mm ESSE? Price 50c a box W4 M S on uS f-ml t Ca, La. Twu. Utt Palpitation of the Heart Could Hardly Get Around Mrs. QtiW Sura, R-E. , Pkfec, Oct, vnttt: "I u troa&kd with pakztaxica of tt iart; eoaifa'l ap, dmr r nirtl, aai M m ovaa I owJi la."dij prt axvsad. After uliog Min'i Htart aai Xerre VSa 1 vm pt pkmi of lt tiLarLa. Mr aocLer 2o ku cut futt ta iLra aoa fcad ns alter Bietfiwnc u Up W act wnrtf inrr Wart trwabie. I ". I (u aavre 7N tLu UaVara's Heart aid Nenv rwW are vtsKier!s! tesdtW." in i' If 1' -'- f - THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUTEKT - EEIT1SH COLOIBL. i " ri - Pabtfcsijerf Bvt-y AteraooE. Except Ssacay. by Prince Rupert ajry Va. TisirW, Thfcr4 Avesu H. POLLEN - - Maaagtng-Editor SVBiCkimOS' KATES Oaty cUMtirj, by aaB or earner. yearly perl at. pais in ads rhr leaser petted, paid in advance, per sretk 37 zsafl tc all parts of orthern ud Onml paid bj advance tor yearly period By safl to a otfcer. parts of Britten Gules abat the Krtttsb Ba- ptre and Dated States, paid tc advance, per year By sal to B other euiuUfct per year ADVERTISING RATES Transient dhptey aderaa&& per saefc. per httentai daisied adwttrtng. ptr feuertloB, psr 'vard . Loc&I readen. per tmertaoo. per Use Lesal Botteea. each htferOaQ. per ate ft&s Contract rates sa appheathEi. Editor and Rrpwlen' Ttlepninr Adrertisi and farcalaUoa Telepbane DAILY QXTMMii Member of A edit Bama of QrrnlaUaBS Saturday. Jt JUS WORK OF CHAMBER OF C0M3IERCE 109 S jK J5 It ia-soinetimes charged that the chamber of commerce King never does anything that is of direct advantage to the aii city. That is only because a good deal of the work is done officer cmtetlv and thf nirU do not know ahnut it hb et NBW RADIO TELEPHONE SERVICE The opening of the new radio telephone service vaster day was one of thoe events that stand out as of being of , historic importance in the cat v. In the first place it cost the city nothing to make the connection and in tbe second j up with the rest of the world by radio telephone and has already secured considerable advertising from the instal- Bt4 dplr. Vaaoarrai Mrtbatoo frrjooUr ak'toco witat tt rich to of cart.' or rttb al luctrotM raJe rreS taScod. tti W fovatf la rlrtoaUr awry color x ept M. Mra artr ak K thrMffhaut I Ka wrla CLOSE CALL JjrjHf of MiW re. AKLAVDC Jan. IS: Shot fired at RjC-M-P- Constable A. W King by a erased trapper at a asaely ra-Wb ob the out Yukon trail, missed the nmilahli 'i heart by a scant inch, a medical eramhtattaa of King has revealed. The injured asm. cared for by Dr J A Ursa-han m hospital hecc t reeorennc Meanwhile a patrol headed by Inspector is prtsainz. forward XEW eaily fattion. Finally it places Prince Rupert on the map as a techaieai nmtttnl li!et i-ituitinir twifat 4ry vmAin mArvj tn ttu ntr. hi the aevs a-a v. aswa w va, j vvuavv plVCl'aaaml ftt When the small places, including the mining camps, are oerden. cos netted with the citv bv this svstem. we look for a dig- linct benefit to business here c The Garnet For the January-Born throats the darkness the Arctic It mast tra in aiOea b reach the Yekas traS cabin not hs linear ers ex- pert to arreat ABwrt it befi-ved to be the smb tamperbK with Indfcua trap lines and who is blamed for the srwocmc of the cocitable BacVt TBraazh Bady Oomtablr Kmc tpmrtaiu ina the 1 n jilibit of IiwBao trappers that a saan had bea tajoper-mf v&h thdr trap Bdm. The seas,' the teappm saM. acted strutf eiy and appeand to be mbala&eed. Hot poHsioBaa u stxhK ad-' mi tawe to a cabin owned by Al-! Aett lahnswi. whan, vnhoat vara-ioc, a shot w find thioofh the! prepared to rtea. la U ril ptanaeifa of it rJr saU trtbarroa U Ia41s.oocor ta tfc uuratarta ot CaJa. Alpa. t tt ArsrJUa paaa, ar: Ril(r- I1aOS car ta Wit. AljErrp a4 aaeSoat Oimm. Oaa a ti. a.a . M'lm viifL ui unuu aaviuv naat I iiaaa nm ia -- raratta ar. fonne ta aorthtaat Art- ?rr4 "Vl 'ulI'u 't abaot was a aaadaeaaa atw praaWnral sooa. br a4tan or. axd aa.!" k strsara. Impalltaf .ot ivra watch Popa Iaaoae tU 4lr from fra4r fens eali l "" y 7 M ta frata aat Bill aad atoa-B " w"""' wV"f Na chptr In tt roataaUe S t rHos aoato ii taa-rlbillof ttsa tbat a-alck Man S i m u wiiwh matwrn ac va Tar UTUral4. aa tlo- a'4 ttat tbelr aSraimrtaa war aowrtas tta wttk ao at aa-tarVS toraUeat renta DUlUnln s iuuui inr a uam Aaa toda. Ck pasa sua ""al tbaa orae ta prUrltr aad loo, bocaus as tta camos itnmi of aattroa ral aa anva osaaaw which eoaia t beer. CILUIPIO.VSUIP SUX SETS TOR LOUGIIRAN VOftK. January 1C 4 f onghran was practl- fltwmatifd as a heavy- der mat night Steve Haesas. at pas- Xew Jersey. mfUeted a PI a. vuHui I laretaarr. stMl-ditU4 bxs, U. TnB crst aas a uMnl aSlartr arttfe IW ae4UoJ Krs Of Aoufc rliMk. fkica eontroU tt SosUauo ot tt b Brot ot tt Urbt of day ta U SricM. ekM am aioath of tt mi frfaociitp. iacrsbls. SSd S slS orr of ptroAl toKC i actum r tt qsslrtlco wtlci Aaaasiu b(o apoo Ma ca&4ra. AM the vtrtae ar mii by tt; tattr of (ai lor to o xrcatlr aarsMS If tt A quins bora rtmr oa talr florr tt prodons raroet Tta wl a tt chief aaomowM ot t k tradrOoaal Howw ot KrWcvda- tr aqvaxtoa eiia tpi fMBaaaaTaaaaap. lodiaaa wr siues Us uS predSBS rsracta. BUaardx. tas BHUsh mi ti to tse tbat cay wU ator Uas un total nptnUtiM. or vtr. ortMtal waim. Tkcr wr bcou. tertas a 4tp-roU kUC M aa U lrr wt grmi nscll For as toil otBtart. Ba Vsw k!4 taat ruiiti eoafer opoa IMr wim tba nbUxM Ttrto of victory sad ttvarU sad it ww t tblv tbr tat ta Isauao Im44 ut raao wita rsrou. To WM Us ra ta vuftr bw vw. wma a cvrrvrUoa of Its stalest property. Par, alaco Usm tauao-saorU, tao rariMt ass boos tao bsdro ot rrteodshlp It t m a tekta of WotlMrtr lor that tt sm was jdrM4o4 sa ta MrU-tM of Jiamrr. Q i Tao aiotory of kta km for ta raraH is abaoot ci iru aa U Soata Xf. "ve BrtOah ooidlers. fissUaf ttxao Ktif. Rtroeo to tt (too htm 4 It was a nght Sejaare arta;rBinmtrauDr.rrm of officer I News 0f The Sport World Trapprr's Bit He t Passed an lot Ii THREE-WAY TIE IN SENIOR HOOP LEAGUE CONTRACT FORBABE Ruth Expected to Accept Salary Of n,M Offered llim Br New York Tankces eonpsred with SM.Mt wnitb be was paid last )ar. WbHe the Rabr did oat roni-toil himself, it b reoeraHy feJt that be wQl accept. The redaction b less than bad been ten-eraHr expected for it was thoacht that h waald bare been rat to KMM or possiUj t,M. frosa the hnUrtor The bal- " 1 IttaliwekKlbGdyowlaehbe-' I amio low taw. h-rt bMbs. two rife U UiOl iJttt-UC jam. la. vm tt catand broke two tram his hack. sewem Saorc SOOU were nrra as Inimi and FitH Paeken ar Til tbetr ribs as tt esaoffeo! a the saosr bwt f.r Leadership iLThe weawded A case of distinct advantage was that recorded jester- ST, it Tnhmi day when a reply was received from Sir Henry Thornton iniavmi, or the dMitet. He was to a request from the chamber, granting the extension of nm smb at ixsH MepherssB but credit to fishermen which had previously been denied, fail whore he penchased wppBis. That alone is worth a great deal to the city for if the fish- From Yakon Area eraen do not go out there will be no industry of impor- ho amu he hast era oer the tance remaining. mwtaraa iron the Yatea cow- TllnS WAV ta ITlAlrA tKo9 dKfllTlVbOr ff iVimiTVPrVal of f oM Vd M tlot. 1 JKwaT would be for every businessman m the city to become a member and join in its activities. While only comparatively few can be members of Jhe executive it is the united freneral memberghio that Drovides the funds and keens ud interest in tbe organization. If the business of the chamber "J1 is nm by a few. it is because the others fail to attend meet- ! LUTT. . ings ami lane pan. A time like this is when the chamber of commerce is taOy deranged Is sapported by re ports of his action in hanging traps moat needed. If it keeps active it mav do a great deal to- of the Indians to treea. ward brinfrinr beck nrojoeritv. The nrooosai to reduce Befre tea,in tho VMrh? Htux frMm fwrl t tn finllarsc miotir Win tn ooUn rUJr- make? it more popular. Merchants should Look on the pay- h th. meat of this fee as an investment rather than as a drag dead or alto. on thr finances. Waa Fhn Packers 2 LOuOJF 1 Otatto 1 Maskoteec 1 Moose :.. . . 1 Seal Core g Sens of Norwar . t Tetea Park j "if u. 8 OLD COUNTRY FOOTBALL FIRST ROUND SCOTTISH CUP Qaeea of South 11. Stfaager 1. Lrttfa Athletic l. Albtoa Rovers I Arbroath 2. Aberdeen 1. Queta Park 4. Si. Ulrren l. St. Bernard 4. Letth 3. Ayr United X St, Johnstooe 1, lUaUltast Acadesaicals 2, Dam i barton i. Citadel a. Partick TMstte 3 Danieraattne AthJeUc I. Bat Sttritag 7-Cryde 4. Third Lanark g. Motherwell 7. Stenhoaseeaatr I Cvvdenbeath V. Aloa 1. Hibernians 2. Dundee United 3 Dundee 4. Oreenock 1. Rotth Rovers t tie l. Rangers 8. Brechin Ctty 2. UnAaaJty X. Hearts 13 Oettte 3, Falkirk X XUnsarnoek 4. East Fife 1 Kings Park 1. Thernhfll !. $. Forfar Athletic L AiisJrieanlars w anaatlale 3, Montiase 1-Dalbeattie War 2. Uonaas 3 ENGLISH LEAGUE riRST DIVISION Annal 3. Birmingham g. Block barb Rovers 1 PorUmoatfi 3. Bnekpooi 1. West Breeowteb Albion 2. f Betlea Wanderen 2. ahefftetr Wtdoesday 4. Bverton 4. Sunderland 2. Hudderafieid Town 2. Ortfisea i I 1. Manchester City i. Uiaeater at I MiAUesborough 3 Uoi- ted 2. I Newcastle United 2, Qnmsby jTOWB j Sbefrttag Patted 3. Pwby Conn 'tji. j Aston Villa l livsrpeo! 2 a .V R. TRAINS I For the East Mondays, Wednesdays and Frt- ' days 3 pjn.' Frcm the East , Tuesdays. Thursdays and Saturdays r.. 10:40 am.! Three-Two Taxi Down Panthers And First Half Honors Are as Result in Complete Deadlock , fence was weaker than aaaal and the Tail boys took fan adraatagei Oomef of It aaarmc at wftt The Pan then Morris fhuhed nrrsssmnsfly bat were not 8 Connery steady enough, and. when they got Intermediate Game near the basket, the Taxi gaanto. Stnee the High School etoehed i topped Ussaa aatfiy. Tbe Taxi bays the nm half of the leagae these were fighting ail the way and nerer , toys have not pot up tbetr usual H-.-irmrrt their pMe, playing a dars of basketball. The game bwt zood eombtaataon game. night was f&st bi:' inc lined to be In the secossd half the Panthers roagh and eoenblnaUon was sadly straggled vabaatty to m ear mm a s asalos on both sides. The Merchants Ug lead. For a while it looked as if had a little fight, however . and nied them. The game ended 3 on the safe side of a 38-2? Far . Wathall made eight bas-kaC with the res at the team gtv tag him eewythaug m the line at Par the Panthers, nobody ta he abie to gat aoteg. Pantrters Mrtebou . Maeaun-ald (7). Irvine 2t. Kessey 1. Crass m. Mejiattf Si. Lyans: tf 3t Tarn Stalker H. D. Oarvtch 3. ItaleJOord fli. V. Mensies 3. H. Mwaaosa. W. WrathaO ll: M Junior Game The tunior game wa very mter-ootjnv I watch, wtth both teaau inytnf good steady basvxtbail Oood sowottng and coaiMnation nm dominated, play was fast clean with both teams eaaalry and tt was not a when, at fall Mam, the teams acre, tied. saeJbta K ajearmrv to alav ThH-1 "hjattt ayerttmt. In these few ! plates, howertr. young Wthan. tar use Scouts exhibited same teal , ake pisytng and gave hit team an , esght-fMrot lead whkb they maintained until tbe final whistle. The League of Nations fought bard bat stop tbe Scouts when ttbry went on this little scoring pre at the end. Scouts santarbane Wilson !. Miller. Vtertck . Smith. Undsay, Naytor. 34 Learn of MatJrns Oomlnato J-AntorWU ?i Hlfl AIti Marshal 2t. Arney OHlls 10 16 " t CtrW Game j The tlrls nut u a scad five hut EsUbUthcd 1IS LAMB'S RUM AO ED. BLENDED AND MATURED AT THE LONDON DOCKS MUmb's Fine Old Navy" PROOF OVERrROOP Old and Good! Aik the Rrithh Navy! On sale at Llo.ior Vendors or direct from O 'vernmnt Ll-4uor Control Mail Older De-parUnvnt- VkrtorU. HC. i'nls adtertirtett iwt puU-lshed or dtafrjare hy the" Ulror Cantral Board or by Cv-rfMiit of British Kiitiafa Cohirabia JACK MAY MEET MAX .Now loHc Ramon Mr-ardin; llcarywcifDif roilewinr Upve of Schmclinr- Walker Bool VEW YORK, JSB. 16" Rsbe : ' v wuirat wnwvuww Z1 j Rath has just been banded a con- j the three teams wt a tie wiKffl 32 Taxi defeated the Paiv j NEW yohk. ja. iw tract by tbe Xew York Yankee thers 3S-27. Very Seldom does a three-COmered tie OCCUr proporcd flfht between V manatement under tbe terms of in the first half 'of a basketball series. It shows the nual- taellaf and Mickey Wk r which he wi receiTe a salary f , ity of basketball and evenness of the teamji and it i- Games Played 7 w w ra a.w aa a-1 sw a a. a w iiiiiii a ana sw an n v a a a 1 iiriii iiiiii -s li k i In ine junior game, toe Scents jbeat tbe Leawe of Nattoaw hi an usht and piayeo b0! Uia: was jovertfcne tautoot 34-14 rtppig for worth wstehinf . Attoajb the score themahrea the first hah of the smb a tittle one-stted. the game leagoe. i waa not. for the Comets played bard Tbe xtrbT' canse was the beat that and fast bat had same hard luck has bt-en played this half. The Car- in shooUna Sic eombmattan was dxnals defeated the Canto m a used by both teams and some of the haxd-iooaht game. l-8. grrla were stepping fast. The r- In the Intermediate Rztaxe tbe dinaJs' forwards were not up to Merchants easily took the High form last night and. if tt had not School taaaa. 3S-13. bees for their strong defence, they Senior Came t might opall have Met Oja amsae. A lot dfffftMled on hut night's ror Oometa, both 88& Stecn whJch St Taxi dominated afM' ridl Harrey pl&yed hard Fnr right from the whistle. With Wra- Cidinmls, Ul Lowe sank the wtUl 8tone n:1 A QUchrUi ttuil shooting from any place on , , the floor and saamac same of the a sleigh by whist Leagae seam but aig: most sensaUonal ahota. K eoald Cardinal- L, Lowe 13i, L R- O-Iwere as Joabrw: not bete but win Tbe Panthers' de- Tine 4' v Krikesax P. Stone bolag Ms on ly caaJuuHsit. aBhoagh he was ap-parenUy pbnUflly sopphed wfth money. The hat in which be Ores Is battt Gratia, 6C Totem Park. 3. Bmprosc. 5; IDOT 4. Leglaa. S: Sons of Moray, 4. PMh Packers. Si Uatkeiotrt. 4 Seal Oave tc. Moose, THE LEAOUE STAXDLNO E Rivett to be ""i next month for tl.. : I . j ft. a i Ir- -K. ateen. P. Harvey .' (4). c. Mcleod B Jack.' -iefini'.e'.y off H wa -Higiliuic dreies he re that the German chanvi probably meet Jack Dmp mer wortdl heaej-wthth pion, some time duru : ng rammer . Leonard 5a?hr Demp-- ager, is awaiting the arr:v.;; laeoh SshnwUnes ma:n; fore sonnUtUng hinueir matter He did admit, h tint be boned Dempvy 'meet either Sehmelinr or c some time daring the cour- 5 ear Renter Lea foe W L S 6 e. k a a. tt Taxi C Intermrdlatr Learse W L High School . 7 Taxis S i Merchants S Ladies' Lea roe . - W they were going to accomplish the easily put it over tbe Hiea school cngns, 7 'mpoartble bat the St piayeva were 'ha seemsd tc be laying down on coaarts 1 i oat for victory and. with the play toe job. it n to oe nopes. However, that they pat an. tt eoutdn t be de- that the boys drop back into their with oid style of play next half Merchants Oomadina '4 Carrie . McNuity. Hunt 4. Pierce 13 High School W<erx i Wtnt-bam '7v TJnger Vance Tobey 1. Rose t Junior Lea rue W Boy Scouts .. . 7 Leigu of Nat tons 5 Japanese . I Rovart I Advert! in tne iiatv Wheii Friends Drop In After a couple of hours of "Auction or "Con tract" . . . complete an enjoyable evening wi t Ii a tight repast of sandwiches, crackers, cheese an.l PHOENIX LAGER. PHOENIX LAGER is sparkltttg, pure an! healthful. It u so easy to serve, and many prdVr it a a btr evening beverage became it aids digc tion and induces calm repose. the '.U Basketball Standing Pu ij 1! !! Pt! '.4 1! 14 PU 14 11 t 4 aabaaaw- ricimiA tsnnu kc m m aaw j- mzi. i a V 11 This anivenuemeni is not publ,hel or displayed hv : Lnqnor Control Board or the Govenmisnt 'of Brit" Columbia.