H1WWri- imdid Entertainment uiicu . i-rbvtcrian Church Will . fori Tnnlrlit UC IMJ't""-" acceptable one-act v y r." resented before a large ' i First Presbyterian k'i1-' 1 uiuht and were much in" , ; by all. The cntertaln- under the auspices d uf managers of the i i r capable direction of G) ant Holllngwbrth, who ,di was undoubtedly ,. liable for the. very sa-,, t, ionic results attain ! nuance will be repea- :o.il effort of the eve-ir;i matte presentation Successful Liar," by x persons. Principal ki n by Miss Maude i,i-m2 acquisition to : theatrical talent, and n il the latter being ., melancholy Invalid. were played by Miss : n and Alex Mitchell, comedy relief, both piil ir with the aud-. .i.Ui were those of ! .us a doctor, and i n as a constable. Macdonald and E. J. pooular, were ex-i ip-wlndow romance , Di:!:oom Suite." Some ophy was introduced r;l Utile .sketch. Ro-l.tyed the part of a mystery sketch was uria In-rawer. Some were Introduced In plot of which was Members of the cast tin hell. J A. Teng, .ma 8 J Hunter. .'s on the stage ...proved since the j presentation in this I uen-act-' and clos- provided by MiatNei- : ii wen members of! ..If violin orchestral b DI.ick as piano ac- :u; In arrangements James Hadden. i Clifford Ham. : r Foote, W. L. 8an- V iv r O NeUI. TERRACE WEDDING r " ' m onncii iiecoim fr' it f iln ird Srhuman .t r tt Ormony on .Mon-da Evening v. s A prettv ' : l ire here on Mon- fi o'clock at the ! -id Mrs. J A. h&r Bench when their Haiel Mary, wus riage to Bdward "r mony was per-' iwn under an arch nd flowers. r i charming in a 'nn dres with the 1 and or anus blos- tended as brides- ! J H llu Llewellyn who ' vollow taffeta wltii t int. The grooms "v.tiii ia, utuiiii.1 1 Weddina March ' Mi:a Bertha Moon 're present lncl'.id- 'h - Cunad'an Olrls . l'il which the bride ' ''. The house we:, rated in white and , " table was centred ! ier weddina cake. "lemony a dellght- n)e:- wan nnrvnA Thi re assisted In tt- ''illations nnrl hps.. ,, 1 floral arch by tiu ho was gownee in Mmy pretty and uso- t. A Pies.ntsd. ,, A': siiuman will ma ' Di'tch Valley wher? pn' red partnership 1,1 ' Ii Rimer McConnill. a s mique leadership keep '""ration of power. the tpri they llAM-BUK dully ' injuries & Prevent British u-UOD.POlSON ' I I 111 Flow ers ifor.r 'A Mothers 'Day ooo Of all possible, gifts, Flower will most completely sum up; your unexpressed thoughts and feelings on Mother's Day o o o Oet them at GLENNIE'S Second Avenue In Remembrance of all the grand dinners she cooked for you. celebrate Mother's Day with e splendid dinner, cooked by somebody else by our chef, who is a good cook too Special Mother's Day Chicken Dinner Jut phone us to resc-ve places for Mother and you on Sunday Commodore Cafe ', Third Avenue MOIR'S eta mil ran in -lor- Moth er The best Is none too good on this occasion Get a box of these fine Chocolates at McCutcheons Third 4 Sixth Street Remember Mother Sunday is Her day Make her happy with a useful OUT OF lOOTWEAK Cut Rate Shoe Store Moving from Meeker HIOCK to 641 Third Avenue Next McCaffery U Oollart Ltd. Many Send Daily News to Mothers M.inv Prince Hupert people send copy, .of th flty Nemtor mother m oiaer uui wwjr In touch with the activities In city where their n.or daufl live. Some of them write that niueh appreciate this. The rate for the News mailed within the Prince Rupert traditiLi district Including Central Columbia is $3.00 per year, outside Hint af" or ,0 United States or Oreat Britain or other Ui Uah Dominions the price is o.uu 3 4 tmit mimrm trt unr n&mt n V.: -.it'- , .-, f I -. -V THE DAILY NEWS PAQB THREB ENJOYABLE I ... ' ' Mother's Day SUNDAY, MAY 8 .The old arms may he a Utile wabbly. The hands arc veined from hard work and drudgery. A Life-time doesn't permit that Lady you call Mother to keep the beauty and charm of Youth. Hut that is one wonderful thins; about Mother-Lovc. It ripens with age, and as that Splendid Lady who one time carried us in her arms moves gradually into Old Arc, our heart remains steadfast and loyal, and wc suddenly realize that wc love her bet-ter than most things in life. And so on Mother's DayHQ that thing you have really wanted to do-all the busy days of this past year givc.hcr some CONCRETE proof of your love and quality. We have a fine selection of Suitable Gifts For Mother Scarves, G)tlV08L W 'llolepromioi.l House Dresses ' AH Newly Arrived ooo- Dry Qoods.& Novelty Shop Besner Block n v t Mot ier Just Loves China Make her heart clad with a new set of real I.nllsli China on Sunday, We. have a wide rure of tnfsteful patterns to choose from,' either single; jjkeai pr sets: lS-plece Bridle $eis, 23-plece Tctt sets and 52-plcce , Bungalow sets. Prlew are wonderfully moderate. Come and See Those at Tom Ballingers 611 Third Avenue . I ITT ll I r f T TiT STIST SSSSSSW Sill 1 .. .. Remember Boys! Some little Rift placed in the hand (hat rocked your cradle '' means such a lot! JJiist-aBox -of Chocolates Will Show You Kemember Get one as you go by at THE GROTTO Third Avenue -V,- Your Mother Always gave you the beat Show your appreciation now. Wish Her lasting happiness with a Victor Radio Th&ift that lives, and keeps Son llvlnp snd giving The Guarantee of Perfection Prom $5.00 per month at McRAE BROS. LTD. Remember Mother With a Gift of Fancy Work or Stationery ooo The Regal Shop (John McRac) 330 Third Avenue Give Her NEILSON'S The Best Chocolates i that can be made per lb. 75c ooo 0RMES LTD. The Rcxall Store Flowers for Mother's Day CUT FLOWERS Laddie Carnations Iris; Narcissus Roses; Potted Plants Calceolaria. Hydrangea Lilies of the Valley All at Moderate Prices Arctic Studio Third Avenue FRASER STATIONERS (Rose, Cowan & Latta Store) ooo Mother's Day Cards . ' " Mottoes Pictures ..;". Gift China Stationery Send a Wire to Your Mother to let Her know that you Remember Her ' V - The 1S little