AGE TWO THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - MUTISM COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert-Dally News, Limited, Third Avenue H. F. PULLEN - - - Managing-Editor ! SUKSCKIPTlO'llATES ADVEKTISI.NU RATES frontlet display ad vjrtlshig, per Inch, per insertion : 1.40 Classified advertising,' per insertion, per word 02 ttfcal readers, per Insertion, per line .. , 25 .egal notices, each insertion, per agate line , 15 Contract rates on application. Advertising: and Circulation Telephone 98 Editor and Reporters' Telephone ..w.?...... ....g6 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations NOT LIBERAL KUT- j uuiwuiii.iui aiuciniiu.i A. good many people . have commenced but others are awaiting the warmer davs whpn u-nrkitur in f ha mwiOM ;D SCIIOOL BOARD EXPENDITURE cannot fix its tax rate for 1932, and unless .these., estimates are considerably reduced, the taxation Editor, Daily News: The expenditure on Schools in 1 ii . -1 Prince Rupert mikes up approxt- J""' y' lf- lvanc 5.0Qlmately ot tne Jy CMc '01 lesser nerlOdS. nnlrt In nHvnnr nr amV ifir. ... annua expenditure, and accoru- 3y maii mall to all u T .i . . parts of Northern and Central British Columbia, ,. w e,forU cltv ,,ouri paid In advahco fbr yearly period : . 3 00 7 ? , the(clty,Cou1n 3y mall to all other parts of British Columbia the British Em'! S.vT.hl "JS 'fit th pire and United States, paid In advance, per year $8 00 p,en 50perat u" By mail to all other countries, per year LI. 00,' 0,6 Sool Board. Tnis year the voao the current. ter frosts do not seem to injure the trees The damaire is . ,CVm ymJ u safely b done when a sham frost foil. .Co!lectIonV Mrt. Imm Corbio, West Adroestt, N 8., writ: "1 had suffered for vfiri from dyiMrais uid diny hwid-rhi. Aftr tAiing two bottle of Burdock Blood Bitters I felt like different woman. My headache die-appeared, and I eaa now eat what I like without that trrible indention 1 lunerea aiier every ueaL' ALL OUR GOALS ARE IN A DRY SHED Delivered Dry to Your ninou are amurrd In getting full urleht JASrr.R H'lLDFIIti: EOn-Per Ton, $120; Cash Price $11 w JASPER iVILUriRE l.UMP-Per Ton, $i3JJ0: Casl, Price 12J50 TEMRIKA EOfi-Rec Price, S12J50: Cash I'rlrc Hjo These Coals nre from Allitrla. Dry Jack Pine and Cedar HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 j of maintaining Domestic Science. I Manual Training and Commercial I classes has been the subject of considerable criticism, and under i existing conditions it would appear - to be advisable to close them down either temporarily or permanently. They are not IndlsDensahle nnrt ! their cost is not compensated tyi practical efficiency on the part of the pupils. If shut down a savins' wouia tnereby be effected of ap-i proximately $11,000 per annum. J It Is worth noting ln this con-'nectlon that recent advices from , Victoria state that the Government have agreed to aive I councils power to discontinue such ; educational frills as the foregoim? : aasses. ! At piesent the maioritv of thp i School Trustees Is averse to anyl reaucuon in lis estimates. In this. It Is supported by the Teachers' and other employees. The whole matter can be settled by a reason-able compromise, and the sooner! public Opinion Is brought, in h.i on It the better. The crux of the matter Is simply that the City foresees that. It run. not afford to pay the existing rate of salaries. Until the School estimates ere revised the City Council THE DAILYpNEWS ' Monday, March 21. lw, IN THE LETTER BOX . uiiiuiiiMcuu win ue uimvuiu able. Your faithfully. GEORGE RORIE. UiKil C IU UIV dUUlC CAbCllb US ill " " llt . . previous years, and unless the mwc 01 our vaiuaDie space to n l 1 r . i ni .V COtnment fn IlH nlifol n lotuuui ouaru, wmi uie co-open.- t.. ...... p- Uion of the Teachers' Federation. : Peared on the front page of Satur- i . tiw'c loDlln 9 .. L can see tneir way to enect con- " "uc V4 uur comemporary. siderable economies in their re- j Thls ltm deailt the visit of quirements, a very awkward situ-fa local Iadv to a' butcher's stor? atlon will arise. i where, she informs us, she bought a ,eg namb- The IadV evideriU Within the cast four years School expenditures have lnereas - ? Pf"n some substance for she had, as she further informs, bought V.U A A Ulll AB .uuu. UJ MJF.UUU. 1111L1 I J . ' Monday, March 21. 1932; this increase of $15,000 the whole & new hat and dres6- Naturally so lamoant is attributable to salaries T.BONE STEAKS Editor, Daily News: I beg that yoii will allow' ine " a substantlal a lady was shocked, hay i that Is to say. salaries which m'norrle1' to "nd 'n butchtW, 11928 came to $54 000. had Increased j f10" a man wltn relief ticket: . , by 1931 to $69.000-an Increase ot,U)ms a l-ne Tl" whole According to the press reports Thomas Reid, Liberal '25. Whether we how have a I conventions of society are thereby, member for New Westminster, speaking in the House of nI8her standard of school educa-i8haken 10 the,r foundations, a mahj Commons at Ottawa when criticizing the expenditures lt,on or mo" eiclent toh" !b1rftttagi made by the provincial government, proved Effi good' a Humorist. He spoke of a charge that was made against hand the population of the cityy- Eve" a the risk of causing i the government, "not by a Liberal, it was laid by a man not Increased since that date. her further pain we must differ; with a conscience." Doubtless Liberals as well as Conser- nor has the C05t 01 llTln- " i with her lmPIled statement that VatlVes enjoyed the ioke cmneuu to see any Justification.""3 iuan uieuience on naring i- WappilJ, tor the good Of the Country there are men With j further Increase of $8,000 In 1930 (,n8- We are peculiarly in a position nsciences in all political parties in Spite of the criticisms 'and a still further increase of $3.-,u appreciate the abstruse mental REGISTER AT ONCE ivji, auu it u lur mc rate- i v. v -v v v I 1- I Jaa . At A A t i' payers to say whether they are vvc realize inai ne prooaoiy satisfied or not. The School Trus-,had denied himself for days, per' tees are supposed to represent thejap weeks, consoling himself as. I 'des,re desire retrenchment, retrenchment, the the Trustees Trustees ! leathery "atnery clam clam that, that, one one red-letter red-lette ' L in, .. . '.. t Mrtmm he .....U t - A. I t A Thp ine nrpspnfifinn presentation nf Of a n i.a,vt:v,,v redistribution fii bill a av t j 1,, t a .1 to LU the ",c Legis- -ci;io must must comply comply with with their their wlshe wishes.! would have a t-bone steak l laiure llUre indlCatPS indicates thnt that a At thP trip, fmvornmont envprnmpnt io ?a can'nuoiu nt.;n,,n1.. 1 rru. i 1 -.i.. .. . I Mr. We contend au-a 1-. nj. erlng the possibility of an appeal to the country before the j" are employees of the Tru. next session of the House. For that reason it is desirable ' tee1, Bcyond a "rta,n int it is that every person, no matter of what political shade, TaEL, T ?'jr,,nor should register if not already on the list 0? voters. I S SeXee? ST Voting in the city has nothing to do with the provincial lparcd 10 loyal n its time of elections. The lists used are quite different. When election !reed t0 a clty whlch has ln the time comes there are always dozens of men and woinenlfKr.hXSvTIt who would ke to votP hut who fin,l n,omcoi,.0. , w .th.elr remedy is ava'- , , - ....w W.V...0V.1.V.0 uiiauic iu aoie oy oum June. Tne very nature do so because they are not registered. We strongly urge!f their profession should however Liberals, and Conservatives and Labor mpn tn coo tl, of i render theni sufficiently - bWMH- - ------ -" wx. - ' ' - , . . himv . t fhill f Hntllin n AM 11 ff.A XT .. . .'TnlnAl nr r-C nllri... & -1.1-1. , . Hit. nic uii Jll IJ1C uie list. HSk. ilUW i0V 1 IS me time 10 act. It IS cenuii imer- ' """".o useless to whine when it is too late. GET OUTSIDE AND DIG The season so far has hppn vpw cuff akin ij uuiweign meir auues as (Citizens. The estimates submitted by tlw ocnooi uoara ror 1932 amount to $81,000. The actual expenditure for 1931 was $89,000. thus showing an apparent decrease of $8,000. The School government erants however receivable by the City will thl; more pleasant. Not a few have been breaking up more l l Si Sy Vl and ground and makinrr a nlnop tnr n f.,.. Lll3V iH1"60" "e reductlon ln the es- ads as well as flowers. Roses are betrinninrr in arrive finm tv, n.,tD;,in ll , o ---o w-..v a. w.w vubciuc, suiiic maw iias m oc Kepi 111 local gardeners replenishing the stocks with the fifteen 'mlnd bv the taxpayers is that! 1. 1 1 I whatever th Krhnni mMhisIa. "v uo c in sucn larije numoers -.... im; last year and Which did sn wpII Rnmo vnco ll.M t,,.. ordmary j. expenditure amount to,i , . , ZT. . ...a.w... aaww mcv Dill tUIIIC UUU "v'u wucwict 11 j COUeCiea Or; roitinanl. All.nJ i.i- IS tOO earlv tn sav Thnca nnnld of ft, ,.a Alnn in r,o, u.J '"Pa'Ie Attend Ant Ilea n liave linvo winfoi-arl Wmtered knffn. better A thnn 1 a thp 1 . nPr1ofi,l l- . i . n. rnv . I rnlWlsrI collected about nKni 85 fivar of tu . ... that, extraordlnirv as It may seem to the correspondent of the eminent Evening Empire, all men. whether unemployed or employed are perfectly entitled to t-bone steaks or eVen caviar or pate-de-fol-gras if they have aesthetic leanings that way. We protest against this lady's narrow, and shall we say blaoted. attitude toward her less fortunate fellow-mortals. We must think that so discerning a lady also reads the uaiiy News as well as the erudite Empire. We trust that when next she has remarks regarding the worthless unemployed worthy of Inclusion ln the columns of the Evening Empire she will season them with mercy and SECRETARY, Prince Rupert Local. Canadian Labor Defence Leacue. N. LONG, Sec'y. i Girl Guides on ' Church Parade Cathedral Yesterday being Palm Sunday, a joint parade of about fortv uhi ifpedn formed Olrl lrl Guides (?uWe? fronl frorii the tl? First lnt spring It seems that the sun brings up the sap and the.they were only to amount to m Irost tlipn hna mnra nVionoo tn r,t .1 u . it mnA ,..- i ... -- .rrince Rupert and the aixtv.fler. w vnuiits. iu jcv, in ii.a ueauiy worn. j" """,vl cucci 01 senain?' ,j , rt w . . 7.7. Crocuses are comin-? in bloom-and & a" reason'i Tine AngLT tulips will be out very TJate S'T fhe uJrto ,SJ L undoubtedly "ep ri;"8lJa", C2S"1- SOOn if the mild Weather centime nil i land. eventually Flr it. .1 t , - . v "."' iwa w more properties revertinc;. V :r r. - muiikn arc SnOWinC SIPns Ot riPU Ufa Thio aViniil.l Ko o 1 tn V,. u a TPtnntfltlflM f nnnnln A A A-I.l 1 i,vu"u" I'cupic iu ut uuisuiL' ana eng. I BTfRTiTsVfSf Dysp epsia and Dizzy Headaches under the leadershio of Cants in r a r . - r. With a view to further econv' .'"a ""f "eunani mewerton, in School expenditure, the matUr "na! ... ....... v. vawiuj iirnuruucr Dean Oibson preached an aoni-o. prlate sermon. TELEPHONE 657 VALENTIN IIAIRV FUit SKEENA lillANd Creamery Butter & Cottage Cheese FRESH PASTEURIZED All Ml ANrt CREAM DA I tt Early titiltery rbrotlf biii the City ' - i-rt i COAL! COAL! Satisfaction guarantee with our Famous Edson Alberta it Bulkley Valley Coal; No. 1 Bulkley Valley Timothy Hay. Wheat, Oats it Barley. Pralts Baby Chick Food, Seeds It Fertilizer. Priiice Rupert Feed Co PHONE 58 Si 558 A A A A A i i pi. our n AAAAAAAAAAAA pe r I H Knows! . . . that there is a cooler, sweeter, more fragrant smoke awaiting you . . . just try a package or the economical half pound tin of Ogden's cut plug . . . there's a real pipe smoke for you. 18 OGDEN'S CUT PLUG r V tot those who "roll their own" OGDEN'S FINK COT CIGARCTTC TOBACCO tit TYYYYYYYTYV' uman Lives at Stake! mm 4 -TV XODAY, mniiy a man Is wagering the highest Mk'8 known . . the security of hit wife aud children. On the turn of a card on the whims of fate depend the safety of his loved ones. Arc you making jiiht such a gamble? Arc you helling ihe future welfare of your family against the uncertainty of living n long n they need your Mipporl? Consider the oddsl Take no further chances Involr. ing future hardships for those who are nearest and dearest tn you. Invest in adequate Life Insurance and keep your policies in force. Then you know that your own old age is provided for your wife and children aro safeguarded. To delay Is to speculate. Consult a Life Insurance representative now. Eife Insurance Jfortuce One oj a series of 4 1 meuaget ipontqred by , Ufa Insurance Com panics Mil Daily Hews Want Ads. Bring Quick Returns J