VfhY EDITION lit ai 1. MUbwa Co.. Ltd., Torosto, Out m Severe Headaches Pimples on Face Miss' Marie L. C. Illaokwdl, Guim, Alta,., writes: "For two yeara l suffered from severe headaches, ..and pimples on my face. M y headaches seemed incurable, and I "thought the pimples would nevei disappear. A friend recommended Hurdork Blood 'Hitters, and on trying a hottle I found the headaches disappear, and I aratiot bothered any more with-. the pimples." THE DAILY NEWS. I'KINCE ItUl'EKT - KKITISII COLUMBIA Published- Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News, Limited. Third Avenue , , II. F. PULLEN - - - ManaKlng-Editor SUBSCRIPTION KATES city delivery, by mail or earner, yearly period, paid In adyance For Teer periods, paid In advance, per week My mall to all parts of Northern and Central British Columbia, pald.Jn advance for yearly period ., ,-.. By mail to all other parte of British Columbia, the British jEm- Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations Thursday. June 30, 1932 KEEPING IN TOUCH Yesterday a representative of the Daily News returned from a tour, of the interior, going as far east as Prince George and stopping off at all the larger places. As a re-sult'Prince Rupert people are assured of being able to get in. touch, with we people all through, the country, old subscribers having been renewed and new ones added at al pointB. Considering the rather strenuous times, we arc-well satisfied vrit-h the support we have received and hopo it will redound to the benefit of our readers and to the commercial interests of the whole district. .The Daily Nws is the chief tie that binds the interior country with Prince Rupert. Once the highway is completed and farmers and businessmen of the Biilkley and Nccliaco Valleys arp able to drive their own cars to this ity,-the commercial contact will be much closer. No matter what. government is in power at Victoria or Ottawa this gaper will continue to demand completion of the highway to eonnect v.ii! the- interior and as a temporary expedient a low r?tp for pqv?! on thtsjtrains to Terrace or pome other suitable point. W(3m Paarl Rich Ruby Hiir?25Wj llicsc arc fine uppetlzlnp wines with 'I ttVnit' 1w ilelightfiil llavors. H )nh 85C Hep. Qt. 1 iLffljA 'lH "! Mm Ihrouth your local Hm ow dlrsrt frna PsySffT?B?pp--- ,Im l-tquof Oonlrul Ilvr4 Mall lrdar ltl.t VlrlurU. This Advi'rii. emrnt is not TulilUhed or Displayed by the liquor Control Board or by the Government ot Until h Columbia. "TILLIE THE T0ILER,r . tT BB UOU6 tJO- 1 II 'lL tWB II, JX H M7 Ui TRACK MEET 'FINAL GAME MORROW 'FIRST HALF Will, He. .One of Features oftDovnitv ion Day Celebration marks attained in the various vett will be carried Rudderham. J. W. Plommer. out by Alderman Campbell and J. WON OUT Young Elks , Defeated By Score of 8; to 3.in Intermediate Baseball League In a well contested Intermediate League baseball fixture, Young Empress defeated Young Elks by a core nf 8 tn a ln vn1no "TVi I game was featured by a number of brilliant, catches in the outfield. Earl Batt hurled for the Empress and Bobby Moxley. for the Elks. .The league standing to date Is as follows: W. L. Pet Young Empress 7 3 .700 Young. EJks 3 5 .376 Young Sons of C 3 5 .375 Schedule For the Eat Monday Wednesday and Satur day n:30 a.m.! Vtcm the 'Cast Sunday, Thursday and Friday. H pw.. Monday, Wednesday and Saturday .1:30 p.m. For Vancouver-Monday 3 rj.m. FOOTBALL CAN. LEGION vs. HOME OIL TONIGHT, 6:30 Statiiut Defeats Navy 0 to 4 in -CvN ,K. A. Softball Not the.Joast ,of;tfce attractions m the.fjnal game of first, bait Uie i Dominion Day celebration j the-geatvn In Je Canadian vomorrow will be the , senior , tracjc lional Recreation Association, 5a-and field sports in charge of the , i)pn defeated the Navy lay a core 6 Spartan Athletic Club. These areig to 4 Tuesday evening. The game scheduled lor the afternoon, itn-; mediately after the lacrosse game. ! "The boys arc- especially lntere- 4e4 In this, their first jmeet of the Reason, owing to the fact that the vvai weil contested. ' Batterie Station: D. Jvtorrlsotj and. Stile; Navy: Pitcher anJiPt ' terson. Umpires Comadlna and D. Sta- events will serve as some indica- League standing for first half i s tlon. of, iheabUjty. of several of . th .M follows: members to equal the marks nec- w. L. Pet easaryto qualify for participation Round House 8 1 JJB9 Jji th junior Olympic meet which ' station 7 2 778 Is to be held at the-Vancouver Ex-jDjy p0ck 3 0 .333 hlbitlon August. These marks wtllkjavy o 9 000 ..5.00 be ,puWlshed.An the press very soan ) , 10j ind the boys are waiting eagerly to compare them with their own. rnrk.iri:nn Hnv 3.0 Tomorrow's program will MnlstpZUnilIIlUIl Udy of the following events (all open to be run In the order named; 100 yard dash. Broad jump. ??0 yafd-dash. Pole vault. 8B0 yards run. WELCOME BRITISH VISITORS ; o. relay 4 laps of 220 yards). No word' has been received from tv. The v i xt 1 u . 1 a a t Daily News extends a hearty welcome to the Bn- port simpn in reply to an invita-tish visitors who are expected to arrive here tomorrow tion to compete in the relay, .so .and who will spend a full day in the city leaving on Satur- the following two teams have .been day's eastbound train. While many parties have visited ch0e;i from the sParan Atheiic "7V"HV ..i.m.m(v """f A. WaltersB. .Vnce. C. Bartlett this particular group is the pioneer of what it is hoped and h. suehiro. will pVove to be an annual event. , p. Edmimbe, c smith, p. vac-British people have not taken advantage of the oppor- cner and L- Wilson. tuilities to holidav in Canada to anything like the extent st!ould e jUmpson toys show they might have done. This country has been looked upon llZlTZX at! as too far away to interest the home folk. Instead of com-smith, running in the order Jng.here they have gone to Switzerland and other Euro- named. pean countries with the result that many British Colum- J- Bulger has generuiy dona- bians htvve wondered if they really cared about their kith tef a ophy for-u V80 a and kin on the Pacific Coast. Mil be We suggest to local people that they shall put themselves m the capable hands of staff-ser- out to meet the visitors tomorrow and to do what they can gent McNeill, while the timing to make them teel that they are welcome. Gup Lineaips .Are Announced Llpe-ups for the Dominion Day Cup final football game tomorrow evening between Merchant! and Regiment are announced as follows: Merchants Douglas; V. JJenrte and Geerje IIM: P. Yaoeher, GJlker and F. Russell; Feng. A. Diekens N. Chenofkl. J. Cem&dlna and O. C iJJitcheJl; retervea, O Laldler and Ward. Keglraent-E. SojiWr J. ftedent' and B. Thurber: P. .Bdgcumbe. P. DeJonj and-O. Winch am; a. Walters. J. Clarke. J. s. Wilson. M. Co- lus&l and O. J. Noi rirjgton. J. A. Johnson has tjpen appoln- ted referee and J. A. Fiwfcnd J W. Thompson neutral linesmen. In the event of a tkc at full tamo the game will be replayed. BENEFIT SHIELD STANDING The Stuar Benefit Shield stand ing to date is as fstlews: ,W. I). L. F. A. P. Canadian Lrfikui ,1 0 0 2 1 Regiment ,1 0 13 3 MerehanU 0 0 112 Hqme Oil 0 0 0 0 0 .WEATHER REPORT Dead Tree Point Cloudy, freh southeast wind: barometer. ..2941; sea rough. Triple Island Cloudy, strong ( asterly wind: sea moej-ate. . if you Roll Your Own Chtnteder Ii the cigarette paper you thuuIJ be utlag. 'Thousands of wite imuter are finding these better papers roll better smokes. Try Cbtntttltr tifnttt ppnl 120 Ii4ttjr St JU 1) CIGARETTE PAPERS Guaranteed Not to Wear and Tear MBverz. rocicipT the iat OUT WHEN AJHtPpLK VVt MEM -HEH.VvALW NT .M A fSiiOS . I.TV ; V .. Jl I L Vfi)slP w vamb out 'J I I afJH II I'll, j . ffl'aaSaSM I'1 ''' a...la.. Snin. W nwtjU, t u g ' fjWi tHereirnRECORD TIRES, i Kuarantced DUNLOP Cable Cord. quality at rock bottom ipricet! Prices heretofore un thought of for tires built to 'the standards which have made DUNLOP TIRES the choice of every world speed record -holder! Never before have you been .offered so much real tire value .at' such low. prices. RECORD Tires, .guaranteed, arc ,value. Hif .world? famous DUNLOP sensational DUNLOP 333 Dominion-Day .Junior: Foot ball Teams Selected ' In connection with the Dominion ! jay celebration the following teams I will represent Borden and Booth I ichools in their Junior football game I in the forenoon: 1 Borden Street-Annesley; Curnr Bong. Nayr. Veitcrt. Houston, j Lindsay. O Weill, Shrubcall, Camp-bejl. L. WJlson; reserves. Art Mur-j -ay, Wesley. Je. J Booth School Gay; Oomez. Rit-I -Jile; Parsons. Eby, Cromp. De- i.larop. Macdonald, Colussl. Leur WcMrkln; reserves, JIale. OrimbU- . j Revised Schedule vi miermeaiate Baseball League July 3 Young Elks vs. Young Sons of Canada. July 6 Y6ung 80ns of Canada vs. Young Empress. July 10 Young Empress vs. Young Clks, Juy 13 Young Elks vs. Young -r 60ns of Canada. CABLE -CORD CONSTRUCTION FULLY GUARANTEED PURE j Advertise in the Dally News. By Westover, VlfeLU, IO. PeANOV UOTTA I I I VTOST TRV r I I ik I 1 OlE .poZJ TO TEFAJaL i 0 Sue Price 30 14 $4.20 29 4.40 21 ...... m 29 4.5020 6.1 . 30 4.SO 21 6.21 2H 4.7S 19 7 70 29 x 4.7520 7.90 29 5.0019 H.2 305.0020 MO 4 1:4 DUNLOP RECORD Brand Tubes from 85c up CABLE CORD ti mdu.rtU.ndnt It not pub. tuH4 or duplaynt by tht liquor Control Hoard or trlht Oouorm nunt ofilntith CoUmbJ. HUES Baseball Standings PtttetMsrc fttrteasjo Daaton 8t. Louts FhitfMttphta HniokJyn N-w York ... OtHcmnuU . National Leatue Mew York ... Philadelphia Detroit A'itPhlnMm OlevetaDil 3t Louis Chicago Boston . The skis of a porp thick. .ct M :)! :t! 3d American Lmue W 47 411 Ml n 1 ' 3u 30 3: 3!! aa S3 45 19 so 28 30 12 J2 iZ :A 1- .in Dominion Day Celebration July 1. 1935 10 a.m.-Moose Band ParK tn Acropolis Hill 10:30 a.n.-Chllcln B:r; Free distribution "i caiiily-etc. v 11 a-m.Junlbr Focinall. AtlmlssloH Frre ap:m.-?ir Aiyansh Team v. Prince iU'port 0 n m Trorlf it Field 'SL I 3 p.m.-Baseball: Empress I Sons ot Canada. Admission 25c vs. Merchants. Admission 25c 9 p.m. Dance In Moose Adiiils-slon 50c 11.11- & 5)1 ii! W iOt M . Pet .111 in iU it incb