Thursday. June 3?, 1932, rispness lasts! and flavour is finer still QUAKER CORN FLAKES . . . crisp beypnd comparison. Flavour more pleasing, more subtle than that of any other corn flake. Try them. They are made to suit your urn You will agree they f c ihtfbesi'flvoml corn flakes you luc cvtr i-uien. If yuu do not, we will refund in you the cost of the package. This guarantee is printed on every carton. Triple-sealed . . . both the inside onouincr ana the carton. Thin wax-wrapped and sealed again o that all this marvellous flavour aud crispness shall be preserved for you. Dealers' stocks are always frcih. For any meal or at any time of day Quaker Corn Flakes. Cost but a cent a serving Quake CornF Ibis advertisement U not publish -a or uispmyeo Contrul Board or by the Government of British Columbia. .5. tkm it Vluin r.-s :f.aaEMQLD ss.ssrstaCai'waie'1 HT by Uu Llquoi jlillIBllIllllJllWHJMlBIIMaiB"llJI,B Three Days Left For DEMERS JUNE SALE LADIES' DHE86E8 Refular to $lS0 Now S10.95 LADIES' DRESSBfi-Reiular-$J0 6.95 3 Now a LADIES' WASH DRES8E8-Reguter 46 Now t 83.50 LADIES' KNITTED SUIT8-Retulr up U $.0O at HALF PKICE Third Avenue Prince Kupcrt, R.C g I..a. uiaa jssa'M t M N'Ml H'sTH ' r i i ..I AIR DRIED SHINGLES Retain the cedar oil In the wood, af ronHna xt f'l maker. 8, ,'h. I-nd. Prices: No. 15X $3.75; No. 13X $3.25 HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 Tklcet 41.00. Phope Mr. hank for reservation. ( Miss A. A. Pierce of the commercial department of the local High fkfhool 1H sail tomorrow night on the Princess Adelaide for Vancouver where she will spend the summer vacation. Capt. W. W. Mounce. until recently chief officer of the steamer Cafcila on the local run, has assumed cwnjnand of the Union Steamship Co.'s day boat Capilano on the run between Vancouver and Britannia Beach and Howe Sounc. porta for the summer months. Famous Vegetable , Tills Make Short Work of Indigestion "After the first dose I was made aware of their very real tonic value," write Mia M. "f was troubled with Indi-gralion and Sick Headaches." Tifcause they are PURELY VEGETABLE, a gentle, effective tonic to both liver and bowels, Dr. Carter! Little Liver Pills are without equal lor correcting Constipation, Aridity, Biliousness, Headache, and Poor Complexion, iic and 75c. red packages. Sold everywhere. Always atk for them BY NANiE. Tonight's mixed train from the east, due at 11 o'elotk, was reported i his afternoon to be on time. compwr.T w iw m city po lice court this morning by Aid Georee B. Casey charging Louis Ross with swearing In a public )!ic Th case was adjourned until next Tuesday Announcements Eagles' Picnic, Grassy Bay, July 10. Canadian Legion Picnic. Island. July 17. Dlgby i 1 ITPTIA1T SALE SATURDAY EVE.MNO, JULY 2, at 7:30 p.m. AT THE AUCTION ROOMS FEDERAL ULOCK Willis Tlano In Mahoeany: Electric Washing Machine; Moffat Electric Range; Victor Orthophony and Records; McClary Garry Range; 3 Heaters; Bookcase; 2 Occasional Chairs; Wardrobe; DK Suite: Chestrrtltld Table; Couch; Dishes; Pots, Pans; Kitchen Chairs, and usual miscellaneous articles. LIST YOUR GOODS FOR THIS SALE G. J. Dawes THE AUCTIONEER Phone Black 120 Ited 633. For quick returns Try a Want Advertisement. TOTJJA1LT.NETOJ , FAQS.,TBStja . L - LOCAL NEWS ITEMS ! Big dance Moose Hall, July 1, at-19:30. Balagno's Orchestra, Adm. 50c I SeeWallae windows for Dollar Day Bargains. i C. Bruce of Sktdegate arrived In itbe city yesterday and Is a guest at the Savoy: Hotel. Saturday WaUaeert. Will be Dollar Day at The cheapest fuel In town, blp. 'oad slab wood. $3.25. Albert MeCaffery ktd., Phone 116 ana 117. i J. C. I paying .Mrs. Joseph Naylor and son will having sail Saturday afternoon on the ss . niver Prtncew Louise for Victoria where ; ln. they will spend the summer vaoa-i tf Hunt of Port Essington is a brief visit to the city, arrived from the .Skeena on yesterday afternoon'i i wen. t. H. Johnson or this city was I --. i named district deputy master for ,The citizens are tnvUed to the Skeena district At the recent Ma Fh,Dwnr to )De held In the Cori- Bonlc Grand Lodge convention In medete cafe at 7 pjn. Friday to Vancouver. reet the BrjtUh Touring Party Provincial Constabe H. L. Mc- Kenney of Terrace arrived In the city on yesterday afternoon's train from the Interior for a brief visit here on official business apd re turned to Terrace on this after noon's train BUY The "Thrift" Way in f i and oave on roods Specials For "i hursday and Saturday QUAKER OATS-Qulck Large Haclsate per pkg JHBAD FLOUR " Famous A High Osade Flour per 24-lb. sack PUFFED WHEAT per pkg PUFFED RICE per k SLICED BREAKFAST BACON. pr lb Cooking 18c ' Brand, 56c 13c 17c 17c AR8 Largest tins. Ex- . cepttpnal value, per tin PEACHES Largest tins, for quick desserts, per tin AYLMER RED PLUMS 2's ner tin . .. YAL CITY PUMPKIN 2 s per tin 22c 22c 10c 10c Vegetable Combination Special i tin Royal City Tomatoes Choice 2's i tm Quaker Corn. 2's 1 un Royal City No. 4 Paas Choice 2's OQn The 3 tins for COLD MEDAL MAYONNAISE One of the "Best Foods" QQn o UUj yjvi u-u. jest IVORY SOAP Guest size Der bar SQUIRREL PEANUT BUT- f L7c fp TER. per 1-lb. tin :m LARD In 1-lb. cartons ner lb Malkln's Best Best per l:Srrl lb. 4c COFFEE EE 41c 5V!2SR!I Brln8 your 'our re CHATEAU CHEESE uit '2-lb. pkg bate card and and save 10c 10c re-ird 16c UOK QQp 29c ner 1-lb. pkg SHELLED WALNUTS Light Pieces, per lb. 25c FELS NAPTIIA SOAP Hp Limit 10 bars, per bar lie Creamed Ireamed CHICKEN HADDIE Use or In Salads ner No. 1 tin 15c CUOWN BRAND SARDINES Nor wegian In Olive Oil 19o per tin : . THRIFT TEA Our Special Blend, Guaranteed to QA please, per lb VANCOUVER ISLAND JAM Strawby. Raspby, Blkcnt, No. 1 Hothouse Tomatoes -J JJCI u. ... Bunch Canots bunch ; Lettuce head rr 5c Thrift Cash & Carry Phone 179 201 Third Ave. "CAItrtY AND SAVE" r'l'BBanoi'iKBiBitiiiiigw'JKiiaf umm CLASSIFIED ADV NEW Vindex Sewlnft Ifthjne tor sale. Phone preen 50. 158 WPECIAL Goodyear Tires at lower prices tnan any mau oraer house. Kalen Motors Ltd. Phont 52. MODERN HOUSE for rent $25 a month. 442 Fourth Ave. Bast. Phone Red 720. tf FOR RENT Five-room furnished house. Harbor view. Fourth Avenue East. T. WcCJymont. FOR RENT five-room modern I house, furnished for July and! August. Phone Green 839 evenings. 1S2 EXCHANGE LOT FIFTH AVENUE near Tatlow Small home. Part cash. Phone Green 505. tf WANTED OFFICE glr! wants comfortable home. Reply Box 142 Dally News Office. 153 " -rJOVF-RNMKXT I.lli:0K ACT" Notice of AHlieajtlon tor Oevujrnt to Trnfer of Hrrr Licence Notice Is her4y gaven Uut. on tht; 11th (toy of July next, the undersigned' Intend to ftppty to Lbe iaquer Oontrol: Board for ontwut to transfer of Beer Licence Number 3083 and twued tn Te-pect of prtmlaea betng part of a building known u the VWi 1MJI. Mte t 701 Third Avenue West. Prtare Bu- l.pcrt. B.C.. upon the iSfil-JtSS!hZ ! I. Mip No. BS8. Prince KtlpertT tend eglatrtUcn Oatriat. In the Province ol Brttb fJo))mbl. from Diinwntre Zar-nllt to Northern Hotel Company Llmru tl of Prince fluprrt. Brtttah Cotumbla. thr transferee. DATED at Prince Rupert. thl 7th day tt June, A D 19:!? NORTHERN HOTEL COHPAWY. LIMITED Per: PaXinurr St Fullun Solicitors. IThe AUCTIONEER Packing -- Crating Wrapping ind General Furniture Repairs List your goods with me il'O. J. IMWES Phone Black 1?0 AUCTIONEER List your goods with us Prince Rupert's tcadlng Auctioneer. G. M. HUNT 3rd Ave. Phone Red 637 PRINTING OFFICE SUPPLIES Rose, Cowan & Latta Phone 234 Manure For Sale No Straw. $2.00 Per Yard Casey Cartage Fuel Co. Phone 303 Prince Rupert DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating three Dry Docki Total capacity 20,000 tonsr . Shipbuilders and Ship Repairers for Steel and Wood Vessels Sawmill and Mining-Machinery Repaired and Overhauled Iron and Brass Casting Electric and Acetylene Welding SO-ton Derrick for Heavy Lifts ERTIS For rent, for sale and all ether small advertisements in this a word per insertion with six insertions for the price of four. FOR SALE FOR -SALE pair of adjustable shafting hangers. Also galvanized Iron tank. Apply Dally News. tf ' , FOR SALE or Rent, 8th Ave. West, Six-room house with sleeping oorch and basement. Apply Box 141 Dally News. 1 152 FOR RENT Jio advertisement taken for less than 50c; PAINTERS LIQIITEN YOUR SPRING CLEANING LABORS Puonc Ked 802 (evenings) to J..R. MOLLER - for -Kalsomining, Painting & Paporhanging By Day or Contract REASONABLE CHARGES PAPERHANGING Papcrhanping, Kalsomining and Painting At prices that will suit you I'hone Red 918 O. Rouse WATGIIMAKERS Send Your Watch, Clock, Jewellery and Optical Repairs to A. E. IRELAND 321 Third Ave, Prince Rupert. B.C. Thirty Years Practical Experience Assures Absolute Satisfaction OUR NEW LOW PRICE8 WILL SURPRISE YOU EMENTS section charged at the rate of 2 cents By the month the charge is 25c' word. DAIRIES For FRESH LOCAL MILJv Rhone Red 608 or 953 DOMINION DAIRY; 9 (Juarts or 11 Pints for Jl.0 , f PASTEURIZED MILK " IS SAFE MILK ; Fresh from Rulkley Valley Farms VALENTIN DAIRY Phone G57 GIIIROPRACTIC .1 r W. CAspinall Three Year Graduate Chiropractic Modern Ray Treatments Given'; Phone for Appointment Green 211 and 549 Open Evenings 6 Exchange Blk, TRANSFERS CAMERON'S Transfer Phone 11J far pry Birch. Cedar and Jack Pine; U SEAL COVE TRANSFER. Wood for sale at reasonable prices. Oreen 409 or Blue 903. Summer Resorts Phone 'iff- SUMMER RESORTS When Coming to TERRACE For Your-Picnic or Holiday MAKE AKIVANOEMENTS AHEAD WITH US To (ireet You on sArrival We Meet All Trains Special Rates For Picnic Parties to Lakelse Lake We Can Take You Anywhere at Any Time At Moderate Rates SWAIN'S TRANSEER & TAXI Wood Coal Terrace, B.C. FOR RENT FurnLslied Cabins on the Lakelse Lake Shore Close to Mineral Baths and Lodge Apply V. Soucle, Terme,iB.C. "THE DUNES At Beautiful Tlell, Queen Charlotte Islands The ideal sjimmer resort. A home away from home. A place for the fired businessman to rest and where the children can play unmolested and wttiwit danger. , Miles of sandy beach, huge sand dusn all the pleasure of the farm.wlth fresh milk and plenty of thlak cream. FrvegctaWM and home cooked meals. Trout and salmon fishing in Tlell River. SPECLU RATES FPR THIS SUMMER make it possible tor anyone to pay a visit. Here is cost per, persons Board and room for 10 days $J2 Return .steamship fare Care hire to and from boat - j Total for 12 days W Children, half price. No extras Prince John leavee Prince Rupert June 10. 24, July 8, 22, 10 Write or Telegraph Madame 'Ilajaiit ft. .8 1 M :?4