r.'i r. .r KA);i FOR RENT l NT Modern flat. Rand Apply Max Ilettbroner. tt k nt Modern ftU-rofned M'ur Dooth School. Plione itt) Rent in private home, M.ui preferred. Phone Ml. 113 I NT Modern furnuhed Dunsmulr Street. Offrchtl "strator. '"NT Clean well furnished " 2 -room suite. Palmer -A - '"V'nts- Phone Red 444. tt ! knt -End of June, large su-flat. heated, electric range, ' l,!i"ksbank Block, also lmme- ' ' newly4 renovated moderns " 'tt with 3 bedrooms, electrw Apply Dybhavn & Han- PERSONAL (114M Vice-Consul, (113) LQST Lxsr oetWPen dollar Store and ser Street small purse .con-""Ihr stiver and blllj Reward at cllitr Btorc. (U4), Each week details, toon to ube announced through this newspaper. Quality and Mildness ii it ffH CIGARETTES Imperial tobacco Company of Canoda, Ltmiled Insist on "GRANTS BEST PROCURABLE" The Orlolntl !. .. . . ' .-. unrci irun -jtnti UrUrr Dept." Liquor Control Board. Victoria. II. r. Q?C0TC" WHISKY JKSk RICHEST IN FINEST M I sVFBk vtV HIGHLAND MALT M i UXVJl BMtM b4 nttrwtoctf by Witttm I D (rteZU Gum i !k W ClwfcMich M K TpTuMf town 4 HIri.w.SnlM. fl ; . " I'tiicincul !- nut inili'i-lini it ii)lavcd lv the I.i unr ''A iju.ini or tile i,a eminent of lirnisli Columbia. SHOE REPAIRS GET THE REST IN WORKMANSHIP At ihe Same Price LOUIS SHIIilG QUALITY SHOE REPAIRS SJ8 Sixth Street Prince Rupert DAIRIES For FRESH LOCAL MILK Phone Red 608 -or '933 DOMINION DAIRY : 9 Quarts or 14 Pints for $1.00 ' TRANSFERS CAMBRONS Transfer Phone 171 for Dry Birch. Cedar and Jack Pine BBAL COVE TRANSFER Wood for, aeie and prices reasonable. Phoni Green 009. CHIROPJtACTIC AV. C. Aspinall Three Year Graduate Ohlropractlo Modern Ray Treatments Given Phone for Appointment 1 4 A.. jk no ureen an nu at j Open Evenings ' 6 Excnange Blk. PAINTERS 1 UDWIG GRANDE, or Lud-flnaHTEN YOUR SPRING CLEAN 'Pinion work. Prince Rupertij '"yon.' knowing - whereaboutfj . Hi....... j K J 1 IT NnvuiAitlin Vll '"i ia. D.C. ING LABORS Phone Red '803 to J. P. MOLLER - for Kalsomining, Painting & Paperhanging By Day or Contract REASONABLE CHARGES Advertise In the .Dally iNews. nut'. ' " r CHAS. AUGUSTUS LINDBERGIil Giants Break ,jk murdered oven TWO MONTHS AGO IN GPINJONtOF'. Softball Jinx .J1EWCAL EXPERTS. Defeated Radio Club By Close Score ! of .ll to ;10iLast Night I Amateiirlkariln? vnHCluhtJDwke ,Uw!irslQsUigi!8trik Ay i uhnMinn t. n 1 1 - j . - t ; score of ll to 10 at the Gyro Park! last evening. The game, though j having its errors due to wet and lppery grounds and disadvantages, was. closely con tested neatly all .the wa,y through. The Giants trained a foothold in the middle ' innings Jiut it was lost again when the Radio Club pulled i up near the last. The finish was ; anybody's game for a while, finally .ending in favor of the Giants. I This is the first game of the ser-jlee that the Giants have won .and ; they assert that, from mow on, they are out for blood. White and Gillis played gilt-edge. ball ior the Giants whHe Geddes did the flypaper act for the Radio field. The Giants will clash with the Sallow from Seal Cove on Monday next. : Mrs. R. Sorrentl and two chll-i dren, who arrived in the city about I ten days ago from Anyox, will sail on the Princess Adelaide tonight for Vancouver whence they will proceed to New York where, i on May 28, they will embark on the steamer Augustus for their native ; home in Naples, Italy. BITES 'Met. Make, me ambuI . ha bM Mionl M ;la t Miatrd't at oct. It win, kU -tmi ibmi, Draws .out lh polion I fHiiffi of Rurjj CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS For rent formate and all other small advertisements in this section charred at the rate of 2 cents t wnrd per insertion with six Insertions for the price of four. By the .month the charge Is 25c a word. No advertisement taken for less than 60c. FOR SALE ale. suitable for office, -lore. Apply Dally Neva. tf vi. K a bargain. 4-roomed uh oath, ceeertte foua-ood baeerrfnt. Phone '.ii5. 113 Ooodyear Tires at lowor than any mall order Knien Motors Ltd. Phon PAPERIIANGING Papcrhanging, Kalsomining and Painting At prices that will suit you Phone Red 918 C. Rouse OITOMETRISTS Mail Your Watch -to A. E. IRELAND Watchmaker 321 Third Avenue Prince Rupert for - - Estimate By 'Return JEWELLERY and OPTICAL REPAIRS SUMMER RESORTS When Coming to TERRACE Tor Your l'irnic or Holiday -MAKE ARRANGEMENTS AHEAD WITH US To Greet You on Arrival We Meet All Trains Special Rates For Picnic Parties to Lakelse Lake We Can Take You Anywhere at Any Time At Moderate"Ratea SWAIN'S TRANSFER. Wood Coal Terrace, B.C. AUCTIONEER List your goods with us Prince Rupert's .leading Auctioneer. G. M. HUNT Jrd Ave. U'lione Mtwl 'J037 (Continued from page one) ' f icials, hard .put to ascribe a uno-f tlve -for, hekidnappingilt were! not -foili 'purpose of .tfeinanaing; " ransom, seem inclined to lavor ;jtne belief that .the, revolting. deed ;may have '.been theact of a maniac or maniacs, possibly with some grievance, imaginary or otherwise, !tak-ing this means of expiation. Others believe that the kidnapping may originally have been .with the intention of demanding ransom hut that the1 kidnapper or kidnap-, pers, frightened at the, daring of the crime immediately after its committal and fearful of the icon-sequences which might ensue fpr them, stqpped panic-stricken opithe road by night and then and there1 rid themselvespf the child byjklll-; lng and Interring it. ' ' Circumstances which early led the authorities to believe that the kidnapping waj an "inside JobAwlll not be lost tight of by the investl-gators. It is U11 believed that the child was removed by a person or persons fuliycquainted with! the interior or tne home and the habits in regard to the child. In the light cf yesterday's devel-! opments in the mystery, It appears that the later ransom demand, at .least, were not made by the same persons who were responsible for the kidnapping and murder of. the child. Washington Concerned WASHINGTON. D.C., May 13:-Leglslators, In session .at the ma tional capita), .received the .news of the tragic developments in -the 'Lindbergh kidnapping case yejter-, day with feelings of deepett sym pathy and concern .for the famous flvinc poimlp. j.--' Hard Times Dance seMWPeawijiw nan M.fMMOTH Auction ;l In WorklessHall; The Unemployed Aeseciatlon.'IIall m Second Ayenue was the scene of . j. hard time .dance lat night. There ', was a fai -teed crowd in xtten-i dance and . a enjoyable time Avas .spent by a'l rent. Julius Welle played accordion music -lor -the 4 dancing and was in general charge of the affair. SALE Of Household Effects Having removed from storage to my salerooms for convenience, I will jell by Auction at the Federal Block. Third Ave., on Monday May MO commencing at 2.15 pjn.: One Upright Grand Piano, Gra- jrnaphene and Cabinet. 3 CHINESE ORIENTAL RUOS. 1 Drophead sewing machine. 1 Dining Room Suite. 8 pieces. 1 Breakfaet Sulla, 8 Wlc- Hcer Chairs. 7 Dressing Tables, Re frigerator, Drop Leaf Table, Lot of Picture. 2 t.ntre Tables, Wicker Wettee. 2 Uriel: ilned' Heaters. Hud-Uon Bay Blanket. 4 Beds eemplete. 6 Lino Hugs, 2 Bundles Linoleum. Standard Lamp, Hall Stand, Table Lamp, Kitchen Utensils and miscellaneous articles. ' MUST BE SOLD G. J. Dawes BLACK 120 THE AUCTIONEER The AUCTIONEER Packing Crating Wrapping and General Furniture Repairs v List you goods with me GEO. .'J. JMU'KS Phone Black 130 Manure For Sale No Straw. $3.00 Per Yard Casey Cartage Poiel .Co. Phone 303 PRINTING OFFICE SUPPLIES Rose, Cowan & Latin Phone 234 i KEEP HENNESSY BRANDY HANDY BOTTLED IN COGNAC, FRANCE This adyerjiwraent is not published or displayed by tbe Liquor Control Eeard or by the Government of British Columbia. EiECTRic Cookery can be FAST iswhat women want in electric SPflED cookery and speed is an outstanding feature of .every General Electric Ho-point Range. Calrod Hi-Speed heating element the million-dollar discovery of .General Electric research1 is as swift as relectricity ,ond .clean ,as -electric 'Jight. With Hotpoint electric cookery, meats and vegetables are much, morcinutritious and appetizing. Natural flavors and nour-lishing if ood elements are scaled in not -boiled away, i'our kitchen keeps cool and healthfully free of fumes. "Dcsjgned by women for women", the Generdl Electric Hotpoint Range has every ieature you want including the wonderful :Suj.er -Automatic Oven Control. 'You can have a cabinet model hotpoint completely installed in your 'home'for only ttO down. See your dealer today. h-bc This remtrktble element thtkes Hotpoint elettric ciHtkrry si fast and economical at it 5 dun tud convenient. It inn exclusive feature of General Electric hot-point Rn&es. MADE IN CANADA GENERAL ELECTRIC Tmihmrib Uanqxi Ffor Sale by- Northern British Columbia Power Company Ltd. C AWDIAN G E'NRAl 'E L ECT'R I'C CfUn