Iff 141: t"u"ua'' "PHI 7 1M PAGE SEC THE DAILY NEWS 1 Oi. Healthy, happy Canadian youngsters Look around you at young Canada . . . sturdy, healthy bodies . . . bright eager fact ... the picture of health. Many of these youngsters, like their parent! before them, wire brought up on Christie's Arrowroots. Mothers prefer "Christie's" because they are made of pure arrowroot, containing all the nutritious, body-building elements necessary for growing children. There is no substitute for Christie's Arrowroots Why "SUPREME" Coffee Is now Best Seller in Prince Rupert Retailors are surprised at the response of local people to the appeal to try "Supreme." Nearly all the stores now report that sales of "Supreme" exceed those of any other brand. In reply to a questioniare The Following Reasons Were Given For the Demand 1st. About 50 per cent replied, "It is absolutely fresh." 2nd. About 30 per cent, "We like the flavor and taste." 3rd. About 20 per cent, "It is made locally, and we want to boost home industries." TRY A POUND SOLI) AT ALL GROCERS "Now Daddy, you must not forget your Nerve Food55 "No Indeed I Sleep Well Now and ami Feeling Fine" SLEEPLESSNESS is a persistent symptom when the nerves get rundown. You are restless, irritable and easily fatigued and cannot sleep well at nights. This trouble increases as the years advance. But there is relief bythe use of Dr. t Chase's Nerve Food. It does not produce artificial sleep but restpres and builds up the nervous system so that in a few days you find yourself resting and sleeping f better. ; Women everywhere, know and praise Dr. Chase's Nerve Food as the greatest of restoratives for the nerves. But Dr. Chase'p Nerve Food is good for men and women alike, from youth to old age. It renews the strength, energy and vitality of the whole human system. Dr. Chase's Nerve Food pool lie tlic tired, excited ncrtca, restore ncrvoui energy anil make you feel well and look Kelt. District News VANDERHOOF VANDERIIOOF, B.C.. April .01 The Central British ColMnilf Teachers' Institute, at its annual convention last week In Prince George, elected officers as follows for the ensuing year: honorary president. W. O. Gamble; president, F. G. Cook: vice-president, T. S. Carmlchacl; secretary-treasurer, L, O. Curtis; executive, Miss Betty Lamb, Miss Dora Jamieson,, Miss Mary Cv Welch. C. McGuinj and Gordon Hall. Harry Bowman, colonization re presentative of the Canadian Na tional Railways, Prince George, and S. S. Phillips, district agriculturalist, spoke jast Saturday afternoon to local persons Interested In the Calf Club. It has been ruled that only those of whom the government agent at Fort Fraser has a record can go to l work under the present relief plan. Mrs. Norman Williams is beginning to show signs of improvement : following a very serious illness. I The provincial department of I public works has been gravelling ! certain sections of the highway In i the Fort Fraser district. I The local office buildings of the provincial department of public j works haver been newly painted and present a much more attractive Mrs. A. II. Fltzpatrick and Mrs. II. W. Stokes entertained at a delightful bridge party last Thursday afternoon fit the home of the for mer. The Ladies Aid Society held a meeting yesterday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Lamb. A meeting of the Women's Auxiliary of the Canadian Legion was held on Tuesday afternoon of this week at the heme of Mrs. A. E. Dennett. 1 " "Coon." the only Newfoundland dog in this part of the country and the property of Dr. W. Ross Stone, was drowned In the Nechako River last Friday. Season's play of the Vanderhoof Badminton Club concluded with an interesting tournament which was Week-End Specials Crestwood Creamery Butter fCc 3-lb. brick VO Alberta Rose Flour at-ill. sack Malkin's Best Teal-lb. pkg Aunt Dinah Mollassea 2'a-ib. Un Malkin's Best Orange Marmalade, 22-lb. Jar Ensign Strawberry Jam 4-lb. tin California Ripe Olive 9-ox. tin I Helmet Corn Beef l's I 2 tins Peanut Butter 2-lb. tin ..... Malkin's Best Prunes ! 2-lb. pkg. 'Eggs Fresh Extras 2 doz Australian Sliced Pine apples, 2's, tin Nabob Fancy Corn per tin Ensign Red Pitted Cherries 2's, per tin 8upreme Fresh Coffee I 1-lb. pkg ,Sweet Navel Oranges I 4 dor. . I'lflh Street 70c 40c 25c 30c 50c 20c 35c! 40c 20c 45c 25c 15c 20c 40c 95c Alberta Market P. G AMU LA. Proprietor Phone 208 held last Saturday and Sunday evenings. All the necessary timbers for the new bridge across the Nation River have been skidded, peeled and hewn and parUy framed. The work is being carried out as rapidly as present high water conditions will permit. Burrard Afenue.fpm.JheNech-ako Crcatucry'to thc'blg bridge over the Nechako River has Just been gravelled by the provincial department of public works. Repairs have also been made to the bridge. STEWART Dale L. Pitt, general manager of the Premier Gold Mining Co., ielt last week for a business trip to Vancouver and elsewhere In the south. The search party headed by Provincial Constable L .A. N. Porter-ton, which visited the Outlaws Silver Bar mine camp, which was burled by snow during the put winter, found no trace of Andrew Johnson, missing watchman, despite a careful search thronfh the ruins. It is believed that Johnson was either overcome and burned In the fhmes which are believed 'o have followed the avalanche or else escaped and died of exposure. Mr. and Mrs. II. Wilkinson and familv left lait week for Victoria vrrre Mr. Wilkinson has socurta h position. They sold their home ' M. P. Murphy. Tames Martin returned here Hit week after a visit of somr weks In Vancouver and elsewhere in the u.th. Miss Rita McLean of the Stewart.1 nublic school and Miss Thoma of the Hyder school returned Urt week" after spending the Easter vacation at Miss McLean's home In Prince Rupert. Phone 9S3 Phone 953 De Jongs Cash and Carry Friday & Saturday SPECIALS De Jong's Special Coffee De Jong's Special Tea The 2 lbs. for sunrise Flour First patent, equal to any Q-j OQ per 49-lb. sack 7 Malkin's Best Bartlett Pears 9 Op Kadana Cocoa per 1-lb. pkg. itlng Beach Strawberry Jam. per 4-lb. pall Pink Salmon- l's tall per can Australian Lunch Tongue per 1-lb. tin Ideal Chocolate Bars "lor Malkin's Best Pumpkin sizo 2 Vs. per tin, Canadian Sardine 5 tins for SUNKIST ORANGES Sinnll Size - 3 dozen for Medium Size 2 dozen for Very Large Slse 2 dozen for 24c 39c 9c 24c 15c 14c 25c 69c 65c 85c Free Delivery on Orders- of $2.00 or over Typewriters FOR RENT Call or IMionu 6 McRAE RRO., LTD. Twenty Years Ago In Prince Rupert April 7, 1913 A great deal of mining machinery is being assembled here for shipment this spring over the railway to the HazeJton district. Thi Royal Standard Is one of the properties in that district which will be operated on a large scale this year. Bishop F. II. DuVernct, in a letter to the Daily News, asks, if the city council closes the grocer ,' stores at 7 p. m., why should Unbars be allowed to remain opei until 10 p. m. ' Prlnt Rupert ladles hao a beautiful Easter Sunday on whlcl to display their new array. It wa raining on Saturday and is raining again today but Easter Sunday could not have been finer. C.N.R. TRAINS Mondays. Wednesdays and Fridays 3 p.m. From the East Tuesdays. Thursdays and Saturdays . 10:40 am A good idea kept to yourself is worthless; passed on to others it becomes a valuable asset. Wednesday & Thursdai TWO SHOWS 1 and 9 ADMISSION 15c & He's Human Dynamite William Powell in "HIGH PRESSURE" With Evelyn Brent & GeorJ Sidney. A satire on modcri business slick tock promnt. ers and fast-stepping ladirj, Comedy "GIGOLETTES" Color Scenic "PEASANTS PARADISE Screen Sons "Kitty From Kansas City'' FOX NEWS Feature Starts at 7:50 J:j THURSDAY MATINEE at !.3 Feature Starts 3:20 15c & 3j FRIDAY & SATURDAY "SHANGHAI EXPRESS" READ THIS GRATEFUL MOTHER'S LETTER "With roy taut baby " write, Mr.. WlllUm MeUan of EW. "nl I have a family of eight children. I w., onr tble to nurM him fat bout four moniha, and then naturally turned to Eagle Brand t bring him along. He was a normal infant all the way, but alter Mamng him on Lagle Brand be gave me little or no trouble, sleep-Ing euUrlr between ferdinit. and grew to be aueh a happy, contented little fellow. He cut hit teeth without difficulty and hi. net had a ik:1 day wnre. Wherever I go. people admire hire and mt What a lovely baby, and ak roe how 1 (red him. Eagle Brand it Highly thought of In our home, and I recommend it to every mother aeekmg a eetiafactory food for Iter infant Etrry photograph end UtUr pubUshri by tht Roritn Compmy u ivlunttrtlj tout u by a greil parent or other rrUtnt. FREE! Wonderful Baby Booklet! The Borden Co. Limited. 50 Powell Street, C.W. 7 Vancouver, B.C. Gentlemen: Pleaae tend me free copy of your new 64-paga edition, "Baby Welfare." Aidrtu ai u.im iusm riai u.i b is aBik.i n i n ' a t hj ei h i h i ; :? :: a. .ra. 4 o J prince uupert ladies akk cordially a INVITED TO VISIT THE I Capitol Baby Shoppe m Mrs. Anna Johnson) 2 A larse slock of baby tlilnes and children's clothes may be seen P and it U a pleasure to show them. Yon do not have to buy. HrP In and look thent over. You will be surprised at their bcauly. U have Just the things for that wonderful baby of yours or for your B older children, ' tmm m rmxn rant Hiiii'B.TB m mavm vn n ra wn RUPERT MOTORS Garage and Service Station Distributors, of DODGE AND PLYMOUTH CARS DODGE COMMERCIAL VEHICLES Phone 566 Phone Mxht Calls 161)