it i Friday, January -8, THE 1932 PAGE TWO DAILY NEWS T" ' t n THE DAILY NEWS. MAN POWER U.S. Athletes Are Optimistic tfiiUtiv. Ktii'fefct - British Columbia IS SCARCE ' 'Vj I' .... published ferfy A.'tem.ton, Except Sunday, by-Prince Ftupert. kally :Tews, Limited, Thin. Avenu H. f . PULLEN - - - Managing-Editor Only 15,000 Clergymen In England Now 20,000 Before- War 1" . J City delivery, by" mall or camel; yearly period, paid In advance.... $5.00 For lesser periods, par t Iri advance, per week - 10c By mail to all parts nf Northern and Central' British Columbia,. paid In advance for yearly period - - J-OQ By mall to all other parti of British Coluihtila'. the British Em- hire and United States, bald in advance, per year ............. . Jt uu By mail to all other countries. per year Transient dteplt.y unverilsSni, per.lnch per Insertion Classified advertising, pi.r Insertion, per word I,ocb1 readers, per Insertion, per line Legal notices, each Insertion, per agate" line ..v. Contract late on application;. iiltor and Importers' Telephonr Advertising and' Cfrcofatlorr telephone' Member ol Audit Bureau of Circulations DAILY EDITION WAGES AND THE GOLD STANDARD Editor, Daily News: .86 ..W 1.40 .02 25 .15 Friday, Jan. 8, 1932 IN THE LETTER BOX son with average Intelligence that cultural Income. It is not a question these highly paid soothsayers are of lack of contents in the measure j In the same class as the crystal but the smallneSs of the spoons gazers who' pretend to read the with which the workers sup. Canada course of events by looking Into a wobbles with the weight of corpor- chunk of glass. Some of these men at tons. There is no equal amount of have made the statement that the people In the world attempting to breakdown In the capitalist scheme ry interest On a simitar Comrner- ls caused by Uie carrallng of the HI. financial atid industrial Capl- gold In the Urttted States and tallsatlon. The public's ability to France and tht version- has gained pay and not the costs of the ser- wlde publicity in this country. vice, determine the rate. Despite After 24 years' residence in this Nte Irish falutlh. ballyhoo abodt country, I have yet to see a Cana- service and all that, corporation dlan gold coin in circulation and bwlrnsis In Canada Ws been eort- unleaa my information is incorrect, ducted along the lines of ''All the- T ALL OUR COALS ARE IN A Delivered Ifj taYonV Bin. You are assured in getllnr full weight NO. 1 ALUEKTA EGG Itrg. Price, 12 JO; Tor (fash $11.50 NO. 1 ALBERTA LUMP Keg. Price, $13A0 Cali Prlee UJifr PEMBINA EGO Keg. Price, JU2.VH Cttr Prlrrf . 11.50 Dry Jack IMnc and. Cedar HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 LONDON, Jan. 8 Anglican Bf-shopS at horrid are still worried over the problem of man-power for the Church. Before the war there were 20,009 clergymen at work In Eng-fand. A year after the war finished there were onlV 10,500. At the end of 1929 there were hardly more than 15,000. The Bishop- of Liverpool; Rtr Rev; Dr. Albert David ascribes the dearth Of clergymen partly to the' expense of training. Young men too, behold the clergyman- today burdened wtth continual anxiety about fin ance and engrossed. In email parochial activities. His Lordship points out that not only are young rrien needed for the ministry', but theFe Is also a welcome for men of ma ture yeafs. Indeed" there" was special need today of men who had begun their life in other spheres, and who j had a knowledge and experience of J the world which younger Candidates could not possess. The Bishop of RIpon', ttt. ReV. Dr. tfdward Burroughs, whose dio- long as we have our present faith j cese Includes Leeds, pointed out ta that m tw Pri" land confidence In our paper cur-jtha hinH fwn rieflenrttf nnvo tir nntd til th rency and as an explanation of ex- ' . am ,e 0ne u thousands of Our people As vou ask for letters on tonics !Cuse . . .. M I J of the day I beg to submit the fol- are going arouna out 01 worn ana lowing which I think will be of In- In a state of semi-starvation with-terest to some of your readers. in the shadow of bulging ware-Wages and the Gold Standard ho'iSeS. the plea that America has At the time when the slave civil- grabbed all the gold will not be&r teatlon of the Roman Empire was examination, decaying from internal social dry There Is another" explanation for rot, whenever the oracles of the rul- the destitution found in Canada. It lng class cast a horoscope It was can be found in the reports of the the custom of a host of fawning Bureau of Statistics and unless the sycophants to cry out "It Was the hidden hand of the Soviet has Voice of God." The cycle of time reached this bureau to distort the has carried us to the same point figures to foment discontent, we again and we now have the popu- ; have the key to the problem which lar pfess cumbering their pages ! seems to puzzle our politicians right with the sayings of acquisitive in these blue books. In them we find gentlemen whose only claim to pub- that for every dollar unit produced lift nOtlve Is their ability to main- 1 in values that the actual produc- taln a peon's wages in the labor ers receive in wages and salaries market or to make two shares of 24 cents. Two and a half million stock blossom where one grew be- people engaged In the agricultural fore, and so collect Interest On both, industry In 1928 produced gross va-Much publicity is given ta business lues estimated at $1,730,304,000. soothsayers who with charts, curves This Is equivalent to a purchasing and so-called scientific methods, power of $700 per capita, or around predict that we have reached the $3,500 per agricultural family. This single-handed with 13,000. and in many parishes of 10,600 or over no assistant priest could even be hoped for. days s-hc had., rat been bather-.! by a single" person. bottom or are on the Upturn. An is the problem that seems to need j a Ml Ma BffXl Mi MlWi 'i.Bf inspection 01 the various predic- righting how to pour tne gallon, tions of these oracles during the last j measure of production in the quart i two years must convince the per-, boUle of wages; salaries and agrl-1 GARB0 ON WAY WEST Scrtfn Adr5 Had Splendid Hof May W New Y'nrlcr She- fell Chicago CHICAGO; J'an. 8 On her way back to Hollywood after a visit in New York, oreta Oarbo, notci tcreen actress, told reporters hrc yesterday that she had had splendid holiday. For two whole SUgar Granulated 10 lbs. (Limit, 10 lbs.) rfirtfer Alb'efCi Creamery per ib. flour ild Rose Pastry per fu-tb. cotton sack . Jelly Powders Malkln a Best, per pkg. no person, business or Industry In traffic will bear." And" with the Me Japanese Canada has in the last 50 years government as their agent these! 0 lbs transacted their business in Corporations hVe filled Canada j Quaker Corn goia. All ROJd neld in Canada would mm MOn labor. Low wses to the 1 2 una redeem but a small portion of the producer and high prices to the, paper money now in circulation, consumer must in th nature of While admitting that gold may be thing teave a surplus of eorrtmo-neceaaary In toitsrnaHonnl tram- ditto? In the hands of the fortunate actions, suppose we buy ten nrlN gentlemen who play both ends lion dollars of goods from the Unl- afaWrtt the middle and until some ted States and they only buy half scheme is found to take these sur-that amount from Us they may de- plus commodities off the hands of mand the balance In gold. If we did these acquisitive gentlemen they not have it and could not get it cannot employ labor, f venture to from some other nation wftere our say that If by an act of Ood thesfe sale were greater than our pur- eommodtties wre destroyed and chase the only result would be the uttrplus thu removed that la that we could hot continue to buy bor would soon be employed In new from them and I think that they pvoductlon regardless of whether would Ure of this condition sooner America or France had gold or nod. than ie would. Whether America He-Din this will not be too long and France have all the gold in the rinded for you to publish in your world or none", should not make one valuable paper, lota of dlfferencr to Canadians to I am do businesi with each other, so J. B. M. Pantry Specials for the Thrifty Housewife Royal City Green Beans i tins Kralt Cheese-- per llb. pkg Kraft Cheese per !4-lb. pkg Creamettes The Finest Macaroni, per pkg Royal Crown Soap 6 bars to carton, per carton .. Eggs B.C. FrtrSh ErfUas Scott's In earTons, per doi. Baking Pftwdef Malkih's Best, per 12-oz. tin Bread Flour Royal House hold, per 7-lb. sack Thrift Blend Tea A real quality tea, per lb' Del Monte coffee It's delicious, per l-ib. tin Split Peas 5 lbs. 47c 25 c 4c 23c 19c 32C 17c 7c 22c 30c 22c 25 c 34c 43c 23 c Strawberry Jam Vancouver Island FrUit per 4-lb. tin Royal drbwri Cleanser per tin Sugar Cured B'acort Rot sliced, per lb. " 43c 5 c 20c We recommend this bacon most highly Thrift Cash & Carry "CARRY AND SAVE" 201 Third Ave A Few Doors Down Thwp girls are merely dernoritf n at L01 Angeles how the U. Sr atheietes expect to eiear the barriers at the 1W3 Olympic games. "OVet the Top" Is the title. NORTHERN B. C. NEWS NEW HAZELT0N The Women's Auxiliary Of the Hazeltot Hospitar held it annual meeting at the home of Mrs. W. W. Anderson- and elected ot- The ttsdal cold spell of early January has not hit this district a yetvWhiW thet- W a good deal 0 rnow. the temperature is unusually nlld for this time of year.' Word has bp en received here that Constable Kfhg. R O.M.P.. wft was stationed at H3zeito? in 1923 was recently shot through tft chest by an Eskimo at Aklavik. Charles Gow le)t Qn New Year night cn his return to SmltheV after having spent the holidty season at South Hazelton with hi brother, William Gow. ,. Miss M. McLeai of the Hazelton Superior School returned to her duties in this district last Satur diy after spending fie ChrfstmM in"d New Year holiday season vis iting In Prlnee Rupert with He parents. Mr. and Mrs. If. A. Mc Lean. Miss Margaret Richmond paid1 a visit in Prince Rupert recently whh friends. Mrs. F. A. Goddard was admi ted to the Hazelton Ifospltal as 2 patient on Monday afternoon. SMITHERS The Smithers Skt 'Club has been permanently organized wltlr officers as follows: honorary president Oiof Hansoh. M.P.; president. Harry Gram;- vice-presidertt, W. S. Henry; secretary-treasurer, u. u, nenney; club -qaptnln. Knut Njsven. A big winter carnival with representa lives from Various interior centres to compete in many lines of winter sports ift planned to take place be' fore the season ends. A. Washburn. District Deputy ,ru, .Uu .... .... this week installed the following Pdrtebus; Noble Grand. L. II. Kert-ney: Viedrandf Rev. David Donaldson; Recording Secretary. A. t. Campbell: Financial Secretary, H. Darling si.; Chaplain, Vernon Crockett; Warden, it. Darling jr.; ' Conductor. . 13. dray: Right Sup-1 fleers fof the ensuing ytaf &i foUPori- Noble Grand, it 3. Kelly: Left' lows: President, Mrs. A. fi. Chad Support Noble Grand, B. J. Walk-j bell: f ecretary-tf easurer W Hand Left Support Vice Grand, K. W. Anderson; buying cemmittetr- G HoUghloh; Left Support Vice Mrs. William Grafct and MfSi Jdlirt rOrand: James Budhahi L. S. S., H. Newlck; vlsiClhg ; convenor Mr iPeiletier; Inner Guard. A. Wash; Allan Benson; memBefShlp eortVS her Mis-s-tfeftha Rock; New Hf- zelton convenerMrs. O. K. Sawle New Hazelton hockey Journeyed to Hazelton a few dars ago and defeated the team there in a close game by a score of 5 to 4. The Hazelton Indians defeated the locals 7 to f.They were the C. W. Dawson Is in receipt of i communication from Frank Poe of Chletrgb who says he Intends visiting this district again during coming summer for trout fishing. Mr Poe was here last summer and had excellent success t.i angling around Hazelton and at Lakelse Lake. burn, outer Guard, M. Norton. Many friends of R. J. McDonell, well known old trmef of the" central i playerj ; interior, Skeena River and Port-i first hockey game of the season proved to be played locally. Hind Canal districts, will regret to learn that he was stricken with paralysis on Monday night. He was rushed to hospital and latt re ports, are that he is somewhat lm- The local ski Jump was officially Opened on Sunday afternoon. Marty people took part in the thrilling: rtport and many more were Inter-' ssted spectators. The Smithers District Board of j Trade has appointed a committee! ' consisting of L. 8. MeGlll and L. n. Warner to formulate suggesttonsj for redistribution of provincial eats in tne central interior. VANDERH00F Practically the entire population of the Chllco and Weober Lake districts were present at the sliver tfeddWg anniversary celebration Of Mr. and Mrs. Olney S. Held ort New Tear's Day, sortie 80 persons being fn attendance to congratulate the cotlple. During the early part of the evening a whist drive was enjoyed with Mrs. Ed. Reynold's, Mrs. O Johnson', Ref. B. f. Pfockter and W. W Abbott winning the prizes. Afterwards the rooms were cleared and dancing was enjoyed until tne early hours of the morning with music by O. O. LaFavour, W. W. Ab Bote and Lawrence Held. The annual meeting df the Wo men's Auxiliary to the Canadian Legion was held on T"uesday after noon of this week dt the home of Mrs. A. A. HUWhlrlsori. Charles Steen spertt the New ear holiday visiting with friefids In Prince Geofge. lie made the frip by car and was accompanied by Mrs. d. H'opfe Who went Into town to Obtain an x-ray examination In the hospital. The annual meeting of the" Ladles' Aid of the Vanderhoof fJrtited ChureiT took place on Wednesday afternoon of this week at the home of Mrs. Mary Hunt. The election of pificer:$4ndther general business was transacted. ' While nursing hr husband who Is seriously ill, Mr. A. Finnic had the misfortune fo fracture two ribs. A writer irt the Nedhako Chronicle Grand Master, on Tuesday nljht of rfrotrt Fdrf Frascr declare that all economic laws must change owing ik ;...:!.. mn,u tm,mm offlcers or the loc oddfellows . to the chanae from the gold to sll Lodge; Past Noblobrand, James ,ver standard. Kabiti early tcouired irt itUom forgotten; StART a savings account for7 your child at the Bank of Montreal and make, his Of her future safe. RANK OF MONTREAL Established l8l7 Total Asm-Is in Excta of 750,000,000 Prince Rupert Branch: F. A. MaetMfliJM, Manager Wmm "And don't forget two nactrrtnrc b Sflrddded Wheal'' 'There'll be a fuss in our family if you do I The children love it; my husband insists on it because he says it's the perfect food for health and strength. And I like it too, So don't forget fo send it, please." THE CANADIAN SHRtDDtD VWEAf ' COMPANY. LTD SHREDDED WHEAT WITH ALL THE BRAK OF THE WHOLE WHEAT R0VR Prevent r IL That Sinking Feeling I ' Mm