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Tlt-l e , vc'ra A Week's Doings By Tom 9 Thousands ot reopie Read The Advertisements on This Pace Every Day Kuu inai ww, ajxuKfc, HELP ELLURNITURE REAL ESTATE, ETC., .THROUGH A .CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENT ! iT 1 ' i i i i i ii i i . i . CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS Fer rent, for sale and all other small advertisements In this section ,,, , . . . ord prr Insertion with rx Insertion, for the price o" fou TyZ ' "i t " i ? " 25 No advertisement taken JZfLT Wrd' FOR SALE ,, cheap. Phone WWd Kld'oiav., apply ' . : ii"! "aUy NCW8- If HAN v yii : , sale. suitable for office. a store. Apply Dally News', U(i.iR Be by Carriage, em : clK-ap. Phone Blue g& ioy pt)R kknt -Modern suite! with ,:. i rooms Apply o. t ; -..t Ltd. 108 ri !' - v !: - 18-foqt speed boat. ohnrtasi A lawt sMaaaaa .1 .TJttt(V. IW'JIVIOt" firjy engine Apply Box ':' in iv News. tf SPEf TAI ioodyear Tires at lower uun any man order . K.ncn Motor Ltd. Phone tvm cut ttm CWH Twlir I2 V4-l T 1927 Ftrst cbkwi t Aoply P. W. S. Vtaetrrt.iAlfnt tor EASTIIOPE llNdlXRS u - rage or Seal (tev HHLBotto ,nd of 8,1 descrtpltom 107 i tor Charter I Rw Boata and Canoes for Hire FAUM Foil SALE j BARGAIN'S IN GAS ENGINES t Dorreen. 2 miles frem' Northerti B. C Dtstrtbutots Di i lid inns on It 10af r i, f $250. clear title. At ' ' i Box 785. Prinee Rupert lw ' FOR RENT ra JTEJT Modem fumMfMd ; " it::- - rator. J ittM- -vwui vita jarnorwd - :t room auite. Palmer V T' .!- Phnne Red 444. I WANTED t :v .ly Max Hsllbroutr tf WANTED TO BUY p. t-A-h for Itt to It It. a- - ; ( rably Sponson. Qutel ' i titulars to Box 1J5. N-WS. 10 1 PAINTERS UCilJ hv; VoUR 8PRINO CLEAN-1 HQ LABORS Phone Red 80$ to J. P, MOLLER for - K ! ' lining, Painting i'aj)erhanging E : '.iv or Contract vt. VABLE CHARGES DAIRIES rf FUESH LOCAL MILK honc Red G08 or !)5.'J DOMINION DAIRY l(a);K or 14 Pints for S1.0 The AUCTIONEER cklniT crating Wrapping ,l ral Furniture Repairs w, .,,ur good, wJth me AWES-Phone Ulatk 120 AUCTIONEER Jur towi, wjtn n5irinf e n"Prt', trading Auctioneer. . G. M. HUNT " Ave Phone lt(d (17 Manure For Sale No Straw, $2.00 Per Yard Casey Cartage Fuel Co. Phone 303 FOUND FOUND on Soft Ball grounds foun- tain pen and two npnrik Ani , DlttT New SHOE REPAIRS fiET THE REST IN WORKMANSHIP At tin; Same Trice LOUIS SIIIBIG QUALITY SHOE - REPAIRS 3" Sl,1 srft I'rince Rupert """""""" oALYAiJE & TOWING If It's on or under the water we do It" Pacific Salvage Co. Ltd. tuu' CJmPfa r Diving and General Salvore Work- Coolklte Propeller Sand and O ravel m any quantity1 deNvered anywhere by water J Phone Day or Night Ml P.O. Box 1SG4 I ..l.kZ3blirritrtnv ' "T1I.L1E THE Speeches of Prime Minister and Opposition Leader Draw Packed House Roth Get Much Appause Some Corrections Are Made Friday, April 22 On Friday the greater part of the day was lanen up wun esumaies, tee practically . , J the . . whole . . day J , igration and colonization and gave explanations to the House in regard to the tures in connection with their respective departments. A great deal of argument centered. 'around the question of Immigration i and colonization, the discussion on :m opposition, its members had crl-! placing immigrants on the farms tlclzed the then Liberal government coming in for a great deal of atten- for not bringing in more imml-, tion. It started off by the minister ' grants. being asked a mild question regard-: The question of land settlement ing the matter of placing British . generally, was debated for some boys on farms In. this country and considerable time, quite a few hold- was Interesting to note the var-; ing forth the view that the way to ious opinions expressed on this sub- solve the unemployment problem Jeet I was to encourage the "hack- to the In regard to immigration, the land" movement while others main-minister stated that some 14,000 ; talned that, unless a man had men had been placed on farms in 'old Ontario and, in adition, some 30,000 others were located through-j out Canada. On the minister being pressed as to Just where these fa milies were placed, he did not seem have the information at hand for the moment. An innocent remark) by the minister that the lmmigra tion situation had been left on his doorstep whertTje assumed office brought half a dozen speakers to j men- xeei ai one ana me same ume, a(faIn before the House Tor tflseus-all wanting to remind him that, ;8ion an(i was opposed by H. O, Bar- i . LAM AI'T ; Nolle tit Intriulw. to, .tpnhr to Le ', - roKEsiMKE JriTlt smith istowa t pixn Potat junc- BZ".77.rtPT:' C19. rmuc scuM dtatriet. Tkf notV thoT W. ImpctteJ Oii; LHnMoti of Vancouver. B.C., ocvupaUoa OB Dttfltxrtor. intend, to apply for feace of tx following dcaerlbed land. : : ooKiKWfKing n: a post piaated at i btgk-watrr mark and at B X. Owner ot eau. aanae . aoaai dtitrtat. thm chain Baal; tin dm to chain North S loT10wmrt aBihnuin - ing a acrea. more or few, the ahore it i II.WM. to point of pammencemeot. IMPKRULOIL WtrrKD Dirfed March io. urn. Aent. : j L.MI AC1 Notice at InlrnlUti tn Apply tn Iae Unit In Qwa Charlotte Dlatrtot Land Re-eorffnt Dtatrtct of Prlnre Rupert, ana MMaW tn Iraot ot pari Block 6. SMcadtrWen of Lot 3, Quean Charlotte DMHet, Map MS, TBwnaMe of Oraham Cite. 1k ttoMce that we. lu.perlal oil limited, of Vancouver, B.a. ootupatloa DMrtbutan. lieo to apply (or lease of the mtfowtef described OdnMnenelnR a' a post plaaied V, traaln aauth " t. N.W. corner of the paid Block 8. ,.ienoa aeuthvHrtwardly 3 cbalna: thanee authaaatardrr 5 rtialna: thence BrtrieAHwardlT 3 ehalna; thaneo nortbweatwardlj lollcnw the alue Urn 4 Il.Wil. to point commencement and eontalnlnf lr, acre, more or lean. IMPERIAL OIL LIMITED, per H T. Ootllaon. Atent. Dated April S. 1933 PRINTING OFFICE SUPPLIES Rose, Cowan & Latta Phone 234 , f-.i.. I I l "JTBea. L iA'aS; Hew Arrowb FROM MttiU ro1J" at Parliament Held, M.I. me nouse oeing m commit, when the minister of immi- . , ... the minister of railways ., when the present government was means to keep 'himself for some time, he would only be a further charge on the government. One speaker pointed out that it seemed strange to him that all the members advocating a "back to the land" movement were pot farmers. At the evening session, the bill introduced by the writer, which wou!d glve British Columbia the ;fame freleht tes on Eraln and f lour as the eastern provinces, was ber, member for Fraser Valley. The debate was adjourned by Mr. Fra ser of Cariboo so more will be heard nf hl hofnr. Kolr,. fn,n rfu. posea or. The rest Qf the evening was taken P the minister of railways when some estimates In connection with 5fn14 wer passed through. The nouse aojournea at iu:. Senators Discussed Mondav Monaay. Ariril Pi 25 A A a-reat greai deal deal oi interest is oemg taxen nere m fhe ,e discussion discussions in in thp me senate Sprat Chamber in connection with the ;three senatOT5 wh connected with the Beauharnois matter, The debate on the budget took up jpractlcaUy wbo,e day Mr. Lu cas, one of the U. P. A. group being the first speaker. The minister ot national revenue. who followed, was given a very attentive hearing, not only on account of the Important position" he holds but also from the fact that he has not been a frequent speaker on account of sickness. Ther were nine speakers In all throughout the day and, before the House adjourned. Mr. Stevens Intimated to the House that New Zealand treaty would be tabled on Tuesday evening at 10 o'clock, which he declared would synchronize with the tabling of lhoto follow In the replies which were treaty Dy new zeaiana iu ocjocki10 maae ry tne prime Minister Tuesday evening, bernn 3 o'clock Wednesday In New ZeaUiwl-Mt, being agreed upon that both countries would table the treaty at trie ,aame time. We went home with the feel-1 ing that the morrow wookl be some- thing out ef the ordteary aa tah was the day the speeches on the budget were to end. Mr. Mackenzie King, leader of the opposition, be-; (nn tViA niMifrir Ih. ax.rMA Minister to reply, we were looking lorwura to some interesting state- 'tit vaiul i . Mail, r jiyrT rn, i UikMU, NMK)A butt iA4.UtCKSt-bO menfa, each party hoping In turn tlons which drew a rebuke from the that Its chieftain would get the Speaker. At the outeet, he pointed best of the argument. :out that Canada today is in the Galleries Packed 'midst of an unprecedented crisis Tuesday, April 28 The galleries and we are facing facts and not were simply packed, not only was theories. He went back to 1914 and every "seat taken up but numbers traced the rdstory of events right were standing when the House met through to 1930, and his remarks at 3 o'elock today. All preliminaries were very interesting Indeed. He having been cleared, Mr. Maeken- told how Canada had been caught zie King rose to speak at 3:20 and In the world's current events, es-spoke right through until close to peclally since the British departure 6 o'clock. He deprecated the attl- from the gold standard. He spoke tude of the United Farmer group, of the tariff as an instrument to who would wipe out the Liberal accomplish an object and advocated amendment and substitute their that even a prohibitive tariff could ub-amendment holding forth that. In the matter of currency and credit, no country today could very gresslve group, he dismissed these well put a new policy into effect proposals as ruinous and destruc-alone and. If there was anything tive alike to the credit of the coun-that Canada today suffered from, it try. It was a wonderful address all was. due In great measure to the through and would hdve perhaps fact that her whole trade had di- been considered quite a master-minlthed to almost a vanishing piece had it not been for the fact point. Regarding the sub-amend- that, towards the end. "he endea-ment he atked them whether they vored to help rfdfcuTe on the Lib-would be willing to entrust the gov. era! party by accusing Vincent ernment of today with the nation- Mastey as being in league with the aiist power of the banks, also, if Labor party and as being the new they would even entrust that to a organizer of the Liberal party, Liberal government, and the fur- which he claimed was now turning ther. attitude. If they were in power its attention to new social theories, themselves, whether they would Before closing he referred to the really put this measure into effect, forthcoming imperial conference The conditions in the world he ad- voeated were not going to be solved by immediately pouring more paper money into circulation. The Liberal party, he stated, realized that there was something wrong In the mane- tary system but, no matter how sympathetic, could not accept a ub-amendment which rejected all of the Liberal amendment. Turning to the matter of tariff, he declared the policy of the present govern- ment, which bad transferred the making of tariffs from Parliament io ine rnvy odubcil was certainly ; on their feet. There is nothing so detrimental to the Interests of the disconcerting to a speaker as country. Canada, he pointed out, have gibes and interruptions has today a higher tariff and also thrown at him while In the midst a higher number of idle and there of a discourse. From what I have was no doebt but that trade and seen and heard, unless a man tariffs would be the most important terrupts a speaker to ask some subjects at the corning economic question from a point of informa-conf erence, regarding which he was , tion alone, he generally eets the of the opinion that the importance of the event should not be exag- gerated. He had a few eomments to make regarding the 3 tax en all goods entering Canada. It was his own private opinion that a movement was on foot throughout the British Commonwealth of Nations, and advocated bv a crourt of Tnrv headers, to make the British Com monwealth of Nations an economic unit, the results of which, tf accomplished, would have far reaching effects on the welfare of Can ada, or in other words politioal power. He believed the revenue from the 3 Imposed duty would be placed in a general fund and used for Imperial purposes. It appeared by the applause given to him when he sat down that his speech had given comfort and satisfaction to the members of his party and so we adjourned for what used to be called supper but Is now termed dinner, fully prepared for what was Tbe Premier Speaks II the galleries wero crowded In the earlier part of the day, they were even more so when the House met at 8 p.m. Attendant policemen had quite a time finding place far all who wanted to hear. When the Prime Minister rose to speak he must have been heartened Indeed by the great applause given by his iimnnrtH TV. IIIm1U. spoke fer nearly two hours and was suojrctea to quite a iew interrup- be justified. Regarding the sub- amendment put forth by the Pro- and told the House of his having gone to London in 1930 with a clear and definite view in his mind. His supporters cheered him to the echo when he finished with the remark that, since then, the electors of Great Britain had finally settled the question. He had invited the conference to come to Ottawa when he hoped that great success would develop out of this matter, Speaking of Interruptions In the House, It grieves one to hear so many of these when speakers are worst of it. and this is even more !so when it happens to be the Prime i Minister who Is speaking. It was Robert Burns who said In ne of his poems: "The best laid plans of mice and men gang aft agle," and this was no more true than on Tuesday night. It yaa fully understood that the Prime Minister wbuld be the last speaker of the day but, after the sppUuso which had lasted for fully three minutes had died down, and, )t as the speaker rose to put th? motion to the House. Mr. Neill, Independent Literal, rose tn h fet to speak, and In spite of a lot of interruptions, continued hi? dlsaaurse. He wan:.- to correct the statements mace by Mr. Plun-kett of Victoria who the previous evening had endeavored to belittle th statements made by .Mr. Nclll and the writer In connection with u.iatnpbyment matters which Holt pi co last fall in British Co-lpmbta and in whlrh he had also ct?'Vi1 the nresent orovinctali government. This- being the lat Jtoportunlty afforded one to speak, Mr. NMU had tafeen the advantage. is his name had been mentioned lay Mr. Plnkett. . It wfc 1Q:46 when Mr Nelll fir-Wwi, which the House dl- vWed an the amendment to the ametatoeet which was defeated 178 to T. The tab amendment having been last, tbe Speaker called for those (Continued on page 6.) By Westover, k UN. MAC 4 Ik 1 i Hi a M