bh wimn mm inpr mmnfwmmiwtm i? krnrnrfii irfiTTniT1gT,g,1nrrBIillgiaiB,B?I,BBlSfCjCa1jB,afBiiii 'REGULATION 0 for i Qv WU I CRITICIZED Mb News of The UKanmas-ij:ctgmsOT SOFTBALL IS OPENED Htth School Season Started Yes.j - terday With Falcon Beating ! Cubs Rh nef I Hie first game of the season is the High School Softball League was played Wednesday afternoon j on the lllfh School grounds. Th teams playing were the Oubs and' the Falcons, the latter winning oy, the score of 4 to 3. I In the last inning the Falcons, I being one nut behind, went to but ! determinedly and drove out four! hits in succession, two runs cros? j ing Hie plate, giving them the game. The Falcons were strong at the bat, but weak in the field, turning in eight errors. The Cobs were were strong in the field, having only two field errors, but were weak at bat. Fatecns: Cross 'captain i left short stop; Christtson, right short stop: Hale, left field: Welle. 1st base: MeCaffery. right field: Allen, pitcher 8t2egavig .catcher: Dungs le, 2nd base: W. Murray. 3rd base: Ritchie, centre field. Cobs: Moxley (captain) 1st bast Fulton, left fied; Stlneoh, pitcher; Ross, right short atop; Church, catch; 'Obata. left shortstop Faw. right field; Hanson, 2nd base: Palmer, centre field; WBHseroft, 3rd base. Umpire C Smith. Base Umpire R. Tobey. Reporter W. Tobey. SPORT CHAT Jock Gibson has his four foot, six inch model yacht "Vagrant" all rigged up at the dry dock and ready to go. Jock claims the Vagrant cant be beaten. Jock has Just completed a model of the full rigged ship "Sovereign of the Seas" and is starting one of that famous old wonder ship "Cutty Sark," the only tailing ship now left under the British flag. Basil Bubbock. the historian of sailing ships, says In his book, "The Log of the Cutty Sark:" "No ship ever passed her nor was she ever hove-to on her last ten voyages to Australia while commanded by Capt. Woodgate. The famous old clipper has a sail lng record of 364 knots for 24 hours run, done more than once." She was built In Dumbarton, Scotland. Foreign participants in the Oames of the Olympiad, to be celebrated in Los Angeles from July 30 to August 14, will be accorded the same courtesies as are extended to distinguished visitors while entering and leaving the United States, according to the organizing committee. Special identity cards, replacing. 'the .usual- passport and walyta'tJta .-Ifoad ' tax van visa charges, jrUvf. beY Issued- by the committee and sent to all national Olympic committees for the use of athletes: managers, coaches, trainers or other attendants; members of Olympic committees or sports federatlona; officials, accredited press representatives and members of the Immediate families or servants of the above mentioned groups. This advertisement is not puollsinti or dlsplayea by the Llquoi Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. Training For Track Meet fnSSSJufawT 'rV jlSSSSSr flflP BSSSBSSS JaVsdT tlm A period of stiff training marks he approach of Inter-varstty sports in England This photograph shows St. L Thornton. Cambridge man clearing a hurdle at iheir new track. NATIONALS WINJITLE Toronto Takes Allan Cup By Defeating Fort William in Second Game of Finals TORONTO, April 7: Toronto Nationals won the senior amateur hockey championship of the Dominion and, with it, the Allan Cup here last night when they won the second game of the final series one to nil in overtime against Fort William. The Nationals had won the first game by a score of seven to four. Prince George Basketballers Drop Another ARMSTRONG. AprU 7: The touring Prince George High School basketball team suffered another reverse here when It was defeated 33 to ID by the Armstrong High School team. Results of Fire Probe at Terrace In 1930 Wanted Thomas Uphill. Labor member (or Fernie. has Inquired in the Legislature If an Investigation Into the matter of forest fires was held by the department of lands at Terrace during 1930 and, if so. have the results of such investigation been made miblle and. if not. what were the results of such investigation? Best Remedy for Colds and Flu E'it YL2 GROTTO WINNER Upheld Cribbage Champioi Championship Last Night By Defeating Canadian Legion Grotto, champions of the City Cribbage League, upheld their su premacy la this line of indoor sport last night when they met Canadian Legion, champions of the Whist League, and inflicted a 15 to 12 defeat upon them. A brief session of whist followed the cribbage, the Grotto being again victorious by a score of 2 to 1. DIVIDING OF SEATS (Continued from Pae 1 Skeena between Prince Rupert and Omlneca affects three outstanding Liberal members, T. D. Pattullo of Prince Rupert, Dr. H. O. Wrlnch of Skeena and A. M. Manson, K.C., of Omlneca. The Vancouver Island combina tion rules out either George S. Pearson, present member for Nanalmo, or L. A. Hanna, present member for Albernl. The Revelstoke-Columbia merger is a natural sequel of the December by-election when Thomas King de feated the government candidate. Revelstoke Is represented by Dr. W. II. Sutherland. No fewer than seven of the 11 Liberal members of the present House are put on the griddle by the redistribution scheme, while only wo of the 36 Conservative members ire adversely affected. Mail Schedule CLOSES AT POST OFFICE! for the East-Monday. Wednesday and Friday 2 p.m. From the East-Saturday, Tuesday and Thurs day m : 10M0 am For Vancouver-Tuesday - 12:30 noon Thursday 9 p.m. Friday - 11 pjit April 3, 13 and 24 pjn. From Vancouver-Sunday ..- pjn. Wednesday ...........10:30 ajn. Friday .. . - pjn. April 8, 20 and 30 ajn. For Stewart and Anrox Sunday 8 p.m Wednesday 3 pm From Stewart and Anyut Tuesday 11:30 ajn. Thursday 8 pjn. For Naas silver and Port Simpson-Sunday 8 p.m. From Naas Illver and Port Simpson Tuesday 11:30 am. For Queen Charlottes-April 2, 16 and 30 ,. 9 pjn. EMPRESS DEFEATED a picked uam from the thiw other teams in the League to a , . .. .1. - ... ..n tions'. 200: A ZadaroskL 122, SOFTBALL : ORGANIZED .Meeting of High School Club Decide on Schedule to The executive of the High School Softball Club met on Tuesday In the school library with President Carl Smith in the chair. The sixty odd boys wishing to play softball I were divided into five teams Fsrt; Irnn fhlh Tlr fliant arwf Plf. ate followlng are teAnu with their respective captains: Falcons W. Cross t captain), R. Alien, T5 nungate. J. Welle. B. Mur-1 ray. D. Cnristison, P. Stegavlg, J. Ritchie, A, Hale, M. MeCaffery. F. Peachy. Fisher. Cubs Bp Moxley (captain), D. Stinech, R. Obata, R. Church, O. Hanson, B. WUMceroft, O. Fulton, L. Faw, A, Davie, P. Palmer, D. Morrison. R. Ross. Tigers BUI Tobey (captain). Bob Tobey. H. Morgan, J. OUKs, T. Marshall, J. McRae, R. Wilson. R. Em-melman, J. Oreer, M. McLeod, D. Sutherland, L. Wilson. Otants Carl Smith (etptaln). B. Unger. D. Arney. Y. Kishlmoto. H. 8uehiro. O. Wing ham. G. Blake, A. Dominate. R. Peachy, T. Johnstone, W. Murdock, M. Forbes. I Pirates K. Nakamoto (captain). . J. Obachina, H. Postuhi, N,. Allen. T. Nakamoto. W. Smith, E. Santur- bane. A. Ktrkendall, A. Ivarson, L.j Crotnp, A. Walters, R. Orme. Following is the schedule of thei games to be played: Falcons vs. Oubs. Giants vs. Pirates. Cubs vs. Tigers. Falcons vs Pirates. Tigers vsO tents. Cubs vs. Pirates. Falcons vs. Giants. Tigers vs. Pirates. Cubs vs Giants. Falcon. vs. Tigess. PUBLISHING OF REPORT I'attullo Believes All Details Northern K. C. Resources Should Be Revealed San Francisco, of T. D Pattullo. leader of the Liberal Opposition and member for Prince Rupert, has been demanding hi the Legislature the tabling of more detailed information as to the Joint survey of resources made In, Northern British Columbia by the provincial government and Oana-! dlan National and Canadian Pacific Railways. In view of other statements which have come out. Including that in which construction ofian outlet at this time, was con-.. aldMeji prenatufe Mr. Pattuifo be-; lleves the people are entitled to the full Inforrfiitfon. ' ' , GOI.F IN UNITED STATES .. There 'are upward of 5000 trolf clubs reattered throughout the United States, with membership ranging from nine at Osceola Country Club- nine-hole course in Ne-bratka to Ino 5000 reported by the Olympic QoU Country Club near, Pattullo and Manson Opposed to 316V-t- Charge Fee F6f Chil dren .Orej.lG jt School. ; VJCTORIA.,April f Declaring 'that sooner or later the country would have to face, the problem of .giving the young people- wora or letting them continue at scnooi. i. D. Pattullo, Liberal opposition lead- Billiard learn De-, Representabve and member prtnW Rupert feated Junior League Cham- . rntrtainn ,,nli,. ploni With Clean Sweep '- Last NiSht . rational . estimates . whereby, muni-icipaiitles are given discretionary . powef to charge parents for send- iters who cannot get work are al ready taking to loose habits and crime." declared Mr. Pattullo. "I 11 U ,nd " kHooU when th mrh as played last riht the - fr, (-native earn mak-,thn m prUKms- . . L M n- mwnber - ing a clean -p ro win by an ag- gregate ,r, c! 1 000 to V. Indl- "A"! J1"?, vidua! score, w- a. follow.: JT " u n . John X4,v Hxwks.. 300: Oeor.:out fh001 UJ T Hcwp iBmpress). 14$. William M.irray 'Hawks). 300 NKk Chenoki 186 . William Stuart Jewellers). 200. Paul Joitrtson. 153. t . n 1 i TT I i AAi. luuuay ffjunaeis inwi sm, i Pete Chenosk; 159. 1 Benny Wendle 'League of Na ' youthful age to go to university, he I declared PIPE TESTED by a SALESMAN 104, lSf.tuiSOi parkufrt Im In H-ftaiirul ImmUir tint the kitMIes' evening meal you couldn't serve a better tlisli than Kellogg's Corn Flakes with milk or cream. So easy to digest. Extra good for le CORN COStN FLAKES Sold by all grtxrrt. Srrtri by hotrlt, rrtlmurantt. rufeurlmt tin Jimrrt J child roi REMEMBER 'T1ieVatiractloti one csixTlrtices m lien, uml afler. snioling a pipe f Turret Is mot iirntifjlng. In Turret pipe tulturro you have lcen tinustiallj Bucces.ful In prcpurinp a Mciul flitch suits all diierninK .inokcr, IhiIIi In qualily and rlc therein, iiinl.ulilcllv, lie the route of its popular approval anil ilemainl. AflrrnnarduotiM newnion nt the Maily round' I find fevr plranurm to equal the fragrant, mellow moke of Turret pipe tobacco. Thone hIio KmokeTurrrt pljwj tohnrro live up to" that !e old Ijitin ipiolatioiu Diim vlvimtu vlva-nuis (while live, let us live)." TURRET A good, cool smoke PIPE OBACCO Pipe tcslrd Turret Jin cut or thnne ir fin rolf their oien Take a tip from your favorite light opera st'-plIE Studint Prines" and the great pre-war success, 1 "Tin Prines of Pilien," In stirring 'ioait" scenes sxstnpllfy tU art sf drinking beer ss a medium of good fellowship. PILSENER LAGER BEER U like m mild refreihlng Ugtr beers of the olden tlmi. It U ithl and wholtiomt, wllh a good malt ssntent and txcellet hop flavor, which makes it healthful and most rtfreihinj. $.oo Al Onirniil mian JTL'"J"AAl Beers and Old Countr rVlH. C.,cde, U.B.C. Bob.. . euaiuy products of one of The of British Columbia families. " "a cream Stout are the lint1 fs?!U5Ji!!i?f Dooulir ial of thi !h"S. 1 B," etr,ifif h welfare of hundreds" VANCOUVER BREWERIES LIMITED TMs sdyjrjUiBjnt is poj publishid or dl.plar.d by th. Liquor Control Board or by the