at yi Hit'1 Sons of Canada Defeat Elks By Shutout Route Bill Lamble Stingy With Hits as He Allows Only Two Safeties in Yesterday's Game SMITH LEADS SONS' ATTACK t i Chenoskl in Indifferent Mood and Is Replaced By Skinner on Mound For Losers i Sons of Canada and Elks hooked up in a postponed Baseball League : fixture yesterday afternoon, the Canucks coming out on the long end of a 10-0 score behind the fine pitching of Bill Lamble, who allow- j ed only two hits. His support was good only one error being chalked 1 up against his team-mates. The Sons were out for blood and garnered 12 hits off Chenoski and Skinner, Eddie Smith leading the, attack with three safeties, one of ; them being for two bases. Bury! rapped out two hits one of them go- Ing for three bases. Johnny Coma -! dma, pineh-hittlng for Frizzell in j the fifth, came through with a nicr j double on the first ball pitched to i him. Nick Chenoski appeared to be in an indifferent mood with the result that the Sons found him for 1! i blngle? in the five and one-third innings he pitched. Skinner finished the (tame for the Elks and Bury made the only hit off him, it being his triple. Sons started right off In the first and garnered in three runs. Their added one more In the fourth and another in the fifth. With one man out In the fifth. Bury, Smith. Moran Stiles and Lamble hit safely In succession for four runs when Manager Farquhar stopped the show by placing Skinner on the slab. He got through that frame in fine shape One more run was added to the total for the Sons in the seventh to make it ten. Elks couldn't seem to get going at bat at all. and whenever they did land on one. It seemed to go right Into some fielder's hands. The Box Score S. O, C- ABR H POA E Bury rf, cf 5 Smith 2b. .... Moron 3b. . Stiles lb Lamble p. ... Johnson ss. Frizzeir cf. - Totals . ELKS i 2 5 1 .. .4 2 ...4 1 4 0 ...1 1 Coraadlna rf ..2 0 MeNultylf -4 0 R. Stalker c 2 0 2 1 3 1 1 1 2 8 1 6 1 .57 10 12 21 7 1 ABR II POA E Farquhar ss 3 0 0 4 1 0 Barry 3b. 3 0 0 2 1 0 Arseneau If 3 0 1 2 0 1 Stephens lb. '. 3 0 0 6 0 3 A. Mitchell c 3 0 0 5 0 0 Chenoski. p, cf 3 0 0 0 3 0 O. Mltfhelt'Jb.V; 2 0 1 0 5 0 Skinner c&'iv 2 0 0 0 0 Stone rUN-Lji .2 0 0 1 0 0 Totals ,A 24 0 2 21 10 4 S. O. C 3 0 0 1 1 4 110 Elks 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 Summary Stolen bates. Bury. Stlles.i McNuliy, O. Mitchell. Skinner: 2-base hits. Smith, Cemadlna; 3-base hit. Bury; Innings pitched by Chenoski 5 1-3). Skinner (1 2-3 hits of f Chenoski ill), Skinner 1 ) ; base on balls off Chenoski (II; struck out by Chenoski (11, Skinner (2), Lamble (7); losing pitcher Chenoski; left on bases, S.O.C. 8), Elks (3); passed ball. Mitchell (1). Stalker 1; hit by pitcher. FrUwil by Chenoski; time of game, 1:10; umpires, Wlndle and Nelson. Elks and Empress are scheduled to hook uo this evening. League Standing W. L. Empress 3 0 Sons of Canada 2 2 Elks - 0 3 Pet 1.000 PACIFIC COAST LEAGUE Sunday's Scores Portland, 2; Oakland. 1. Missions, 2; Hollywook, 0. Sunday's Scores Seattle L5-1"; Sacramento, 7-4. Portland, 4i Oakland, 0 . Missions, 4-4; Hollywood, 0-15 Los Angeles, 15-0; Saif Franrh-n 13-3. Mrs. Helen Wills Moody She again captured the French open women's U.oni.s championship yesteroay at Auteil. MRS. MOODY EMPRESS IS WINNER IS AHEAD American Woman Again Captures French Open Tennis Championship AUTEIL, France, June Glairs. Helen Wills Moody again won the French women's open tennis championship here yesterday. She had held the title in 1929 and 1930. In spite of her victory, Mrs. Moody was not up to her form of two years ago and she had several narrow escapes during this year's competition. She won 9G out of 127 games played. DOMINION CUP DRAW Competition Will Start June 18. Football Kxecutivc Decides At Meeting Sunday Nilht The exeeoUc of the Prince Rupert Foothill Association, at a meeting tost night, made the following draw for the annual Dominion Day Cup ranpetitlon: June 16 Canadian Legion vs. . n I June 21 Merchants vs. Home Oil. The final will be played between the wnlnomof the turn dmim nn i TRcaseofcJ.K.. Murray of.t .Cfem&ftMt Lsjit-wpp was ordered jOff The field in a" recent game foi IdlspatlnK with Referee O. A.Edg- I combe, was dealt with and It was. (decided to send a letter to Murray .reprimanding him for the Incident 'and giving r.lm warning that sim ilar offender In the future will be more drastically dealt with. Murray is eligible for play. I The meeting received reports on the recent Derby membership campaign und on Vii-torla Day sports. Young Elks Defeated 10 to S In Intermediate League Baseball Game Yesterday Young Empress went further ahead in the Intermediate Baseball League stand tog yesterday after-aeon by defeating Young Elks 10 to 5. Karl Batt, hwler for the Hotel Boys, distinguished himself by striking out 13 of 18 batsmen who faced him. Empress had the game well under control at all times and the victory was an easy one. Roger Obata opened on the Iraound for the BUa and gave place to Kaw Naicamoto. It was a seven-inning game. i The Intermediate League stand- Ing to date is as follows w- ; j Young Empress 4 Young Elks 2 1 Young Sons of C 2 L. 2 3 3 JACK NELSON Pet .667 .400 .400 GOOD AT BAT Jack Nelson, who has distinguish ijtd himself on the moand for the Old Empress club this spring, is City Baseball League so far this year with a percentage of .600. Od-1 tly enough, Nlcjc Chenoski. Elks' hurler. holds second place honors so far for gttojc work. Following is the Big S.mhdUT5 pfcbatters so far Nelson (Em.) 2 Chenoski 'E.) 3 D. Stalker "Em.) 3 Smith B.O.C 4 Hlbbard Em. 2 Lamble (S.O.O.) 3 O. iMlVchell E.) 2 Frizzell S.O.C. 2 It Is necessary t have participated .d. 'AB.R, II: Pet. 10 II 14 17 9 9 6 J CUB LEAD i CUT DOWN Chicago Leading National League I By Scant Game Yankew Are j Away Out In Front NEW YORK. June '6: The margin ot leadership of the Chicago Cubs In the National League was trimmed to one full game as a result of weekend play. After divid ing a double-header with the Dod- j gers at Brooklyn on Saturday, the Boston Braves returned home yes-j terete y and defeated New York1 Giants both by a margin of one run. i The Chicago' Cubs dropped a game to the Pirates at Pittsburg on Sa- j turday and were Idle yesterday. j The St. Louis Cardinals bounded i from seventh Into fourth place as a result of three week-end victories , over the Cincinnati Reds at Cincinnati. The Reds fell from fourth into, sixth, place behind the Brook-' lyn Dodgers. The Phillies dropped into seventh place and the New i York QUnU. winning two and tat-' ing two games over the weete-end, are still In- the celfer. , Washington Senators fared badly , j in the American League over the i week-end, losing beth sessions of a double-header Saturday to the- low-, ly Boston Red Sox at Boston and ve turning home yesterday to take mother defeat from the Philadrl-thla Athletics. New York Yankees : pIU with Athletics Saturday and beat Red -Sox yesterday and In-, creased their margin of leadership, rn the American League to five full games. Week-end seores were as follow: SATURDAY SCORES American League New York 7-7. Philadelphia 10-4. Washington 2-8. Boston 8-9. Cleveland 3-4. Detroit 1-10. , St. Louis 5. Chicago 6. National League Chicago i, Pittsburg 12. Philadelphia 4-4. New York 10-8. Boston 9-4, Brooklyn 2-6. Cincinnati 3. St. Louis 7. SUNDAY SCORES National League Cincinnati 2-2. St. Louis 3-3. Philadelphia 7. Brooklyn 6. New York 5-6. Boston 6-7. American League Boston l. New York. 12. Philadelphia If. Washington 7. Detroit 10, Cleveland 9. BASEBALL EMPRESS t. ELKS TONIGHT - 6:45 Baseball Standings American League W. L. New York 32 14 Washington . 28 20 Detroit I...2G 19 Philadelphia 27 21 Cleveland ... ..26 23 SU Louis .,..22 24 Chicago :..:..16 29 Boston .sr...M...... 9 36 National League Chicago .;....9 18 Boston . ... -..29 20 Pittsburg : 22 20 St. Louis 22 24 Brooklyn 23 26 Cincinnati 23 28 Philadelphia ....21 27 New York 19 25 Pet .696 583 j 578i .563 1 531 1. .478 .356 200 .617 592 524 .478 .469 -451 .437 .432i FOOTBALL LINEUIPS Line-up., for tomorrow evening's senior league football game oe announced as follow: ; Canadian tegtorv S. Ourvleh; A .600 'Stiles and p Oomex; J Greer, S. .455jCurrle and T. Hadoon; C, Baptle; .429 ,T. Buifink-h; J. K. Varray, J. A, 412 1 Johnston and D J33i B. HesUu, D. J33 Ferguson. Onrvlsh; reserves Morrison and O .333 1 McrthanU-.V. Menzles4, Douglas 533 1 and OUker: a jail. J. MfKay and for a player to Hardy; R, wiek, Lamori S Pitkin 50 of the ens, Fong arid N. Chenoski: re- dub's games to be Included In the serves Dlekehs, D. Frizzell. B, Ba Big Six standing. jcon and P. Vaccher. For Smokers Who I News of The Sport World j Wanf Something Better 'If you "toll your own," us O idea's fine cut a'sartUe UdxHa. CUT PLUG 2k Ilenncssy Three Star Ikandy cannot he oh. taineilnta moment's notice, bo . . . KEEP IT HANDY I HENNESS BRANDY BOTTLED AT COGNAC, FRANCE '''his advertisement ij nu; put.i.sired ut o pi.iv by the L-ujuiir i uh.i " rrf RrttUH ColnmWn PILSENER SEEM. "piLSKM-U iiiii.i In; sI, if III jvopulur heer In Krlllsli CluinMtt. U actual goolnes in meaiuretl In the eitcnt of Its fKwl value, nml enn he favornldy oinparrl vrllh milk nuH hrrn.l In vital fotxl coiilrat. Saafiranimes 500 Grummet of ) i of Milk l'lIENCIl ItEllU c , rtiulvnlent to I J 103 Gramin .. 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