OR "TWO THE DAILY NEWS. pni.VCE RUfERT BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News, Limited, Third Avenue , H. F, PULLER - - - Managing-Editor SUBSCRIPTION RATES City delivery, by mall or carrier, yearly period, paid in advance 5j0u For lesser periods, paid In advantr . per week ICo By mail to all parts ot Northern and Central British Qsmnbia, paid in advance for yearly period .. ja Editor and Reporters' Telephone 8C Advertising and Circulation Telephone ?S j Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations ! DAILY EDITION PAYING TAXES Friday, May 6, 193? an ethnological study of the natives who were here before the city was founded. Insist on "GRANTS BEST PROCURABLE" The Original For Sale at Vendor or direr! from ".Mail Order Dept." Liquor Coatrul Board. Victoria. It. C "BEST PROCURABLE' PURE SCOTCH WtUSKY RICHEST IN FINEST HIGHLAND MALT BotUnl u4 rwiiM by WiUUai Craat Su I. Jniilj GlraiMlJIr nj KM J 'Hi is dve-tisoment is not published or displayed by the Liiici Cunlror Hoard or the Government of British Columbia. Bad Constipation And Sick Headaches Ended By Vegetable Pills Formerly a wreck from Constipation, Sick Headaches and Indigestion. Mr. V. H. writes: "It was a red-letter day for me when a friend recommended Carter' Little Liver Pills,, Results-have, been marveSSusJ. Beran?e they are -PURELY T.GZ-TABLK, a ten tie; effective tonic to both liver and bowels. Dr. Carter's iJttle Liver RH are wit hoot equal for correcting Acidity, Biliousness, Poor Completion aad Indigestion. 25c. & 75c red pkg. Ask for Carter's by NAME. Girls7 Softball At High School wvw ,u4tv.u iviiuniug iLtii. ut iiuv.ii ug viuiiu- stamp-Vine ent. Kay Kielbaek, tions. That was one reason for banning titles from Can-. Margaret Mu&saiiera, Jean Ritchie. aua. .Frances Thompson. Beverly Jack,' Political parties always need money with which to fight Liuian vaccher. Enyd Moms. I j nolltical batt es. Ha s have to hp. h rpH. travel! no- pvuph. umpire mh m. ueianey A " w f ' --...Q ses paid for speakers and organizers, and advertising costs money. The result is that party managers aice always on the lookout for contributions which will help inttii jjiotc tiicn unui-tr uciuic me yvuyic in an exill'iem CKUsV(lTIUIJftig&KK3gaBiB.il and iorceful manner. The promoters of the huge Beauharnois power concern seem to have gone beyond the bounds of decency in their donations to party funds. Senator. McDougaW was the sacrificial goat in connection with these funds and he has resigned from the Upper Chamber, the only possible course under the circumstances. It IS well known thnt nn nartv liprl inct nc mur-n mnnov to spend as the other during the last election but only one j was found out Happily for the Conservatives they had a 1 millionaire leader with a millionaire party oreranizar. both of whom are reported to have contributed heavily to party funds. LEARNING TO SWIM The swimming season is approaching and those young people who have not already learned to swim should take QUALITY FOOD At Bargain Prices at the THRIFT BULK LEY VALLEY On Sale Saturday at per doz GAINER'S LARD per 1-Ib. pkg. SLICED BACON per hr-lb. pkg. th opportunity which offers here. There is a good place victory coffee hi uie isaii LiKe across me naroor or at the swimming pool just across the Westview bridge. A few learn in the coW sea water at one of the beaches. The first thing to do is to get used to the water and then the strokes are easy. Moat peosle drown because they try to climb out of the water and find that they cannot do so. LEARNING ABOUT HOME Some years ago the Daily News suggested that no teacher was really qualified to teach in Prince Rupert until he or she knew something of the natural bistory of Kaien Island. We still are of opinion that any person who does not know something about his home surroundings is not educated. He is lacking in one of the essentials. He should per lb. ALBERTA CREAMERY BUTTER, per lb. MALT EXTRACT per 24-ln. tin ... B.C. HOPS per Vi-lb. pkg BOTTLE CAPS per lb. .. COCOA- per ib. 2 tins OARDEN PRAS Sieve 4 per tin B.C. YELLOW SUOAR 5 lbs DUTCHMA1D MAYONNAISE, per 8-oz. jar DUTOHMAID SALAD DRE6SINO. 11-oz. jar SINGAPORE PINEAPPLE npf tin per tin EGGS 18c MACARONI St SPAGHETTI per 18-oz. pkg. Pr pkg SUNLIGHT SOAP per carton FAIRY SOAP For ToHet jUse. 3 barj Krsn t "CAItRg AND SAVE" lie 8c 22c (A good quality, low priced coffee) NABOB TEA per lb. 42c JELLY POWDERS Qp Malkirrt Best, 2 pkgs 22c 57c 7c 22c 13c know at last what trees and plants and flowers grow on tomatoes No. 2H mm -fi Hp I Kaien Island, what animals and birds may be found there p n ; inpiuiy ui mtr umce nuifm aiso ne inciwien an 1 1 1 1 . 1 . . 9c 23c 22c 20c 11c VANCOUVER ISLAND JAM -Packed tn Strawberry. Raspberry. Blackcurrant Qp Apricot, per 4-lb. tin IsS News of The Sport rEsTarjMriisTffltmsT7aTJijasrM IS PLAYED Seal Cove Sailors Defeat East End Giants lii Heavy Ilrtting Match the SaUots four In the ninth the Giants went down three to a row, j zatloru Intact audi as the police and j fire departments' j Mr. Nlckerson. while deploring the conditions, did not feel that the meeting could paw drastic reeolu-j tions in view of the paucity of the attendance. ! Mr. Hart thought it wie a shame that there was no bigger meeting. I Mr. Weech said .the people did not iyet realise the seriousness of the situation ; H. Smith inquired what was to be .done if a person eosU not pay hte 'taxes. 1 Mr Weech quoted the mayor as saying that in such a ease he would be sued by the city. Mr. Arnold suggested that probably a few of them who bad been busy would be pteked out He did not thing they would sue the ordin ary man. Work Appreciated Mr. Stephens felt that the work the committee had been appre- the necessity for a strong rate payers' association. The seriousness of the situation deeerved a better meeting. If an association such as that had functioned from the beginning, the eity would today have been In a better financial position. One thing that .surprised the com- ftq .mtttee was the merabefs of the LLX, council objecting to rettaqtrlshlng m I uruiiuui. av meir meeung JLJLClwM the council tliU had been the ROYAL CITY RED PLUMS Choice j?iyJJl,l,on wWeh had bfen 00 ' -i'w ii .... . .. . .. 1 xvo suggefico inai me i city was already m the hands of a i OCreCTlvf' the bank being the re- QUICK QUAKER OATS- 10A; rr"H. We "KJ .w lne jgJy "J- roiarti as. weu nave a public receiver Alderman Casey did net agree' with the previous speaker. He saw a 1 great difference between owing the . bank and hating a public receiver.! They were a whole year's taxes behind and he considered that all J should strain a point to pay taxes. They would soon have an opportun-! Ity to elect a rooncU that would ' really look after the affairs of the I hfiff TntjU JPr foff ,cit would be better , a ss tn. vudii ul Vsai 1 j to Phone 1'9 try to bring transportation and zOl Third Ave. sn,PP,n 'alcllties for the port than it arii sr-: m ui i n nt a 10 re 1 use 10 pay latej. 1 Damp iuit lubotd on the hands and feet will prevent chBbralni. ' n 1 Last niffhL desDite Inclement ' ui Superiority and Wins Over Merchants in ' Soccer Opener j enmng me game. Kt. . tv,. r.i bjrks p. Edumhe. M. Watan - . - . . ..I WW UKI1VI M JA Ul I . 4 V klilUV ftl ' ' - ' ' Tne -snowed ail-... ,-nntlnl nnri O Wlnoham- tar. ing all that eame his way. Scoring was a) fotlews: Giants H. Btthn c. U; T. Blrrell jp. li; G. MeKinley lb. 3; A. Lee-iper 2b. 3t; Geo. Case 3b. 121; D. I Gomes If. 2): T- BJurensoq cf. 2); ;M. McKenzie rf. 1I1; D. Stalker se. I2i. Seal Cove Safiora J. Wood house ; jC. 3: P. Fergsuon p. 3; W. Mc-Lean lb. 2; L.Murdock2b. (31; B. .McLean 3b. 3r G Sathf ss. (41; T. Gomel If. ai; J. MtFeecf. (31 ; ;H. Ferguson rf. D. Umpire G. WUhsersit and Felix Btt. Seorekeeper nd reporter, H. Weeefetd. NO DRASTIC ACTION cil were not sopnxlouj about the taxes as about maintaining erganl- Vance, J. Redpath. P. Colussl and T. Kefeey. goal wt recorded against them. Merchants goal. V- Men ties; The Merchants suffered a severe backs, Douglas and A. Hardy; half-less In the first half when Sid pic- backs. P. Vaccher. A. Dickens (cap-kens suffered broken tendons of taint and S. Dickens: forwards, L. the knee in a collision. It was re- Amor, it Dickens, J. McKay. OUker ported this morning that the Injury and Bacon. BY RATEPAYERS; ben of the 'Continued from Mite one) SPORT NOJES I rny or congratulation. All the work) up to DavU Cup class and Rene was done by the men, the Igdy Lacoste has not prayed seriously IMenoers looking after the f Inane- jfor a eouple of years. ing or ine DuNdtng of the new club ,, row afternoon. All persons coming properly equipped will be given the opportunity to play briefly on the courts. Mayor Cyril II. Orme will speak briefly at the opening Ished in A-l shape this summer before another season for this sport rolls around. The club, at Its recent- , ly held annual meeting, elected of ficers for the ensuing year as fol lows: President, Mr. Mclvor; vice-president. F. Waller: secretary, A. A. Stewart; execuUve W. A. J Smlthera golfers are anticipating Payne. D. Beamer and T. Edmunds a very busy season this year. Inter-1 ' est hi the newly Introduced pastime ' O"' basketball players of the there has been well sustained and two smaU Interior communities of several new members have been Ltw and Horseshoe have decided added to the roster of the Smithers to band together and form a i lub Oolf Club. A number of Improvements have been made to the course just west of the town and more are contemplated. A series of handicap tournaments are to he heW thu year with the first on May 15. Following are the officers of the Smithers Oolf Club this year: President, Charles Reld. Vice-president, Dr. R. C. Bamford. Secretary, A. R. Sinclair. Directors Mrs. K. O. Houghton, Mr. IX V. Boswell. Charles Reld, R. C. Davidson and L. H. Kenney. Groundsman R. c. Davidson. Captains-Mrs. p. O. Russell and K. O. Houghton. Another year of Davis Cup ten-nia has arrived and with It the annual question: Who will gnock the of their own. Miss Eleanor Lebow has been elected captain and George Smith coach and minager of the team. The name of the team has not been decided upon but this will be settled at another meeting of the elrb whleh will be held soon. Meantime there Is much enthus lasm. HOTEL AKUIVALS Royal W. F. Felton and II. Oandreun, eUy; M. Kemp, Kit wan ga. Tailor's thread win hold on sonny's trouxer and coat buttons for some time. It U well to Invest in a spool of it. World SOFTBALL Regiment Demonstrates Its jCARDINALS OGDEN'S yu "tttl Jrur rn," uu OpUn'tfin tut dtttttu kUttt. CUT PLUG DROP BACK HWli i . ..tMi-.i t 1 i. ' ..!, ri... i negiment exnioiieu marKeu superiority over tueiuiauis : vu. ,.. auonai LtltU( (last nieht in winnintr the onenlnir frame of the senior foot Yesterday Athletics W V II Mil VH.IVIIII II V I Iff 111 llllt III till I 111 lll.ll l it lWl ft-lli: III I I - m .mmm - - Iweather. another came was Dlaredl "TT" "V. ; , ' ' T-"" t-.' ' UOUIH. May 8 In the opening inning of the High I between the Seal Cove Sailors and ! ncr 01 tne AlODiey lup, Or CUV league cnampionhiup, rtreak of the Sl 1() School girls' game yesterday after- jtne EastEnd Giants in the Bast End Series and WHS played in a light rain and heavy breCZO vas halted yeeterda.v b noan, the vd cats scored one run.ISoUbaR League. tne sailors win-' which marred plav to a large extent. Mayor C. H. Ormerthe band of the A mimhrtr nf npnnlp hnvp nli-pnrlv nnirl f Vioir tovoo in. They prevented the Invincibles duced to do so by the offer of the city to pay six percent flL"1 H TS. . . . j? . ... .1 1 . Weak fielding on the part of the interest on all advance payments. While the amount is not inVinCibies allowed the wtw cat large it is worth considering these days. It is twice the seven runs in the third inning, in bank rate and the payment will enable the city to earry on this inning the invincibles made until the bulk of the taxes are paid on August 1. " wofk w victors three more runs in the j fourth inning. The Invincibles did ONLY POSSIBLE COURSE their best to eeore. but strong com- jbtqatton en the opposing team Everyone knows that both political parties accept large Itfepf1 em- The score at the end sums of money from big . corporations or rich individuals iJ, Wild !? Cats Yf Mare. 12lh, Fritz . caDtaln. . . i i Lit .1 i and doubtless the who donate in persons many cases ex-lMoUy aaeon. Adeiu Thurber Eva pect to get something in return. They do not say so but they Morris. Noriko Yamanaka. isooei ning. The Giants, first to tut. tut, kicked the opening; ball and, takings mww uc. heavilv. scorlne six runs in the first Unto consideration the state of the a result, fallm inning and one in the second. At ftrat it feokedlfod for the Sailors, bringing in no runs until the foarth voen they scored seven. In the !ixth rantag the Giants brought In another stx nsas Then in the tv-; entn wie aawots. inrooan errors 01 ; and only score 0f the game was the other side, and good hitUng.:nude by Mark. Watson out of a bagged 12 mu. In the eighth 1, almost In the goal ning the Otante bawed tferee andrtn Even after the change-over In the fecond half, the Regiment had the helievp that the rionatinp' tn navtv funds will mro thom. Barren Bm nnm nttv Tnii j bailor. . . -T.l.j good !o missed . . a number . of , scoring i si " - - rtH... a..j. . - - - rirtiH mm uriri 1 1 is nif rr iihii ih u-frs nwsuv more favorable consideration when thev annroach the'ai,abetn sturgeon. Gudrun weUe. ffni'Ammcnt lator Tn Fncrlonrl n-a Vmt-o yaA V,o Ular. Invincibles Lucille Brooktbank . V. ...4t, 44fAl44AYA i 1 Cfc 1 I. i Call blldV VkQrk ltAori rrfontarl -TillmiTiii rr iVin mAAinf rv punk V.? rl rn n Reporter Enyd Morris. a good game "while Birreii, for tne Giants, wm toseins them all over (eaptetni, LilMan Jones, Jean ,h. jot y. of the Sailors played a ftne oilfield game, catch- u,rtll1t nmhlhlv IrMtn him nilt ilf iYP weather, the attendance was quite , game for several weeks. jal r, . . . , . .... . 4W The young players on either We flrJ,,S7K T the showed the effects of lack of prac-f.rst r haU with the wtnd in IU Uwr and Hndwftandlng. A, the w. ly, show improved form. ; J. A. Johnstone gave satisfaction !o referee. The trams were as fol-j low Regiment goal, T. Smith; backs, D. Hunt and B. Thurber; half- . ,....0 - - , ..... t- , o . t rouTKJ DayinK..r. fergusen piuaiea ; . ,. ... ,,., nmrri w ! lucky that no more tnan the one DeJong. M, rlace behind the Ci wtoo were victorious 'eartlng Boston Bi.r. retained iii.il i)!ac deteai ui the Chic.n a close game.. In the American i.' delpiili Athletics upward swing by 1 : land Indians In .1 St. Ixuls Browns 0 Rod Sox In the 01. i prayed in this leuru' American Lpsjuc St. Louts 11. BosUiii Cleveland 3. Phil .i- ;, National League Boston 0. Cine 1 mi. 1 Brooklyn 2, Chl .if : Hew York 18 Si 1 r in ; Baseball Standings American Ieaue v, r Washington 1 Detroit ... . J. .... ... . . . Cleveland u w earner penniuing, me oniciaj crown irom me neaa or rTanee? opening win take place tomorrow The land pf the trl-color has held afternoon of the Prinee Rupert the trophy since that memorable Tetuila Club's fine new courts on the series In 1927, when Rene Lacoete Acropolis Hill which have been un- startled the world by breaking the der construction during the past TUden-Johnson monopoly of the few weeks. Following the gales of United States. Tennis experts are last winter which almost com-1 looking to either Great Britain or pletely wrecked the courts, mem-. the United States to put the skids dub, together with; under France.lt U generally con- some friends, set willingly to work ceded France will be beaten, for ( and their accomplishment In re- j Jean Borotra and Henri Cochet are constructing the premises is wor- slipping. Jasquea Brugnon Is hardly New York : '1 .?, Philadelphia St. LobU fi ,y (Ohlcago ... - Boston 11 National League i w r y. I t boston u Si iCMeago .... ' '' i Philadelphia u iQInelnnaU : r 1st Louis .. ' U Brooklyn & iPHtburg . . New York ... house. Now the court are In better The Curling Club at MeBride Inku tilc PIVC AVI) xhane than th vr wr twfnr. i.w. , . . CJIlillVlVO I lir - uic imcrior mienos 10 00 every-! xne puDiic generaay Is invited tombing possible to get the rink fin-1 hc ic-uprtiui tciruioiuc umor- IHD5S AKB i si:m 'Continued ftoni : The quality and "bark products drp 1 the proper skinning tnd the curing anc. the hlrles and b!-pr An average-sized vleld about, 21 P : fins, three gnUon : oil and 150 sound Ttiere are evn: tn a shark's Jaw whir 300 terth. DetnJsid infltrortUx Winning. Henhlns packing of hides given together with a aurket prices. OA SPRAINS Ksak sVliskSvrsl'a im asw'' I all mIm Putt you on your ftctl rKIHC Of PA For Smokers Who Wan? Something Better