U'H. .Tuna T? 1932 ' V:"7' lUE DAILY KETTB Thousands of People Read The Advertisements on This Page Every Day RENT THAT ROOM, SECURE HELP, SELL FURNITURE,, REAL ESTATE, ETC., THROUGH A CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENT CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS for t hnU all other small advertHements for rnt. In this section eharCed at the rate of 2 cents word P Insertion with sis Insertion, for the price of four. , B, the month the charge is Z5c a word. No advertisement taken for less than 50c. lAi roll SALE CHIROPRACTIC ,, s.tlc cheap. Phone Black ml tf Goodyear Tires at lower' il.an any mail order K iicn Motors Ltd. Phone FOR RENT four-roomed home. Ap sixth Avenue East, tt ma i?v NT-Furnished Oat, four , , aid bath, pnone i. iw i ti or Pour-roomed mulshed, rrixfrn, Phone , : ,( tt T Modem furnished I lunsmulr Street. Official i.itor. . TRANSFERS a'.'' Transrcr pnone ni t Birch. Cedar and Jak ; S. E TRANSFER Wood for u uii'cs raaiMiiablc. Phon .j can He AUCTIONEER t . l rating Wrapping c:iral Furniture Repairs v itood.f with me 89. , IMWKS Phune Mark lit. AUCTIONEER Ls vour pods with u Prince Kuprrt v iiijlng Auctioneer. G. M. HUNT Sril ,tte Phone Red 657 Manure For Sale X Straw, $3.10 Per Yard Casey Cartage Fuel Co. Phone 303 PRINTING oi tici: supplies Rose, Cowan & Mtta Phone 234 - 1 AIIVKKTlKIN'n TOI'Y ' MUST IIK IN FARLY J 1 for outlay advertise- ' ' " n Should be lh the hind t ue printers not later than J ii the day prior tq publl' J ' ! ThU Is necessary to en- J ' best positions to be se ?"ir.:(i . 4 Guide to Correspondents A'hi- Dally News welcomes """ pomjence on live topics 'he day or any other sub-Cl ! tit public Interest, but let-1,1 must be brief and to the "" at The lonn-wlnded cor-" pondent has no place In Hi' 'turn Journalism. F very letter must be signed "v the writer, not- necessarily fl'f publication but as a mat-to uf good faith and courtesy. A unsigned documents go to t! waste paper basket. Let-11 in of a caustic character mu. t have the signature bp-billed for publication. Letter should be written on ne side of the paper only. c' respondents must avoid Wsonalltlei and the language should be such as would be al-loed In the ordinary rules of debate. W. C. Aspinall ! three Year Graduate Chlronractle. Modem Ray Treatments Given Phone for Appointment Green 341 and 519 Oare litre to and from boat SHOE REPAIRS GET THE BEST IN WORKMANSHIP At the Same Price LOUIS SHIHIG QUALITY SHOE REPAIRS Open Evening 8 Bxcnange l$V - 318 Sixth Street Summer Resorts r- ; ii m Prince Rupert SUMMER RESORTS When Coming to TERRACE For Your Picnic or Holiday MAKE ARRANGEMENTS AHKAH WITH US To Greet You on Arrival We Meet All Trains Special Rates For Picnic Parties to Lakelse Lako We Can Take You Anywhere at Any Time At Moderate Rates SWAIN'S TRANSFER & TAXI Wood Cal Terrace, R.C FOR RENT Furnished Cabins on the J Lakelse Lake Shore j Close to Mineral Baths and Lodge , Apply V. Soucie, Terrace, B.C. "THE DUNES Total for U days - Children, half price. No extras IK- "TILLIE THE TOILER" 9 t At Beautiful Tlell, Queen Charlotte Islands The ideal summer resort. A home away from home. A place for l" UM Ured businessman U res! and where the children cn play unmolesUd .nd without danfer. Mii at auMlv beucii. he sand dunes, all the pleasures of the iu!iSSi mnk and plenty of thick cream. Fresh vegetables and hSS d rieaWrout and salmon fishing In Tlell River. SI'I CIAL RATES FOR THIS SUMMER vHtt. Here Is cost pef person: make It Double for anyun to pay Board and row Llv uy la Riliini itaaniihlD rare ZZZJ. 2 $40 Prince Johnltavea Prince Rupert June 10. 24, July 8, 22, Aug. 5. 19 PAINTERS LIGHTEN YOUR SPRINO CLEANING LADOUS Phone lied 802 to J.P.MOLLER ' for - I Kalsomining, Painting i & Paperhanging By Day or Contract REASONABLE CHARGES WATCHMAKERS Send Your Watch, Clock, Jewellery and Optical Repairs to A. E. IRELAND 32t Third Ave Prince Rupert, B.C.j Thirty Years Practical Experience Assures Ataolate Satisfaction ; OUR NEW LOW PRICES j will surtpnisE you 1 DAIRIES (For FRESH LOCAL MILK DOMINION DAIRY 9 quarts or 14 Pint for $1.00 PASTEURIZED MILK IS SAFR MILK Freili.from Bulkley Valley' Farms VALENTIN DAIRY Phone 657 PAPERHANGING Paperhansing, Kalsomining and Painting At prices that will suit you Phone Red 918 C. Rouse ntsii .Ct, Nhe of IntrnlUm to Apply lo Ind In Qten Chartmw pwct Land n- i jotting District ot frtnee Rupert. un jtukt lu front ol pan o( Ulurk b. : JupdtVtetoA or lot 3. Qiwn Charioti"! Mriel, Map 9. Townaltc of Oraliaiu OUT- TW notice that w. IniptTll Oil; .tmltrd, CM Vkllcjuvor. B.C., oocuMitti).i ( Oil DtaMhlMi. liiWitd M ppiy for ol tlx loUflMrtnv dMcnbnl ' luicta: , Cunmanctnic &' ROM pluitd 1 - jila UU o ia K,W. ooriHT of tin-t(ld fflfC 0. tbncr fcttotwrUl 3 haiMi lmn outantlirrur ' 'Mlnki iMntoa itafWtMVwardly i .bstnat thence northv&twuxlly lollo-, NM.the hore tin t ll.W.M to point, a( (aunwmit ud ooateialng l'-terra, more or lt. IMHKIUAI. OIL lMITKD. ir H T. Colltituii AbJU , tHted April S. 193H Headache often relieved VJCKS Write or Telegraph Madame Rajaut rN;M5ywtv LOST LIFE IN F1NLAY RIVER Two Men Arrive In Prince George Reporting Drowning of Fred , Firth While Coming Out PRINCE OEORGE, June 7: H. K. Henry of Camrose, Alta., deputy mining recorder at McConnell Creek, and Mike Miller of OHm- shaw. Alta.. have arrived here from . froffi McConnell Creek on account of provisions running short for a crew of .men to which they belonged. They had rafted down to the confluence of the Ingenlka and P'lnlay Rivers but on the latter rivet1 ! they ran Into a log jam. Henry and Miller were able to Jump clear but Firth went in the water and was never seen again. CATALA DISCONTINUES CALL AT OCEAN FALLS the McConnell Creek country, re- ,,, , ... 0rtft,afo Ml1 Bf porting the drowning of their om- l QuAn has been r.u , 4 . rA. making during the past -winter on "Home Work" Phone 98 ' Early Closing Finally Passed The city council, at last night's meeting, finally reconsidered and adopted the amendment to the Early Closing Bylaw whereby grocery, butcher, baker and hardware shops of the city will close at 6 o'clock Saturday nights Instead of at 10 o'clock as at present. The new time for closing will become effective June 17. Union steamer Catala, Cupt. A. name while the party was eomlng B. Dickson, returned to port ar out. The fatality occurred on May 22 and Firth's body was not recav- , 11:46 this morning from Anyox. Stewart and other northern points ered. For qultk return Try a Want and sailed at 1:30 this altfcf noon for The three men were sent out Advertisement. j Yancouver and wayflolnts. The Daily News The paper that Northern and Central British Columbia people look to to keep them informed on world news and the problems peculiar to the north. The Only A. B. C. paper north of Vancouver and west of Edmonton. The Daily News goes into all the- TOWNS AND VILLAGES MINING CAMPS LUMBER CAMPS PAPER MILLS FARMING CENTRES FISHING CAMPS It is the paper that is read by the fishermen, miners, workers and operators throughout a district twice as large as the three Maritime Provinces of the east. When a person wishes a message to go to the people of Northern and Central British Columbia there is only one way of sending it, ' and that is through the columns of the Daily News. The future is full of hope. The Daily News is making plans to keep pace with the progress of the country No one can afford to be without it. The cost is small. Delivered by Carrier, in Prince Rupert, per week, 10c. Mailed to any address in Northern or Central B.C., $3 a year. Mailed to points in Canada, Britain or United States, $6 a year, By Westover. ill 'i :.AM' ,v,s' A 5ft 1 wL Trr Its i AcIM-VyA V. i ywtS IfcXMK lsrt n ll,. v 4 l i!