PASS POPE Tnuni ay it u I Badweise M.4XT aO ?t$ yttaV a m a . . . ..4-.. - - - - . mmf. IN RUPERTS Bill Plommer Writes to Vancouver Province Regarding Talent Oljiwpic Affiliation Fxiuee IlUBert. maat aoctheriv Remarkable Times Despite the prolonged rainy and a sloping, uneven, gravel AUSTRALIAN KEATS AMERICAN CHAMPION IX tXJLVUON TEN.MS IXMTOQN, June 16: Harry e. ..... e... city in B. C. to apply for affiliation ! r xwms ohampwr onampionsnips to 4e Junior arjanpie mowmtrt y c 6-3 which jn.SWe)ft the province, sends glowing accounts at the prowess of its athletes. They have already formed the Stmtm Athstt:: Club sod have been training for tee past month. Bill Plorruaer is president and coach of this enthusiastic aggregation of runners and .'uuipers and. despite severe handicaps in track facilities, has turned out young stars who have made creditable performances. "With the wonderful incentive of competition with Vancouver and provincial athletes." writes Mr. . I 4 FOOTBALL CAX. LEG I U.N vs. REGIMENT TONIGHT, 6:30 Baseball Standings bard for the privilege of wpiwent- ?"cag0 31 55 Jnff Prince Kunert in Jimlni- Boston 30 36 Olympic track meet ait Hastings Parte on August " Mr. Plommer. who is a bisjfa school teacher at Prince Rupert, started coaching two ambitious young men in track and field last New Turk 26 Brooklyn .2? St. Louis 96 PhJbidelabJa 18 Cincinnati J7 year. Others, both in and out of American League nign scnooi, necame interested, and ew York, ' .38 the Spartan Athletic Club was UMuhiagttxi "Z'Z'.M formed. Success seemed to crown Platadesania 3t the efforts of this pioneer organ!- nssajsnri1 M sation, for in Labor Day and Do- St. lowb 2R minion Day sports its members won Defoit 38 most of the first places. , Chicago 30 ; Boston .11 94 as 39 27 31 34 17 34 36 27 36 36 34 43 BA&ECALL POSTPONED BASEBALL June 17 Elks vs. Empress. June 20 Empress vs. g. O. C. June 34 B..O. C. vs. Elks. June 27 Empress vs. Elks. July IS. O. C. vs. Empress. July 4 Elks v. S. O. C. July R-Elks v. Empteej. July 11 Empress vs. S. O. C. July 15--S. O. C. vs. Elks. JI70 Mi football field on which to train 2? have med in some JLIT remarkable times over sprint dis- taaeball game between Yoncahs tances. I hiee of the lads seldom re- and Young Sons of Canada was quire more than 11 seconds to ceved. the centary. and one of the boys' chanced leg injuiies to uncork a' SOFTBALL POSTPONED burst of speed that carried bhn to the Upe in 10 4-6 seconds 1 "" con ane of the High Mr. Piommer has spiked -shoe ar-lSefaooJ hbaU plajr-offs hatiwen tists who do th mo varri M.t Tigers and Cubs, scheduled fr ns-1 an oval track in 34 seconds, with plenty in reserve under more favorable ooadttions smim Um promis-tag hatf-mUers from Pvbnae Rupert is a boy who is not entirely unknown in ttNaeauver. Re is BUI Patmore. ' eJasrve tactics on the Cana-rwsjsflr Held for Varsity earned hba osdte a reputation. With each a nucleus. Mr. Plom- SgaP Tin adnrbHiMiil la mo4 jut-luWtr duplafd Ar In Utn CpMroifioarrf or fer A Gouwrn-mint cf HrHitH GoUmlia. icnwy Biiemoon. was nosiponen on account of rain. Prince George Was Hottest Place In ' Province Week-end mer will doubtless buflt a fonnld- able team of coataodecs tor top honors in the B. C. Junior Olympic ' Prtnc Ceotae was the warmest track and field meet at Hastings Dt m province oT British Co-1 Park. In the absence of their coach lhunW at the end of t week. In the summer months, each boy !abK the questionable honor with has his training schedule outlined tPorUaatL hottest pace on the ooaM. sang in advance. 8uch enthuaiasai T4e tataeerature at both Prince not 10 oe Otsuad, and it may be from the ranks of the Spartan Athletic Club of Prince Rupert that our MM Olymnic hero will forefront the product of diligent- practice and capabie -itching. Vancouver Province. UNIFORM AS IT'S BOTTLES Okorse and PorMand was ninety. I I5JG FIOMT ON LIQUOK ISUE AT ! i NATIOUl. pnvvpvrinv vvn. ! I J) IN" POLL FAVOKING STATE JtECONSIDEHATION, - 'Uentlnued from pase one) iDawes nettfyteg party leaders yes- ,tesday thai JveouldJMt accept the nomination if it should be tendered ' to him and Charles Curtis, present vice-president, still doubtful, the field is open again. Theodore I Roosevelt jr.. at present Oovernor-I General of the PhUllplne Islands, I loomed last night as a possible , choice although it ts known that the people of the PhllUpines do not 1 want him to leave. Secretary of War Patrick J. Hurley is also being mentioned. It is believed that a choice will have been made by tonight. In many quarters, however, it is felt that, since administration forces have so far ruled the convention. Curtis may be renominated. NATIONAL RACE EVEN arate leaders and Tail.Emlers wortn, Y1"68- the V" , -Giants Force Ahead States singts champion, in r the third round of the London yester .iwww tksnal Leaeue iieaawe wm wsw era eves lumien furtfcerf National League Pittsburg 26 j Hgtrteaed up as a reetdt of jir-1 r laays piay pace-ma &rng teem lo- Uag and eethu- occupants winning i ftoaacrow up the gap separating $he i .i-uuing woicago cues arc 'sac iao-jend Cincinnati Reds to a mere seven-and-a-Jtalf games. New York Giants, by virtue of a vJotary over Uie Chicago Cubs moved from attffb to fourth place in the league stasj ing. going ahead of both Brnosn and St. Louis Casds who ware defeated by Cincinnati Reds and fee Phillies respectively Tfee StLout-Philadelphia game was called 4ft the sixth on account of rain vsMh I the Phillies an the long end of a 7-4 score. 514 ' In the American League. taese. 5 ood. place tie between Washington 510 Senators and Philadelphia Atfale-M0 ties was broken in favor of the former, the Senators winning over m ( the Detroit Tigers in a close game 415 while the Athletics lost to the St. 44S , Louis Browns in a similarly close (garor. As a result of their defeat, 6311 the Tigers dropped from fettrsh to sixth plaoe in the -irttwc be-uj hind the Clevelano Indiana, who 4! won over the Boston Red Sex, and Yesterdays Big League scores: NATIONAL LEAGUE laectt. 3; ew York & Cincinnati, fc Brooklyn 1. Pittsburgh,; Boston I. St. Lpujs 4: Philadelphia, seven. AMERICAN LEAGUE Beaton. 3; Cleveland. S. Washington. 8: Detroit. 7. Ifw York 1:' Cfaic?o. 3. Philadelphia, 8; St. Louis. 9. Baseball Scores PACIFIC COA8T I(mrUE San rranclsoo. 2; Hollywood, 0 II JustRight! Thin strong pliable just the right paper to make "rolling your own" a pleasanter, quicker job. They are packed in the handy, double-slotted booklet ready gummed. CIGARETTE PAPERS 11 Prince Rupert DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating three Dry Docks Tblal capacity 20,000 tons Shipbuilders and Ship Repairers for Steel and Wood Vessels Sawmill and Mining Machinery Repaired and Overhauled Iron and Brass Casting Electric and Acetylene Welding S0tnn Derrick for Ueavy Lifts r BU4I wants the can with that man's picture on DISPLAY i IS HELD girls wear and frocks made in the classes Additional work is on dis- it. ' -JKisSf " I ,: 'My MALTS are remembered by the results they give. That's why millions will have none but BUDWEISER. Made by and for experts, its quality reflects the 75 years of experience behind it. Always dependable always uniform always pure. Have your dealer deliver BUDWEISER and watch BUDWEISER deliver the goods. Budweiser MALT LIVES UP TO ITS FAMOUS NAME High School. Orade 9A Bttty Cameron. High School. Orade 9B- Bstty Parlow. High School. Orade 10A Adclia Thurber. ....... High School, Orade i-mir lQB-Maxine Work of Manual Training and Home jfetfenoer Economics Classes fa Being , PrUes UU4rlbatM Shown-P. T. Te Prtees praaastMl fay the Prtoce I Rupert Paiant-Taaakwrs Aasocla- In conjunction vtth an afternoon on n Mog asaaaad as fallows: tea which Is being held hr the urTe J- y John- Prince Rupert Parent-Tethers' avTT IZZmZ-l, Maial, AsoftiaUoQ. the final display to be Cameron ; X Annie Wang. Dreeented bv the hat&e MonamlM Orade S dna t vn un. and manual training departments Mickey Kanajra 3i the local schools Is taking place this afternooi) at Booth Memerial School Next year the manual training is to be discontinued and the home eoonomles will consist only of the food options course in orades Ten and Eleven. One of the features of the after- Orade 8. bedroom article 1 Em Uie Skattebol. Orade . dress 1. Eleanor Sle-vert; 2. Asta Oybhavn. Orade 10 1. Velma Walters: 2, Lucille Brookabank: honorable mention. Cathie Eastman and Lucille Brookabank. The manual tralnlnt disnlav is girls in the auditorium displaying Ukint place m wms of that department The exhibits are more numerous than ever and some fine work worlt ts to bm being shown. bown Amon Amons the kjJ9w "Tt V vW trKlsgagagagagagagagagsa? n Ti(lpSA,lM TjgagagagagagagagaHDP JgagaVgsaW 'l gagagagagaL ANHEUSER-BUSCH ST. LOUIS wk L,GHT OR DARK 1 gag DELEGATES TO SYNOD Following aw the delegates t'- , tending the Anglican Synod at present In session in the city: Clerical delagates Rt. Rev. O A IRlx. DD., Bishop of Caledonia. I Vtr Re. J. B. OtbMB. Van. AssJi-I deacon E. Hodson (Ocean PaUsi. Rev. Gaapf) W. F Rushtwgpk 1 'Prinee Rupert). Rev, Canon T. D i Ppootor Poce Ooucmi. Rev Dean Sweetnasa SBdake. Rev. J 8 Btayflelcl 'AHfoxi. Rev l F E RsjMtistar iHaseHodJ Rev. W M. Cooper lOreenvillei. Rev Q E. Brast tsjunsat Prairie. Rev h. Hares JCwanga), Resr. R. p. Qss-bjun iMsjisrti. Raw. e. a. Hinssv Htle (Bums Ukjsi. Rev. L J. Hales SmKaevs), Rev. W B nings iPJt Coast Mission Rev O. " H. asbodv (sneivsxti R a 8 play in the downstairs rooms of the J9 ' .k. 1 n . . ... . TH m 1. In w huuii iiuies oi me year are neiqg " w " iKj I uiustrated. with the girls as models. uo apa rose, oins an B, D . A iir yi. o. V.'C (M IMIIMHi .-.vmw .u w u r. i . . . - read by Betty Woods. hostesses to show the visitors " ' "- ww naarv The k Droaram wbhiu ineludea svaMw a a voeal vnniabi und the home economics depart- .K " ' , uinwi.inn sisirssiiiia Mlo by Miss Betty Cameron accom- panwa by Mrs. J. S Blaek, Patriela McAllister of Orade 10A Is outttnine an matlt i s-is the aims and value vOf the bme ee- - onomlcs course. ' STUART LAKE II11NTINO Olrls introducing members of GROUNDS OP INDIANS their classes arp:rA " , ARE SWEPT.nV FIRB Booth School Grade 6. Division1 -Beryl Birch. VICTORIA, Jua U:-Por- Booth School. Orade 0. Divatan 4 est fires ragtag la satttoe and May Mcprmu. t ttanberlands ossrasMs Doadas -f wary uavey. -r trict of British Columbia are t Borden Street School. Orade 8 deetroyinc hunting erounds f Lea Basso-Bert of the Indians In the Fort St. Booth School Orade 8. Division 1 .Tame district. It was reper- Orace Allen. ted to the government yester- ooui scnooi uraae b. uiviswaz day . 4 Noreen Qlbson. and pveaehtng the Synod and Or- wy aelegatfis-Mf J. S Bray- field (Anvox, Mrs. E. R. Cox iHt-seltom. Samuel klcKay lOreen-vUlet. Pred McKay (Oreenvllle'. Tarrp' tktfauano. Ryan i n t Blance 'Sea! t KM:)). Mr5 F M tosk dakot finrst Arranitments Thr dniegatp.v :. L. ' Caledonia now .lwmuku fl'y are being p;r - J nilowlllK . At Bishop's U :t' Trumpour 'Van;iu'' learor. Hodson (Vfii' 1 M McKlm 'Terra.-At thj. RMtim 4lpv Cunr: O Proctor and Mrs P:' son Creek . Rev .: Kltswangsi. Re A lift (Bums Lake i With Mr and Mr F Ratal -CaHum Rev. Oliver Tlmi oolltb). With Mr and Mrs C Mr: Cos HBelton With Mr and Mrs R Rural. Dt an Bweetnai: With Mr and Mr- Sn L J Hale L F. L Bannister -H.;.-With Canon Rushbr 't Cooper lOreenvlllp' U'lrti Sir MalMimu! Mission i Rev 8 home economies department In- 8nung pieces off twys' band!- -y.i'. ev. a txatter ansh. eluding novelties, embrotdery. ou- wor,c Oeort e. JTT c jo-i MHh V&u Da vies snions. under sarments. etc. Pa- In iniea Tea jtoom Room , -r "" w. a ueiap ct. b, anearman innnv viimsi .Rev line Moocy 'Stewart' On the -Western H R. P Oraham (Massed den iMassett'. Alfred Ao Maasett' with c v Eviti ami n K. Ml t K : c. R:i KuiiiV A Mrs E. W Turkrr I " 'Smlthers) With Mr and Mrs Jeni " ' - aaaw , iiwrjHin v rttauftiiw Mntn. Alfced Adams (Maaaaktl at k TnionHrr ,Kpt T. And-w (Qoeaa Pfiltav. Mrs. W- J. S. Brayfiold 'AnvuX' A Delap (Tplerajih Qreei. Miss At the sstvoy Hotel Jn' nlngs Morven Atlln 1 . Coupe 1 . Couoei. hoof), (hen Hrinee Rqpwt. Charles John Nelson iKltkatU' Ayanh4. W. Plsljer At the White Roonv Mrs T D. Proctor Pouoe Phrarman lltcalai L. C. Brockway ipouce As H T. Cross's gul J W. II. Day (Vand-M- Hmrkwav iPnuce Oouoel C. V. Bvttt 'Terrace). Barton (Klneollthi. Ste- As Miss Beanley'H gU8 R. H. Day rVanderhoof Br 1 M M ins ! oiit: