f 'i fa i St- " '! v PAGE FOUR Tnt DAILY NEWS .Cr. i N ews o: me Soort World U ii B a v If? MANY JAPS WH1C0ME Delegation of 202 Coming From . Flowery Kingdom For Los ' ; Angles Olympiad LOS ANGELES, Feb. 1: Two hundred and two athletes in many lines of sport will represent Japan at the forthcoming Olympic Games here, it is announced here. This is the largest delegation that Japan has ever sent to the Olympic Games, high cost of transportation to European cities where previous games have been, held having in the past proven a handicap. SKATING AND CURLING AT END OF WEEK Ice skating was a very popular diversion In Prince Rupert over the week-end. The ice sheets at Morse Creek and the Salt Lake were in excellent condition and, on Sunday especially, large crowds were to be seen at both. The Salvage Princess made three trips to the Salt Lake with skaters yesterday afternoon. The curlers were also busy yesterday afternoon on the ice sheet In the C. N. R. hotel excavation on Second Avenue and had a good day's sport. COLD SNAP CONTINUES Although a ruddy and cloudy sky was taken by some today as an Indication of an impending change, the Digby Island meteorological station at 9 o'clock did not predict a change for today at least, In weather conditions which have brought to Prince Rupert during the ia '. few days the coldest snap of the present winter and the lowest thei -1 momecer readings in three years i The wind was still in the northeast ! quarter this morning and the baro-j meter was remaining high and! steady as it has done for several i days. Yesterday morning at 4 o'clock, ' the lowest thermometer reading in Prince Rupert since. February 1929 1 was recorded when the officii'.'. j thermometer at Digby Island) touched 12 degrees above zero rj 20 degrees of frost. Numerous water j pipes in the city were touched by, frost Saturday night and Sunday j morning and the services of nlum-1 ben were much in demand. Coal I piles also diminished rapidly as householders stoked their furnaces and heaters. In February 1939 a reading of n above cero was recorded. TWO BOYS AREKURT Slelgh-Kldlng Accident In North Vancouver Last Night NORTH VANCOUVER, Feb. 1: Two boys, one afed 10 and the other 14, are in hospital suffering from Injuries while bobsleighing late yesterday afternoon One suffered concussion of the brain and the other two broken ribs. There were six young people on the s!oigh. Tennis players have found thai lashes is an excellent protection it might be helpful for wrc HOCKESCORES NATIONAL LEAGUE Sunday Scores Montreal 2, ijew York Americans New York Rangers 3, Chicago 0. Saturday Scores Detroit 3, Canadlens 4. New York Rangers 3, Toronto 6. Jetmny Colao. fifteen years old held midwest horseshoe pitching contest for two years. He has a record of tossing 35 consecutive ringers and has scored 85 ont of a hundred in a title mc;t. A Captains Polo Team - h- ! L if Richard Mellon, captain of U-.e Black Fox Military Academy polo n am. as he appeared when he led his team to victory over the Big Oaks squad et Santa Monica, recently BOY SCOUTS ARE FORMED Five Patrols in Troop Which Has Just Been Organized at Smilhers SMITH ERS, Feb. l:-VThe Boy Scouts have been organized here with five patrols under leadership of D. Foster, M. McNeill. UL Bam-for. F. Watson and D. Bftnchard. II. Quick was elected troopUeader. H. Darling jr. Is Booutraatter. Search For Boy Hikers Posse Formed at Wheeler, Ore, Look For Quartet of Young Hikers coating of mascara on the eye-a gainst the sun's glare and it tiers and boxers, who knows? Toronto 14 5 Canadlens 12 S Americans 11 6 Maroons 8 6 to WHEELER, Ore., Feb. I : A posse was organized here yesterday to institute a search for four boy hikers who left here for the mountains on Saturday morning and failed to return. It is feared they might "have been caught in deep snows. Hockey Standing! International Division W. l). L P. 10 33 13 29 12 28 16 22 American Division Rangers 18 5 8 41 Chicago .10 10 0 30 Detroit 12 4 15 28 Boston 8 9 10 23 1 Whist Schedule February 4 Orotto vs. Legion. .Sons of Norway vs. I.O.O.F. Mu'skeeters vs. Seal 'Cove. Totem Park vs. Fish Packers. Empress vs. Moose. With a falrtSlaUi ilst of pas?u-gcrs. Union steamer Cutali. A. E. Dickson, arrived tn port at 3 o'clock last evening from Vancouver ana waypolnU and soiled at 9 p.m. for Anyox, Stewart and other i northern ports whence she will return here tomorrow afternoon southbound. ft I 1 ft It ! ,'' ' . : CANADIAN K17GUY TEAM IS BEATEN . : OSAKA. Japan, Feb. 1: The Japanese players putting over drcat try In the last minute, an all-Japanese team defeated the Canadian English rugger- ites by a score of 9 to 3 here on Sunday. It was the first defeat for the touring Canadian team. DELAY IS ADVOCATED Fish Buyers Request Halibut Boat Owners Not to Start Fishing. Operations Until March Fish dealers have requested owners of halibut boats, on account of market conditions, to delay the start of this year's fishing operations until March 1 instead of going out for the legal opening of the season on February 15. Word is being awaited as to what is being done at Seattle and other coast ports before the local boat owners come to decision. STARTING INSURANCE Asa Keyes, Former Los Angeles Dis- ' trict Attorney, to Start Bail Insurance Keyes, former district attorney for Los Angeles, who has been engaged In selling automobiles since his release several months ago from San Quentln Penitentiary where -he served time for accepting bribes, is about to open a ball insurance busi ness. ICOLD WAVE IN STATES i .Mls. ry of Mississippi Valley Flood Sufferers it Added (o Below Zero at Chicago j NEW ORLEANS. Feb 1:--Adding Uirtli M to the nteery of d-vellers in I the Mississippi Valley following re-j cent flood conditions, a cold wave dercwdeti on the country at the end of the week. Belor rero temperatures were re ported from Chicago and the Middle West while frigid gales were lashing the Atlantic seaboard. JUDD TFJAL PROCEEDING llasband to Be. Called as Witness In F.ffort to Prove Woman's Insanity - PHOENIX. Aria.. Feb. 1:-The trial of Mrs. Winnie Ruth Judd. who is charged with the murder of her two former friends, Agnes Lerol and Hodvlnt; Satnuelson. resumed today after several days adjournment ow ing to nines of jurors. It was Intimated that the accused woman's hustmnd would be called as a defence witness and would reveal Intimate secrets of his married life to prove Mrs Judd's insanity. Lumberman Dead; Pioneer of Province jJohn J. Urcuhart Passed Away In wncotiver Saturday at Age of Seventy-Eight ( t i - VANCOUVER. Feb. 1: - John I John? on Uiriul'art, aged 78 one of 'British ColtttfeitfVs pioneer lumber-I men. (Hcd' hrt Saturday night. ' Merely routlnfl b,jstn,,ss was drain with UuV momlnH at the resnhr monthly meeting of the Prince Rupert Ministerial Association in Pint United Church. Rev. W. D. Grunt Hollingwortht president, was in tho chair, there being a good a'.ten- datice of members. V.1NCOUVKK ItUKW KHIKS I.I MIT ID llrru-m ami llotllm of DUTCH GIRL, CASCADE, U.B.C. BOHEMIAN L.ger Been, OLD COUNTRY ALE snd CREAM STOUT I Suptort th W.f, trrrnriif rnt n campaign urpinj tlir prpl - h(U$ I WIJ.C. t l iWi B.f.. Indhttrlr ly cmifinihf tlirir iHirehatri In tt.C I'rmlurl. In lti liri tUm (ofulinn tn thr unfmphtrtnrnt problem. me. huiiw wfiet tf on huii 0 T BEER WHAT eterylxHi) wunts to ftee In Hritisli Columl.ia riIit huh Ii uinrc riuployiucnt! Ami though you may le uuMt to "Kive" employmrnt ynu fM certainly "crmfe" emplovincnl Ly "buying B.C. IVo.IucIk!" Eery time you purchnM; a Iwtlle of I'lLSENEU HE EH you urc fciiV. ing employntrnl for B.C. work, men . . . helping to keep your fellow citizens from joining the ranks of the unemployed! Therefore, when you huy lifer, insist on PILSENEK 1JEEH and keep B.C. eitieiiH nt work! riLSENEIt REEH i the ROYALTY of heera . . . the king-pin of all heer. in QUALITY nml PIRITYI i --Ilreim! and Bottled by VANCOUVER BREWERItf Limited rri.i j. ; . . i t t. w. y-i i . -t mm auvmuTiiiL'ni i uoi puoiisneu or urspi iyea ny uie liquor coniroi lioani oroju liovernnient of the rrovince of British Columbia. "Nero riildlwl vhHo Homo hurncd. Todny many men fiddle vlth nuincroiiR nUken of tobacco in the quest for a perfect Binokc. With me, the qucMtioti of tohncco is a "hurning" one nnd, hh it is human nature to pass a good tip on, I am glad to ay that I have found in Turret pipe tohncco n cool mellow and fragrant nmokc, nt infy ing and Boollting . . which meting everything to a Hinoker" PIPE TESTED by a DRUGGIST JDi, Wanttnt pmcktfrt -alio In iri''' uimMor tint i - w r I . m. j MmMmmi m T O IK A r c1 0 d good, cool smoke Pipe tested Turret 'Jtne rut or thott who roll their otrn Do you read Ihc classified advertisements I