May Lvif'li' P1'- 13, 1032 THE DAILY NEWS fAOl TRRBf SPORT NEWS ,rtan Athletic aria jjcct Is Postponed i - i to the unsettled weather ?... mid also because of the laiiuii .., found it ImnnsKlhlfl tn ' "., , f mppt of the 1032 lh III -: v fan which was to have been held ,i v a.( rnoon, was postponed. Lcctini; of the club will be held deride a new aaie ior me h w let. EXOGKAPHEK SI)S WORK MUCH taK WITH HER hy GLASSES ,:irr was having i glasses were not com-hkI work waa getting on , : so she decided to call r ri'ivnv V? crl.ttraA On. in charge or the Op- u 1 1 of Max Hellbroner, rx.n.iiuiUon soon revealed i niiMc and proper glasses : ,: ,i neat frame lmme relief. :& n.'i' h easier now, has no . and these comfort- . . i s cost considerably :! other pair which her nerves. il b .i:i.:sr.i-:KBJiBii ISH STOCK LOWEST PRICES i Ik Assured When You Shop at the THRIFT . . .It LEAN8ER- JQg : lx 25c t ais. per Un'", Granulated Sugar B. C Fine Granulated l IX i :mt 20 lbs. U per ctn. i s guvles" i'.T SlC. . . ,sLp - : WEY Fancy ' t jar i TV TIER 1": : ' i ., Hi.,:,-,. . ' " BALMUN : i. ' A( IHlfMPnn tj "-'4 MICIVO VVll'TP omn 7U-' WHITE BEANS .In P" lh 5 .'h .. 'Hum Size 8c 40c 14c CANNED FRUIT - n od Peaches jQ 16c 16c N DEANS No. t tin B,.,nd 25C No 2 tins AOV "j Op Brand, per tin 5c r ?t;y - 7c 1 ALIJKUTA CREAMERY FiLUlARDS-Packed y.nice 15c 16c 14c 9c 15c 15c 12c 17c 19c Thrift Cash & Carrv "MIS 201 Third Ave. "CAIUtY AND SAVE" i ' l . - MERCHANTS Win jprcH Outplayed Home Oil in First Half Last Mght and Staged 2-0 Victory in Soccer Completely outplaying their on ponents in the first half when they had the wind and the. grade of the field In their favor, Merchant defeated Home Oil by a score of two to nil In the City League football series last night to register their first victory of the season. Incidentally, It was probably the most decisive vicwry mat has so far been recor ded this season. After the switch over in the second half, Home Oil nepi me piay pretty well confined to its end of the field but was unable to successfully penetrate the sturdy Merchant defences. The -earns were as follows: Merchants Vic Menzie; Hardy ind Douglas; Hill, Sonny Dickens ina uuicer; Amor, H. Dickens, McKay, Pong and Frlzzeil. Home Oil Johnson Smith; W, Murray and P. Murray; George Howe, Webster and Davies; Palmer, 3omez, J. Currle, Nakamoto and fisner. Referee was J. A. Johnstone and inesmen Woodside and Bye. Within the first minute of the tart of the game. Merchants went mead. Fong crossed the ball from he left wing. McKay shot for the Merchants and Smith saved. Oa the ebound. there was a collision be-ween Amor and Smith and the phere went through, Amor being redlted with the goal. Five minutes before the end of the first half, the Merchants made it two. McKay sent down a hot shot htch Smith stopped but fumbled, he ball being jostled behind the ine for a corner. Frtssell took the tick and placed it across the goal nouth to the right wing, Amor wunclng upon it to score again. Just before the end of the period, wo long shots by Sonny Dickens ere saved with dlfflctflty by Smith. Thrpyghout the. aU, the Merchants pressed eontinoously, inly allowing two goal kicks at the other end of the field. Home Oil waa seldom able to get the pigskin past the half way line. The Second Half Five minutes after the start of the econd half, Douglas fouled Web ster in the penalty area. Webster took the penalty kick for Home Oil but missed by Inches. Towards the end of the game In a vain effort to score, Webster was moved to centre forward position but, although Home Oil continued to do most of the pressing owing to having the wind and hill in their favor, holding the Merchants except for occasional break-aways. the Oil Men ware unable to get through. During tv second half, some of the older players clearly indicated that their tempers were frayed. A situation arose in which the referee would have been well advised to take a firmer hand. Webster and Howe were the hardest workers for Home Oil. Toe Dickens boys and Douglas were outstanding for the Merchants. Owing to cold and damp weather there was not a large crowd of spectators. The Mobley Cud (city championship) standing to date is as follows: W. D. L. F. A. P. Regiment 1 0 0 1 0 S Merchants 10 12 11 Legion 0 1 0 1 I 1 Home Oil 0 1113 1 Senior Football Mar 1? Regiment vs. Canadian Legfoh. May 19 Merchanttta. Oanadian Legion. May 24 Regiment vs. Home Oil. May 2ft Canadian Legion vs. Regiment. May 31 Home Oil vs. Canadian June II 2 4 Regiment IWKllllcllb vs. s Micibiimiw Merchants June .7Caivwltotl Union I vs. MsrcKl 1erJ2n,mHftrkWiSet. June 14 Merchants vs. Hom&Oll FOOTBALL II SI C.S. Vancouver-Regiment TONIGHT, 6:30 ' 1 i til A w s XT17 a T Tim weir ford eight de luxe fordor sedas 'Generous room, front nd rear. Handsome V-(rpe radiator. Graceful new roof line. Slanting windshield. Full width, tingle-bar bumpers, chromium plated. Cowl ventilation. Choke on instrument panel. Individual inside sua visors. Driver's seat adjustable four inches. Low, soft comfortable seats. Choice of Mohair or Broadcloth upholstery. Safety glass in windshield and all windows. Cowl lights. FORD V-8 i: irir it tit Roomys Comfortal)le, Car at an XJnusuall The New Ford V-8 lias been designed to bring the complete enjoyment of motoring Within reach of all the people. Not just the necessary, essential things but the latest, newest improvements in automobile design and manufacture . . . the smooth, vibrationlcss performance of an eight-cylinder engine the acceleration, speed, y Eigkt-GylinJcr Low Price comfort and economy these moddrn days ..require - the quickly discernible quality touches that mean so much' to driving pleasure and pride of ownership. Listed below arc a number of features of the New Ford Eight. Each contributes some part to the satisfactory performance of the car. All are brought to , you at a-low price. FEATURES QF THE NEW FORD EIGHT. Eight-cylin tier, V-typc, 65-horse- power engine Vibrationlcss 90-Jcgrcc counterbalanced crankshaft Roomy, beautiful bodies Low center of gravity Attractive interiors Rapid acceleration Scvcnty-fivc miles an hour in high Fifty-five miles an hour in second Silent second gear Silent synchronized, gear shift Comfortable riding springs Self-adjusting Iloudaillc double-acting hydraulic shock absorbers, with thermostatic control Down. draft carburetor and '. ... silencer Automatic spark control Low first cost Low opcrating-and up-keep cost Reliability and long life The Sport Coupe, Cabriolet, Victoria, Convertible Sedan and allDc Luxe body types come SOITRALL CALLLD OFF Owing to the failure of the visiting destroyer to field a team, the softball game, arranged to have been played last night between H. M. C. S. Vancouver and the local unit of the Royal Canadian Naval Volunteer Reserve was called off. Dr. h;o: johnsen Extraclions With Gas-Anaslhesia Appointments Must be Made In Advance equipped with safety glass throughout without additional cost nucuuiuoCu" c ' 1 : t r LOW FOR D P Ril C E S j , EIGHT TOUR FOURTEEN nODY TYPES Cytin'Jtr CylinJn, Roadster ...j.;..$575 $515 Phaeton . . . .. .. . 20 560 Tudor Sedan. .1. . . 625 565 j Coupe .... .. ... . . 615 555 Sport Coupe . .: . . . 670 610 Fordor Sedan . . . 740 680 I Dc Luxe Roadster . . 625 565 Uc Luxe Phaeton . . . 685 625 Dc Luxe Tudor Sedan 690 630 De Luxe Coupe.' . . . 720 660 Cabriolet. ...... . . ., 765 705. De Luxe Fordor Sedan 810 750 j Victoria ....... 750 690 Convertible Sedan , . 815 755 (.Allpritttf. $. . Cms! ViiJitr, OnUri. Bumpers, . ipart lirt ind Uxtt txtr. Etty timt payment! tsn it arrtngtil ibrtmb yttr I'vrd attltr. ) FORD MCVTOR COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED VANCOUVER LINE-UP Llnc-up for H. M. C. S. Vancouver In the football game to bo played tonight against the Regiment toam of the City League is announced as follows: Langlols; Hlbbert and Woods; McKlnnon, Dovey and Cor-bin; Whltehouse, Caverley, Marr Williams and Corbett. Referee Bowrlng will be supplied by' ihe ship. REGIMENT LIXEUP The following team will represent Regiment In the football match to be played this evening with H. M. C. S. Vancouver: Ted Smith; Bron-son Hunt and Bishop Thurber; Phil Edgecumbe, Mark Watson and Oscar Wlngham; Alex Walters, Jock Red path, A. Dickens,,, Mike Colussl and Billy Vance. - - OGDEN'S CUT PLUG 'Makes every inan's pipe taste better!- lfyM "raii yter fVfi", U . Oiden't'jin4t cut If you lose anything, try a classified ad. 1