THE DAILY NEWS. .PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince 'Rupert Dally News. Limited. Third Avenue 11. F. PULLEN - - - Managing-Editor t f SUBSCRIPTION RATES j City delivery, by mall or carrier, yearly period, paid in advance For lesser periods, paid in advance, per week By mail to allyparu of Northern and Central British TJoIumbla. paid in advance or yearly period By mall to all other parts of British Columbia, the British Em- yiic unu umura-jjiaies, paia pi advance, per year By mall to .all other countries, per year ADVERTISING RATES ' . Classified advertising; per Insertion, per word Lcai readers per insertion, per line ... Legal notices, each insertion, per agate line 111. Transiet display advertising, per Inch, per insertion" Contract rates on application. Advertising and Circulation Telephone Editor and Reporters' Telephone Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations DAILY EDITION 98 ...8G s.oo: 3D0 . m ivovpauuu we were aoout to enter a phase u ulI"cuii ana acute than anv we u j . had yet xperieneed' and that we had the alternative be-lore us of nHe taxation or mere economies. This gloomy t" L8',??!? rpreted by the countn- at largi to mean that the government had in oontempfation net K?,r5eLJetr-nchni.e M tbe sPeaker tended to imply, but further impositions, and a crop of adverse rumors nffulatioiL Prices went down with a run, and; ewa gilt-edged ecunties experienced a serious set-back. uL5n ad 5r make,a reassurmg statement in the vk Sec.ond xamPle comes nearer home. On May ' re. T?. correspondent snnnrW cablinir .oKll from f Ottawa nt. an- "J .15 140 SYNOD IS ujji.o. ..... juu6- Officers For Calfdonid IMocese El- m of tne Synod was Kev. Mr. Delap tctea at Sessions Yesterday 'Wbu (had jiu been ordained Dea- t i.. i unr IT . . Public Meeting Piofessar H. R. Trumpour of theltXollows: lAngnean meoiogicsd college, Van eouver. This .was from 9:30 to 10 JO. i term an the RpnuhHran intAMietB ..-o. n ;7 -"ieor Trumpour gave a very Vk.-latl,7J:i 7l o gcuciaiij,- e.peciea. jable and Inspiring address both to wiHie ine presiuenr iias never been spectacular like Roose- those about to be ordained and to veit or independent like Wilson he has been a good party aH tne dJftes present, man and a safe president. There is nnrhinrr nrraincf Vi'r ! The ofdinatioo rarviee was foJ- wfll be victorious at the November election so the choice' or the convention at nnvpr mm- nnsoSMi. 1 , ; ; - .T i'VMtu'j "icon wie unuice of the man who is to , be president to succeed Hoover. INJURY TO CREDIT i -i A Under, ivriter says: -It is net ften that the city allows rteelf to be stampeded, bat such is the extraordinarv state -af nuhJie onimnn nt f,0 u IK BIB'S? B7B2 BI M i BiartB 'BXT i TTin ipt PURE FOOD swept the stock exchange. On May 22, an unimportant CDCPTAT C oung the past few days something like hysteria O Y L 1 1 A L S 2.IS2S!?.,lt an Portant meeting ob- for Friday & Saturday BEEKKfi HONEY Qlr per 2Vlb. tin OiL UBBY'S PRUNES-Medium -f n rrult. per J-lb. pkg. FANCY WRTIE FIOS i Mx RKD ARROW SODAS per pkg VICTORY BLEND Coffee Economy SAOO and TAPIOCA per lb 19c 19c COFFEE Real 22c j I il i 1 r 1 j men? of the Cathedral wu&t the VV. A. served a verv anDsiizine and Doumeoua lunch. VUl 1 1 llH J lis J 0,aest aeJegate -present -were called i-uij. ic jacaiea. mucn amusement when he stated that, although he J-was the toaby or Synod, he was the jtallest one present and that the old- i Pt nna Pau T t oH..flAM ..... . ., Prof. Trumpour and Canon Proctor smallest one present. Speakers Last Evening Mr. Brasfleld. likewise in his re ts on ' p,y- 'mafle -some very iltting and o BI8py- toe nd day of An- j amusing j-cmarbs 900 giicmn stitoi frere. opaunanced -with i Afternoon Session ; morning prayer and celebration of , The afternoon session was opened Heiy -CommttBlon In St. Andrew's at 2 ;30 with prayer by his Lordship mo KNiuii mi mc aisnup. rne nrst item or dW mmenced ,wltn a quiet new was the election of officers lor uvu. iu TOicMicr oourse Dy ev. fan committees which a-esulted as General Svnod Clerical .delegates yorv Rev j At 10:45 special service was heldj Dean Gibson, Rev. Canon Rush-iln the Cathedral commenting with ; brook; substitutes. Archdeacon the Litany taken by the .Rev. Canon Hodson rOcean Falls and Canon ,T. D. Proctor wfefch was followed , Proctor. y me nreaenMCMHi or w. v Delap i MhgMeMin. Jenntnirs R Friday, Jane 17, 1932 by Profe.sor Trumpour to be or- iL. Mdkttesh; Substitutes. C V. Evttt luwum iscukvu. new. unver inoroeiano k. iJiance; I01" waented Rev s KMteV Provincial Synod linnupn.o vAix,.mi liUUVhKS DOMINATION AlyanshsjJdeY.C.A.Hinchliffeofl Clerical delegates-Rev. Mr Jen- ruurns take to the Bishop to be ad- 'Bints, Archdeacon Hodson, Rural The renomination of Presnfont TTnnvn j V 1 l 1 A I I I I 111- t-"t "I 1 1 I I 1 v. vanced rwiceu 10 w the me order oraer oi pneauiood. uean eweetnanx. Rev. A. S. McKim substitutes. Rev. O Tliorne. Bev Canon Proctor. Ver' Rev. Dean Olb-son. Rev. Moody. Lay delegates w. E. Fisher. C V. EVltt. R I. Mntntmh llf,. ovon even if if tVioKa there i i i .,. P ' lowed ,owed hv by the layta Igvin. nn on of f h.. hant1s w.. lAdams: is not ver' much to be .said for him , by substitutes. m. cox. miss TIip hitr fint t. ar , nnesw present upon the heads ;iLenox. .Robert Blance. J W H Dav t?SSf r "ne 27 atJ)eLmer When the De- of the two now bein advanced toj Executive CommiUee.f DiocS' raocrats meet to choose their man. Nobody can tell what thal ord was than B-officio membere-His Lord-will Jrappen there, although Governor Roosevelt seems elMd by 8 c10"0" of the Hot ; ship the Bishop, w e. Fisher, chan- much the likeliest candidate SO far. jOamurloB after which the dele- jcellor: R. L. Mclnloah. registrar son. Be. O. Thome. Canon Rush- brook. Lay delegates eleoted Rnhrt Blanee. H. T. Crow, with tun iav substitutes to be appointed by the l uisnop. New Offices Created New office were created tor the-l Diocese lor the uatherln ial alone the iottowtog Jtnee: Sunday School work Rev. L. J Hates. Smith erg. Social Service work Rev. Canon Ruehbroek, Seel Cove. M. 5. a C. Rev. A. S. MeKlm i lerrace. Pension Board Venerahl deacon Hodson. Ocean Falls S. P. O. Rev. W. H Junnlno. f the Northern Cross. Statistician Rev. L. J. Bannister of HftEetton. Diocesan Oriental commit Renominated For Vice-President Charles Curtis who will a win be rutu -mx. .f p-t- dc 'inter- -Clark Hoovn committee to o Into this matter was then aopointed to include all jataskmaries in Indian work, with Mrs. MoCeekrie as secret rv At 4 Cetock the draft oopy of the newprpoed Canons and Consti tutions for the Diocese was presen ted, the same be ine r.ontrteriH clause by clause. The afternoon session adjourned t 6:30, the works on the Canons and Constitutions to oe oofiUnued His Lordship tbe Bishop. Miss Len- i on FrWay morning nox, uanon HUSilhrnnV fr T n Gibson. t3. P. Tinker. Ridley Home commlttee-j wa left In the hands of the executive .of the diocese. The office of seeretarv.t rMlnnr of the diocese was then taken up. Pr lb i&,V: v. vitt was again elected by ac- t t11011 Jt Sltlatn mffht a"5e nS continent 'READY CUT MACARONI- 10elted ,n I" tf Geo. Rorie l Tiecessary ior the government to come to 2 lhs XOU !-r lire wpnort Of certain instirnrinne Tt,a .oVi Ontario mieu-t) . ! The next matter for rtUoiuuion what unfortunately headed 'Catkin anH r?no;i r3" v ! per- lb loC WM the of a ehureh voea- andts effect was toset.n foot the wildesTiS 1 flfvuM. !mrrwa:IrJni x. L:.Iin.?,, , . , . late?t 'xoi. i rumr uuiui ui f the wie Street' otreei tele-: ieie- a una J 25f. ' w B-nuji. the iue trLtent5 that r5CeiVCr! b6en Winte(1 "0W HOABEEF-Libby.. to tms Canadian t e ( corporation and that. The damage done . i tim. per tin 15C ;" 7 "..w.u.v cHonuous. ifle situauon brought l!rn e f BeM,ott, a special statement from tne men Commissioner and an insnirofi loorU ; Tn. Insist on-GRANrs BEST PROCURABLE" The OriaFnal Wr,H,n" iFj&l? Wnd r :r" r" -M-ll Order II. c. MPVRE Q I MsCOTCff iVlIlSKY H mM. RICHEST .IN FINEST JROAHICHLAND MALT WwWJIrllwt Djtlillmn. imit. mmt um ilow' Scotland. sassv This advertisement is not published or displayed hv the Liiu w. ...v vviviuiikih ui urniMi ioiumhia. PALMOL1VE SOAP Limit 8 bars, 4 bars Times.; It cannot be said that these expedients have had u"1- "on o ! Verv Rhnkw 2 tins WHITE CROSBY CORN Koyal City Brand 2 tn ROYAL CITY APRICOTS-No. 2 Tall tins. Choice Quality 4 Qo per tin JLC BLUEBERRIES Aylmer, 4 No. 2 tall tins, per tin X L 0 TOILET TISSUE rolls i CHOICE PINK SALMON ! per 1-lb. Un OLD DUST-Large i Packages, per pkg. ; SWANSDOWN CAKE I FLOUR, ner nk , Phone 17 "CARRV raaviB?si 25c 25c 19c1 25c 9c 23c 28c I VANCOUVER ISLAND JAM I?an. 1 berry. Strawberry. Black Currant j Apricot m m ' per 4.1b. tin iC Store Will Close at 6 PJH. 0p Saturday and Every Saturday Thereafter Thrift Cash & Carry 201 Third Ave. A Nil SAVE" srBrnciFBJCsi iaea ox piay -ft-ork and worshlo. A HIS HEALTH IMPROirfD 40 Alter Use of Eellogg'a All-Bkan i I yof r Swtlptd. read this 2.hU.h.,r Murray h.d aU tested y Notaqr Public: . rrwronths iro I commenced using Kellogg'i AiuBiun to re-lie constipation. I am in better health today than I hsve been in yrs. due to the use of your vron-derful brsn. Jljr bowels move recTi-Imrly. and I my gtwt health hat fm- ?IMd 40- A. Hurray (address upon request). Lsbbrstorr tesU show All-Bra k brings two things needed to correct common constipation: "Bulk" to -ercise the intestine,; Vitamin B to n.'Pton? th! '"'nal tract. ALU wSoA farnihs iron for the 2iLl u1" of Jet,nce. Inside the body. It forms . ft MB, G,Uy it dears the Intestines rf wastes. n.1W.i.much bttr t0 n Atx-!? hu, yu' system pill. B4 drnc.oft,n T? UPonfuli dally -will vreor? ot type, of coiutips-'riou, CM w,th e'err - - - - vwww , - SSI not relieved doctor. this way, see your Use as s ceresl with milk or rI7A ?J In ooki'. t ll gro- JUde by Ktllcgg .u London. Oct. Evening Session The csesUns aeaslon took the form of a public gathering in the Gathe-dMl Hall. After the sincina of a (hymn and opening remarks by Ills Lordship the Bishop. Rev. J. S. Brayfield read a very impressive Seripture portion followed bv the iRev. A. 8. McKim. who lead In prayer. The Bishop then Introduced one whom all delight to see and hear. In the person of his Warship the Mayor of this city, who In vary nuuig words, welcomed the dele gates of Synod to the city. Tne Bishop then, after rivinv laudable account of the work dne Dy tne Rev. Canon Proctor of the Peace River country, called nnan him to give an address on the work of the church in the Phm mr Black. The next sneaker wu th Rev. Professor H. R. Trumpour. who gave a very interest ine and lnnir. ing address upon Hit Cathedrals of England In which he was aided by lantern slides. Archdeacon Hodann assisted in operating the lantern. .The evening was brounht -to a dose by remarks from the Bishop, and the singing of s hymn dtirlnir I which a collection was taken up to iu mc general lund of the Dio- eeee. Today's Session j Today's session commenced with a celebration of Holy Oommuninn I in the Cathedral at 7:W. The eele-t-bratit was the Dean, assisted by the Rev. C. A. Hlnchllfre. At 9 30 ajn. jthe Rev. Professor Trumpour continued his refresher course which was most enhghtoning and inspirational, not only to the oiergy assembled, but to ail lay delegates The continuation of the dbtcus-aton of the new Canons and Cerv-I'Stitutien for the Diocese, .tonk ! place unmedtately following the opening of the business session. ' Whieh commenced by prayer by j His LordsMp. followed by the read-ling of minutes of yesterday's 1 Rv. W. 8 Cooper of JreenviUe. -who has been attending meeting of the rynod o Caledonia dkxreer here this week, will sail -tonight on the Oartietia for a trip to fyV anc Puddings h is VOUR te mvi there il more Cfeo UljS In It and better khef milk Yo 1" " "ill notice the finer flavor at once when yo ' tfy a P' or coke mode ith St. Chailn u IjiB Si... Vmmhim,. p c. 5nW"' AJd.. RARE TREAT ALNVAYS YORK MILK CHOC 'aoor oled - If vou have nol tried U rTkuJ.. ..... . ... j u ... outiful 80-page recipe book and UomJt hand the matiy thingt you can do with (hit richer evapoioled milk. It giveta volhS of proctical and economical recipe lor caket, pie, pUfl, ice cream, toupt, candiet, etc. St. Chorlef it rich oeamy milk, wholetome at notore mode It. Ihe butler fat It homojeniied to keep it vorm nd imooth. Sealed In lamtary air-tight tint, it keept almoil indefinitely. Send m yovr name and oddreti and a FREE cook book will be marled by return. BOSOFN rtAMT', i I i Sum, B.C I ST. CHARLES MILK UNSWEETENED EVAPORATED ST.C.? vvw tut tk boot. OUM Because it aocsnH to pay advertise poor proliicls, it does pay to buy those advertised.