PAGE SEE i ii h I'll ww 'i' mmimmmmmmwmammmmmm mr I CHILDREN'S DAY 1 1 ' " : - I SATURDAY FRASER & PAYNE'S is drivinq it i without a soare i Every person should have a Savings Account as a cash reserve for use in emergencies and as a safe, dependable investment. Money in a'Savings Account is always available, never depreciates, and earns a steady 3 interest At any branch of The Royal Bank of Canada you will receive careful efficient and courteous attention whether your Account be large or small. Boys' and Girls' Novelty Wash Suits, assorted Boys' Undershirts. Balbriggan weight 9p iO colors. 2-piece style, size 2 to 6 short sleeves, sizes 24, 26. 28 Boys and Girls' Bib Overalls, long leg, UUC Of Ob Is' Khaki Red Trim Dutch QXJV C1 f) ft khaki drill red trim, sizes 2 to 6 Coveralls, size 3 to 6 Girls' Silk and Lisle Plaited Hose, an excellent Boys Khaki Red Trim Coveralls QP VOX wearing stocking, in fawn, white. 4Qf size 4 to 7 sun tan. bufftone. sizes 4 to 72. pair Boys' 2-piece Walsh Suits, assorted P-f f? A children s Sun-ock. assorted colors QQf t?AUU OiJO colors, si 2 to 5 sizes 4Ij 8li Girls Btach Pyjamas, new styles. (g-fl JQ Boys 34-!ength Golf Hose, assorted colors QQp t a;: sorted colors, sizes 2 to 6 QXdv wool and cotton, sizes 6 to 10. pair Girls' Beach Pyjamas, made from good quality Boys Long Black Stockings, excellent QQf silk gingham, organdie trim Oi ft A hard wearing quality, sizes 7 to 10. pair'- gJL.UU size 8 to 14 3oys' Blouses, blue, white and tan broadcloth, GirLi' Silk Bloomers, peach, white and pink, non- also fancy stripes, sizes 6 to 12 TP run rayon fabric, size 2 to 10 years Qp each 01 per pair ... ,, Boys' Black Pullover Sweaters, crewe neck, heavy Girls' Wool and Silk and Wool Pullover knit ribbed wool garment. OQp sizes to 34, ?ach 0Jl Sweaters, up sizes 28 to 34. each - Crib Blankets, assorted animal Baby Q q Qoys, pante cord blue and each designs, pink, Sizes 24. 25, 26 CO ntZ Baby Silk ComforU, quilted, cotton Q4 A A at ? filled, size 28x36 Inches Sizes 27. 28. 29. 30 QC Children's Pantie Dresses, assorted- fast washing at ? prints, neatly trimmed Q g q pJay SulUj and Coveraltei extra heavv denim sizes 3 to 6 . ... assorted colors, size 2 to 8, SI tpAsUV 00 Baby Silk and Wool Polka Jackets 25 long and short leg style each Children's Reefer Coats, double breasted style. Boys' Summer Weight Combinations. 5ft n wod1 tvtti' slzea 2,4,0 S2 9 1 short sleeve it knee length, size 22 to 34uu' each Out of Town Customers Orders will be filled tor out of town customers for any of the advertised specials. Any orders for specials will be sent out by return mail, C.O.D. A man wilio A savings Account TH E. HO YA L BANK. OF CAN A-D'T,r Capital $35,000,000 Reserves $39,155,106 Assets over $750,000,000 Let the Daily News Classified Ads. work for you. TOE DAILY NEWS Jam, 4-lb. tin in For 60 years the world's best corrective far CONSTIPATION and INDIGESTION Sold everywhrrt In ZSeand 75errJfAp, CARTERS ESPUiS SKULL IS PICpD UP Identified as Ifcinf That of Lewis Larsen, Ilazelton Losger Disappeared in December A skull which nas been found in the bush in the Kispiox Valley has been identified by means of filling of the teeth as being that of Lewis Larsen, Hazelton logger, who had ooen missing since the middle of December taut divisional headquarters of provincial police here are advised. No othfr parts of the body besides the skull have as yet been found but Sergeant Andrew Falr-baim and Constables Harold Ray-bone and W. Oland of the provincial police are conducting a thorough search In the neighborhood in the endeavor to find the remainder of the skeleton which, judging from the state of the skull, was molested after death by bears. It was December 14 that Larsen left Hazelton with two friends, Eli Arvidson and Charles Anderson. He was accompanied by the two men as far as Lenhart's pole camp whence he set out by himself for Kispiox. Although extensive search was made immediately after-Lar-sen's disappearance, he was never seen again nor was any trace found until this week when the skull was discovered. Heavy snow hampered previous search operations. The) skull was found about the place! where Larsen was believed to have I disappeared." ; What is believed to be the hole j of a 22-callbre bullet was found in the. skull It Is recalled that Larsen was earning a 22 rifle as well as a 'Bold watch. Week-End Specials Malkln's Best Teal-lb. pkg (This is last week for 10c rebate on 1 lb. Tea) Alberta Rose Flour 4-lb. sack Red Arrow Sodas per pkf. Malkln's Best Strawberry Helm Tomato Catsup 2. bottles Malkln's Best Prunes 2-lb. pkg fresh IthVoarb 6 lbs. for Pitted Dates- 2 urn. Seedless Raisins per lb Navel Seedless Oranges 4 dot California Large 0 rape-fruit. 4 for LttXtSeap Flakes J 118. Ensign Peas 3bw 5 per tin Supreme Dated Coffee Mb. Dkg. . Japan Rice 5 lbs. ... 40c S1.35 20c 55c 45c 20c 25c 25c 15c 95c 25c 25c 10c 40c 25c Phone Your Order We Bellver Regardless of Size Alberta Market V. OA5IULA. Proprietor Fifth Street The Letter Box TOUHS OF INSPECTION Editor, Dally News: On the arrival of thecss. Prince George Wednesday morning I np-1 tlced that another party of C. N.' R. officials and retinue, had arrived on another so-called "Tour of Inspection." Several familiar faces were missing from the party, this, no doubt, being due to the fact that the parliamentary committee Inves tigating C. N. R. matters Is still In session at Ottawa and has Just de cided, by a majority of one. to probe into the expense accounts of 12 of the "Higher Ups." This fact may have had a deterring influence of the C. N. R. officials In Vancou ver causing them to postpone the pleasure of their 'Tour of Inspec tion" until a more opportune time. I would like to extend my sympathy ' i them in having to postpone a pleasant sea voyage and rail trip, all de luxe travelling, with reasonable expenses allowed, and incidentals, I almost forgot to mention the In cldentals. I believe that two private cars had been provided to convey the party to Winnipeg (two were nee nary in order to avoid overerowd lng) and that a medical officer was also a member of the party. I am curious to know what particular branch of the service he was de tailed to inspect. If he had no par tlcular duty to perform I would suggest to him that he could render the public a great service by per forming a major operation on some of the deadwood In the C. N. R, staff, commencing on the head. In view of the present financial condition of the C. N. R. and the disgraceful disclosures that have recenUy been exposed, I venture the opinion that these so-called Tours of Inspection" are nothing but a wanton and deliberate extravagance on the part of the officials Phone 953 North Star Brand Picnic Hams, per lb. Ensign Red Plums per tin B. C. Tomatoes Size 2,2,s 3 tins for Phone 208 Fairy Soap New Royal Hotel THE HOTEL WORTH WllILE Hot it Cold water: Steam Heat 75c. PER DAY AND UP J. Zarelll Trlfphont tSI I J. Dodds. C.Nji.; A. Webb. H.M. C s. Vancouver; W. MeAroher, An- yox. Thone 53 De Jong s Cash and Carry Friday & Saturday SPECIALS 16c lie 29c Malkln's Best Tea With your Rebate Card 9Qp per 1-lb. package iul Fraser Valley Butter Fresh Churned Daily 100 Percent B. C. Product, Awarded Thirteen Championships Dutch Maid Salad Dressing iOn 23-oa. bottle tOI Red Arrow Olnger Snaps Fresh stock. 2 lbs. for Fraser Valley Crestwood Butter, 3 lbs. brick Malkln's Best Spices 2 tins for Liquid .Veneer For all fint; woodword, 60c size, special Burford Pears per tin Braid's Best Coffee per 3-lb. pkg. 5 cakes for B. it K. Pastry Flour-r-per 10-lb, sack North Star Lard Q1 91 ner 10-lb. nail QXAX I Oranges New stock 5 dozen fo Washington lettuce -fl Pn per head rw B. C CLO ' r '.i . rnuity Saturdav " VO SHOWS - 7 and J. Feature Starts at 7 35 j, tZ SATURDAY MATINEE at tZ 15c & 35c Feature SUh.,'? . THP AVY'S BIG PARADE . 1 "SUICIDE FLEET" With Bill Boyd, Robert Armstrong, James Glcason, Gfnjtr IU,J . . r. . if. 11. f 1. 11 r t I The insiae oiory ui nuw mc oaim uic ouDmarines Comedy ANDY CLYDE in "HALF HOLIDAY" KRAZY KAT In "Hollywood Goes Craiy" METRO Mm Mnmlnv & Tucsdav "THIS RECKLESS Ann msutm ciMfi v iar.1 tan juroxmn i xusm in it t a . making these "Tours" or to put itt , more blunUy "Joy Rides." The cost, of one of these Tours' would have kept a good many of the Lower , Downs supplied with the necessaries of life for a considerable period during last winter. I wish to voice my protest at the continuance of these absolutely unwarranted extravagances and sincerely hope that the aforesaid parliamentary committee will bring in recommendations to the House at Ottawa that will Immediately stop for all time such wasteful expend l- Ijures of public money by C. N. R. VLW WABSUU A football nun, arranged to taki Aoroprlis Hill e evening between ,i sentlnR H. M c s the Canadian dc is at present payi port, and Regimen lor League here ted to be a liveh if weather favor.. will, undoubted l v l; officials aa have been witnessed In crowd of soccer t.n. the past. i to see it. Thanking you for your courtesy in publishing this protest. , 4,1 SYDNEY C. THOMSON. ' John Macfle m l j sailed last sight nr. Miss May Macdonald. daughter Oeorge for E-sqiun; of Aid. and Mrs. S. D. Macdonald. will take course- : Is now making good recovery after They are memo-i having been threatened with an unit of the Rov.ii attack of pneumonia. Volunteer Re.i v.' Open For Ilusincss in Our New Location Nc"t Doc to Frizzcll's Meat Market SPECIALS FOR THE WEEK-END Children's Runners per pair Women's Fleetfoot all colors per pair Men's Black Oxfords, per pair 65c Runners, 95c S2.95 200 Pairs Infants' 8hoes in black and kid, going at per 60c & & pair 75c THIERS Men's Work Bv per pair Men's Work St t 5 pairs for Men's Work Si..: at Children's and V Leather Shpp to pick from up from Men's at B. C. CLOTHIERS 115 Third Avenue I Next Door to Frizzell's Meat Mar ' inuw4 Jin TH'I HfflllfUHlrlli 95c 31.25 95c ULCERS, BAD LE6S OLD WOUNDS SORES Marvellously Healed by Zam-Duk. i -1 25c I H r bb 1 Dr. Maguire-Dentist! Z11.1 ROOMS 7-8.9 SMITH R1.0CK I m 1 m 14c j 525 - Phone - 525 79C i M M FmU B i M BTsTT m m mis iiiirnf 11 m IQp . 1 Jfc V T I w M 95c Free Delivery on Orders of $2.00 or over s ffiAT I TAAI I Satisfaction guaranteed with our Famous Edson Alberta it Bulkley Valley Coal; No 1 Bulkley Valley Timothy Hay. wheat. Oats it Barley, Pratts Baby chick Food, Seeds it Fertilizer. Prince Rupert Feed Co PHONE 58 St S58 TELEPHONE 657 VALENTIN DAIRY FOR SKEENA BRAND Creamery Butter & Cottage Cheese FRESH PASTEI'RUIO MIL AND CREAM DAILY IJarly Delivery Throughout the City