..;,fp on: m V., (f..jJ 1' ft'-"! .1 -.....';;' Irs it?- . .II .! , l . .t ,t V mm : ! .1 Hi tf mm- Surprise Party W Saturday Night Orcaon of Klrthday pt A. Jyar sun s Honored y Partjr of Friends A nartv Of eighteen frtpnrtt - -----r - t t Joined In a surprise visit on fiuur day night to Mr. and Mrs. A. Ivar-son, i2 Eighth Avenue Eajt. U.e occasion being Mr. Ivarson's birthday. During the evening bridg-playing was enjoyed and he prs-sentation was nude to Mr. Ivsr- son Qf a handsome barpqiftej- a a token of esteem and wel!wlsh inc. In lbs mt& st the ftenW delicious refreshments were served A Prince George i 'Spirit' Lesson-Institute Has j Sermon Subject New Officers ! Of Scientists .PRINCE GEORGE, Feb. 8: The! Prince Qeorge Farmers' Institute,' ' a its annual mtetliig at Pjntvlew, elected officers for 1932 as follows: i president, James L. Atchison. I Yfce-Pretldent. H C. Thompson. Secretary-Treasurer, R. Black- bum.,. . . j Auditors. Jtmes Rive and William ' Cornell. Director S single, Tanvs Barrett, S. E.''an Busktrk, John Hed-Iger and fJ. y. Rich. Women's Institute At Prince George Elects Officers PRINCE GEORGE, Feb. ft: The Cariboo Women's Institute, al Its annua) meeting held recently, el- ected officers (or the ensuing year as follows: President, Mrs. A,Larsoji. Vice-President, Mrs. J.'DraVe. Secretary-Treasurer,' Mrs. J. Barrett. Auditor, Mrs. II. M. Kit's '. Director, MUi Buby Wdkfo. The subject of the lesson-sermon in all Christian Science churches and societies on Sunday was "Spirit;" Amoner the Bible texts inrludpd it tt)e lesson-sermon was the fot lowjng from 1 'Samuel 3:10: "And the Lord came, and stood, and caj-. led as at other times, Samuel, Sarn-uej. Then Samuel answered, Speak,, for thy servant heareth." The' lesson-sermon also included the. reading of citations from the Christian Science textbook, "Sci ence and Health with Key to the Scriptures," by Mary Baker Erfdy one passage being as follows: "To understand that Mind is infinite. not bounded by corporeality, pot dependent upon the ear 'and eye (or sound of sight nor upon mus cle and bones for locomotion, U a step towards the mlnid-science . by which we discern man's nature and existence." Mountie Officer Wanted Outside Headquarters at Ottawa Send For frupector SinJ)s-yinvh to-Leave Llard Post Royal Canadian Mounted Police headquarters at Ottawa have In-4ruptfd Inspector T. V. Sajidys-Wunseh. officer In charp of the lleUchmen at LJartf Pwit Jn the wiwenmss bf northeastern British Columbia, to report outside as soon as josslblc. Rauio broadcasting sta i . wops in Vancouver naye oeen broadcasting the Instructions to this effect in the hope that InsDec torBandys-Wunsch might be lis- lening in. jne uggesUon is that the Inspector would come out from L1$rd Post by plane and take a steamer from Ska g way. Corn. Thomas, Brlce. formerly of Pr nee Rupert. Is one of the mem bp rs of the Llard post detachment wmcn went in last summer. AdyertUe tn the irvany ppvi. IHT tB Jm V MKkrtf JSt MKEi Kf BGkmr Kw JF mV f9B mJE v. R4?y INSIST UPON BRANDED, trade-marked and advertised merchandise. Do not accept a substitute for what you name. Long experience has shown that goods which are widely and steadily advertised in the newspapers are the ones that are worthy of your faith. ; Modem newspaper advertising does you a great service; it permits you to accept without fear goods you have never tested What others have believed in and accepted you also may buy with confidence. Advertisers must be, and remain, honest if they want to be successful in business to-day. Their announcements bear their names and signatures. They tell the truth to protect themselves as well as to safeguard you. A newspaper advertisement is a publicly printed, bond between advertising merchants and the buying public. It is the strongest guarantee for goods of honest quality at fair and competitive prices. v Thrifty shippers will buy advertised gooSs and reruse to accept any substitutes. This advertisement is sponsored by the Canadian Daily Newspapers Association