea helped to drive the "Edward White along Seaforth Channel to finish another of her many errands of mercy. To show the wonderful team work in the Bella Bella Hospital the matron, wondering at the Ions delay of the doctor's return, heard the siren of the mission boat 'Thomas night he chose four willing sturdy Crosby" as It was about to tie up to native sons from the village and. the dock, so she Immediately tn-with a nurse boarded his cruiser the formed Captain Robert Scott of the "Edward White." A strong south- full particulars. The captain, lmme-west mist-laden wind had sprung dlately headed for Ivory Island but up causing a nasty swell to break was intercepted by the doctor on 20 for 25c Iwpril Tplo Company of CtnaiU, IJmilcil Exquisite . . , The exquisite woman of today enhances fief beauty of eye, skin mid hair by her choice of colouring, coiffure and accetsories. Her choice in a cigarette, quite naturally, is Dixie, The iTftter Cigarette . . . for its exquisite aroma, its cooler, sweeter, more satisfy inv goodness, and its higher, all 'rooul e xcellence. DIXIE The BETTER CIGARETTE and in flat tins of fifty and one hundred ureenwood whii. the same bra spirit that Imbued the breist n. Orace Darling when she btr jmt i world-wide heroine on September 5, 1838, for the noble part :he play, ed In saving the nine survivors the Ill-fated steamer "Forfarihlre" which met her doom; near th storm-battered Longstone Light-house off the Northumbrian coast C.N.R. TRAINS Fr the Cast Mondays, Wednesdays days and Tj. Jpjn. From the East Tuesdays, Thursaays ana Satar- fays - 10 40 im The DaUy News eon be pur ? chased at Post Office News Stand, S2J t Granville St.. Vancouver t Karl Anderson, Prlnef Oeorge. B.C. R. W. Riley. Terrace, B C Oeneral 8tore. Anyox Smlthers Drue ntore. Smttt. ers. B.C. t