York and uosion. S, 4 tin yu UUt CCNAIO LINE. M UMnt )cean Fares Reduced 20 This means' il.UU lor U cents Round Trip Rates between MONTREAL and GREAT BRITAIN are only Cabin $192. up Tourist $149. Third $103. pjQW IS 111E TIME; TO TAKE THAT TRIP HOME Book now to lecure bet I accdmmodatlori. Rrwiar weekly sailing Montreal to London, uterpooi, Glasgow, Belfast, Plymouth, Havre. Also Express Steamers from INevr Bat W- 'SEymour Sail), - i J ! A. ttl" av V. M-1 thhb of th Habits early icouirrd art a- TART a savings account for your child at the Bank of Montreal and make his or her future safe. RANK OF MONTREAL Established l8l7 Total At in Dxrw of JS7WXW.0OO TJV 1 Ha n 1 . i s,w ,U - 1"' T ilV T If 1 TS aT I ST ?rS Citrate's :d" ... the - u,v big, uig, f new, ftB bfl .lAHM mm Mc package, UlV JI E Jt JteurMM t their excen- !'0nI freshness, flaky Piesj and fine flavor. f you want aiiytliintr, try a classified ad. LOCAL ITEMS Baptttt tea May 17. Chimneys swept, stove pipes anc. gutters cleaned. Phone 5. tf Why hire a ton truck for pound parcels? Phone Messenger 131. (tf) M. McArdle arrived In the city on Saturday's train from Klspox wnere he has been engaged In log King. Trade your old coal range In on a new. Beach Electric. Latest Mo rals. Terms. See our windows. Gordon's Hardware. tf W. C. Stevens of Kltwanga was a week-end visitor to town, having arrived from the Interior on Saturday's train. J. P. Hawklnson of Stewart, who was called here as a witness in the case at the Supreme Court Assizes Involving the International Elec trie Co.. sailed by the Catala last night on his return north. E. D'. Haddon, manager of the Bank of Hyder, sailed by the Ca tala last night on his return to Hyder after having been called here as a witness In the Interna tlonal Electric Co. case at the Su preme Court Assizes. Bringing north a fair-sized list of passengers. Union steamer Ca lala, Capt. A. E. Dickson, arrived In port at 5:45 last evening from jthe south and sailed at 9 pjn. for i Anyox, Stewart and other northern i points whence she will return here .tomorrow morning on her way ! back to Vancouver and waypoints I Northland Transportation Co.'s .motorship freighter Belllngham ar-I rived in port at 11 o'clock tills imomft from Ketchikan with five j carloads of fresh halibut for ship-.rnent to the United States on to day's train. Harry Bowman, agricultural and Icolonumtlon representative of the I Canadian National Railways, who has been spending a few days in line eitar on onketal business, re '1WurnedJAlo hlpfheadquarters at TOOT OeoraBKn this afternoon's train. Announcements Legion Band Concert May 13. 87 Rule Butterflv Dance May 13 Ladles refreshments. Gentlemen 50c. Spring Sale, St Peters Church May 19. Elks' Balloon Dance May 20. Canada enjoys unique leadership In second place in gold mining. "Build U. C. Payrolls" Infancy Demands Quality Wah Soon, city. m ur J 1 Above everything: quality, a fresh, and pure, must oe present in a baby's food. Greater praise can not be given than the praise grateful mothers In their letters e heaped upon pacmc ik- in some- cases it has ved the llveaf thiir chll- . 1 drcn. Pacific Milk "100 B. C Owned anil Controlled'' PIJNNT AT AnnOTSFOUD fHbtel Arrival? New Royal Hotel THE HOTEL WORTH WHILE not & Cold water: Steam Ileat 75c. l'i:it DAY AND UP J. Zarclll Tflfhon tHI THE DAILY NEWS Tuesday Special Up-River Khubarb 25( C lbs. Munro Bros. Conductor T. M. Spencer, after having spent the week-end at his home here, returned, on this afternoon's train to hls,run east from Smlthers. Warning waslssued at the city police station this morning' that It Is the Intention to prosecute drivers who-have. not. possesscd-tJoeme selves of the newly required annual drivers' licences by June 1. J. S. Anderson, who arrived In the city last weo& from Anyox, will sail Wednesday morning on the Princess Norah for the Stlklne River district where, he will again be engaged In gold dredging op eratlons. Nervous Indigestion Troubled for Years, Mrs. John Machon Thanks Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Permanent Relief Soon Saw A Great Change "For many yean I had been troubled vrttr lndtfes- u- uvu uki my nerves." write M r a. John Mach on, CalumK, Que. "I (uttered con st nUy. I tried many, remedies, but without raining any relief. I was un able to get any rest. I got a. boa of Or. Williams' Pmk PUU to five, them a trial. I aoon saw a great change. Now I can so to bed and have a gocd ntfht'a nat. and am able to do a dy work wltU'Wy 8' AH I hare to tftank ror it is Dr. wuilams' Pink PUIa. t would not be without them In the hcute." Dr. WUIIams' PJnk Pills are remark- ly etfeotlve In eaeea like the above bvoawc they create new rich Mood which cuppiiet to the nerfe the very element they need. Equally effective lor u run -dawn and anaemic con dlttons. Try them. At your druggtet'e. soc a package. Frank L. Hogan of Porcher Is land cannery was a week-end vis itor In the city. The Paramount news reel tonight at the Capitol Theatre shows the Steamer Prince David on the rocks in the neighborhood of Bermuda when 271 people were rescued. DESIGNS TO 1SE CHANGED (Continued from page one) greater refinement in motorcar design, develop more power per engine weight and provide easier riding and driving qualities than have yet been achieved. Designers here are generally agreed that to adopt all at once the things that areodynamics have re vealed would be too much for the motoring public; that the changes must be made gradually. Against this Is the contention of T. Tjarrda, chief designer of a customs body concern, that there Is no real mid dle ground between the design of today and the Ideal rear-englnc car of the, future. Rear Engines L. Clayton Hill, president of another firm of body builders and designers, Is another of the enthusiastic advocates of slip-streams and rear engine mounting. Engineers, of this firm, he said, have made wind tunnel tests of models, bearing out the claims made by the London en gineer and designer. Sir Dennlstoun Burnley, who recently told the So ciety of Automotive Engineers here that the standard car of today con sumes no less than 75 of the power given off by the engine, at a speed of from 45 to CO miles per hour, In overcoming air resistance Mr. Hill pointed out that the trend toward the rear engine motorcar Is already under way, naming such current advances as slanting windshield, V-shaped radiators and rolled header or pompadour brow with the visor removed, all of which he said arc here to stay. Mr. Hill also detected a definite grow ing of tadpole talis In the region of the rear bumper and he said this tall would gradually be developed Into such a shape as to house the rear-mounted engine. Mr. Tjaarda said the coming design may be quite shocking to some at first, but eventually the motorcar will be more beautiful than ever. ALASKA WEATHER Juneau High, 46; low, 40. Ketchlkan-Hlgh, 52; low, 40. TRAIRIES HAVE RAIN (Continued on Page 5) terlalizes this year. Along the Lewvan, Lampman, Avonlea, Gravelbourg, Central Butte, Rlvermirst subdivisions In Saskat-I chewan, weather has. been cool, with local showers. Land, as far as moisture Is concerned, is in excel-. lent shape and wheat seeded varies . from 15 to 65. Surface moisture) In all of these districts is sufficient j to Insure good growth for the next few weeks. The same conditions prevail along the Yorkton, Tompkins, Rheln, Asqulth Dodsland subdivisions and, with the advent of war mer weather, early growth should be rapid. Along subdivisions constituting the Prince Albert division work on land Is proceeding rapidly and. with fine weather, all seeding will be completed in record time although dates of seeding will be later than in some previous years. Land is in good shape and moisture ample. Alberta Situation In Alberta, following recent rains, fields are drying quickly and prac tically all districts report seeding on summer fallow land completed. Warm weather would materially assist in speeding up spring opera tions as many farriers are becoming anxious and afraid they will be unable to seed as much land to wheat as they expected. From the Peace River come re ports of fine weather with land drying quickly and seeding now general. Lighter cattle receipts on western stockyards have resulted In prices stiffening and this strength should continue until grass fed cattle be gin reaching the market. The hog market has also strengthened. As there will be a decreaso In pig marketed this year, this price Improvement should make itself more manifest towards midsummer. New Discovery Reaches Cause of Stomach Gas Dr. Carl found that poisons In the UPPER bowel cause stomach gas. His simple remedy Adlerika washes out the upper bowel, bringing out all gas. urme s, Ltd., Drugs. TENDERS INVITED Sealed Tenders will be received by the undersigned up till noon Thursday. May twelfth, for launch "Shawatkns," now moored at Cow Bay Floats. Terms Cash. Executor: JAMES THOMPSON, 111 Estate of Joseph N. McPhee Mackenzie Furniture Bed Special Simmons toll Spring. All-felt Mattress, Walnut Bedstead, 2-inch tubing, complete QO 30.03 while they last Real Value Mackenzie Furniture Phone 775 MI-LADY Beauty Shoppe Kotex Special, 40c Permanent Wave $5.00 Ladies' Hair Cut . . 33c Children's Hair Cut 25c Phone 655 Plumbing Prices Reduced Why Send Out of Town For Plumbing Goods? 4-Plece Plumbing , OutJtt Complete with CQC v trimmings Compare this with Eaton's catalogues and remember, we pay the freight. Labor charges reduced from $U0 to $1.23 per hour Smith & Mallett Ltd. Phone 174 P.O. Box 274 a PAGE THREE Embarrassed By Pimples on Face Mrs. O. J. Benson, Seal Cove, N.B, writes: "I was in a very nervous, rundown condition, and not able to do my own work. My fact) was covered with pimples which- KVXYtry-Kh!iCiyht "and em-' barrasaing to me at times. " After1 talon three bottles of Bur dock Blood , Bitters I can do my own work, and the pimples hare entirely ' disappeared." For aala at all Amm nA snskrl aiyvixM' mafivftuitnravf 9tm ika n a art ft! anl 1sf Ta T. Uilbura Co.. Ltd.. Toronto, Oat. Dr. Mapire - Dentist ROOMS 7-8-9, SMITH BLOCK 525 - Phone - 525 lbu r. gu vawawaan anst;jiBtfa rcmrmmm THE CONSOLIDATED MINING & SMELTING COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED TK.Uk ISIllTISI! COLl .MDl.V Manufacturers of ELEPHANT Uraiid nil:l!( Al. lEKTIMEICS Pro'lu-cr & FWIneni ot TADANAC Brand i:i.E( TKOLYTIC the price of ordinary lamps. AMMONIUM rilOSrilATE SULPHATE OF AMMONIA TRIPLE SUrERrilOSPIIATE LEAD-ZINC CADMIUM-BISMUTH UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Sieameri leave Prince Hupert for Vanc.uvcr: PX.S. f AT AI..4 r.VEKV TI ESOAY. l:JO P.M. Vik Ocean Pal'j arriving Vancouver. Thursday pm. T.S.. CAKIIE EVt llY KltilMY MIOMnilT. Arrivt'-j Vancouver 8undsy midnight, approx. Weekly aailiugi to Port bimpoor.. Ahre A-ni. Anyox. Stewart and Maaa R!e- poirits. Sanaa j. w p-ni. Purllier Inf-rmation n-gnrdtng aU aallli'r and tickets t I'KIME lartlii AIIKM'Y: Kmtnd Avriil-. PbtMie WiS. nawnniiniUMi i mm M5 A Product CONSIDER the importance of quality, when you buy lamps. Edison Mazda Lamps bring you the advantages of every improvement made in lamps since Edison's invention of 50 years ago. They give you soft glare-free light . . and full talue tf the current consumed. Buy them by the carton, at L-40 EDISON MAZDA LAMPS A CANADIAN GENERAL ELECTRIC PRODUCT Hacked bij tlie loiwwstDietitians For nourlihment. delicious flavor and low cost, CROWN BRAND CORN SYRUP is recognized as the most healthful food by foremost dietitians. Tit CANADA STARCH CO.. Umlttd, MONTREAL SaaS M coaj al "CaaaSa', friaa RaclaM" NAM I ADOaiSS. I aadoaa lc hu aHlllat. If you lose anything, try a classified ad.