PAGE FOUR DOLLAR DAY SATURDAY Fraser & Payne's DRAPERY DAMASK, EXTRA SPECIAL 4 Designs in shades of Rose, Rose and Blue, Blue and Gold and Rose and Gold. SO Inches wide. Reversible heavy weight cloth, fast colors. Regular value $1.95 and $2.25 fifi Dollar Day Special t?iUU WABASSO SILK DRESS GOODS All new Floral Designs, 36 inches wide, assorted colorings, absolutely fast colors Q-f Af Reg. 75c and 95c yd., 2 yards for VUU WABASSO BED SHEETS Full double bed size, 80x90 inches, bleached and half bleached, absolutely free from Q4 fA filling or dressing, each WABASSO PRINTS Absolutely fast colors, 36 inches wide, all new designs, wear guaranteed CJ-fl A A $.UU 4 yards for NOVELTY FRILLED CURTAIN FABRICS 27 Inches wide, good quality scrim with colored frilled edges in Blue, Gold. Rose and C-J A A Green, Dollar Day. 6 yards for ?M.W CRETONNES 10 Pieces 36-inch Cretonne, all new designs, and new colorings, good heavy cloth Q-f A A and fast colors, 4 yards for JivU WABASSO PRINTS An assortment of 36-inch prints, good designs, excellent cloth, fash washing colors Q-f A A Ql.VU 6 yards for WABASSO HEMSTITCHED PILLOW CASES Good quality pfllqw cases, full size hemstitched ends, 5 for on a decision of the city council to renew the public cardroom licence of the Eagles Cigar Store on Pike Street $1.00 WABASSO PILLOW CASES Hand-drawn hemstitched ends, extra heavy Wabasso bestlade 00 ;jyeight, $1 TOWELS: day afternoon. WABASSO PILLOW TUBING Linen finished, absolutely pure, no C AA dressing, circular make, 3 yards for vr LINEN GLASS OR TEA TOWELS SPECIAL OFFER 50 Doz. Genuine Irish Linen Tsa or Glass Towels. You have got to see the quality to appreciate the value. Selling at less than cost fij-fl A A Dollar Day, Size 22x32 Inches, 4 for VX.Ulr LADIES' PANTIES AND STEP-INS 20 Doz. Ncn-Run Rayon Silk Panties and Step-ins lace trimmed and tailored styles, assorted shades, small, medium and large CJ-f A A 3 pairs for ?X.UU LADIES' FRENCH COMBINATIONS Finest quality Rayon Silk Combinations, tailored and novelty trimmed styles, assorted shades, May-Belle quality, reg. $1.95 O-f A A Dollar Day tJH.UU GIRLS' RAYON SILK NITE-JAMAS Non-Run Rayon Fabric two-tone assorted shades very newest style garment, 04 A A J..UU sizes 8 to 16, Dollar Day GIRLS' BEACH PYJAMAS Assorted colors, rayon silk, ginghams, fast colors, organdie trim, sizes 8 to 14 Cj A A Dollar Day . t?J.UU 1-PLY KNITTING YARN 20 Shades, pure wool, 4-pIy Knitting g A A Yarn, 10 one-oz. balls 3J..UU LITTLE BOYS' NOVELTY WASH SUITS Assorted styles and colors, made from good quality-broadcloth, neatly trimmed 04 A A slzesj to 6 JX.VU TOWELS! i ' At Less Than Cost Poison sumac has white berries. Christies Graham Wafers The Graham Wafers you have always liked best, kept crisp and fresh in a new package deli cious W5c?S3 I RF.CIPE KVW" V IN EVERY I So crisp and crunch so nourishing . . . with milk ... and other beverages . . . you'll like them better, than ever. TOWELS! 26 boz. good quality White Turkish Towels, col- 25 Do. Extra heavy quality White Turkish Towels orea cnecKs ana sinpes, size fill colored checks, stripes and plain 18x36 inches, 7 towels for Regular Price $2.95 yAiu v colors, size 22x42, 4 towels f or MAY BELLE NOVELTY UNDERWEAR Vest and Bloomer Sets-Brassier and Pantle Sets The New Petti-Pantie Slips. 3 styles Mayor John Dore N0 pAPER tomorrow Exercised Veto, TomorroWt Domtnlon Day PUbHC there Will be RUVATTT V Tun 10- Mavnr Tnhn -M. v SSTSiS n the Dally News. The next 77' .. u .. n! i "8ular dMon will appear Satur- i-i. KAYSER AND ORIENT FULL FASHIONED HOSE 23 Doz. Sheer Chiffon and Service Weight Hose, sandsheen finish with the new cradle foot. In all the new shades, reg. $155 and $1.50 pair. Dollar Day, pair 1.00 Sl.OO $1.79 Joe Arseneau Wins Contest Joe Arseneau, with banjo, violin and piano novelties, which virtually brought down the house, was the winner last night In the musical contest In connection with amateur week at the Capitol Theatre here. There were two other contestants, one a one-man band and the other an accordionist. Judges were Mayor C. H. Orme, Mrs. D. C. Stuart and Mrs. Robert Blance. Amateur contests are also being held at t!-.? matinee this afternoon and at the evening show tonight. ZAM-BUK . 600 then Quickly Heals BURNS & SCALDS BOSTON CAFE Reopens Saturday, 11 a.m. Thoroughly Renovated Bright and Cheery THE DAILY NEWS Thursday, June ,0 Free Prizes to Be Given Away In Slogan Contest Nabob Manufacturers Offer Unique Opportunity to Win Free Vacation One of the most Interesting and thought-provoking slogan contests to be released In Western Canada this year Is one that offers the unusual appeal of expense-free vacations as prizes. There are a total of nine vacation prizes offered, each one designed to provide for the pleasure of two people. The grand prize consists of a two weeks vacation for two people valued at over $500. In adldtlon. there are eight other prizes, each valued at $75. The one stipulation made by the sponsors of this contest is that all prise- winners must plan to spend their vacations entirely within the boundaries of Canada. Although the contest closes very .shortly, Saturday, July 9. to be exact, entries are still coming in and there is still plenty of opportunity for a "bright Idea" to secure prlse-wlnnlng recognition if it is submitted on or before the closing date. The sponsors of this slogan contest are Kelly, Douglas Si Co., Ltd., well known manufacturers and distributors of Nabob Brand Pure Food Products. Final anonuncement and full details of the Nabob slogan contest appeared in this paper yesterday. The names and addresses of all vacation prize-winners will be announced within the next two or three weeks. ARRESTS MADE IN CONNECTION WITH ROBBERY SEATTLE. June 29 Two arrests were made Tuesday arising out of the Seattle Post Office robbery of last December when $38,000 was stolen. Bail In the sum of $25,000 was granted each mVm pending arraignment. E. H. Riley has confessed tak ing part in the robbery. His wife has been released on $10,000 bail on a charge of knowingly receiving stolen goods. SPECIAL For Month of July WE WILL CLEAN AND PRESS One Suit and one Dress (any kind) for $2 JO; reg. price. $1.00. or Any two other garments of ladies' or gents' apparel for $2.50 Any style of sweater for 50c; reg. price $1.00. also 25 Percent discount on Dry Cleaning Portiers, Velvet Curtains, Eiderdown Comforters and Auto Rugs. 8 PHONES 118 Canadian & Pioneer Laundries, Ltd. Hotel Arrivals New Royal Hotel THE HOTEL WORTH WHILE Hot it Cold water: Steam Heat 75c. I'ER DAY AND UP J. Zarelll Trlrphonc til Dan Beaton. CNJl. Hotel Central Limited Covenlent to business district, homelike, beautiful harbor views. Hates reasonable. Spacious sample rooms. Hotel Central Ltd. First Avenue Si Seventh Street BAXTER IS ROMANTIC I'opular Screen Star Has Fine Itole In "Amateur Daddy" at the Capitol Theatre Minus the glistening spurs and the broad-brimmed sombrero of his colorful screen character In "The Cisco Kid," Warner Baxter, that virile favorite, proves that he can be just as romantic in an old khaki shirt in "Amateur Daddy." midweek feature offering on the screen of the Capitol Theatre here. Baxter's role in this picture Is that of a kind-hearted construction engineer who finds himself suddenly the guardian of a family of waifs, the characterization being somewhat similar to that of "Daddy Long Legs" which won the popular star so many new admirers. Baxter is surrounded by an exceptionally fine cast in "Amateur Daddy." In the leading feminine role Is Marian Nixon with Rita La-Roy, William Pawley and David Landau In other featured parts. hTr film also offers a glimpse of four of Hollywood's most talented child players Joe Hachey, Fra.ikle Dar-ro. Joan Breslaw and Oall Kornfeld. Considerable interest is also being manifested In the amateur contests to be staged for local talent this evenlnR and at the matinee this afternoon. mm Phone 933 per 1-Ib. ttn Phone 953 De Jong's Cash and Carry Saturday Specials Make Your Own Beer We have imported a 600-pound barrell of Scotch Cream Malt Syrup Special Introducing Price 9 An per lb MJ BottJs Caps- OAp Maiktnt Best Pan Lagan- Ap berry Jam. per 4-lb. pall Peanut Butter 4 in Jill Blue Ribbon Coffee per lb. 39c Ashcrof t Catsup targe bottle 22c Blue Ribbon Tea per lb. Persian Dates per fancy pkg. Lux Flakes Large pkgs. 2 for 'tfviUlcAU m Cre.stwood Butter per 3-lb brick North Star Lard per 5-lb. pall COAL! COAL! 39c 14c 45c Malkln's Best Sliced Peaches Slae 2's OQp per tin Evaporated Prunes ?r 21c 65c 67c Satisfaction guaranteed with our Famous Edson Alberta Si Bulkley Valley Coal; No. 1 Bulkley Valley Timothy Hay, Wheat. Oats Si Barley. Pratts Baby Chick Food. Seeds Si Fertiliser. Prince Rupert Feed Co PHONE 58 Se 558 f kiki mm! KXI3 koemxks mwxmnmiws mi us? r. ... I an l" ri i mi.. Mak inursaay Only TWO SHOWS 7 and 9 pm. THURSDAY MATINEE at '' 2 M AMATEUR tiiiivo . Feature Starta. n.V'JW ; ei 35q The Happiest Komance Since "Daddy Lonils" WARNER BAXTER' in "AMATEUR DADDY" With Marlon Nixon and a Great Cast The K'.d He Scolded Was the Girl He Adored SCREEN SOUVENIRS NO. 8 F0X NEWS NS N0' n Amateur Night at 8:10 71 Admission 15c & 50c Feature Starts at 7:2ft Jt FRIDAY & SATURDAY -Two Shows-7 & 9 GEORGE O'URIEN in "THE RAINBOW TRAIL" nun Cecilia rarker, Minna Gombcll, Roscoe Ates I A Zane Grey Story of the Wide, Open Spaces 3 Comedy LAUREL & HARDY In "ANY OLD PORT S Musical "TOOTLIGHTS- MnrtA vr,.. MICKEY MOUSE in "MICKEY CUTS UP" "3 Admission 15c Si 50c Feature Starts at 8:00 & 10:00 FRIDAY & SATURDAY MATINEE at 2:3(f" Admission 15c & 33c Feature Starts at 3 30 Every Householder In Prince Rupert Will RecfTt This Week a Card, Which. When IVewnted to Your Grocer Entitles You to Purchase a Tin of in s Best Coffee Less a-Rebate of Not good after July 15th 10 CENTS We want you to tato the goodneas of this popular B. C. Product. Should you fail to receive your rebate card ploaso phone 72 or 78. The W. H. MALKIN CO. LTD. 1 mail tmxmm vmtm i . i nnuuunntiti , . r The Orange & Black Front Store I Corner Third Avenue and Fifth Street KAIEN HARDWARE REOPENS TODAY in this New Store Wc Invite Your Inspection HERE ARE JUST A FEW SPECIALS I Canning Racks, each &5c Preserving Kettles, each $1.10 Lawn Rakes, each 35c 2-Ply Roofing, per roll $1.95 Fishing Outfit: Rod, Reel and Line $1.(5 Oh, Kids! Pocket Knives, earh I'-c UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED 8tnmri. Iv Prino Hur; for Vnnctiuvrr -r s.8. f .lT.U.A KUIHY TI KMIAY t:a.. P.M. Vl WayiHMiU. arriving Vancouver Thumdair ijn TJ.. CtKDKN A KVtltV IHIIlW MIOMIillT. Arriving Vancww Sunday midnight appro. Wwkly aaUUiga to Port bunpaon Alice A-rn. Anyo. Buwart and fin Blvrr point Sunday. 8 p at. Further Information rtfadlng all tailing and ticket a' - HUME KITCUT AfJESCY: ta-ond Aimw. ptwn V.X The Fish which made Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED - BLACK COD - Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, H.C. Early Ad. Copy is appreciated