B "h " r . t 4 I Today'sWeather fflffk 3E If 1 Tomorrow's Tides J 1 rrincc Rupert -Part cloudy, (LP J I 1 jlJllljMl II 1 ill 'ml Hlgh - 20:0 " V calm; barometer,. 30.10; tempera- f IJI ' jT ' JW JUI JIJIWLP ' SI ' 14:32 p.m. -18:1 it. J Jure ; sea smooth. ZT rjf Low 8:30 ajn. 3:1 It. t " 20:15 p.m. 8:0 ft. I NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER ' I yoixni- No. 107 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., FRIDAY, MAY 6, 1932 kuce : five cent3 FRENCH tfESIDENT VICTIM TODAY WOULD-BE ASSASSIN I Stiff Prison Sentences Are Operation Successful Aged Chief Executive I Imposed Upon Nude Paraders j Bg Shot Four Times At U I By Nelson Police Magistrate fH Veterans' Book Show I Thrcc-Ycar Sentences in New Westminster Imposed Yes- CUADlf T7IMQ i WWlif fc- $Si Doumcr's Companion as Well as Paris Police Director Are ftl terday Upon 118 Nude Paraders Terms Arc Ul Til 10 MB2ml 'CSL' JSB I Also Shot President Had Miraculous Escape Maximum Provided Under Criminal Code 4 IfinrC ifllSll aflrffiV rajrl ' From Death at Fanatic's Hands 1 NELSON, May 6: Eighty-four Doukhobor men were feM ' SbSB PARIS, May 6: President Paul Doumer, while attend- sentenced to three years m penitentiary yesterday after- A ftp TIkPIII IliaEil? T '''HBI ing a book exhibition by ex-soldiers, was shot four times noon by Magistrate John Cartmel after they had pleaded CJULil ULi 1t t JsjSaM this afternoon by an assailant believed to have been a Rus- Jl I jruiity to charges of parading in the nude at Thrums last SfiR M ? Mm$& sian- Altnough earlv reports said that the condition of the H I Sunday. The terms of imprisonment were the maximum save rossibintirs as commercial Ta fl& V H-IB aged president was critical, it was later announced by raj I which could be imposed under the section ofthe Criminal Products An American rirm j WtS JSkSffK TffilSHH physicians that his condition was very satisfactory. Chan- H Coa if Canada on which the par- Would Like to (iel All WfJjMKsj' GffffiiiMM ces oi recovery are now lar8ely a ti'-i charged. j pi . p Possible ! $ MmH. Wnffi$M ita TTTa 1 nrpin ! matter of whether, owing to his ad- u ,, in the day, 34 women, who UleCtriC LOHlDcHlV i EmxRffiW' Mi) I IK A H 1 It ivanced age of 74 years, he will be m h.fn convicted of the same r . . ' pMil3fe M&Hk$Um A ' lllflUllV i able to withstand the shock. No vl- j-q f the law. were also each! Hnnrjn(r PrnffPflS MailY USCS 'aSB8f&3$m JHlPi91 Pt was struck by the bullets, fa A TIAV T7 r , .i to three years' imprison- lILalllljJ 1 iULtCUO 1UU,V !8HEmSEHK A I If IN KY The president was talking to a 13 H cr n penitentiary. uKKKlfliQ' jMBL vlvn 'noted authority. Claude Farrere, Nfi I ..r-SJ-sr zn-r r'tsrr WMmmjBm i RATEPAYERS srs.f-K u H r " u '.'minthe ine Sons sons oi of Free- rrn The PrtiK nupert PlAffiv QS?i(lSHBlV AHH Mcetine in Moose Hail Last Night ! crumbled and he sank to the floor JJj c mmg m H DtrknentaFstatton has bWn ad.' yfjElTPEIBv HHH Received Kenort and Discus- with bullet holes in the front of his W amest UW, fowK mana of mgg&Jg JBHHEfl s.d S CttyAllata Alfate ead. behind the ear. and-In the IP cr. its that of Si.nday. Hard y .hf rompanv, under ex.mina- !fSxTide ' 'W&SXSiSBm JwSSlPS .-Mjffc the brain was ' hi Mi Pcxilcy concJuckd an ultl- tlon M yMtday afternoon and " : ytMt fWmMm JWffBMfflffi not nenetrated n,-,, to the sect at Tf rum, n thJ morning at the Suprm. ZaXTS LZ Z - At meeim f the Pnnce Ru-!ntdng forward and the ': ig.,- further trtotatk. of th te!or. Mr. JuMI a SiT tLrear.p- Prime Mto: J R,m u McDonald who ,, receiving medical Pfrt athr ej would-be assassin fifed twice. fck tow ;i , u.mng nude parades when i,ntw & tha case in whtch mlrl- V5.5"!: . Zi,.r Z f th. . . , , , .Kf M Han w,t nlgh -W-Nicker" woundlrie Farrere in the arm The tP f: .,x women members of the ,rtty ,harehc4deTs of We Interna- gj is tS 'r":l1 'n ted doub S hS rippled w wh m X m ii r.itxd and paraded defiant- i)onal Electric Co. which formerly l!7H!l ft,7n, ! meeting was large enough to Justl- 10 b, f n the attorney feneral and ,u0PUed the Um of Stwart ar,J Zw,n ZZl fy any drastic action rmg teken. oalenard, director of the !3 ,,n No arresU were made. Hvder with electric power, are In gjj JX .iSIlf Apparently, it had been intended I T T f , J pollcet ran forward. The as- H Vmmuu the Doukhobor settle- ottoute with E R Workman, "ig Znd lfhn V 0X001X1 I nnDlCtpH 10 "er aesolu"tn cal ln fired again, striking Qui- "j ir,.s a. Krestova. Thrums and former hd of the company In des and fins. JUIlll V C I IU VUII VILLZU mayor and councU to resign but the chard ftrm i j BrUh.o.t Mr Pooley told the Douk- man to the winding up of the n" "e Iua1 . t 0 people did not show sufficient in-1 ta d policemen Id H h. law would be puniahed. much detailed evidence u to the .th Iff 1 tltlYSClCLV CLl Jn,ttty . ft they rPYIilYV Ul ""T , ! difficulty, kept him from an infur- "f S 1 ItWI H U and F. WWeh presided H Prudent mJ -mtmd to stand for no more attain of the company "''SlSaS; &t:'JUIJ : 6 v.; , of the law. If the Douk- section therrth. The hearing i ' at m with him on H . . . . ft I h.or, break the law. they wUl be continuing today LaT anTnutle SSrtTpSn- m Tvi nl 1 tn T Uj Jt 1 vf the Pla"orm-were "5 f; f-'dan. He said he had shot the presl- 1? U . couiel tor int Y d three members ofthe refuLl mm,,,, nay the penalty. Make no L. W. Pattnore J'TjJJfJ, 1 YlCLl Itl lYCLlYlt L 0 U I Wermlg an because of France's to n ,t .bout that Wc have con,e minority shareholdm and Milton uUlCrV th?LJ ?' intervene in Russia against the Bol- J . of our rtience:-the at- Cie. sShennd k I " r" 4 dCC'arCd- etlTM a" Chinese for edible YORICTON. 3ask.. May :-A sen- WEATHER REPORT Ion m W I I n M 1. n . 'court adjourned for luncheon to- Purposes and the liver oil which is nUonal featuM of a trtal here ,1 Mr Wesch read a lengthy report flJIll Dfa Dvla,.r Building Permits Z- rtVLT:,. " "--irrtSS 'T I Issued ,ss"ed in me Prince nTnTll ALL SS priT -STle For r y Year Adopted i ,? I .. GOLD '7. t Bv Citv Council Rupert in April . ncnDDivr ,S1 "" SKS St '" - i-u.u.hiin Byuryumncii 5 1 ' r AKNIIKKIINIl purposes. rt Penitentiary Dead Tree Polnt-OTtrcat. calm; made but they were not as success- iDOUIVUlllU No expensive luUment Is re- barometer. 30j08; tempetp. 41; ful wtth the council for none of The rate bylaw for 1932. setting M Tli' following building permtu ' JS, sea smooth. a their suggestions had been consld- the tax rate In Brlnee Rupert this $ . meat and teeth. It U h stated. A v.vmmw ANCOUVEU mint WMAT at 55 mills on full value of McConnell Vr -uf(l at the office of the city Oold alsC0VcrleS in the eml wortny 0f consideration. The h , . during the month of Ap- Cwk and other area.- north of the Power JgJJ 'Jy to S" VANCOUVErTmT, - Wheat Canada enjoys unique tederahlp report was an excellent one and d and on twenty percent, of (ConUnued on Page 2) exchange today. bridges. of toe council room addition. $100. Interest throughout the Interior On motion of mnk Hart secon- ttty yester- J E PcttenuK). Seventh Avenue lu4t now, lt u reported by C. C. ded by j. A. Curtta. the report was y aj'1rnon;, ho pr"t E W.-. basement. $160. Sta.c.1 broker, who returned to accept. Aid. Mlart. Aid. Un Aid. Mc- W B. Skinner. Seal Cove, kitchen theclty on yesterday's train after a TfirAP Pfinillar C N R SUntW; Mr- Hwt- ln a br,ef speech' ft,d SSSShn Ald- UireC . 1M. 1. Piury. M-iiii m. $300. two weeks' business trip to various rOpiIiar OKipperb he did not like the way things had - H Vi' trnhaver Dro., Second Av- Jnterlor points as far east as Prince been going. He was ln favor of L H Pn" repairs. $160. Oeorge. With other Industries quiet. w- ,B , , I r 1 drastic action. Tlwlr taxes had HallmlM anniTICyci D W'herk. Ninth Avenue West, gold possibilities are heartening the jlTTTwlriMl been doubled and many would not iiunuuiL.unuuigo r,'i'nis. people greatly. Mr. Mills reports. IQ1jiBH be able to pay. J ' M Morrison estate. Fraser and numerous parties of Pj ' , gftf Kii ' JP)(!' City Far Behind American None"317 I Klllrntln Tnrlinn ItondsUUndln? the ehange from HT VH ' WWt , dSoum clodS'uiey' Swell ' Aiken. 7l00?Ak.n6WJ: Pair of $ The I lv"KaUU inaian winter to summer conditions . , ( . k. jV ' he bnk $163 000. part of which was J"a. 10.000; Helge II.. 10.000; Nu- I U PL J lU'iL Canadian Airways plane at Durns s : Wj r HH Y JWH ' covered bv bonds. The bank now ba. 6.000; Sea Maid. 7.500. and J. R.. I Is Lharged With h;,,J h T t "JBH !k l"0"1' : I Seduction of GirLfn v jis 1 HfekB iwhteS L I , fJnnihenT uTL iHk ' HAH The hospital had been told they Opens Lumber Yard I rH11 a charge of seduction of a wrvl. D. r,n '".. Bkii. Hf lHij kJt3Ks3Kl Bl'ng tjn- uld until Oc- get no more money In Peace River Illock . Art 18 left Durns Lake but there P'i mMMmmmmi in 1 eace Ulcr IHQCK between tjie age of 10 and WWks Ire KElt llfiiKI lobcr I Silas Itines. Indian, was vvns still renorted to be some Ice on Bpmjg HH .BH I Self-respecting men would step DAWSON CREEK. May 2:-The 1 I r"lu to the city yesterday on the lakes a hundred or so miie KEM. BlllllH E2l?n?79H "ut lf werc not abIe to pay False Crtek Lumbr Co of Van" I ,,".rr1 lne nrovlnclnl police boat P. north.' . . m, HHKKm H HH9 BHHHH- HHKSH H i ; their bills and let someone else couver has opened a lumber yard I .L. 8 from the of Kltkatla' M. J. Hrown of Tul' O'.; B11I, pM BoMlH village i handle the affairs of the cjty. Mr. here as a distributing centre for I hrrc the offence Is alleged to have l, among those now at Burns i lhkc MmmmggkmE&$2& MB fl H Nlckerson said. The man with the the Peace River Block. It Is tho I "''"rred. Innos will come up for' "waiting nerTaltranspormioninw, - VBiSHHHHHHI kHH I Ismail home found his taxes doubled first lumber yard ln this territory I Wmlnary trial at the conclusion McConnell creeKAeconapine i nd UbQt mfn n the coun, tQ be operated dlrccUy Dy a c,st , ' he .session of the Supremo r Court expected at Burn w op dipt Nell McLean t ;w" H E Neddtrn Cipt Dan Donald I (Continued on Page Two ) sawmUl company. I Amiz,.., Mrale into MrCniiMll CMtfk V fc