March 22, 1932 Miss Campbell's Recipe lor Cup Cake up butter 2 cupt paatry flour :p auiar 'or 1 J. cup. 2 ((( " bread flour) tMipoon vanilla 1 tcaipoona Ma(Ie rstrart Bakini Powder teaipoon Hit 1 Cup milk Crtam butter thoroufhtjr; add augar I e at time, be line weU. Add yotki cl rcc and vanilla; beat welL Sift flour w i baling powder and aalt, and add, ' , rnately with -milk, to fir it mixture, r a dflly beaten cu white. Bake ia rfate 1 1 up cak tint, or in paper baking .pa, in moderate oven at 375 I. about c !n-ite. Serr warm from the oven, iptlnkkd with powdered aucar. Or cool, aa' froat the topa. You will find many id' 'Otn froatinc recipe la the Matte Cook Book, Cup Cakes are delicious when made with Magic Baking Powder," says Miss Helen Campbell, Director of The Chatelaine Institute ytorm baling goes hand in V.J hand with good material," Mis Campbell will tell you. That's why Magic Baling r n der is used and recommended by The Chatelaine Institute. Mjpc meeti all the Inttitute'f r gid requirement! of fine quality -repeated teiti have proved it 1M!uteIy pure, uniform and dependable. The majority of dietitian and K .ulierj of cookery throughout Canada plan their recipe for Magic. They use it txHuiimb because they know it gives con intently better results. And J out of 4 Canadian housewives say Magic is their favorite. It outsells all other baling ponders combined, Remember substitutes are never as good. Do as the experts do. Use Magic Baling Powder, Free Cook Ztooi When you bale at home, the new Magic Cook Bock ;!! tr you dozens of recipes for dtlr r i baked foods. Write to Standard I' -U Limited, Fraser Avenue as J L;crty Street, Toronto, Ontario., leUlnelaitltule JCVaflNWN -Caatalat ae ahira." Thla atatainaat aa wt tla It ' aataa that Matlc Baalal rowtfat Mra from alum or aar harmful la!l!cat. aVf lifnili F f Freeman, who has been en- E - ! as engineer at the Por. B '"i'-Kin HospiUl, and Mrs. Free-m"i were tMusenaers aboard the Pnti'U today aolrut through to V.irici.uver. Prince Rupert DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating three; Dry Docks Total capa'clty 20,000 torts; Shipbuilders and Ship Repairers 'or Steel and Wood Vessels Sawmill and MlnlngMachinery Repaired and Overhauled Iron and Brass Casting Metric and Acetylene Welding 80-ton Derrick for Heavy Lifts STATEMENT IS ISSUED (Continued from Pafco n chers have made a very fair offer to the board, and more than any vju.l-i tuiy i ine provhlce done j ' With regard to cuitlng out the .'Educational Prills' it may be possible to do this although it will upset some 46 pupils who are now tak-ilnR the domestic science option. Then again by cutting out our com-j mercial classes we would not gain, las the classes now there would i simply transfer to the high j school course, which would entail I the engaging of one or more high i school teachers, and so the saving ! as outlined by Mr. Rorle would not (amount to much. The trouble seems to be that recommendations are be-! Ing made by people who do not be-gin to understand the work of the j trustees but just fly off at random with all sorts of very nice suggestions, impossible for a board to j carry out. . "With regard to the Janitors. I These men work long hours and are ibusy all day. There is no elght-, hour day here, as during cold wea ther, for instance, they are on the Job seven days a week, and on ordinary days are goine from 7 a.m 'to 6 p.m. or later, to get through itneir work and keep the schools clean and sanitary. "Our estimates Tor this year j amount to $80,975.46, and with the ,trust account of 3r: donated by the ! teachers from September 1 to January 31. amountine to $1021.99. de ducted leaves a of $79.C53 47 i Deducting this fron our estimate jfor 1931. namely S93.930 00 it rr.:ik s 'a ra1thi red'r-non of $n?7fiS3 so from this the school mi'l nf-I should be down The provincial jsrnmr.nt will pay thr city t hi:; v. n 33 1-3 of tea' her- .saliiie; f", January, rco'-uai-y and Mrrh w.v will nay ?5r; for the other srvn months of the ye..i T'iLs will ...r. louni to a nuie over su.uuu.uu mm 'with a small amount f-till to be (:-ilected from senior ma'rirulV' pupils, will leave the i-ity about SO:! 500.00 to raise by taxation, which naturally should cive the tpxp y a better r.'.te for schools if uxeri according to requircnun's Dur. .. the past civic year the elty rm-ivi from the provincial government for teachers' salaries $20.872 30. and a- Kr.norhMtAtes that the collection were about (52 there should have been amole money for school nur- poaex for the past year, and there hould be a surplus on hmd now if the money collected were used for school purposes only." ANNOUNCEMENT Jasoer Wildfire Coal is now hi hottest in the domestic field. Gov ernment analysis shows it to be th highest in B.TU.'i and les ash. I' starts quick and lasts longer. Fur thermore, tor yur bwilt don't think for one minute because our coal is lower in price that we are living you a cheaper trade as other coal dealers my state to you. Your next order "Jasper Wlld-rire." egg or lumo. Note our adv. for cash prices and save your dollars 'tf llrde Transfer Phene 5 j The Dally News can be pur- j chased at Post Office Newt Stand. 3 Granville St., Vancouver. Karl Anderson. Prlnc George, B.C. R. W. Mlf, Terrace. BO. General Store. Anyox. Smlthers Drug Store. Smltn- ers, B.C. AFTER. EVERY MEAL ACH UTt A DILICHT AND IISTOFAU THE COST IS SMALL JsLfi CMJ3 WRIGL EY5 LOCAL NEWS ITEMS It costa no more to ride in a; Good morning! Naah Special then In any other 'your "Supreme"? car, jusi call Nelson's Taxi 849, t.f Mrs. M. A. Dupuls is paying a brief visit to town, having arrived in the city from Haysport on this morningi -train. Judge P.. McD. Young left on yesterday afternoon's truln fcr Smithors where he will conduct a session of County Court. JUST ARRIVED', freth supply or Nanaimo-WcIIihgton Coal. Wood SI per load. Egg coal $11 per Iota. Albert & McCaffcry, Ltd., I'hones llti and 117. tt Miss R-wemary Wlnslow, form erly of thus city, has been elected secretary of the Alma Mater Soci- tty of the University of BritUh Columbia. She was chosen by a laige vole of 308 10 252 over Miss Ulllan 8cott. A local girl, who was sentenced to Uo years in industrial school by Magistrate McClymont in city police court at the end of last week, was tak.T south this afternoon on the Catala Another girl, who was charged at the .same time, was dls- missed. Km HaT 4.1nLriaWaaaSfairaaWaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa1 i i i ; i ; i I Otto C!n -.,s lined 5300. witl i option of three monUis' imprisonment, by MaKi.sti.iU McClymont hi cily police court yesterday afternoon ol a .-hurge of supplying Iiq ;uor to Indians H" is to serve thr I time. John Louth and Murray Cll iton. Indians, were each fined $10, jwith option of seven days' Imprisonment, for drunkenness, i An article of unusual local inter-I p' ' bv R im L. Simpson of Massett de.ciibin a voyage from Vancouver to Prince Rupert via the Queen Charlotte Islands on the trusty old liner Prince John appears In the current issue of Canadian National j Ka!!ways Magazine. Such Industries of th? Island a whiling, clam ! divine, etc. are touched on In the article. There are also some inter-iej'-vit pictures. CUTH WINTER SAILINGS From l'rinre Rupert fur Van. comer, rallliif at Orran Kail and Powell It iter 10.00 p.m. Tlilirailajrt For A iijoi ami Stewart 4.00 p.m. eln-nlaya FortHlglitlr aertlrr to Quern Charlotte lalimla. I'artleulara on rrrpiaot. TltAlN SEItVlCK l'aaarngrr tralnt lrar I'rlnre lluiM-rt Monilava. W'rdneailaja and Fridai al S.00 p.m. for Edmonton, Winnipeg and point a Knat. i'mr norNiajfffi raft er arrila ItM-al af rnl r II. MrK r.x IM'- i".. Iriar Rup-rt. B.C. afiosial V.I Easter Flowers A variety of potted plants in full bloom Just arrived. Also baskets. Gorgeous colors. Taster I. lilies, Hydrangeas Splrras, Itoses Lily or the Valley. Tulip, Splendid selection. Cut flowers coming Wednesday. ARCTIC STUDIO TKt DAILY KEWS i . i u' Have you had Sale-Drt girl's coats, 25 discount this week only. "Dcmers." 68 T. J Shcnton, inspector of mines, returned to the city on the Catala this morning from a trip to Anyox on official duties. MURESCO. for beautiful, durable economical decoration of wall and ceilings Muresco Is supreme. 75c. per packet. Phone .3U. Gordon's Hardware. McBrlcfe' St. R. L. Mcintosh left on yesterday afternoon's train for Terrace where he will prepare his summer home for thttflson's occu- pancy. A. G Rix of the Imperial Oil Co. 'Ltd., returned to the city on this morning's train from a trip to Ter- race and other interior points on company business. Easter Gifts of hosiery, one pair given with every cash purchase of coat, suit or dress this week at "Demers." 70 .The cup that cheers Is the cup t r a That contains the coffee "Su preme" :J Served steaming hoi" and pure And nothing added but cream. Miss G. McKenzle- of Anyox was -i pascnjer aboard th" Catala this anrnu.u going through to Vaniu-'er having been called south o) "u-'eoun'. of the death of her I mother Untoa steamer Catala. Cipt. A. E Dickson, returned to port at 9 45 this morning from Anyox Stewart and other northern points and sailed at 1 SO this aflnrnoot. for Vancouver and waypolnte. H Bower, who has been vlsltlui, at Alice Arm with his father. W 3 Bower, returned to' the city on ' he Catala this morning from the north to resume his duties in the . r rtH "" if nno rt f Via lrvo 1 Kinlru b vra V'lV VaV Vill. W44t W W 1 (Wa. The regular morthlj, bujjneAi luncheon of the'Prlrice Rupex1; Gyro Club was held today in thi Commodore Cafe wlUi President j the watersheds of the south forlr William Crulckshank In the thp fy-i, and the North Various matters rf club husincs' were taken up. An escort ".omprUIna Constable R. C. Gllker of the city detach Canad , or thf Unlt(d autp5 ment of the pravinclal pouce ant;,T H whlte chlef tnglnetr ot the "uf' M'Edna UUker' Maekeriie and Mann system. N.. sailed this afternoon on the Ca-1 tala for Vancouver having In thelt i - rharge a party of prisoners "un-slstlng of Otto Olsen. sentenced to three months' imprisonment fo; supplying liquor to Indians; Mar-'orte Ryan, sent down for twoi months for her stcond offence on a charge of drunkenness, and a girl of Juvenile age who has been' sent to the girls' industrial school for two years. Announcements Moose Popular Dance, Wedne-j day. March 23. Gents. 50c. Iddle; , 35c, door prizes. Refreshment, j Elks' Dance Thursday, March 2 i Queen Mary Daffodil dance Buster Monday. I United Church Easter Satt' March 31. I Royal Purple bridge and whWil March 31. Boston Hall. Admission 35c. .... Ternla Tea, Mra. Mitchell's, Easter Monday. Scotch Dance April 1, LO D E Boy's Band benefit. Eagles' box social and dance, Friday. April 1. Special prliea for ladles bringing boxes. Admission, ladles, refreshments; gentlemen, 50 cents. Everybody welcome. Seal Cove Parish Hall Danoe. April 7. Presbyterian spring sale April 14 The "Laughing Cure" United Church April 14 and 15. Prince Rupert Singers April 2(1. Capitol Theatre. Spring Sale, St."peters Church, May 10. THE WAR IS ON There Is a large force -of -young; and old who have joined the ranks to down the everlasting remarke of the Prince Rupert 75c hair cut All battles have been won by stlck- i!ng together. So let us all go to the Fleet Barber Shop and let Max cut our hair for 50c, children 25c. and he does It with a smile. Max! is rtphr npvt in Hunt' slnrn nn thnl waterfront. GO Government Agent Norman A. Watt returned to the ctty on tlila morning's train from a trip to Terrace on official duties. Easter gift hat. Ijvery tenth hat a gift all this week at "Demers." (71) R. E. Moore, local manager of P. Burns Co. Ltd., returned to the city on this morning's train ttom a brief trip to Terrace on company business. Dr. J. H. Carson, who left to.-Vancouver last week, is now undergoing treatment at Shaugn-nessy Military Hospital in that city for effects of service overseas during the war. Among "business getters'" among employees of the Canadian National Railways whose names appear in the current Issue of Canadian National Railways is L. W. Waugh. manager of telegraphs at Prince Rupert. An article on the fabled "tropi-j cal valley" of Northern British Columbia Is featured In the magazln.-l section of the last Vancouver Sun ! day Province. Writer of the artlcl' ! is K. F. McCusker, D.L S.. who wa ! a member of an expedition which! made a trip into that region las-! summer. Totem poles of this district, ever i ponular subject for writers, arc deribed In an interesting article by Robert Ayre appearing in the1 current number of Canadian Na-J tlonal Railways Masrazlne. There' are some gooei photographs of totems in this neighborhood accompanying the article. The following "Is from the Twenty Yctrs Ago column of tnf Vancouver (province: BAcross thr Rockies at't Yellowhead 'Pass and over Albreda Summit, senaratinff Thompson River, the Canadian Northern Railway has obtained lower rrariM than thrwr nouMf.r1 u . t-..Mnli t.i n Income Tax Returns Save expense by having them prepared promptly and accurately. GEORGE ItOKIE & CO. Accountants and Auditors 213 Second Ave. W. Phone 387 Radio Tubes Tested FREE With the Jewell Tube Tester Melt A E BROS., LTD. Why Pay a high price for fine clothes when Tip Top Tailors will make to your measure any of their wide range of fine all-wool fabrics $27.00 for only TIP TOP TAILORS P. Cravetto Corner 6th Ave. and Fulton Si. Phone 756 Hotel Arrivals New Royal Hotel THE HOTEL WORTH WHILE Hot St Cold water: Steam Heat 75c. PER DAY AND UP J. Zarelll Trleprionc tM Never did a thrifty dish taste more delicious. In all the range of foods from Which you select your weekly menus, never will you find a dish to equal the flavour, the sheer nutriment and economy that you get La Heinz oven-baked beans. Heinz beans are always the very choicest hand-sorted beans of the crop. In the Heinz kitchens at Leamington they are wen baked. Savoury sauces such as only Heinz can make are added bringing perfection to their rich, golden-brown goodness. 4 Kinds - ALL BAKED HEINZ MADE AT LEAMINGTON, ONTARIO, FOR NEAJtLV A QUAITEK OF A dHTUSY OVEN" "OffklC BAKED MM JCafmH Ul TheFish which made "Rupert SMOKED Prepared Daily My Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPKKT. B.C. ALL OUR COALS ARE IN A DRY SHED Orlivered Dry to Your Bin. Tou are assurrd in getting full weight JASPXK WILDFIKi: EGG Per Ton, $12.50; Cash Price $11.50 WILDFIRE LUMP Per Ton, $13.50; Cash Price .. 1W0 PEMBINA EGG Reg. Price, $12.50; Cash Price 11.5Q These Coals are from Alberta. Dry Jack Pine and Cedar HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 UNION STEAMSJHI'S LIM1TIJD Steamen leave rrlnee Rupert for Yanrmirrr: UAIA r.UKY Tl'ESOAY. IJO I'M, Via Ocean Falls, arriving Vancouver Thursday p m. T.M.H VARUENA IJVERY FRIDAY Ml I INK! lift T Arriving Vancouver Bund micftifciu,' apuwx i xo4V Weekly aalllngt to I'on Slmpaon. Alice Aran,' Anyox. Stewart and Nau Pu,tt..iU;.'wo?:r4fili0ifK at - 4 rillMT KlPKKr AOF.NCV nrcond Atenur, I'hona ftti.H mm&w$ saws The most economical saws to use Slmonda Canada Saw Co. Limited, St. Rcml ii. and Acorn Ave. Vancouvar, n.C MONTREAL PAQB THREE. aaaaaaaaam - 1 mmtm I -tr. m Prince Rupert Famous Brand" SPRING IS HERE! Get Your Garden Seeds and Equipment from Thompson Hardware Company Ltd. St. John, N.n, 4i' 1