.itu"rday, January 6, 1932 . , cn . Lw box i , Jr,.nervt? Price 50c a Nerve Pflla I heavier than ROWNTREES BUTTERSCOTCH CRISPETTES 50c per lb. Ormes Lid. yift Pioneer Druqeyists THE REXALL STORE Phones 81 and 82 Third Ave. and Fulton St. H. S. OLSEN Five years' apprenticeship at the Royal Danish Watchmaker School at Copenhagen, then 12 years abroad working In the big cities of Europe. AH Mail Orders Promptly Attended to. Prices Reasonable. TERRACE, RRITISII COLUMRIA UNION STEAMSHIPS SrE tAI WINTER EXCURSION PARSS. Effective November 1M (O0ud .. February 39. 1933. FEDt'CED FIR8T-OLA38 RZTtrRN PARKS. Prom PRINCE RUPERT I' luclliig Meata and Bmn) To Vancouver and Victoria 10.00 rrt. TO 1'RINCI RUPERT (Inrludlne Utli and BrUi r m OCEAN FALLS 11.3 rat. Prom ANYOX lit 45 ret Ft.,ii STEWART lTO rrt fy. ,o.r. leave Prince Rupert lor Vancouver FVE;:Y TUESDAY 140 pjn (8. CATALA) t" EH Y FRIDAY MIDNIGHT (8 Si'OARDBNA.l F ... ,!.: rotation. reaervat:one and ticket from R M 8UITJI. Prince Rupert Arrnrt. Nnund At nine. Thane 6fit Cut Down Prices on STOVE WOOD II, II or 16-inch lrmth DRV SPRUCE and CEDAR GREEN HEMLOCK ALDER and JACKP1NE Cedar Filings and Radio roles N. Carlson & J. Fiostrand Telephone Green 5S6 Sharp Paint li His Heart Nerves In lad Condition Mr. Fred J. Chute, Thomson Station NS En'1 Pill" with wonderful lWJed result. WslleaT? and" nSi My hwt would beat so fat J would have to at down when at work chopping in the wood my W WheU 1 W0UU1U down Ut PRINCE RUPERT Likes the Best! Prince Rupert merchants say that their customers like to buy goods of the best quality. They arc a discriminating people. If there are any Prince Rupert people not taking the Daily News regularly we suggest that they arc making a mistake in not taking the best. The price is now so low that it is a mistake to do without the paper that circulates throughout the district. Call up the Daily News business office and ask that the boy call and collect. 10c. Weekly Commence Getting the Paper .v- Tomorrow Early Ad. Copy wer V in a Tery condition to u 0f MoWs Hrt S feel jurt fine, and am fourteen pound I have been for yean." EUROPEAN EXPERT WATCHMAKER FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE We maintain a day and night service. Our garage is open from 8 a.m. to 1 ajn. You will like our service Please try it KAIEN MOTORS LTD. Telephone 52 is appreciated Local Items Note our coal ad for discount prices. Hyde Transfer. Pone 580. j (tf) , vcrHs9-"2m ' ''tJagles'lftpfliSidly, Jan.! 22. &enUmedtf7Tkdles,refresh- j ments. Dancing" 9:3Q toUciJO. j Miss It. tone, who has been a? the Inlander Boarding House sailed last night on the Cardena for Vancouver. Alberta Sootles Egg, Jll.OO'; Tclkwa Lump, $12.50; ,Nanaimo- . Wellington Lump, :$13.5u. .Phone HG.or 117 Albert 81 McCaffery. George' 6. Mitchell, who has been on a brief trip to Prince George returned to the city from the in terior on this morning's train. Capt. Ruby Steele and Lieut. Agnes Coxson of the Salvation Army returned to the city on this morn ing's train after having spent the week visiting at Cedarvale. Union steamer Cardena, Capt Andrew Johnston, arrived in. port at 5:30 last evening from the south and sailed at midnight on her re turn to Vancouver and waypolnts. C.N.R. steamer Prince John, Cap tain Neil McLean, is due in port at 4 o'clock this afternoon from Van couver via Queen Charlotte Island points. The vessel will sail Mon day on her return south over the sume route. DDD a sluggish pimply ' skin needs its tonic action An active fluid that cleanses the tis sues of unsiditlr impurities, hkln sufferers clve this treatment a tet hoothinp, cooling, heallnc a remark able a cent. W. J. McCUTCHEON. DRUGGIST ORMES LTD. Two young boys yesterday picked up on the street a purse contain log $24.00. They turned the! find over into the police and later rMred a substantial reward front the owner. Radio broadcasting station CFC , V of Calgary read a teleeram message last night from Mr. and Mrs. F. A. MaoCallum of this city Nine minutes after a telegram had been sent from here. ther was acknowledgement of Its re oelpt by the station annourcer. Announcement Prlrce Rupert Badminton Club Dance, I.O.D.E. Hall, January 15. Moose Whist and Bridge Jan. 15. Eagles' Social Ha nee January 22. Gentlemen 50c. Ladles refreshments. Presbyterian Burns Banquet Jan uary 38. C.N.R. annual dance will b held In Moose Hall Friday, Febru ary 5, 1932. Moose Valrntinr Dancr Feb. 12 FROM SAINT 0IIN AND HALIFAX To Glasgow-Belfast-Livcrpool (Jan. Ifl, xPeb. 13 .MellU Jan. M. Feb. 19 Montcalm sJan. W. xFcto. 26 Monttlai Feb. i, Mar. 4 Montreal x Oblla at Olaaftow Liverpool only. To Cherbourg-Southampton Hamburg Aprt' 1 Montcalm Ajrfl 31 Montclarc from S'i;y, , I'ORic , , , ' To Clicrboui;i!:-outlianinqr(. t,, April 9 Emprem ol Britain From VANC'OI VF.U uikI YI('TOIil To llannll-Jupiiii-riilnii-riilllplnr xJan, 18. Mr 36. . .Emp of Ituss: xJan. SO x Apr. 8. ...Emp. of Japan Feb S7, Apr. 23 . . Fmprene of Ak xMar. IS. xUty 7.. . Emp. ol Oarvadi xCalla at Honolulu. Aonl? to Atenta everywhere or J. J. FOK3TKR 8trmantp Oenl. Pas. Atent OP R. Station. Vancouver. Telephone Trinity list TEE DAILY NEWS PAQB THREE FOR HEAD Baptist Church Tea Jan. 21. Glasses fitted by reglttercd optometrist at Heilbroner's store. Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Valde, who have been on a holiday visit to Winnipeg, returned to the city on this morning's train. Buy Bulkley Valley Coal Thr better Coal. General meeting of Basketball Association, city hall, Monday 7:45, Local Fresh Eggs, 3 doz. for a, Dollar. Fiizzcll's. 7 C. B. Flewln of Port Simpson sailed last night on the Cardeni for a trip to Vancouver. P. R. Pioneers' Assn. will hold Its annual meeting in the City Hall. Monday at 8 p.m. John Anderson of Seal Cove Wt on yesterday afternoon's train for a trip to Winnipeg. T. W. Brown of Williams. Man- son. Brown it Harvey sailed last night on the Cardena for a trip to Vancouver on legal business. Mrs. M. McMeekin, who has been paytne a visit with friends here left on yesterday afternoon's trai tor Calgary. read a-teleanrfrtfrtiE; Smith of Prince Rupert, expressing appre elation of the broadcast of an old time program. 11 W. Chambersaccountant of Inverness cannery, who has been holidaying in Victoria, arrived herefrom the south on the Cardene last evening. Rev. and Mrs. W. H. Pierce ut Port Bstlngton are paying a brie? visit to the city, having arrived from the Skeena River yesterday afternoon. R. M. Benson of Queen Charlotte City, who has been spending a holiday In Vancouver, arrived In the city from the south on the Cardena last evening and will sail on the Prince John Monday for the Islands. The Chamber of Commerce la: night received a resolution tion the Alice Arm Chamber of Mines endorsing the stand taken by Prince Rupert in regard to the lode line on this coast. A suitable re play will be sent to the Chamber. Steamship Sailings For Vancouver-Tuesday ss. Catala. 1:30 pjn Thursday ss. Pr. Rupert 10 p.rr Friday -ss. Cardena. midnight Jan. 17 ss. Princess Mary . pjn. Jan. 21 -ss. Princess Mary .. p.m. From Vancouver-Sunday ss. Catala p.n- Wed. ss. Pr. Rupert.... 10:30 a.m Friday- m. Cardena p.m, Jan. 13 ss. Princess Mary . pjn. Jan. 27 ss. Princess Mary .. pjn. For Naas River and Port Simpson-Sunday ss. Catala . 9 pn From Naas River & Tort Simpson-Tuesday ss. Cutala .,li;30 ajn For Stewart and An) ox-Sunday ss. Catala ...9 p.m. Wednesday ss. Pr. Rupert 4 p.m From Stewart and A ny ox-Tuesday ss. Catala J..ll:30 a.m. Thurs. ss. Pr. Rupert 8 p.m From Ocean Fails-Wed. ss. Pr Rupert ....10:30 ajn. Friday ss. Cardena p.m Jan. 13 ss. Princess Mary :. p.m. Jan. 27 ss. Princess Mary .. p.m. For Ocean Falls-Tuesday ss. Catala ... 1:30 p.rr. Thursday bs; Pr Rupert 10 p.m Jan. 17 -ss. Princess Mary p.m. Jan. 31 ss Prinress Mary p.m. 'REPORT IS PRESENTED (Continued from Page 1) with which the white metal Is generally associated. The commensurate development of "these resources holds as its-reward the ultimate in-1 roduction of smelting, refining and manufacturing facilities for these metals and pronounced Industrial expansion of the northwest. This Is of utmost Importance to the welfare of the port of Prince Rupert and every effort should be expended to achieve the materialization of this bountiful heritage. " 'During 1931 development of the larger properties has proceeded actively and ore-reserves of the pro ducing mines have been sustained and additional reserves indicated. Exploration although somewhat curtailed, and operations on some properties suspended, has been en ergetically prosecuted on many properties by both individuals, small companies and large organ! zations, and has resulted in the in dlcation of additional producing mines for the future. With a trend towards healthy conservation cou pled with technical advance, atten tlon is being directed towards the measured development of potential small-tonnage profitable produc ers, particularly those of a gold tenor, which In the aggregate can become Important. 'Important activities In the search .for new gold deposits, both lode and placer, have been a feature of 1931 operations. These have been carried on with sound Judgment, greater geological know ledge, and Improved technical fa- Hitles. The results have byn Ce- cidedly encouraging. In this cate gory of the Industry in the district, the future holds promise not only of sustained gold production, but of an increase with a gradual and sure enlargement of the field. As general industrial stabilizer and an- tldote for depression, no effort should be neglected to bring this' phase of the Industry In the district to substantial fruition. "'During 1931 prospecting has been generally quite active throughout the district, particularly In areas favorable for the dlscovT ery of gold deposits. Several lnu nortant discoveries of gold and base-metal ores have been made, and promising indications of new piacer-goia areas nave Deen iouna " 'During the year substantial as sistance to the mining industry has been rendered by the Department of Mines and. the Department of Public Works in the construction and reconditioning of mining and prospecting roads and trails. New promising territory Is being gradually made accessible to the pros pector and brought within the scope of mining operations. " 'Important advances have been made in geological knowledge of the ore-deposits of the district, that will be of great assistance In the discovery and development of these deposits, and accellerate possible production. "The remarkable fortitude and progress of the mining industry In the northwestern district In the face of the exceptionally adverse conditions prevailing during 1931, augurs a Very bright future. To Prince Rupert, the keypolnt to the Industry in this territory, this achievement should be decidedly encouraging.' district Forester "A. E. Parlow, the district forester, has kindly contributed the following in regard to the timber Industry In the district: "The scale of sawlogs for 1931 was approximately ninety-one million feet board measure, as corn-oared with one hundred and thirty-eight million in 1930, a drop of 34 In volume. Log prices also were considerably lower. The cut on the northern coast fell off less in pro-oortlon than other parts of the pro vince, owing to the market provided by the big pulp mills, The Big Bay Lumber Co. and the Sitka Spruce Mills in Vancouver. Three large operations and a number of small ones were conducted on the Queen Charlotte Islands. " 'Poles and piling scaled 562.500 lineal feet, a big drop from 7,848,877 lineal feet scaled in 1930. None of the larger pole camps operated last season, but small shipments from stocks have continued throughout the year, at unsatisfactory prices. "Three hundred and thirty- eight thousand eight hundred and eighty-four ties were accepted by the C. N. R., as compared with 844,-000 In 1930. Prices paid were 57c, 43c and 25c for No. 1's. 2's and 3's respectively, a reduction of 13c on No. I s, 15c on No. 2's and 5c on No. T' V !." 1 .!!! 3's from the 1929-30 prices, Individual contracts also were much smaller. " 'The production of minor forest products, posts, cordwood, etc., also showed considerable falling off. " 'Nineteen thirty-one has been a year of small demand and poor prices in all lines of the forest Industry, but stocks have been lowered, production costs fined down and any general return of public conjl fldence and resumption of normal business activities should bring an ( Immediate demand for lumber, 1 pulp, poles, ties, etc, Operators, ' large and small, are In a position to ; swing into production as soon as orders are in sight, and as timber 1 is one of our basic industries, em-1 ploying large numbers of men, the reopening of the camps will put money into general circulation, the effect of which will be felt in aU lines of business.' "Insofar as agricultural conditions prevailing during the past year. In the Interior immediately adjacent to our city are concerned, the following notes are gleaned from the annual report of S. S. Philips, district agriculturalist at Smithers: " The advent of 1931 found many farmers destitute of cash, and it was only through the efforts of Farmers institutes that money could be borrowed with which to purchase seed. " 'While the spring was dry, am pie moisture precipitated during the summer which assured moder ate crops. The early dryness en couraged cutworms, these wrought much damage, otherwise there would have been a plenUful harvest "The most Important crop was timothy seed; In all some 125 tons was produced which sold at an av erage of 6'c per pound, f.o.b. ship ping point, purchasers furnishing sacks. " 'Potatoes and root crops yield ed well, but there has been very little demand for them. "There was a shortage of live stock breeding cattle early last vear. Decause 01 me result 01 leea shortage In 1930. necessitating many farmers shipping their cat tle to market. Consequently, liberal advantage has been taken of the Dominion Department of Agricul ture's Free Freight Policy on grade breeding cattle, and the Dominion bull loaning policy which naturally will result in a great improvement in the quality of livestock. " The agricultural Institutes have also sponsored many competitions and provided prizes which has a beneficial effect in raising the status of the industry. '"In the Kltsvmkalum Valley more attention is being given than heretofore to the standardization of fruits most suitable to the climate. "'It is apparent that condition are better among the farmers of the district at this time than they were a year ago. There is an abundance of feed in the district whereas a year ago there was a great shortage. On account of general conditions there is very litUe cash circulating although the marketing of the timothy seed crop will bring considerable money Into the dis trict. Again, there is more farming being done than there was in good times. Farmers who at one time depended on ties for a cash crop are now clearing land and getting down to serious farming. People are more thrifty and the depression through which the country is passing will do a great deal of good In this district by increasing agricultural development.' 'The statistics of the Department of Marine and Fisheries at Prince Rupert, show the following fish catch for 1931, and value in the green state: Pounds Value Halibut 17,114.900 $1,064,921.66 Salmon 49,181,300 1,403,354.00 Black Cod .. 88.700 2.483.10 Hal. Livers 31.500 3.661.56 Herring .... 11,952.900 42,309.10 Red Cod . 8.500 175.52 Ling Cod . 2,900 66.90 Flounders 1,500 105.00 Orey Cod 7.700 77.87 Oulachans 105,900 1.059.45 Crabs 100.400 4.164.10 Shrimps 18,100 1.945.40 Clams 850,600 10.707.00 Abalone ...... 87.000 1,818.00 Pilchards .... 1,960 196.00 Smelts v.. 1.800 108 00 Char .'Li.'. 8,100 612.58 Whiteflsh .... 5,300 264.35 The grand total of halibut land ings at Prince Rupert was 6,939.600 pounds less In 1931. than it was In 1930. This difference Is represen ted almost entirely in American landings. "Poor prices have prevailed for halibut during' 1931, and while the 1930 landings were worth $2,279,-198.80 in the green state, the value For over half century Dr. Chaw' Incv and Liver Pills UAh. ve nroven luccesiful in nromntlv relieving torpid, llue- gith action of the Liver, .Kidney! and Boweb and the legion of ill that ariie therefrom. of the 1931 landings was only $1.- 064,921.00 or a difference of $1,- 214,877.16 a depreciation of more than the 1931 total catch value. "The quantity of salmon packed in 1931, viz. 425,332 cases was 1,- 115,656 cases less than the 1930 pack. But 1930 was an cxtraodin-ary year, while 1931 was an off year, therefore the two years cannot be used for the purpose of comparison. "Custom receipts for 1931 were $122,723.88 as against $201,223.40 In 1930, a drop of $73,49953. "From the foregoing considering all it will be noted that conditions locally are not really in an extraordinarily bad condition. Mining, comparatively speaking Is In good chape; agriculture and livestock Is better than It has been for some time from a production standpoint, although lack of adequate market is felt, which of course is important. The timber industry has been badly affected, but if headway can be made in the export of spruce jiulpwood, this will quickly pick up. "There are Indications that fishing will be better. Salmon packers learned a severe lesson In 1929, which will most likely enable them to take advantage of the large run of fish expected this year. "During the year several matters have received the chamber's consideration and representations have been made on many 0! them. "During the last year we have jecn favored with vUltsby several AportanVpolltlpal," vbuitness and ailroad men. "All were interviewed by committees of the chamber and in some instances the full council, and matters apertainlng to the welfare of the city were discussed with them. "Delegations have proceeded to Ottawa to press our Peace River mtl't and other claims, and also '0 the convention of the Associated Boards of Trade of Central B.C. which was held at Burns Lake." Hotel Arrivals New Royal Hotel THE HOTEL WORTH WHILE Hot & Cold water: Steam Heat 75c. PER DAY AND UP J. Zarelll Telephone tSI Frank McGlbney and A. Jackson Cloyah Bay; J. Madsen, city. Drink More Milk For Fresh Local Milk Phone Red 608 DOMINION DAIRY Wc Car,y a Representative Stock of Popular Car Parts For Prompt Efficient Service Phone 566 RUPERT MOTORS Oarage it Service station Night Calls IC1 'Bay the real Coal onr fa-moiis Edson and Cassldy Wellington In any qoantltles. Alio Bulkley Valley Hay, Grain anJ Robin Hood Flour. Prince Rupert Feed Co PHONES 58 AND S58