FPARTURE ICapt. Frank Hawk of '' RfcUKtllLU: Uut of Hospital Th- f ' J1C Rupert Ministerial Associa- - Trlliula in IFav (ion r- "" " Alfred .Wilson 5C a; Jiii""'I nrP--' " 'II ' . wi re voicefl by members P:an:e Rupert Ministerial , : t the regular monthly hi. morning, at the im-,i parture from the city of r, (i Wilson, pastor of First rii .ith, who has accepted ,, s' James United Church Appreciation was cx-the help $nd .service ;.; bficn given ifte aasocla-, mce its formation by Mr. was a full attendance at Arrangements were the weekly newspaper , m ii L.IJI m , i.'Ki icr me uumiug 01 oun- in the hospital. . Mrs. Louis Martin Honored by Friends Decision of Birthday Marked Dy Holding of Delightful Surprise Party on Saturday Mr umi Martin was tendered a f : .surprise party at her ,i F '-venth Avenue Bast Sail, in, the occasion being i i.iv There were about prisons present at the !: was organized by Mrs. A. i.ri Mrs. David Eastman. ! iiv was pleasantly spent . nd daneing and delicious u Ms were served A fea-proceedings was the pre- .r Ukm ti..i I l. End of ? to 1 Score in Match lijnr If' a. Saturday Afternoon ?i nm Oil Distributors team ''. Senior League defeated 'i from the steamer Prince i friendly football game played Saturday evening ropolis HU1 grounds An crowd of fans was on witness the match. FOOTBALL POSTPONED 'n.ior Lear football game Bordrn Street and Booth ' Schools, which was to played on Saturday. 'nrd until next Saturday. J" ?!. final match of the ' lM-r ' 'lent .li,' i .. Noted American Aviator Is Completely Cured Following Injuries Sustained On April 7 BOSTON, June 6-Capt. Frank Hawks, noted American '.aviator, was discharged from a hospital here yesterday completely cured of Injuries sustained on April 7 last when his plane crasheo while he was attempting to take off a boggy field here. DnMaiikinto Receive Award Roosevelt Memorial Honors For Scientific Achievement to Go to California Man NEW YORK, June 6: Dr. Robert Milium, eminent Pasadena, Cal., scientist, is to receive the Roosevelt Memorial award this year for out standing scientific achievement, it was announced here yesterday. Only the one award will be made this year. Visiting Doctors Give Lectures to Local Physicians Dr. J. W. Thompson, Dr. E. L. Pope and Dr. Gibson, who are on a lecture tour of the province, arrived in the city last evening on the Catala from Vancouver and left on this afternoon's train for Prince George. Last evening they lectured on subjects of interest before a gathering of local doctors and nurses with Dr. i.nw. T. Kwgln present of the mat km wiiu Mir uwi he suests assembled i n dancing was furnished i" sttR ronttatinc of David Mrs F. Walls. Robert William Murray and ' Gd.net. The party broke 'u ly hours of the morn- Fome Oil Wins Football Game Prince Rupert Medical Association, in the chair. WEATHER REPORT Dead Tree Point Clear, calm; barometer, 30.10; temperature, 54. sea smooth. Triple Island - Cloudy, light southeast wino; sea smooth. Mail Schedule Jifimrr Trinre Rupert on Short For" the East Monday, Wednesday From the East Saturday, Tuesday lor Vancouver Tuesday Thursday Trlday and 2 Fx. p.Dl and Thurs-....10:40 am. 12:30 noun 8 PA . 11 pm. June ft. 18 and p m. From Vancouver-Sunday pro-Wednesday ..10:30 am Friday , pm June 13, 17 and 27 am. For Stewart and Anyox Sunday 7 pm. Wednesday 3 pm From Stewart and Anyox Tuesday - 11:30 am. Thursday 8 pm Hii Thirteen Boils On His Reck Mi. H V Duneomt. Ormy Uktt, Alt., wriU: "My huiUnd vu wTtrwl with boiU, hiring m bmjm thirtorn on his neck t one. H tritd Terrthing pcmMt, but nothing ixd mj good until he took Burdock Blood BitUw, nd befors ha hd Ufed on bottl the boiU were sU gone, nd h hui cot txen bothered with them mnt." ,ra-iinil. (or Ih. p M ! DEER'S JUNE SALE Prices Reduced 25 Percent WELDKEST hosiery- 7Cc now IJ GIRLS' COAT SPECIAL - Half I'rica HATS to Clear at 25 Percent Qff Marked Down Price itvion STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Btem Wvv mm nuptri lor V.ncouvw:- AHKKXA r.VHlV tl(HAV MIIIMJ IIT. , Arrtmim Vuicouvw Bund.jr .""on'S1"; Wlijr MUufga to Port Blmpaon. Aim Anyox. River itolitu. Bunrtey. 8 pni Btwart end Nm l..torn,tK.n rrgnrdmg .11 iUlnr N 7,lonr m ' mri:itT .(i;nv: Nmim LOCAL NEWS Why hire a ton truck for pound parcels? Phone Messenger 131. (tf Mrs. Chris. Jensen was In charge of the kltcheh; at; trie Sons of Nor way social lh thd Metropole Hall Friday night, KJarton Breylson and Henry Lar- sen were each lined $25, with op non of thirty days' Imprisonment, fin cHy police court by Magistrate McClymont this morning for drunkenness. T vA'bjne'm'eetlng ol the Prince. Rupert Singers organization was held Saturday evening. Dr. R. a Large, the president, was in the chair and there was a good atten dance. Mrs. A ahoy, wife of the store keeper far the Yukon and White Pass Route at Skagway, was a pas senger aboard the Princess Norah yesterday afternoon going through for a vacation trip to Seattle. Mrs. H. B. Rochester and daugh ter, Miss E. A. Mercer, Miss May Hart in, Miss Jessie RothweU and Miss M. MacKay returned to the city last evening after having spent the week-end at Port Dr. and Mrs. A. E. Perry of Port Simpson were week-end visitors to the city, Dr. Perry being here to attend lectures which were held last night under the auspices of the Prince Rupert Medical Asso ciation. Major J. A. Motherwell, chief su pervisor of fisheries, who arrived in the city Saturday morning by train after a tour of the Interior, sailed the same evening on the fisheries patrol steamer Malas- plna for Vancouver. With a fair-sized list of pas singers. Union steamer Catala, Capt. A. E. Dickson, arrived in port at 6:80 last evening from the south and sailed at 8 p.m for Anyox Stewart and other northern points whence she is due to return here tomorrow morning southbound. Nurse Tells How to Sleep Sound, Stop Gas Nurse V. Fletcher says: "Stomach gas bloated me so bad I could not sleep. One snoonful Adlerika brought out all the gas and now I sleep well and feel fine." Orme's, Ltd.. Drugs. COAL! COAL! Satisfaction guaranteed with our Famous Edson Alberta & Bulkley Valley Coal; No. 1 Bulkley Valley Timothy Hay, Wheat. Oats & Barley. Pratt Baby Chick Food. Seeds & Fertiliser. Pruicfe Ruperl Feed Co PHONE S8 & 538 Hotel Arrivals New Royal Hotel THE HOTEL WORTH WHILE Hot & Cold water: Steam Heat :5c. PER DAY AND UP J Zarelll C. Day and F. Ware, Vancouver; W. O. Valpy. city; John Qatorle, Terrace; O. II. Hosktna, Smlthcrs; S. Snldal. Caspaco Plumbing Prices ? Reduced Why Send Out of Town For Plumbing Goods? 4-Plece i Plumbing Outlit Complelfc with QQ'? trimmings $ Compare this with Eaton's catalogues and remember, we pay the freight. Labor charges reduced from $1.50 to $1.23 per hour Smith & Mailed Ltd. Phone 174 T.O. Box 271 THE DA2LTNEWS Tuesday Special Seville Orange Mar- Qflp 0 malade, large jars Munro Bros. $1.00 -for Jour old Electrical Ap pliance when traded In on a new Hotpoint Iron, Toaster, Percolator at Gordon's Hardware, McSride St. W. J. Kolle of Toronto, who ar rived In the city Saturday by train in the course of a trip to the coast, sailed yesterday afternoon on the Prince: Norah. 46 jyisit in Vancouver and Victoria hefore returning East. "I Was Terribly Run-Down" Says Mrs. Doughty: "Dr. Williams' Pink Pills Built Me Up" Wrought Marvellous Change "I believe it my duty to tell others what wonderful results I obtained from Dr. Williams Pink Pills," -writes Mrs. James Doughty, Brantford, Ont. "I was In a tetrlbly nervous and rundown condition; very pale and with no ambition. 1 took three boxes of the Pills? and I soon began to feel like a new woman. No trouble to do myihousework. The Pills built me up and put me in first-class condition." Mrs. Richard Rusk, Roblln, Man., writes: "Dlptherta left our daughter, Beth, a nervous wreck. She was unable to continue at school. I gave her Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and the change in her was marvellous; She is enjoying splendid health and we do feel that Dr. Williams' Pink Pills saved her life." Don't allow yourself or your daughter to be robbed of health and vigour. Take Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. They are no temporary relief. They banish run-down or nervous conditions by creating new blood, which imparts health, vigour and vitality. 50c at your druggist's. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Hooper of Dlgy Island wireless station were overnight visitors in town. i A. B. Evans of, the Post Office staff sailed, yesterday afternoon on. the, .PrlnaeM-Hoiah Jot Vancouver on his annual vacation trip. Olier Becher. who has been spending the pad few weeks in Vancouver, returned to the city from the south on the Catala last evening. , The following is from the Twenty Years Ago column of the Vancouver Province: "A. T Kerr, assistant engineer of the railway board, left Vancouver last night for Prince Rupert .to Inspect the newly completed portion of the Grand Trunk Pacific to Skeena Crossing. 26. Announcements Rebekah Tea June 9. Eagles' Social Dance June 10, Ladies refreshments. Gentlemen 50c. r. Eastern Star Tcas June 15. Salvation June 18. Army. Sale of work Moose picnic, Digby Island, Jun Predbytertan Missionary Tea "on July 6. Notice of Tender TENDERS will be received by the undersigned up to and until the 15th day of June, 1032, for the purchase of the following property (It Lots 15 and'je in Block 19 of Section I. Prince Rupert. (2) Lots 6 and 7 In Block 10 c' Section 1, Prince Rupert (3) Lots 19 and 20 In Block 31 o Section 1. Prince Rupert. Tenders will state price am terms. Tenders will be upon the basb of all cash or onpvtLhlrd cash and the balance in six i,. and twelve months at 6. Tenderers will tender for par cels seperately. The highest or any tender not necessarily accepted, . V. W. SMITH, Administrator of the Estate of Michael Sheady, c-o Messrs. Abbott & McLaughlin. Barristers, 702 McLcod Bldg., Edmonton, Alberta. LOCAL NEWS W. R. Lindsay, superintendent j for the Oranby Co. at Anyox, was a passenger aboard the Catala last! evening returning torthe smelter town after a&rfe;,trjp M;:-Viuac6u- verv-'-"1; .- T. S. Balrd, accountant of Wales Island cannery, was a passenger aboard the Catala last evening bound north from Vancouver. He will spend the summer at Wales Island. J. E. Oibb, engbeer tpf the Cana dian National Railways" from Mel ville, Sask., arrived in the city from the prairies on Saturday's train to pay a visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. Oibb, 209 Fifth Avenue West. Morley Shier, well knbwn powder traveller was a passenger aboard the Catala last evening going going through from Vanocuver to Anyox In the course of one of Lis periodical northern business trips John McMillan. Canadian cus toms officer at Stewart, who has been on a two-weeks trip to Van couver, was a passenger returning north aboard the Catala last' evening. Mrs. McMillan is remaining in Vancouver for a while longer. Rev. P. M. Fosse, pastor of St. Paul's Lutheran Church, returned to the city on the Catala last ev ening from a trip to Bellingham. where he formerly resided. He was accompanied by his wife and fam lly who will take up residence her Mrs. Nell Mackay and daughter, Miss Chorrie Mackay, were passengers aboard the Catala last even ing going through to Premier where they will visit with Mrs Mackay's son. Thomas S .Mackay who is accountant for the Premier Gold Mining Co. There were 74 passengers aboard the steamer Princess Norah which was in port yesterday afternoon southbound from Skagway to Van couver. Among the passengers were many school teachers from various Alaska points going to Seattle and elsetwhere in the United States for the summer vacation. One passen ger disembarked from the vessel here while three sailed from here for the south aboard her. "Build B. C. Payrolls" No Air In Pacific M For years dry fools have been kept fresh In vacuum sealed cans, that is cans from which all air has been extracted. This keeps contents in the exact condition as when packed. Liquids, however, are another problem. Pacific Milk has long sought to remove the small quantity of air from the cans. At last the me; thod is perfected. Now Pacific Milk comNi to you with all the freshness of new milk the same full, natural cream richness but nicer In flavor . . . vacuum packed. Pacific Milk "100 B. C. Owned and Controlled" PLANT AT ABBOTSI ORD Prince Rupert DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating three Dry Docks Total capacity 20,000 tons Shipbuilders and Ship Repairers for Steel and Wood Vessels Sawmill and MlnlngMachincry Repaired and Overhauled Iron and Brass Casting Electric and Acetylene Welding 50-ton Derrick for Heavy Lifts I ANOTHER $2,500.00 DEATH CLAIM PAQS THREf paid to one of our Prince Rupert beneficiaries If you are not a member of The Family Dcneficiary Society you should be L Cheapest life insurance known computable with safety and security. 2. Prompt settlement of all claims upon proof of death. 3. No staggering overhead expenses, no high salaried officials. The Family Beneficiary Society XV. C. Grover, LOCAL NEWS Sec our agent Prince Rupert, B.C. Charles Harradlne, CNH. road-; master here, returned to the citv Canadian Vera Beatrice, 7,000, AUln, 52c and 2c. Prosperity A.. 9.000; Rose Spit, 13.000. and Signal, 14,000. Cold Storage, 45c and2c American Trinity. 27.000, Atlin. 4c and 2c. Sunde, 40,000, Cold Storage, 4.6c and 2c. Coolldge. 27.000, Booth, 4.8c. and Sc. 2c. Bonanza, 18,000, Atlin, 5.Cc and Reliance. 16.000, Cold Storage, S.6c and 3c Slrlus. 14.500, Booth, 5.8c and 2c. 2c. Louhelen, 15,000, Cold Storage, 5.1e and 2c. Eastern Point. 5500. Royal, 55cJYaklrna and Sc. Ethel (T5ftl, 4.000. Booth, 5.7c and 2c. Wabash. 3.500. and Visitor, '500. 5.7c and 2c. WAGE CUT APPROVED WASHINGTON. D.C June C: St. Umo Hotel PR. RUPERT IN SERVICE on the Catala last evening from a!Canadian Nationa, Vessei to Be Re- trip to Vancouver. H. Driver was a passenger on board the Catala last evening re turning to Premier after having re- commisftloned With Sailing For Vancouver Next Monday C. N. R. steamer Prince Rupert, in command of Capt. Dan Donald, cetved treatment for Injuries at alcr navmg undergone annual ov hospital In Vancouver. Mrs. W. T. Kergln, who has been spending several weeks visiting in Vancouver and elsewhere In the south, having also attended th" recent United Church conference, fbA f nere under home on the Catala last evening. Halibut Landings Summary American 203.000 pounds, 4c and 2c to 5.8c and 2c. Canadian 47,000 pounds, and 2c to 52c and 2c. 45c crhaul in the local dry dock, will be rccommlssloned In service from here when she sails at 4 o'clock next Monday afternoon for Vancouver via Ocean Falls and Powell River on regular schedule. It will the company's summer schedule on which the steamers Prince Robert. Prince Hupert and Prince George will be operated. Under the summer schedule, details of which have already been announced, there will be sailings from here for Van couver Mondays at 4 pm. Wednes days at 9 ajn. and Saturdays at 6 pm. and boats will arrive here from the south Wednesday. Friday and Saturday mornings at 11:30. With the first of next week, the summer train service will also go into effect with six trains a week each way. Elks to Gather In Yakima City Washington Community Making Great Preparations to Receive 2000 of Antlered Herd YAKIMA. Wash., June 6: Oreat preparations are being made here Garland. 14500. Royal. 5Jc and relv 2000 tak wbo p" fr I ted to attend the state convention Avona, 15,000, Pacific, 5.2c and of the order in Yakima opening on Thursday of this week. It will be the first of 17 important conventions which are to be held this year In Property Owners Of Seattle to Ask For Limit on Tax SEATTLE. June 6: A mass meeting of Seattle property owners is called for tonight with, a view to passing a resolution demandine The Senate on Saturday approved I that a limit of 40 mills be placed on a ten percent reduction in the ! oiTic taxation. It .is also proposed wages or all government employees 1 1 ask for other measures to relieve with the exception of those recelv- municipal taxation, tng less than $1000 per year whoj are exempted. Magistrate Turner of Queen Charlotte City Has Resigned i VICTORIA. June 6: The resig-l nation of Oeorge Pitt Turner of j Gold Embargo In Argentine Government of Republic Announces That Only In Oae of Direct Necessity Will Export Be Allowed BUENOS AIRES. June The Queen Charlotte City in Prince Ru-; Argentine government last night pert county has been accepted and announced an embargo on the ex-the appointment of o successor is port of gold from the republic, under advisement by the attorney- Only In the cases of direct neces-general's department, It Is announ- slty will the export of the metal be ced, permitted.