PAOS FOTTTl Spring Sale. May IK Pitted Dates Sanitary wrapped in 3-lb. blocks Braid's Coffee per lb LOCAL ITEMS Saturday Special Chocolate Bars Jg Grotto Taxt. Phone 456 tf 2 for, MOTHERS' DAY Miiriro Bros. Sons of Norway Social tonigii Mttropole HalL, Iff! Hosiery and Glove Specials FRASER & PAYNE'S A New KJayser Chiffon Stocking, very sheer, full fashioned, dull sansheen finish, (? AA cradle foot, all pure silk to top and all the newest shades; pair QXlv . "i A New Kayser Service Weight Stocking, good weight, full fashioned, dull sansheen finish, eradle foot, all new shades; pair . CITY OF PRINCE RUPERT Notfce to hereby given that General and Local Improvement Taxes are now payable. Tax statements are now bring prepared and will be mailed shortly. The city will pay 6 Interest to August 1 on General Taxes and to October 1 on Local Improvement Taxes. Telephone 4te BAZAAR SUCCESSFUL St Pcfrs Church Hlgf Balloon Dance May 30. I j HALLERAK'S PAYAN TAKIT 2G Phones 27 Friday & Saturday Specials 39c 50c Buy two pounds and get one free Granulated Sugar 10 lbs. foe Peas Good quality per tin . , Tomatoes-Flrst quality per tlrv Tr Bwt Quality Potatoes per saek . 50c 10c 10c $1.40 Bulk Soap Chips For your lip washing machine, per lb. Sweet Fancy Mixed Pickles Offp U O t each quart sUe, Waxed Paper On D. J. MATHESON, Collector. KINDLING FREE The annual Ridley Home basaar The Seal Cove Transfer will give! UVe have moved eur stock from aur j former Fifth Avenue Store to our j Third Avenue Stores. We are over-'stocked on some lines which we offer you at big reductions. Here is! your chance to save Aylmer Fancy Ooiden Bantam Corn, per tin yluier Chili Sauce per btl ' .aifcin s Best Extract Except vanilla . 2-ox. bU Chase ii Sanborn Coffee New stock, this is the best ,l Pp trv a tin nor lh TtOU Aero Brand Tea Oood quality, per lb. Em pi est lodo-CeyUm Tea Q00 ner lh OOU Oxydol Powder 2 pkg. for PeasSize 4 St 5. good IHp quality, per tin XUi Oood Interior Potatoes Od tZ per saek yxXO (Fresh Stock Independent Sweet i Biscuits Sandwich or plain, good I assortment for afternoon QA0 l teas. 3 lbs. OUtr j Royal City Pork & Beans 16-oz. tin for ; Olive Oil-Star of Italy Vgal. tin. ' 'For your saladVv 12 c 15c 15c 42c 25c 8c $1.45 Mussallem'sCash& . Carry Stores "Where Dollars Have Mere Cents" per roll UXj No. 1 Store Fifth Ave-Phone 18-81 . N- 2 Store 319 Third An-Phone 360 . ., , . A n h All Orders Over $2.00 Delivered Free No 3 S(ore , Thrd ATPhont 375 i t mi m mi mt m v n m i . m.t . SLOO A New Orient Service Weight Stocking, full fashioned, duifene finish, pure thread silk, Q f AA all new shades, regular price $1.50 pair: pair vJ.UV A New Keyset Olove, gauntlet cuff, slip on style, chamoisette fabric, outside atitehing, all new shades: pair . $1.00 LOCAL ITEMS Chimneys swept, stove pipes aru gutters cleaned. Phone 5. t Alex MeRae is on a business trip today to Skeena River cannery points. J. W- Exley. who retired as City Hall Janitor a few days ago. will b leaving next week, accompanied by Mr. Exley, to take up residence on their farm near Sralthers. They nave sold the Osborne House on Third Avenue to Mrs. Peter Black. CANUCKS LIKE BUTTER Exports of butter and cheese from in urc jvmajbc " jmeruay jt- w any ciuwmer wno ouys a eora Montreal showed an Increase in noon proved quit raeeesfsol frn- of wood, stove length, a sack ofUwi. Canadians eat more butter anes4vy, some 85 being tsaltaed WndHiis free. This offer Is ma4e and eggs per capita than the people aa a result of the effort. Members of for one week only. Phone Green ; 0f any other country Toe H gave valuable help in pre- e9. ml parbsg toe ball for the holding of j ...... . . the bazaar. MtM Dale L. Pitt, general manager of the Premier Gold Mining Co.. nr- Dorotay Hogers, oaoghter nved in the city on the Prlnrt of Mr. and Mrs. Waiter Rogers of George last evening from Stewart. Aayox. returned to the smelter having been called as a witness in town recently after a visit to Van-. the International Electric C i winding up case at the Supreme Court Assizes here. Announcements 2Smwm&&sr Three Plays. Presbyterian Church Hay Sth and 6th. j Meose Dance May o. 1 - - I Legion Band Concert May IS. 87 ; Bagfe Batter fry Dance May 13. Ladles refreshments. Genttenen 50c. REMOVAL SPECIALS VITAMIN B IN BRAN, RESEARCH REVEALS Also Has "Bulk" to Further Assist Elimination, and Iron for Blood One of the functions of Vitamin B is to help tone the intestinal tract, and promote elimination. Now, laboratory experiments show Ktllojr's All-Bran contains this valuable vitamin. In addition, All-Bran brings a plentiful supply of "bulk" which provides the 'ballast" needed to exercise the intestines. This "bulk" in AuBban it simi-lar to that of lettuce. Inside the body, it is different from the way you see it in the package. It absorbs moisture, and forms a soft mats which gently clears the intestines of wastes. Special cooking processes make Au-Bran finer, milder, more palatable. Another healthful element brought by Aix-Bran is iron. Tests show this cereal has twice as much usable iron as the same weight of beef liver. Check common const! catkin appetite and enerrv br tln this delicious cereal. How mur pleasanter than taking pills and orugs so oiten bablt-forming. Juit eat two tablespoonfuls daily sufficient to overcome most types of constipation. If your intestinal trouble is not relieved this way, see your doctor. Appetising recipes on the red-and-green package. Made by Kellegg in London, Ontario. Hotel Arrivals New Royal Hotel THE HOTEL WORTH WHILE (lot St Cold water: Steam Heit 75c. PER DAY AND UP J. Zarelll Trkphonc tSl Radio Tubes Tested FREE With the Jewell Tube Tester McRAE DUOS., LTD. Why hire a ton truck for pound parcels? Phone Messenger 131. (tf) Visit the Cut Rate Shoe Store at their new location next the Prince Rupert Bakery. (1W H. F. Olassey returnee to tfj tkjy mi rne prince ueorge last eyning after a business trip of a few day to Stewart. Trade your old coal range in om new Beach Electric. Latest Mo .itls. Terms. See our windows. Oor dop's hardware. If J. p. Hawkinson. well known laundry operate of Stewart, arrived in the ettjr on the ss. Princ- George last night from the nortl. for a brief visit ta town. Wm Wilson, presidesH of Can.i-an Legion B. E. S. U, A. J Mathe&on, seejresarY-treasurer, and P. Menlyuk left last Bight on nV Prince George for Vancouver where Oiey will receive treatment m Fhaujhnessy Military HosplU! Subsequently, Mr Mathesoq wi'i pend a few week on Vancouver Is land. LVgf a&sotatc as granted by Mr. Justice D. A. McDonald at the Supreme Court Assises yesterday afternoon in the alvorce petition of thel Bentiee Allan vs. James Er t Allan, both of Prime Rupert rhe couple were married at 3u tano. Alberta, on October 11. lt4 W. E. Flshei was counsel for the jetltloner WATTS' SPECIALS for Friday & Saturday PASTRY- FLOUR Australian, 10-lb. sacks, per saek JIF -Suds hi a Jiffy " per pkg RED ARROW SODAS Family Package, per pkg. ROGERS SYRUP per Mb. tin BARTLETT PEARS Rose-dale, No. 2 tins, per Un MELBA PEACHES Del Large 3V4 tins, finest quality, per tin HEINZ PICKLES Fresh Cuke Pickles, per jar HEINZ BAKED BEANS Small Size 3 tins Medium Size 2 tins Large Slae 2 tins CASCO POTATO FLOUR 2 pkgs MALKINS BE6T PURE Stiawoerry or Raspberry - 2-. una, each with its frequent headaches, loss of ! PITTED DATB8 Fresh stock, per 3-lb. pkg. UPRIVER TURNIPS 12 lbs SQUIRREL PEANUT BUTTER, per lb. CAMEO TUNA FISH per 'i-lb. tin GRAHAM WAFERS per 1-Ib. cello pkg. 36c 17 c 20c 20c 18c Monte 29c 18c 27c 27c 38c 25c JAM 28c 36c 25c 14c 25c MALKINS BflOT TEA -Bring your Makin's Tea Rebate Cards to us and save Q( Per lb CAMPFIRE MARSHMALLOWS per i-lb Pkg . 23c 3WS 30c us? - - 23c 23c 43c DUTCH MAID MAYONNAISE Le:8 - .-. per 16-02, ikr ..-li. ek us for fresh fruits and VEnETA!U.ES. WE HAVE EVERYTHING IN SEASON Terrace Asparagus arriving every train Watts' Grocery PHONE 35 PHONE 56 THE STORE OF PLENTY" srsjrjsri Moose dance tonight 12:30. Admission 25c. 9:30 to New location, new low prices at ; Cut Rate hoe Store. U0T J Junior 'Football 1-0 Saturday. High' School vs. Booth School D. ZarellL, who has been on a two weeks trip to Vancouver and Victoria on business in connection wfth his hotel and beer parlor, returned to the city from the south an the princess Aeiaitie irtK al ¬ ter noon. Canadian Legion football vUl hold a practise Saturday a-1 smoon after the school game. A:iy xraon in possession of Legion . oofbaU cJotntng or equipment is .eosssjUd to turn the same into :he etui rooms at once. 10?, Mayor Orme will officiate at tht jgatning of the Prince Rupert Tennis Ctoo Saturday afternoon a: '3d. Tm and refreshments will be Mrvcd. Admlfon 25c. The public s vspseialiy invited, the courts open for the day In event of -ain. the affair will be postponed 107 HALLERAN'S MEAT MARKET i "ormer customers please note that ur meat market is being carried n under the same conditions as in t he past and your continued pat- ' ronaje will be appreciated Saturday Specials xned Rib Roasts Rolled . pej. lb. .j. .. ... (tump Roivst per lb Pot Roast 4 lbs Brisket Beef 5 lbs. Leg Pork per lb. Loin Pork per lb Shoulder Pork 7 lbs . Spare Ribs ' 2 lbs Shoulder Veal per lb Breast Veal per lb. Chicken per lb. Phones 20c 18c 50c 50c 18c 20ci Sl-00! 25c 12Ac 10c 24c 26&27 MI-LADY Beauty Shoppe Kolcx Special, 10c Permanent Wave $5.00 Ladies Hair Cut . . 33c Children's Hair Cut 25c Phone 655 Plumbing Prices Reduced Why Seid but of Town For . Pimping Goods? 4-Piece Plumbing Complete with trimmings Outfit - S95 Compare this with Eaton's catalogues and remember, we pay the freight. Labor charges reduced frent $1.50 to $1.25 per hour Smith & Mallett Ltd. Phone 174 P.O. Box 274 DOWN tm 1 MM U WM '! The Cut Rate Shoe Store has ! moved to new premises next the Prince Rupert Bakery. 8e their ' cut rate prices. 107 1 r E. D. Haddon. manager of the Bank of Hfder at Hyder. arrived in You'll iwwtf kt' t It tii' TO-J i y it. Hut it t .. I 11 - : '" ol lLtilr B:trA m4 Caniln-tf Mlk ia Dailin( tr for S hourk- tri out . omti t Crtl PvMifif ihat't dttKiavtl A Uen-rih cirtmtl tekx ! A ctttmr-rUh octnil ittttl TtntIS w'th trein. ti mntt !"- Of tinbinrrVith Iruh Of frWti A ptrlKt IroMfnf lor ck. A dtlicioui SlUng lor lrtt. So- h)r not cook tcviril out it nmt) l,MMMMMMM,MSSSaaS j J S Am:. , a brief vi.s.; rived from ! Prince (jc: Mrs. tcec Yi: of Anyox we:, tr.e Prince CL ttoroji?h : Vancouver -he sity on the Prince Oeorgc la t vening from the north, having Father J been called here as a witness in who is on i .i i he International Electric Co s duties in At Mndlng-up rase at the Supreme night n '! 'nurt Auiseii here visit t. V i c all. YTf I AW I ADn Tir . LOCAL ITEMS MAGIC CARAMEL PUOOINfl tfiS Conitt 1 H Wiliaf oiM i J :''J " CAUTION-8B M F' TH0j WATER. l-Imim ft Ana wi'If X can aa4 wit. MArt NOMKTAKt-Bt ar you au tkt ritht.m Jr laltowf StfU Brand Saimned Condtmtd MUk. Alihoual rMr:"11' Ut lot nut, tt Hoijilr woa i vock ia tUi mil.. f f. I I IK MorriHi'A Untitle mm mr a r'aaaaa iiu ROOMS 7-8-9, SMITH BLOCK 525 - Phone - 525 UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Htami. iu. . . . Vanr .v'i TJt i uiiiffK rrtvluji Vsnrouver TM-raclay K Am MEUV KIV llllMtllT. I tiy Minu to Porl 8lmpiM),' A,(enlrin. ABo Furihor urlftof River txtlnU. 8niflr w um. Btwf Inforiiiatlrin ... .... . i n,kla lit HIX'K iiri.T7,T ...... ..IP"""'". V " " Mi .sur.,1 i nrillliu .itpiii:--