About a year ago it was brought HSj the notice of the Moose LegtoaUiatl a number of older boys were inter- ( ested in music. Looking around for' a leader the boys were fortunate In : securing ttie serrlee of Mr. Green-1 field. Their choice has never beni In doubt Ht he has proten his cap- j abilities. Mr. Greenfield to a pro-1 fesslonal oorriesftt. and vmt a raem-j ber of the late War Veterans' Band ' on their wori tour: The support of the public is being asked for this eraOert tonight, to encourage the boys and help give them a musical Arinratinn vhlok will be enjoyed during the summer ' months when it is proposed to put on a series of out-door concerts. There will be a varied program of two hours solid enjoyment. Concert starts at 8:15 p.m. Admission 2bc. STOCKMEN ENTHUSED Beef Raisers of Bulkier Valley Are Pleased With Results and Plan Holding Show Stockmen of the ButtJey Valley are reported to be so etathfesed over the success of their grain-fed cattle of the past winter that they propose holding a Kef show to tart an entire week this sontser. Orain f ed stesw fftftft the Bulkier Valley have cowwiuwfclea good prices in the north. A fecent airload ahftp-ment brought 6c per pound at Prince Rupert. ! REVOLT IS DESCRIBED nfaffmfei inm met onel. made by the communists on the customs bouse. The few police were evidently asleep. They were killed and cut into pieces. Next, attention was turneH to the Wmwrfcs. The soldiers were not armed so they threw open the gates and admitted the revolutionists. When the mob got inside, the officers tamed machine guns on them and mowed them down, klritng every one. Vistttntfthe scene after the event U was foathd that the loss of Uf e in lighting bad been relatively small but the carnage afterwards was great for six tteasand men were extorted for complicity tn the revolt AO Bolshevists were shot and , a burial ftsrty of twenty or thirty was kepi (asy. The 8bhS Salvador soldiers, it was found, m well fed but not well paid. Hotferer, they were not trw-1 ted and ien they were sent off In quad sarriee during the time of the revolae member of the National CHfti wsV sent with three MUkt&m& eiAtm to shoot them, If they fated I their dwb. Ordjrt, arfly the aUierl were not trusted with ammunition. A few oY the refugees were taken on board for a day or two but H was not really necessary. There was no fighting Meer the vessel arrived. The Vancouver Is now on seal patrol and the weather experienced in coming hese from Queen Charlotte Islands was the worst experienced1 by the ship since she was on her present commission. Commander Hart said the Canadian vessels got a lot of publicity in the Old Country as a result of the event because they were first on the scene. It was shown- that they could "do their stuff" when required. junior line-CP's Line-ups for the Junidf League football game scheduled for tomorrow afternoon between Booth and Borden Street Schools are announced as follows? Booth Blaite, Eby, Ritchie, Mac-donald. 'Gomez, eaptalhi Fiiltori, Nel.on. DeMarco, Colussi, Munro, McMeekln and McGrelsh. Borden Street Annesly, Hong, Leltrh. Currle, Campbell, captain, Lindsay. Naylor, McGulre, O'Neill and Shrubsall. Reserves, Murray and Lee: Estimated petroleum production In Canada In 1931 was slightly greater than In 1030. Bulkley Valley Meat Market 311 Third Ave Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 178 Prices as Usual for Bulkley Valley Baby Beef at Jones Family Meat Market 339 Third Ave, Prince Rupert, B.C. Telephone 957 FOR QUALITY MEATS . and Bulkley Valley Baby Beef buy at Halleran's Meat Market 417 Fifth Avenue East FOR Bulkley Valley Baby Beef Phone 492 Seventh Avenue Meat Market K. Hallberg Proprietor 5Teat Fish - Fruit - Vegetables Home Cooked Meats a' Specialty r- r The Road To Progress Prince Rupert will make progress if the people build up the hinterland. This week they have the opportunity tti help themselves by helping the Bulkley Valley farmers. Bulkley Valley Baby Beef is going on the market tonight or tomorrow. It is the choicest shipment ever ma'de to the city and no dne can make a mistake in purchasing it. The carload arrived at the week-end and is now ready for distribution. All the butchers in the city are carrying some of it. Progress comes through co-operation; Today we have an opportunity to show that wc are ready to co-operate with the farmers of the interior by specifying their beef when telephoning our orders. It is a simple matter but it means a great deal to tiie farmers. ' There is no reason why British Columbia people should be fed on Alberta products when they have good things of their' own produced right within their own boundaries. Wc have the friendliest feelings toward our sister province, but if we cannot use our own product we" cannot expert other to use it. If it is good enough for export it should be good enough to use at home. By buying1 at home wc encourage our" otfn people, making them so prosperous that they arc able to buy from us. The dollar spent on Bulkley Itecf is likely to return but the dollar expended on Alberta beef is likely to remain on the other side of the Rocky Mountains. Tlic motto then shdultfbdr BUY BULKLEY BEEF AND THUS BUILD UP BULKLEY VALLEY FARMS Retail Market 615-Third Avenue Telephone 62 BURNS & CO., Limited MEAT PACKERS and LIVE STOCK. DEALERS . . ., ... 1 1 i; r M. i. i, ; Prince Rupert, B.C. Wholesale & Abbafoir Cow Bay Telephone 171 Tilda' LEGION BAND inrY TO BE HEARD MAKE SURE Kii Lv, L Order Your r MOOSE HALL Now is the Occasion Bulk'ey Valley Products Anyone who misses the Moose Le gion Band Concert tonight will miss Ana Help Our a good evening's entertainment. R. ei8hbw GreenfUid, the bandntMftr. prortr- Baby Beef kes music lovers a treat during die , . winter months he has put on a series of Sunday concerts which from the Valley Produce Phone 10 Phor Baby Beef Builds Big Boys Get Some V-. Jut Te'enho:: Ci. PHONE 765 to - Selvig Bros. Meat Market for n ii i tt 11 BuiKiey vane Baby Beef Meats, Fhh and V ';rtab!ti 303 Third Ave., Prim e Rapfft Capitol Meat Market 11. West, Pronn ior 455 Third Avenue SEI.I s Bulkley Valley Baby Beef The Finest In the World