THE WEATHER Twenty: four hours ending 6 June wax Ter. 48.5 BAR. 29.751 TEMP 40,0 MIN a, ™., . RAIN THE DAILY NEWS.< Formerly The Prince Rupert Optimist 4a Camosen>~~. Prince George... c Paince R RuPERT, B.C., FRIDAY, JuNE 9, 1911. PRICE FIVE CENTS PRR WHICH WILL BE THE FIRST GOVT. WHARF OR G.T.P. DOCK? LL PASSES THE SENATE COMMIT President Hays Does Not Presume to Criticize the Government, But is Inclined to Put His Money on His Own Horse---Is Pleased With His Trip Over the New Line Which Will be Open to the Public in a Few Days Now---Had Speedy Run Nothing the Railway Board's perm needed now,” Hays just off the said President | trai whirled him along the which i hic narty eatwards how to | known } been started Skeena, ave n¢ service P. along the we can promise Line in Good Shape Mr. Hay well pleased with gre steel under » rintendent Mehan 100 miles for comfort- at eight \ s leave “and as Ww. irrived back nine o'clock. very speedy be wift handling in Line to Visited Govt. Dock On Wedne fternoon Mr (,overn- of Mc- ked what he emte rprise president Well, I number Sane ot dy to be several But they seem ther slowly. ving a hard} | dock it will have to go some.” | 9.15 a.m. problem to get a place pile and every pile in its place.” “As a man accustomed to seeing construction work done on a large scale, how do you think they are getting along with the wharf, Mr. | Hays?” “Well, of course it's not for me to criticise,’’ remarked Mr. Hays with a twinkle “but they seem to be in his eye, getting on rather slowly. Of course they have diffi culties. These great piles are tremendously hard to handle | understand.” Race the Dry Dock “Which ready first, be Hays, the Govern- do think will Mr. ment wharf or the dry dock?” you Grand Trunk “‘Now that's rather a question,” said Mr. Hays with a decided smile. ‘I shouldn't venture to try and show the Government how to do their work but do you know I fancy shall give that Government wharf quite rather we a run for its money when we get our dry dock going ahead. The wharf has had a long start but if it is to be complete before our for every | | | Vancouver 9, Portland 0; for- feited. Spokane 10, Seattle 5 Tacoma 6, Victoria 3. National League St. Louis 4, Boston 2. New York 4, Pittsburg 3. Chicago 4, Brooklyn 1. Philadelphia 8, Cincinnati 4. American League STRIKE IS IS SERIOUS Chicago 7, New York 2. Detroit 8, Philadelphia 3. (Canedi fess Despatch Washington 3, Cleveland 2. « ‘ an SS L/espe “ny ‘ . Vancouver, June 9.—At last St. Louis 11, Boston 5. trouble and intimidc‘ion have bro Pacific Coast League | ° ‘ atte > Ve " ken out in the city over the| Oakland 2, Vernon 7. . 4 F Bo orn riage tang, D lcarpenters’ strike Yesterday af- Sacramento 5, ‘Frisco 2. ternoon while the foreman in ine charge of a number of non-union . Treansforming Store men at work on an apartment Within a few weeks time the block in South Vancouver, was at Acme Clothing Company, Second work, he was seized and brutally |@Venue, announce they will have IGeaten by a bang.of men p a model store. New electric é n ) a gang o » RB ky 58s ; parently strike sympathizers. An light fittings have been installed apprentice who went to his aid and the store e went will be ablaze of brilliant light. .The was also injured. Threw Him off Veranda Peterson was on th veranda of the house at the time, and the gang threw him off the veranda to the ground. While on the ground one of the men hit him over the head with a piece of scantling. The police are endeav- oring to locate the guilty parties sfring them to trial Conciliation Fails The civic conciliation committee appointed the city met this morning with a delegation of the but little progress The men as the while by council trades unions, was made. a ¢ losed shop of insisted on basis settlement, Members of the Fraterna! Ord- er of Eagles are requested to} meet at their hall, Helgerson| Block, on Friday, June 9th, at| to attend the funeral of the late brother, J. L. Cormier. | lin of the Empire is to be ings 0 BUILD SHIPS | AT SYDNEY N.S. | " British-Canadian Ship- | luilding and Dry Dock Com-| Pany is Organized for Canada n Pre s Despatch) 0.—-Information cre of the formation bi i called the ry 1 oD ~hipbuilding and Panized wics At has been 1,000 vi capital of $10,- hairmay " Henry Pellitier is Ards my ; re ol the new dney Ny lock will be at TE he ted +} | ( hat the company ior vegssles for the Where to Go IPRESs Ty TEATRE, Ktures g Second Ave, ; AJR 8nd Music 80 pom ? STI ; ve Picture THEATR E, Third Ave: HENTY. py) eR) 7.80 pp , “AA TY ; p.m. pues ber IRE, Second Aveuue; ORT Music, 7,80 p.m. s “Kiting 9 —— Avenue; Roller =lof Wales. WEEN MARY WILL BUY REAL DIAMOND GARTER und of Over $60,000 Contributed by the Loyal Mary’s| Spent on Charity, a Diamond Garter, and Some Oil Paint- | Canada Topped List (Canadian Press Despatch) London, June 9.—-Today Queen | Mi ary was presented with a cheque for over 12,500 pounds, subse ribed | for in small sums by her loyal namesakes throughout the Empire a Coronation gift $35 000 from Canada as Canada topped the list of con- tributions from the overseas Dom- inions, with a total contribution of $35,000. The contri- butions, were of course from Great Britain. Will Buy a Garter Most of the money will be ex- pended in charity, but a portion of it will be devoted to the pur- chase of a diamond insignia garter, and for oil portraits of his Ma- jesty King George and the Prince The announcement of the similar fund from the Georges of the Empire for his Majesty has not yet been made known. largest Fresh Flowers consignment of fresh received tomorrow morning on the Prince George. The Arctic Studio, Law-Butler A big flowers will be lialities of the j opened by Mrs. Shrubsall on Ful- | te m street, only the contractors equally firm are their declaration for an open shop They say they parties to any settlement which discriminates against non-unionists | They only concession they will to discrim- make inate against trade unionists. is to offer not Pot lobe of all kinds, candies ind refreshments are | fruits spec- nice new store just in Mack Realty Bulid jing. PAPKE STILL CHAMPION |Defeated Sullivan Today in a Fight for the World's Cham-| pionship. (Canadian Press Despatch) London, Papke, American middleweight champion, today defeated Sullivan, the Eng- June 9. the lish title-holder, in the ninth round |: for the world’s cham- Papke won handily. of a battle pionship. Trowt Fishing Made easy by wearing our Muk Get them and catch trout.— Froud & Co, hats. Scott, will not be} Otters etter BASEBALL SCORES Jp coms rs sere siaiomsinuiee Northwestern League present fittings are to be replaced useful and artistic by more ones. The Acme Company are going to handle the leading lines of goods among which will be Slater Shoes. RECIPROCITY UP AT WASHINGTON Bill Passes Senate Committee by 10 to 4 with Root’s Amend- ment Added. (Canadian Press Despatch) Washington, June 9.—Today the Canadian reciprocity bill was de- for consideration by States Senate. The today clared ready the United Finance committee voted 110 to 4 the bill Tuesday without any recommenda- with Senator Root’s added to the effect paper and mill to report next tion, and amendment that wood pulp, board shall not be admitted free of duty the the United States from Canada until these products from Province are permitted free of duty this country into every of Canada. The opponents of the measure are hoping to divide the Senate on the = wood amendment. Bacnothins Special Just arrived, the best America | ce an produce in ladies velvet pumps. | |Get a pair today.—Scott, Froud &}. ICo., the maine shoe store. | tates of Tailoring The fellows who are to the fore in style and go-ahead spirit wear Brand Clothes—as There is snap 20th Century a natural thing. to the design, an exclusiveness to the fabric, a perfection to the} | Alderman tailoring that make a man glad he is wearing them.—Sloan and Com- | pany, Sixth street. || CITY SURRENDERS FIGHT TO KEEP THE BAYS OPEN Ald Smith Dictates a Letter to the Ottawa Counsel, Ordering That the City’s Opposition be Withdrawn from the Railway Board --No Harbors Will be Left for the Small Craft---All are in- cluded in Phrase ‘From Mile 0 Westerly.” “I am instructed by the City Council of the City of Prince Rupert to inform you that the City of Prince Ru- pert does not intend to take any further steps to push the protest filed by the City against the Pacific application for the approval of their plans for railway ex-|sa tension from Mile 9 wester- ly” Above is the letter dictated by Alderman Smith to the City Clerk to be forwarded to the Minister of Railways at Ottawa Alderman Smith’s motion this letter be sent, by Alderman Clayton, by the council. struggle, however. Battle for Bays Three aldermen did Rupert of harbors for the quito fleet.’ They were and Alderman Hilditch. Hays Creek to Seal Cove battle raged. One defenders of the Newton s a spell. Alderman Hilditch put} up a vigorous fight, and Alderman | Douglas got in a whack or two. But with skillful word play D’Arey Tate pursued the defenders, and determination by the by one shaken in discouragements of the City Soli- citor the trio relinquished their stand. Hays Creek Closed In view of the dry dock and} other works to go ¢ head at Hays| Creek the bay there must be closed. Alderman Newton wan ted | to know how the water was to| get out. Mr. D'Arcy Tate saic a culvert was planned. It would be impossible, he told Alderman Newton to make this culvert big enough to let small craft through, Cow Lay and Cameron Cove it was agreed by the council would have to be filled up. But} the three aldermen mentioned put up a good fight to save Seal Cove. Mr. D'Arcy Tate said that Seal Cove was to be left open mean- | time. “No Further Steps”’ “The use of the phrase further steps’ -shuts us aff al- together from protesting,” |} Alderman Hilditch. IN THREE MONTHS—F ROM WHEN? : It has been understood that the agreement made with the Grand Trunk Pacific officials, within three months. anxious for a railway payroll in the city. CLAUSE 8.- CLAUSE 9.— of a first class hotel, etc.” CLAUSE l4.- Building, Third avenue. “The parties But this is what the agreement says: “The Railway company will within a period of three months from the date of ratification of this agreement by the Legislature, commence the erection of its works within the city limits, consisting, etc.” “The Townsite Co, will, within a period of two years from the date of ratification of this agreement by the Legislature, commence the erection provided for the starting of work at machine shops, round house, station building, etc., That has been the chief consideration to merchants and workmen . . . + doing all things necessary to obtain such ratification at the NEXT SESSION OF THE SAID LEGISLATURE.” The next session of the said Legislature ‘vill be February and March 1912, Grand Trunk; Railway Company's that was seconded and carried Not without a make a stand_for the preservation to Prince “mos- Alder- man Neéwton, Alderman Douglas, From the the bays gave way- tood firm for | said | Since then repeated rumors of the | “ox : bank's difficulties have =/ to announce a suspension. ‘You can protest again,” said City Solicitor Peters. “We are not proposing any development at Seal Cove at pres- ent,” said Mr. D’Arcy Tate. “When we do, we will send the plans intended to be filed and lapis can protest again.” “We agree that Cow Bay and Hays Creek must be filled up,’ id Alderman Hiiditch, ‘but we want Seal Cove.” “I object to a protest being lodged against plans which are not filed,”’ said Mr. Tate. ‘There is time enough for a protest when the plans are filed.”’ The City Solicitor to Alderman Hilditch. ‘You have no right to protest against plans which are not filed. That will prevent you from protesting afterwards if you want to.” Mr. D’Arcy Tate: “If we in- tend further development we sub- mit plans before filing. We are bound to do so by the Railways Act.” Alderman Hilditch: “It is no use filing plans after the work has been done, and the places are filled up.” The City Solicitor: ‘I think President Hays will agree to write me a letter to the effect that these plans will be filed.’ | Mr. Hays: “Certainly. lwords to the effect that abide by the*law.”’ Remove Protest so Far “Might we not simply agree to remove the protest to works ‘n other I will as far as Overlook street? said’ Alderman Newton. ““No,”’ replied Mr. D’Arcy Tate, “that would leave a document on file with the Minister of Rail- ways which is a protest. That is what we want to get rid of. If you want to protest again next week you can do it.” Mayor Manson: ‘‘What would be wrong with withdrawing the present protest, and then writing next week saying we desired to be communicated with should the Railway Company want to carry on development at Seal Cove?”’ Alderman Douglas: “But Seal Cove is almost closed up already.” Alderman Smith: ‘‘Seventy-five feet of it is left open.” Alderman Hilditch: ‘Might I ask Mr. Hays if he has any in- tention of closing up this opening?” Mr. Hays: ‘Not the slightest, Mr. Hilditch. You have the idea that you are giving away rights that you may need later. This you cannot possibly do because we are bound by law to supply you with plans before we go on with future development.”’ The motion was carried after Mr. Hays had suggested that he should write a letter to the aty council to the effect that he would do no development until plans were submitted to the city council. The letter was filed by the City Clerk. Alderman Clayton: ‘‘In other words Mr. Hays, you will write a letter agreeing to keep the law.” LONDON BIRBECK BANK SUSPENDS ITS PAYMENTS || Financial Troubles ‘Fieve Dement Dogged “Its Footsteps Since the Run Made on It Last Fall—Deficiency May Come up to $3,750,000—Official Re- | ceiver is Now in Charge (Canadian Press Despatch) | London, June 9.—The Birbeck | Bank, of the older British |S ancial institutions with head joffices in High Holborn has sus- |pended payment, and an official one receiver is now in charge. Adverse rumors have caused |the present troubles. Last fall these rumors were afloat, and a nO} run was made on the bank which the directors met and _ survived. caused it $1,875,000 Short The directors in statement announce that the deficiencies are a CAPTAIN SEARS IS ACQUITTED Jury After Five Minutes Bring in a Verdict of Not Guilty of Manslaughter Charge. (Canadian Press Despatch) Victoria, June 9.—After being out but five minutes, the jury which has heard the case of Captain Sears charged with man- slaughter, brought in a_ verdict of not guilty. Sears was master of the steamer Iroquois, which was wrecked off $1,875,000 on a total liability of |Sidney harbor on April 10th. The $34,280,000, but the sctuarities|lives of twenty-five passengers who are at work on the books|were lost. The charge was made think the total deficiency will/that Sears left for the shore total nearer $3,750,000, without doing all he could to save enema eae. ate re the passengers. He was arrested Fashion's Whims and charged with manslaughter. It takes more than cloth to make clothes like those we illus- trate. It takes, * 7 first of all, taste and with Fashion's whims, and, right thing or nothing.- Company, Sixth street, of all, a disposition to make the |expression. Sloan and|smartness, distinctiveness.—Sloan Bench-Tailored Clothes * 20th Century Brand bench-tail- skill, then a lot of experience,and|ored garments for men are the intimate and daily acquaintance | product of men who know what last | correct style is and how to give it They radiate snap jand Company, Sixth street, we he ogee i j é 4