THE DAILY NEWS . Se est 2s acts oe aR EEE RT eT ERE as etasmsinetiaceananaal neal LAND Pup : : / he Dail N Ww . whole of the bond issue was taken up, that would give the city a sum TO REPLACE if oe PURCHASE NOTIop Yy iVews tae’ | EMPLOYMENT ; ' - of $1,900,000. How far will that amount go? FREE OFFICE : : Skeena 1 me 3 3 ‘ wena Land Dixtriet Yt Bes ; Formerly The Prince Rupert Optimist a , ihc is SUNK SC HELT Prince ftuper, {tf Wiliam ee, Om pre is a § 5 > rai » Secti icahapiiet " to apply for pernisaion ce ett” teehee f Published by the Prince Rupert Publishing Company, Limited 6 Here 1s & aim of $500,000 ‘to be rajeed to pay for the Section For all, kinds of help, eooks, ¢ | desetibed tanta: "Piru jel ne grading. There is an issue authorized of $40,000 f » telephone ially Sea- thy Sch waiters, dishwashers. hotel por Commencing at a post piers DAILY AND WEEKLY nei ase ’ or the teleph Specially Sea-worthy ooner te il kinds of laborers or me- corner of Lot 3068, (eon, P!uted at the etiias plant and $66,000 for the electric light plant, neither of which will Tuladi is Purchased ties. call up South 20 chains, “chence eas wt Ditties nat weet ae RATES—DAILy, 50c per month, or $5.00 per year, in advance, | provide for extensions which time will make necessary, A sum of pinchiacil of commencement, esc, 4\°%, 40 chain’), am - » $2.00 per year. OuTsipE CaNADA—Daily, $8.00 per year; Weekly, | ¢1 19,000 is still owing he PrGelailad Colones y As : ; Phone No. 178 low. «80 wer, ail $2.50 per year, strictly in advance. 4 is still owing to the Provincial Government for the old| To replace the ill-fated Sechelt + call at the Dated Apell 81911, WILLIAM Joyo ~aterworks avate . " » Siskin : ‘ ™ ore , rate oN CO We apa on ADVERTISING —650 cents per inch. Contract rates waterworks system, and other pre-incorporation expenses. $80,000) the staunch gasoline shcooner Tu- Skeona Land Dist: 4 pplication, Se is needed for the plankways in the outlying sections. A sum of over}ladu has been bought by Captain Grand Hotel Free Employment Office Whi noel i 5 i : : ; ® notice tha Daily News Building, Third A $500,000 is to be asked for in connection with the waterworks scheme.|M, B. Wilson, and is now on the Headquarters for cooks & waiters taetone to ay y uilding, ve., Prince Rupert, B. C. Telephone 98. No contractors’ estimates have been obtained for this latter work, | run Gime meeme erence tallowing dover BRANCH OFFICES AND AGENCIES which it is understood is to be carried through by dav labor. And! She has three waterti \ le ead ea 8? New YorK—National N. B ; gh by day labor. “1 She has three watertight bulk- fron Ce een! mile w ewspaper Bureau, 219 East 23rd St., New York City. | the:e is no assurance that $500,910 will carry the w ¥] se ee , ‘array thenes west 60 chile SEATTLE—Puget Sound News Co. , ; ’ ~arry the work through. heads, and has proved herself an pee dhiateng By ATT Lonvon, ENGLAND—The Clougher Syndicate, Grand Trunk Building, Trafalgar Thus with a_ borrowing power hardly capable under the most} excellent sea boat in all weathers ROGERS & BLACK rane! » Avi Square. roseate conditions of supplying more than $1,900,000 capital, the|in the open sea. The Tuladi is E tty is c d wi in ail : , : ; /HOLESALE DEALERS IN— city is pny with engagements which call for the payment of |equipped with sail power-and a on ‘ oie COR Hance 6 Land Dita “The newspaper, with the law, should assume the accused innocent ees ad val lef are works. With less than $600,000) gasoline engine capable of driving | Building Material, Cement, Lime, for parmelahion Coes farmer, tad until proven guilty; should be the friend, not the enemy of the potential capital left, what has the city to face? her nine miles an hour. The Tuladi| Hair-fibre Plaster, Coke, Blacksmith iitineadier eo "6 dead on te defender, not the invader of private life and f ace is a craft of 33 tons gross, measur- Coal, Common Brick, Soaeke on ge sees thence east 2a, a e assailan arac > > j 3 aC . “Mee be AS : h 40 chains, thence weet 20 cha sendin Culdubacumoere elie eae it were, a 3 es es first place it has to face the need for a permanent City|ing 66 feet in length and has a Pressed Brick north 40 chains Vo pac a . ry , all. nder — conditions which will obtain here for several | peam of 16 feet and 6 feet draught. | Shingles, Lath, New Wellington Coal Pub April 10. MUON HEPC aod i. ee : arge appropriation is needed if a permanent stone,) She was previously employed ALL ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED Gerona Land District— Distr ~~ DaILy EDITION. agya> Monpay, JUNE 5 or a, ’ toad _and concrete Municipal Building is to be erected. off the west coast of Vancouver a Pupert, B. C., ve ath . a Next there is the demand for sewers, both in the business and}jsland and off Queen Charlotte See Us fer Prices. - Phone No. 116 len : % sae; the residential sections. The scheme for a permanent sewer syst€™/[slands in the fishing business, side of Bachutelie nin piste ® te og THE GRAND TRUNK ASSESSMENT > to cover about one-third of Section One, which the City Engineer] from Vancouver, to enter the 1-8 ellen wert trom Kachu san live ei ; : is recently laid before the council called for an outlay of $180,000. The | yjctoria-Sooke service. FRANK D. KEELEY Shaias south’ thence 40. 2 > > 2 - 2 * . & 4 without rhetorical appeal, letting the issues be clearly seen, and allow- $500,000. And there are other sections in the city too. 0 e z “attention paid to Ailing preseriptions. | Simona Land District Gems Castel ing the facts to make their own appeal to the individual mind. Our If roadmaking is impossible, there still remains the work of re- BESNER & BESNER, Prorrrerors | ¢ Theatre Block Puown No. 7 Second Ave. | Aaberen, cpenpetion ‘spacey nase “0m chief concern is not which way the electors will vote, but that the planking Section One and putting in wooden sidewalks. A sum of ini ze aE ee | Cee beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees | ante Sheen els om electors may know what it is they are voting for or against. $200,000 would be required for this. lan. \Firet-clase service. All the Latest Motern Sulien west al bolt s eas Cans ome ft Then there remains the hope that Prince Rupert will be able er ornenee: — BEDS Me UP | =— maeapeneeeuuenmremmls _ egy A mam where ern ptien ts Na f é ; : to own its own gas plant, power plant and street railway FIRST AVENUE, PRINCE RUPERT thenes '40 chains eas > 0 cade a Sao g rt , : _° thence 40 we cnas ERRATA:—In Saturday 8 article of this series showing how It would seem as if Prince Rupert has need of every cent of capital | ———--—-_ and contains eB es the proposed assessment agreement will affect the borrowing power]it can raise. This work of city-buil ‘at hich the cit 7 id os . es : vi alse, s sity-buillding in which the citizens ¢ : > ; ARR of the city, by an error of vision we misread Clause 68 of the Municipal | the Grand Trunk Pacife are Shaws - is ra ie Ms ae “te & ray an Pub Apr. 7. smn Lea, iy stele : or +4: 7 ‘ : =. < are engage » IS & -xpensive one. ‘e Pi “ 7 : Clauses Act, limiting the borrowings of municiplaities, " being placed costs when a city has to be furrowed through rock and piled over | | ROCHESTER & Take notice that ( Keowe ah at 80 per cent of the assessed values of lands within the municipality. foe A . ; . s Rupert, B. C., wont ag ; : muskeg. The proposal to reduce the railway company’s tax bill to Ae M ROE to apply for px oa The correct figure is 20 per cent. This means that the shrinkage $15,000 a year cateying with it a redact ; pé ’ aA a co Pra : ONRO deceribed lands ase be lla ; vias , ; , é ar, a reduction of over $1,250, in|} FIRST AVENUE 1G STREE : ‘ jommeneing at s sect a in the city’s borrowing power under the proposed settlement will] the city’s capital, is a seriot », “Phevdute of ves 40 te Vans! oe rE Tada south and be $1,255,300, not $5,021,200 as stated S capital, 15 a serious one. 1e duty of explaining this con- | "£C and Flat river sina, ‘ ’ ’ : s sequence of the agreement, is a responsibility which should not be} N , OAL es aie’ a But this makes the matter even more serious, for the loss of shirked by those who are submitting i cael as Newly Furnished and an hea! ad Dated April 20, 19 1 Keon 1,255,300 o twain’ Bee ie y s are submitting it to the people for their vote. PHONEIIS Pub Ber 13 z aaa $1,255, ma enty per cent ratio, is much more serious than Ee ic BY nS Steam Heated Rooms mage ines $5,021,200 on an eighty per cent ratio, on the principle, The next article will be on ‘How the Agreement Affects the ShTake not co. thet nd easily perceived, that a man on his way to buy a $20 suit of clothes} Waterfront shd Tralle Develooart af Pri ae a ie : A FIRST CLASS BAR AND DINING ora C., osong Sool ol . . . « « . “velop 2 » 4 : 7 CONNEC or mission to pu a “ ¥ with twenty dollars in his pocket, suffers a more severe loss by losing ee ae ee ag ide haa pede be —— “7 five dollazs, than he would if he lost twenty dollars from a wad of} : ate quoball soles distant’ ss sovth woney dell eighty dollars. eee see 55 RATES 50 CENTS AND UP eatiiees "tenes “3 = BATHS FREE TO GUESTS FOR SALE Get 09 chalas, thence | in od I} commencement, conta é omer @ ARTICLE No. 5—HOW THE PUBLIC ENTERPRISES A GENERAL MEETING OF THE | oes pases feed 24 1911 Vas Fa . / Lots 5 and 6, Block 28, ARE AFFECTED ROBT. ASHLAND =p, box 37 ta 5 and 6, Bloc fuking Land Ds a cal \. J $3000, 25 per cent. cash, — ag ae ; oe balance 1, 2, 3 years, described land In the last article it was shown how the proposed settlement 3 P > R with the Grand Trunk Pacific of the disputed assessment would re-act =F rince upert— oe oe Fee aa ee ye a Pere Fee very ralle north east from Cincier juli a a of t mm oe upon the city’s. borrowing power, reducing its power to borrow by Tbs aieth 40 obs ven 1 at least $1,255,300. The importance of this upon the future welfare e e e Hotel Central ©: FirtAre. GEO W MORROW aad deieedata 06 ence a of the city is apparent. Cities, like other corporations, are limited eT 1076 Nelson at —-.1.. CC uN in their enterprises by the extent of their capital. The difference er SSOCla on Eoeeek snedern ennvenionsen,” ates : Oe | Pub. April 7 or of $1,255,300 in the city’s capital may make all the difference between ee ee Mage sa Stikine Land Dis “, a city of progressive people owning all their own public utilities, and ‘ ; bee tt Cero B.C. occupation cw oa aa a corporation-racked-city. A great deal could be said on this aspect Will be Held in the McIntyre Hall a om ei 0 i ; | ereeperrerE tee oe BILLIARDS hie at nile » soe f the case, which space does not permit. BOWLIN ,. and POOL and, on ‘ae oe beak - Avril 7 . giving natural drainage, natural grades, and eas ess to a Ww —At S. m.— Skeena Land District Gas supply ei fe series : ean aie setae Ere In the case of Prince Rupert, the site was selected by the trans- ee es EB. EBY @& Co. to apply for pets 7 portation company, primarily for its physical advantages as a railway Rees Ree Gs ea bar BEAL ROTATE res om a -~ transhipment point. Consequently, the expense of street grading, Hou, Milan. Taconlaman, finisher of Inland: Revenue Kitsumkalum Land For Sale seat, Waseee wen 4 aoe. i ering and water supply is more than ordinarily heavy, and con- : oe : | VICTORIA CAFE KITSUMKALUM - B.C. | Dated’steren 17, 19) git aoa ; sequently the civic corporation has more than ordinary requirements and Mines, and Member for the District will Pub, April 22. 4am \ for large borrowing power. And—it seems too obvious to add— be present, and will speak. ere eee 7 rue ane Dis “a i : therefore, it needs to be more than ordinarily careful about granting ee eek | CED of Toronto, “Ontar My? i large exemptions which will make great inroads on the borrowing i: pi es tii Pate Piet described Innds: . : : powers of the city. corner of Lat 8035 ‘Ks gb, Coast Dui f Cer east 60 chains, thence on OES ifics Prince Rupert Lodge, 1.0.0.F. | sixes seu Sie. Aa Not until after the Court of Revision has closed its books will | NO or ee owe toil, . i it be possible to say what the borrowing power of the city is, for te or ent ‘i . 63 oo WILLIAM VIL 4 ve innumerable protests have to be heard from the railway company, | |M@Shes ’ Meese Fe anes Pee tee the development company and from private citizens about their assess- eee ee cae Ce Every Tuesday Evening Take "notice that 1 + ti cea | ment. It is probable that the figure quoted by the assessor as the rant tee ent , Rr) OR ER Pe ss ; Partly furnished House on All members of the order in the city to apply for perils we ae | total taxable values, $12,920,960, will be much cut down. © 3rd Ave. , 7 rooms with are requested to visit the lodge. ig at a} ; nw eG There must be considered the view which the financial houses R d Th D | bath, —_Electrie lighted. bank of Exehumsiks he ie r will take of an assessment based on speculation values, next the ea e al y ews wo G, 8, JOHNSTONE, N. G, chains ‘west, thonce #0 z “ea it: reluctance of banks to float or the public to accept flotations to the H. MORTON, Secretary. | ated’apri zi, 1911! ae 4 extreme limit of a city’s borrowing power, next the fact that bond G. C Emmerson - wi or ai “ { issues are sold much below par (most recent B.C.issue that of $958,000 And Get All the News NADEN BLOCK SECOND AVE, gabe eee i e 4 1-2 per cent forty year debentures offered by the town of Burnaby | == — $$$. corer: - Bern va cocnisaton | ; | eH brought 96,73) and finally the percentage to the financial house which , F. W. HART dencribed lends: w aed + Th undertakes the flotation. ONDERTAKER & EMBALMER fot 17h, Coant District, ’ , “al we While it is difficult to make any confident estimate of what a city |= = edumialiotanek Shains, thence west 40 ‘s 3 o is likely to find is the limit of its borrowing capacity on a bond issue = = Sates 05 -pompmoncoms oa . = i¢ is not unfair to suggest that the usual experience that men meet = pints Sethi ss ima eae JOM ‘ be with when they try to borrow a couple of dollars on their last winter's | — Soe overcoat, or a couple of thousand dollars on a house and lot, namely, = = Little’s NEWS Agenc nick ° that the lender always accepts his own valuation of the security, and |= = y LAND LEASE NOTI o not the borrower's valuation, holds good in the realm of larger bor- |= ra se SS | Magazines :: Periodicals :; Newspapers | —_—_——— iy. s rowings and loanings. Estate of The Brin Furniture Company S=| CIGARS ':: TOBACCOS :: FRUITS Skeena Land District 0 ti) i —— SS = G.T.P. WHARF Rupert, BC. Seeupaion pro et Assuming that the Development Company and the more flag- = deed Inna plauted i qb ensy.. over-assessed private citizens have $1,000,000 stricken off = Acting under instructions of NO Now ie the time to furnish = LINDS AY’S CARTAGE and | Gomme ay and om tho eu oan ssessment and that the proposal to compromise with the railway |= the creditors we are forced to your home at prices that you = STORAGE Tprseaise ta Goose Bay, thence 1a" ey company on a basis of $15,000 a year (thus reducing their assessment dispose of this stock before REASON ABLE will never have a chance to = 80 chains Uhence, west ‘4° oF 1 oath a to the equivalent of $1,000,000 at 15 mills) is accepted, that makes July 1st... Entire stock of do again, : 3 3 3 3 = G, T, P. Transfer Agents pest, poaatalaing $20 Serer LIAM MO F i a total reduction of the present assessment for borrowing purposes High-class Furniture, Carp- OFFER ela aah Orders promptly filled, Prices resacuable, | ue Avett #5 { ; of $2,918,500 and brings the assessment down to $10,101,460 as a ae, Waka, ‘Shaven.tite,: il ee Et re Ghural aa the OFFICE ~H, B. Rochester, Centre St. Phone 66. pation, Land Distr aes ee: basis of borrowing. | be sold regardiess of cost. REFUSED salesroom. : : : : : man | Buinert, B. 0, Coen ae to ie Theoretically, the city would then have a power to borrow up to = doseribed lands: sea about Md ey i core aes aye —— THE IRO UOIS Commencing at a post pla! on the om / the limit of approximately $2,020,000, What percentage of this sum = Q south of the Indian Haeer? eleead 0) side the north 100 chains along shore \ cove ert) thence west 60 chains more oF © hen il thence 100 chains along 820% ining chains more or less to port ©" iF could be raised, is another question. Assuming however, that an issue of $2,000,000 was hazarded, that an allowance of five per cent C. B. LOCKHART Assignee = covered the cost of advertising, discount and flotat on, and that the =: = English and American Billiards more or Lens. ume Basi Twelve Tables Sincomp Avs. Rated Marah 8 i911, ul