IP PAGE EIX When You CAN'T QUIT Fatigue is the signal to rrst Obey it if you can. When you can't, keep cool and carry-on in comfort. Aspirin was meant for just such times, for it insures your comfort Freedom from those pains that nag at nerves and wear you down. One tablet will block that threatening headache while it is still just a threat Take two or three tablets when you've caught a cold, and that's usually the end of it Carry Aspirin tablets when you travel Have some at home and keep some at the office. I-ike an efficient secretary, they will often "save the day" and spare you many uncomfortable, unproductive hours Aspirin is harmless, so keep it handy, keep it in mind, and ust it No man of affairs can afford to ignore the score and more of uses explained in the provtn dirccti n: From a grumbling tooth to thi se rheumatic pains which seem almnsi to bend the bones. Aspirin tablets are ready with qui k relief ind always work. Neur.dyia. Neuritis. Any nagging, needless pain. p JLSK. Z Rate to Victoria- For II Get the genuine tablets, stamped with the Bayer cross. They are of perfect purity, absolute uniformity, and have the same action every time. Why experiment with imitations costing a few cents less? The saving is too little. There is too much at stake. But there is economy in the purchase of genuine Aspirin tablets in the large bottles. H. S. OLSEN SS EUROPEAN EXPERT ,TCILMAKER Five years' apprenticeship at the Royal Danish Watchmaker School at Copenhagen, then 12 years abroad working In the big cities of Europe. All Mail Orders Promptly Attended to. Prices Reasonable. TERRACE, BRITISH COLUMBIA Telephone Service to Vancouver Victoria etc. NOW OPEN It is now possible to telephone from Prince Rupert to points throughout Canada and the Uni- , ted States. Ask the operator for "Long Distance." Rale to Vancouver One minute . Two minutes Three minutes ...... $1.00 $1.15 $350 one minute S&8S Two minutes $3.20 Three minutes S3J55 tlic present the hours of scgyicc arc U a.m. to 6 p.m. North-west Telephone Co. If you lose anything, try a classified ad. the American fleet have also agreed to stay in at least four days between each trip this year In the hope that somewhat curtailed production may have the effect of causing better prices without inflicting serious hardship or Inconvenience on any one. It is expected that the Prince: Rupert fleet may fall In line with the American, at least so far as the four-day lay-over between trips is concerned. After a scarcity of fish for a week or so owing to a cold snap, herring are moving freely Into Prince Ru pert again from the Pearl Harbor seining grounds. On Wednesday night the power tug P. R. T. brought In the first scowload of herring to be used in the Rupert Marine Products reduction plant at Prince Ru pert. The day following two more scowloads arrived and the plant is now running steadily. Gammon St Watt are doing the seining at Pearl Harbor for Rupert Marine Products using the selneboat Zenardl. Steady deliveries are being made by pac kers of the company fleet to the Canadian Fish it Cold Storage Co. freesers to be put up as bait. Capt. Ole Skog, with his boat Fredelia. is doing the seining and the Cold Storage packer Chief deegay has been doing the most of the packing. To Operate Four Canneries According to reports received in Prince Rupert the B. C. Packers will operate four canneries in the Skeena River this year whereas the company only ran two last year Sunnytlde and Claxton. It Is un derstood that Balmoral will be one of the additional canneries to be operated this year with the possl bllity that Port Bdward will be the other. OrrQle F. Denstedt of the sclen tlflc staff of the Prince Rupert Fisheries Experimental Station left Prince Rupert on Thursday night for Departure Bay Biological Station, Vancouver Island, where, with members of the Departure Bay sta Hon staff, he will give lectures on physics, chemistry, biology, principles of canning and kindred sub jects before officers of the Fish erles Department. James Boyd, su pervlsor of fisheries for District No. 2 Is among the fisheries depart- rment officers of Prince Rupert who will be m attendance at the lec tures. Shore destinies of the halibut fishermen's organisations at Prince Rupert this' season will be in the hands of George Anderson, who. as secretary of the Deep Sea Fishermen's Union of British Columbia. Is making his headquarters in the Central Hotel, and Charles Lord, who has opened an office for the TOT DAILT Saturday 1.U 111-!--U- WATERFRONT WHIFFS Halibut Fleet Ready to Go Attempt to Avoid "Bunching" Herring Moving in The Prince Rupert halibut fleet is all set for the legal opening of the 1032 halibut fishing season on Monday of next week. The majority of vessels of the fleet are all poised and ready to leave. Outfitting and servicing establishments have been having a busy time of it and, after an exceptionally quiet winter, the generally renewed activity is vci y good to see. While a few are . - getting away a day or so prior, to- halibut branch of the Northern B. morrow will witness the departure ' c. Salmon Fishermen's Association, of most of the boats. jof which he is secretary. In the Jiexi to the Tahoma and Frisco,: ward Marine Electric building on American vessels which have win- the waterfront. tereti ut Prince Rupert and which ' left about the middle of the week Following the return this week of to take on supplies at Ketchikan in her sky-pilot skipper. Rev. W. B. Alaska, the Lysekil was the first of Jennings, after spending a vacation the Canadian fleet to leave Prince, in Toronto, the Anglican Mission Rupert, having departed on Thurs-' boat Northern Cross will soon be day foi the westward. On the same moved down from George New-night the Cape Beale got away while combe's float at Seal Cove, where ' the Takla cleared yesterday. Today she was wintered, to her regular jsees several boats getting away with mooring at the floats of the Prince many more following tomorrow. i Rupert Rowing ft Yacht Club. ! During the week preceding the; Skipper Jennings is scheduled to opening of the season, the Tatoosh leave on February 23 on his first and Pierce of the Seattle fleet have j circuit-riding voyage of the year, called at Prince Rupert for bait ; Many friends will wish him another The Tatoosh was in on Tuesday- and year of success In his splendid work. the Pierce from Tuesday to Friday. ; For the opening of the season this! Capt H. K. Kohrt veteran fish-year the Seattle fleet has adopted erman oI prince Rupert. Is seriously a plan whereby only half of theinj in the Prince Runert General j fleet left port with a view to being j Hospital. He is doing as well as can on me grounds on tne opening day. ' ' be expected. The boats of the fleet were divided into two alphabetical groups one. Trying a new venture last year. the boats with first letters from A' wjth apparently satisfactory re- to L and the other, with first letters suits, one of the salmon canneries from M to Z. Lots were cast as a re-; on the Fraser River in British Co-suit of which the M to Z boats were j lumbia skinned part of the sockeye allowed to leave to be on the banks etch before putting the fish on February 15. the A to L boats to through the canning process and clear one week later. By means of 'reported obtaining a price prem- mis siart u is nopen inai "Duncn- turn for the product tag" of landings may to some ex- i Salmon are ordinarily canned tent be eliminated. The boats of i without removal of tVip ktn anrt 7 w the advantage obtained by the cannery which' has been experimenting with the use of skinned fish Is said to lie in an added attractiveness in the appearance of the finished product The skinning process, as outlined to officers of the Dominion Depart ment of Fisheries by the manager of the cannery, is not difficult or complicated, and is estimated to cost about three cents per fish. It is carried out by hand workers with the use of a knife and a wooden j clamp tool, which consists of two pieces about three-quarters of an inch square fastened together at one end by a light metal bolt and rounded at the other end to fit the hand. After a cut has been made in the skin of the fish, near the tall, the clamp Is attached and rolled toward the head. As it Is moved along, it peels off a strip of the skin In each operation. After the fish has been cut Into pieces of suitable size and packed In cans, the containers are sealed and the cooking process is carried out In the usual way. Simply a point of incidental in terest, it may be noted that sockeye kins weigh several ounces each. For example, ten skins weighed last summer averaged a little more than a third of a pound each. Following are official figures for 1931 and 1930 halibut catches on OIL! AND YOUR WATCH Oil to machinery is as important as oxygen, is to man. No finer piece of machinery exists than is found in the modem watch. It must have oil; even though many seem to think it doesn't. True, tt needs only a drop now and then but that drop Is vitally Important. Bring your's In and have It cleaned and properly oiled. m T1IC STORE WITH THE CLOCr Brothers Killed While instructing his brother to fly. Lieut. Francis Kelly. U. S. army aviator, crashed into the east river at New York, re-eenMy. and both were killed. the Pacific Coast as issued by the United States Bureau of Fisheries: Alaska By American . Prince Rupert By American By Canadian . Vancouver By American By Canadian Victoria By Canadian . Seattle By American By Canadian 1931 9.605,000 10.M&OO0 . 0,181.000 1JKUG0 . 151,360 1&04S773S 12,70 1990 1U4S.787 16J0S.OOO 7,366.000 42.700 1,099.(500 11.02ft 12,618.18ft Tt'l American 36,34 4.736 40.994.652 Ttl Canadian iMifilQ 8.475.625 Grand Total 420276 49.470.277 George G. Bushby. who has been seriously 111 for several weeks, is now a patient In the Prince Rupert General Hospital for recuperative treatment Ha is progressing .Generators from $4.50 New Guaranteed Batteries $7.95 Lighting Plants Quoted on Application VANCOUVER AUTO WRECKING CO. 1319 Granville SU Vancruver P FRIDAY and SATURDAY ftDAY TWO SHOWS 7 and D p.m. jg Feature Starts at 7:18 & 9:18 5 ADMISSION 20c & 65c 5 SATURDAY MATINEE at 2:30 5 Feature Starts 2:48 15c & 40c I 'I 5 i ( 11 WVv . w . . A Isili if i lfiii T 'i tint Clrrtt A x vuii ui a uiif j unt v viujiiui ix V HUriCS r affair DELICIOUS" With El Rrcndcl and Excellent Cast. Janet and fi.,i; . Gayest, Happiest Romance Lots of Laughs and r... Gershwin's NEWEST SONGS w Cartoon "MASK A RAID" METRO sr IJ Monday & Tuesday "DR. JEKYLL & MR, HYDE tuiFi a it rm rati vm i'i i in (Bmiiiiiini ' u i;g ThpFish iilhirh mnAo Prinro ?nni- f7 "Rupert Brand SMOKED BLACK COD PRINCE RUPERT, H.C. COAL Satisfaction guarantee with Our Famous Edson and Bulk-ley Valley COAL. No 1 Bulk-ley Valley Wheat. Oats and Barley, Pratt's Chick Food, Seeds and Fertilizers. Prince Rupert Feed Co PHONE 58 &. 558 Phone 52 11 Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Siorage Co., Ill ONRPRirF-nnMINIONWIIlf MONDAY. FLU. 13th It the effective date u( " Motors parts and labor price lists Owners of General Motors cars are now assured Dor prices Identical with those at the factory Lower Prices and Better Service Kaien Motors Ltd, TELEPHONIC VALENTIN DAM fOI SKEENA BKA.VD Creamery tiultal Cottage Lhm FRESH rASTEl'RIZniM' AND CREAM D.UV Early Delivery rhrnW tbe City It's got to he good to be ADVERTISED READ THE GROCERY ADS TODAY All tho king's horses . . . and all the king's men can't mab success out of a bad product. No amount of advertising w create a market for it. The more it's advertised, the more its ..! fects become known. A Good Product Well Advertised grows as swiftly and naturally as a healthy plant. People try and like it. They tell others. They like it. Soon-that prodiu t. -found everywhere . . . and its name, spread abroad by adv i Using, is on every tongue. When you see something widely and, consistently advertised, v) can be pretty sure it's well worth having. If it weren't ... it ' didn't represent an honest and worthy value . . . the mafc'-r couldn't afford to advertise it. Look Over the Advertisements in this Paper Some of these names you know. Olhdri, pcithftfe,, are newconn all are entitled to your trust . . . all are here because they h;i potential friends bringing some new comfort or convenience. PM something real to contribute to your advantage . . . your ser ' 1 . . . your happiness. THE DAILY NEWS TELEPHONE 98