THE'DAILT NEWS, PAGE TWO PRINCE the RUPERT Daily - BRITISH news. COLUMBIA IN THE LETTER BOX Published Every Afternoon. Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert j ily :ews. limited, TWrdveju' , tf i ; H. . PULLEN - - - Managing-Editor ' "-'Subscription' rates City delivery, by mail or earner, yearly perjod, paid in advance. For lesser perioas, pan m advance, per weei By mall to all parts of Northern and Central British Columbia, paid In advance for .yearly period. ;. By mall to aft other parts of British Coliirnbia. the Brftish Empire and United States, paid In -advance, per year By mall to all other commies, fce'r year ...... . " AbVCRTISlNO1 -RATES ' ' 1 ? Transient display advertising, per inch, per Insertion Classified advertising, per insertion, per word jected. contract rates on application. Editor and Reporters' leiepnonir : Advertising and Circulation Telephone Member nt Audit Bureau of Circulations DAILY WlTWH votes. Priee 50c POLICE SITUATION a box .;3f ...98 Saturday, feb. ft, 1S32 School statistic show that Prince Rupert is developing Sorry To See Right Coning She Could Not Sleep Mn. K. MeElroy, Kirkiwa, Ont, Vritrt: "I m very Derroua and rub 'tkvn, lii ibort of brr&th, nd had Vnothrnig fwlinm, and wu tony to t night corning I could cot lie down or go to ilerp. I wu adriMd to un Milburn'i Heart and Nerr Pilli. I took aevfn bofai and am now rompletely rditvrd; ch alrp line 'all night, and have 'gained la weight.- K U drat wi iorU . w mkllH dirWt o nmip U fi tr rk T. WQWa . Tofaat. OH WE SPECIALIZE IN COAL tfycuh'dnt'fo f prevf you're rise. tAatsatispes. which tlves the greatest heat for the money expended, believing that a satisfied customer 1s the jreatcst a'sse't a merchant ran have. Fhone us for a trial 6rder and join the family of contented householders who are tulnfc the best fuel Philpott Evitt & Co. Ltd. Phone 68 ALL OUR COALS ARE IN A DRY SHED Delivered Dry to Your Itln. You aVe assured in getting fuVl weltht JASPETt Ubl Ito: Wife Per Ton. $12.50; Cash Price $11.50 jASPF.fl WrLDrmfc Vt'M'r rer Ton, $1350; rash Price PEMBtNA LOG Reg. Wire. S12.50; Cash Price 1U0 Dry Jack Vint Am t(hr HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 TELLS OF OLD POLICE DAYS Editor, baity News: j I would ilso like to express my-! self -about Alderman Casey's rnove-$5.00 'ment to have the policing of our 10c ! city -changed backwards to the old system which was in vogue some 3.00 'years 3go. it would indeed be a i mislortune to the 'city if this -hap tendance to express their sympathy. Very ftev. James B. "Gibson, dean of St. Andrew's Anglican Cathedral, officiated and Miss Cathie Watson presided at the organ for ttie hymns. BltLiAKDS rOSTPONIH) Two , postponed games from Thursday evening's Junior Billiard League fixture were further postponed from lat night until tonight. - - 4 KED SI'KCCIICS ARE BANNED ON tXMPOS V , . SEATTLTE, Feb.' u13: ' 'No4 more Red speeches will be Per- 4 mltted on the campus of the j UliTverslty of Washln'gtbn, It 4 v.'as declared last night by Dt. Lyle- M. Bpehc'er, pVesIdcht of the Unlversfty. the edict to this effect YdTlowed a speech ' last Sunday In which "unfbr- tunate personalities" were In- dulged In. POSSIBLY SARCASM Editor, Daily News: I was more than pleased with1! Ratepayer's letter in you;- edition of -, yesterday; In lt-the evolving of the , scheme to Relieve trie depression is ! being unfolded, blspense with the present police and till their places wfth local men $6 00 ;pened. Thosfe who nave lived herellwho are badly , in need. 9.00 j a long time well remember the' ' ' iollX (good fellows that used to ba( Ivinffife'fren here. The'v we're tine to1 Just imagine, the difference the grocers would immediately observe. "The WeStfl't force well fed and 1tl -drink a glass of beer with, smoke a sleek, require but little to keep in 'cigar, get from them the latest i contrition. oMp or stoty, and could tall eV-I Th6s needy new chaps! Jnst ferybody by their first names, buV 'iiinkW the swaths they would 'cfut las to making arrests when neces-j through the grocery stores for the sary, "before tCeralnlrtgvlios'e iTfrft se months., 'toes they might tread upon, oh. no! ( Of course, the question of uni- i And. tit matter how competent ! forms presents a sligh difficulty. they might prove, ft was Impossible They city, we all know, is not, at to set them fired or changed. They the moment. f fluent smd fcrttr wtoe tod tSifldren and Those por. needy chaps, of, !ttve6 were usually So we healed rarse. w4M not be m shape to pr r-1 Next week the voters of Prince Rupert will be asked to nteTh?t vSZSk the lhed force, however, decide whether Prince Rupert is to continue under the thetr being brought on the tat- mow out of 'tpioymt, win be provincial' police or change back to the old system of city pet before a very sympathetic poi-nng to-Aspose of thafc-wrfforn.3 policing SO well known to the 'Old-timers hei'e. commission, which unfailingly at -a ridiculously low figure. To the average person the police do not mean much mv J8"" tU1reS!? tTjSliSr , in office, force with pledge against their ., their , ! i i i i.u i-ii-'i work for successors less some person raids his hen roost, breaks into his home : m rbrought any n8vSiA ,irst montn.s or assaults some member of his family. There nave not ; N0Wi -any the ponce are re-1 here s where the taHor comes in. j been many cases of that kind and, as a result, people are imiss in then- duty, they are m6ved fte can cut down those suite for , Well satisfied With the condition that "exists except that it on to another place. -and the warn- me new maps; retaining au tne is perhaps, too costly. However, the city council has power w cltben , fr hears a ?;ocShS 1?eaZr it A larged t6 then original me after A i x .1 1 1 ii 1 mi about it and. after a few moves for, tO the cost to SUlt the Tie revise municipal pocketbook . iSTJTStim. they are rn6Ved the first three mon. staff of the force can be cut to any reasonable size and the i entirely out of the service. There xa-oum also be onie embar-COSt Will be in proportion to the Service rendered. Cost ' We also well remember now ,ourlrapsment In he ftrst elon for does not enter into the discussion because it is to be as-' laws uid be flouted with impu-1 commissioners, sumed that whoever does the work would have to be paid -ence and the infringements awtm inne Of tftteena. fit old fashioned our good ensfewiitly reasonable wages or it would be a temptation to graft. jKLT Jv . They Were generally on, n 1.1 1 c 11 1 - i policeman. Equitable law enforcement m a small place is always laftrfIIar terms wfth Vhose wiio difficult because people all know each other -and to arrest I wanted special concessions. arYd or convict a friend is not a pleasant duty. The provincial jrieiy took any action gainst the commissioner knows this and. within reasonable limit, 'professional law breaking element keeps the staff moving from place to place and thus takes ;e tVlQ 1 A poMeerhan, In "order to cflity! !oit Ms -oiity, must exercise neither into a city of homes where young people are growing up nor favor, and. t6 d6 and parents wish to have them surrounded by the best'!,n!1 ie this n possible influences They -take strong exception to allol" H J.l-I LII I HLIII II L1I ll 1VLII1I11 1 1 , TT Lllrlt. ,1,1111. .. i , o steo MC I IV IV kllcll Ull tlLlCW Will LU111 UUl IICAl CCI llIIU take j)art in the plebiscite and, we expect a very large majority for continuation of the provincial liolicmg system. tw this in a needs (.ujiuuiuiib 6uui as niusc wiuuii ctvxuiupau t ivusm timers are all right in their place policing system. I hat is why they are today so strongly m rm one myeH. tmt favor of the nrovineial nolfae. Those vho were here venia,make good tJOllcemen. ago remember what conditions were like and have no i A w50 40 n; la Method of o,-.v policing would be a retrograde We know economy Is the watchword, and no tloubt more ec onomical arrangement can be made with the provincial govern If the advocates of local police win, it will be because those :mtnt when the p1""1 agreement W1CJI 1 Everybody should turn out and vote on this Important matter and .express themselves. This is some j thing you should not leave for the o'ther fellow to do for you. The agitators for a locally con j trolled force are working overtime 'the word ''democratic' 1 probably am dumb, but 1 f &T1 to see anything j undemocratic about our present policing system. OLD TIMER. Funeral of Little I Girl Held Today The funeral of little Ina Harrison, seven-year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Harrison, Ninth Avenue Bast, whose death occurred earlier in the week, took place this after-; noon from the chapel of the B. C. Undertakers to Falrview Cemetery. .Friends of the family were In at Wd for the poshton. HilA diffi culty In obtaining the neeessary el ection expeases. This dffflcarty. If surmounted, would disappear after the com- misrfoners became better acquain ted wh the electors and 'w-tlh the Intricacies of the posfttton. BeHtor. Dftfly News: ECONOMIST. NATIONAL ItADIO Belrig "one'of those "Who long ago resolved never to buy certain brands they -dontljrf tooth paste, etc. as a result of having them Irrelevantly forced npon rny attention -and lied about 6vr tfft radio. It gTVea me great1 pleasure to congratulate you on vour timely support of national broadcasting as against private exploitation of this great means of education and social pleasure. The boycott is fashionable nowadays, If 11 radio listeners adopted this silent protest against obnoxious advertising ft would be very effective. If you could find it possible to fetvel an outline of the facts concerning he B. B. C. in Oreat Britain and how how it has been such an un qualified 'success It miaht be very interesting and serve to hasten the day when we wHl be able to enjoy the same Quality concerU in this country. J. W. HEAD. Digby Island. Emergency Cable On Elevator Requested The provincial Inspector of fac tories had a letter before the Jocall hospital board at Its, meeting last night requesting that the drum type elevator In the Prince Rupert General Hospital be equipped on or before February 15, as a measure of safety, with emergency cable the Win tac of the holding cable to which it -would be attached. After Aid. O W. Ruddetham had 'explain ed tht" the job would be a small ortc and tint the necessary coble was probably on hand, the matter was referred to the house c6mmlt- tee with power to act. Art itching rash A blemished skin Eczema? 1ll DDD Iical osTmlelrt? Some (fmrs. More often It takes longer to wrMi ut lite fioUon r6mi1tclr and 'reore a t-mooth, rlear shliu Hut the Mrnmg. RUiTLiiu:n Smith's Btlver Truss has no elastic, n- undcrstraps, no sprmgs -or steel. FlcXdpad. Positive comfort. -5-ye-ar guar-' antce. Write for Information. SMITH MFC. CO OALT, ONT. Established 1893 And can tney do a swan -dive1 O curves and fanf v tr, i ONE SIDED HOOP PLAY In the Senior League, the Cana dian National Recreation Associa tion defeated the new Sons of Canada team by the decisive margin of 35 to 18. The railwayman are hew sharing first place honors with the Panthers. in an extremely lopsided Intermediate game. Merchants defeated Tu.xls Boys 42 to id and moved into first place along with the High School. The A masons got revenge for their defeat of Tuesday night by taking an 8 to 2 decision last evening from the Cardinals. Sue Bod-die was back In the game and the Afoateht were Hi therr usual form! again. The Closest game of the evening was me junior League aiiair m wVrleh the Japanese Students de feated Boy Scouts 21 to 15 to take exel'jvive ponsestion of first place, I, j Man in the Moon Jake says ttfe police are the least f his wot!9. The only kick he hat against the local squad Is Uvat thty won't arltst hti and wive him a square meal. Mow shall I vote for city pllee, Aha thtfi cause local yap to cease. Or shall I vote to carry on, And trtfl aft forms ot rm Begoe't' I'll think ft over and Thursday 111 toss a coin and vote that Way. We'have all been wotiderhrg when the war is going to start In the Orient. So tar there's been nothing but fighting. The Japanese are funny folks They fight another nation. Arid then explain It as an act Of mere pacification. They rake and shell ahothet state And violate each pact, Announcing that It's nothing bat A Wry frterfdry actl Chart Cabinet For Hospital DisctisStd riift 'itiMfXVi Af m-a-wathw fciiftV leu"inMantlr, tablncU on the tV6 floors of the 'PHriM t?iirr flAnorol 1fn.an1ta1 W. J. jlrtltcliL. iyRirclfirSTj requested by the PrtnCe Rupert or.Mes Itrt. Medical Assoctatlon. was atsctisscd , t lust hlght's hospital board and laid ovr with a view to obtaining fulthe'r lnfermalloh r"e-gardlng Cost, ett. Mhs Jeah Harrison Rii.. lairy itiperlntehdcn't, had catalogues which showed that one cabinet having 'capacity for forty charts would cost $129. This would uc suitable for the men's floor while one of less capacity would probably do for the women's floor. i boy Tfcs - u,. ;.. f; s to the Oljmpli juds ' 'cAS'AbA WINNER OF OLYMPIC nOCKEV V LAKE 'PLACID, N Y Feb 13 C. N. II. A Merchants. Amarons and ! r-'Oanida won the Olympl- Japan-se Student Were Win- hockey tRle today by tteino ners Last Evening 1th United States two to two i after overrlme. Canada was not Games which were pretty muen f defeated hi a single one of the one-sided featured the basketball various games. j ! program at the Auditorium last ' evening. The crowd of fans in at tendance was not as large as usnal. . : i -' Basketball Standing! SECOND HALF OF SFSON Senior League W. L. Panthers - 8 1 ONJI.A. , 3 1 eons c-1 OattlteVa 0 4 Intrrmtdlate Iafaf W. L. High School 3 2 Merehatota 3 2 TuxU 2 8 Ladles' League W. L. 'AnArons , 2 erdl X 3 ttometa .'.D 2 PM 6 r, 4 PU. 1 4 0 Junior League W. L Ptt Japanese SOmienU 3 1 t'eagne of iatlont 2 2 Covers 2 2 Boy Scoots 1 3 'Saturday, February is, ,, Wat'. Will Compete In Diving At Olympics Wi.i di' piny many t :!BASKETBALL IN ALASKA farty 6l Forty From Fort SInpi Vhitrd New MatlalutU iti Ketchikan A party of forty P 4 inUives retarned i Jew Metlakatta and K ttre pefo T boats AnniP L ina W. ;md Harold W of a week to Ala They t'wik with ihem ball 'earns At Mellalta'. riefiai-il twice by nan Pt i tmt at Ketchikan the , 6 j games. The party was "5 1 Paul P. ice. manager 4jwson, president The visitors were . t lined at bolh places tn the new town hall 1 feeing the first ouuk: ;3la there Conceit-and othei forms of n made the trip part in, We The wirty, under th'' the Poit Simpson Athlf ? terad thttr boats here y retarned last evening 1 son. 4. ' 4 The. farther inland ? rtn. the darker thr li- At the end of the day O ! Settled in a comfortable chair with pipe and pawt there only one thing more required for pericH contentment a glass of BOH&MIAtt LA6Rk No finer beer is brewed in Canada. It's a British Columbia product. l I VkroniA Pimfci nntWiNc-CalATOitrD n ' itmik. HTYMIi . kt i This ad r : ment a tint ubhshod or displayed by this ' O Control Board or by the Government of British Culttts.