mm Hoys' Cans ' - - -1 Boys Shirts UNDERWEAR Silk Lisle Sox Nv 5')f All Wool Work Sox Now .Te All Wool Work Sox N'w J.K.- All Wool Fancy ' Sox Now RAINCOATS !.75 Black Dross Raincoats, well made ...... $0.0(1 Leather Lumber Jackets 20 29c 19c 49c C9J3jG9B $4.45 $2.25 WARNING! Ort In tlie Kijeht Store. Don't be misled by com-H'tilors who may imitate uj. j WHWe r n (i i ISmm Itttl H'JS'if Ik. EflU lb m mar m j- i uj im Barf AM A.E VEftY SMI AM 50c, 75c and 81 Buy yourself a few pairs. They're the goods all right Xifty as can be. Billiard Averages Junior League O. T. A. J. May (Hi 6 1200 300 J. Saunders (J) 3 600 300 N. Chenoaki "El 6 1159 103 P Johnson SS) 6 1145 191 W. Stuart J 6 1138 WO R. WICks (Hi 6 1138 198 P. Vaccher LNi 6 1126 188 W. Murray iHi 2 374 181 P. Chenoski E 7 1302 186 R. Fong LN 6 1110 185 V. Hudson IIi .. 6 1112 186 O. Howe 'Ei 6 1098 183 A. Zadoroski E 6 1092 182 W. Funnell (Jl 3 546 182 L. Raabe Ui 6 1074 179 E. Batt LN 6 1039 173 P. Aldridge Ltf 8 1022 170 A. Strachan U 6 1012 169 A. Murray LNi 2 335 168 J. Bulger Ui 6 982 164 B. Wendle LN 3 480 160 C. Perry H 5 790 154 W. E Hayhurst H 4 604 151 Whist Schedule January 28 Orotto vs. Sons of Norway, I.O.O.P. vs. Flan Packers Seal Cove vs. Empress. Legion vs. Totem Park. Moon? Vs. Musketeers February 4 Orotto vr. Legion. Sons of Norway vs. I.O.O.F. Miukeeters vs. 8eal Co. Totem Park vs. Pish Packers. Empress vs. Moose. February I.O.O.F. vs Legion. Seal Cove vs. Sons of fiorway Totem Park vs. Musketeew. Fish Packers vs. Moose. Empress vs. Orotto. February 18 Orotto vs Fish Packers. Moose vs. I.O.O.F. Legion vs Musketeers Sons of Norway vs. Empress. Totem Park vs. Seal Cove. I MPORT CHAT I 1 - - I m At the Eagles' sttlbker tonight, through the ethtrlesy of Owen Fisher of the Empress social Club, a fine (program of boxing events is being put on. Four premier bouts are assured. There will be Benny "Wendle vs. Billy Bagshaw with plenty of action in a ttiree found bout, Then there will also be Chuck Hickey Vs. Pet Holm, Dan Parent Vs. Dan Healy and Young Chenoski vs. Wil-llscroft. All the boys are in fine fettle and raring t go. In the barrel boxing. Slim Linsiead will endeavor to regain the city championship in this line of the fUtlc art from the doughty Bill Stone and it should prove an interesting boat. The -Wild Hone of Odftge" is stfe ' in the Cardinal corral. John L. "Pepper" Martin, hero of the 11)31 world's series, ha; signed a contract for the coming year in the office of .ranch Rickey, vice-president of the world's champloft. St. t rtnl rarrUnnls The amount W4 not announced but popular guess i put it at almost double the $4000, for which "Pepper " worked I&sti ! season. "Pepper" had often pre-l I sed confidence that the Cardinals , would treat him well. As he put his i signature on the dotted line, he i grinned his best Martin grin and announced that Rickey "sure don?; right by me." Baron Lone, one of the trlum- , virate of proprietors of Agua Cal- H hmIi Wm M SUITS !t8" $10.95 wrosuiu- $16.25 wsosuiu- $18.75 Men's Caps 1 Silk Lisle Sux $4.50 Pants- No w $3.00 Pants Now $4.75 Pants Now PANTS jlente. Mexico. Jockey Club, and ' known as a yachtsman visitor to ! Prince Rupert, whose stable recent-1 ly was barred from the track as a ! i . i i-1 i - r i iden Tree, January 7, announces publicly , that he expects to retire jas vlcepresldent of the club "in the near future." At the some timt I James N. Crofton. president of the jjeckey club, nd andthef member of the triumvirate which controls jlhe destinies of the Agua Callente (Company, announces that he will ;sell his large racing stable and retire from "competitive racing." Hockey Scores National League Detroit J, Chicago 2. Hockey Standings International Division W. V. L. Toronto ...J. .. 13 J 10 Canadiens 11 . 13 Americans 10 6 12 Maroons 8 5 15 American Division Rangers 17 5 6 Chicago 10 10 7 Detroit 11 4 14 Bostdn 7 9 10 JUMOIt BILLIARDS Jewelers Empress Hawks League of Nations a. 3 3 3 3 Ttl. 2792 731 2703 2565 SMOKE 3225 31.50 $2.45 Punts, Cord, best made jj2.95 TIES GLOVES TkCv,--25c,45Ci,75c 20c Cunvas Gloves Now 10c $20.00 Overcoats Now $25.00 Overcoats Now . , , .. $30.00 Overcoats- Now $'J7.50 Overcoats Now Silk Ties Ite CQo 1 Reg. RCkt. Reg. HtZn I Reg. B Reg. 7?to $1.H1 . 1 $1.25 .. 3 51.50 . -. 50e ... "x, ?1.25 . v50r P. 31 39 1 30 26 23 VANCOUVER HOOP GAME Class of Play in Prince Rupert Quite as Good, Says Hilly Bacon Saw Squirming Match With the exception of Varsity which Is a right smart aggregation indeed, league basketball teams In Vancouver are not putting up a bit belter brand of hoop play than the Prince Rupert league teams are doing. So says Billy Bacon, who returned home last evening after having spent the past few weeks in Varwwim. While in Vancouver Billy took in a number of sport event Of various kinds and such is the Interesting observation he has I to make so far as basketball Is con cerned, -illy -140 took in some of the wrattUng taut They are very ex- 26 , "itlng but . are patently a "show 2d game Last Friday night he atten-21 jdetfl a bout between Ed. "Strahgler" I Lewis, ftttmtf world's heavyweight lwMMllft ehamtitah nrl Tisar i Outta, Hindu giant. While It Was declared a draw, U seemed quite apparent that Daula wns much too good for the former title-holder, j Conditions generally in Vancouver are in a very deplorable rondU; tton Just now, reports Billy. He was j Av. iglad to get back to Prince Rupert! 931 j where there Is at least a semblance! 910 I of 'business as usual." Billy wasj 901 south on Bacon Fisheries Co. biul-855 ness. ! andWA $10.00 $12.50 $15.00 $18.75 All Wool Work I Sox QAnl WORK SHIRTS $2,25 All Wool Grey Work jQQ $1.25 Cotton Work Shirts (Jgjg $3.25 AH Wool' Flannel CM Off Work Shirts All Kinds of Other Shirts MEN'S SWEATERS $4.00 All Wool Sweaters Qf (IIZ Now t7JLD $5.75 All Wool Sweaters QO QCf Now y&VD $6.50 Silk & Wool Sweat- CO JC er, 4 pockets. Now ?0v OVERALLS $3.00 Men's Coverall Now $2.00 Men's Overall Now 05c Boys' Bib Overalls Now Coats,- . . Men's Hats, up to $5.00 value. Now DEI r rim in ,, .7 ' ',7 ..' : ill Deservedly Popular The nsma 'Black & While on a bottle of whisky U as absolute a guarantee as the hall-mark on tiivtr It assures that subtle difference In flavour and qu:.iy which distinguishes this whisky from all others, II guir. enlees that only the finest materials have bean uni and that always everywhere the quality Is th Sami "BLACK & WHITE SCOTCH WHISKY For sail .it- Vi'iiiiur.s or direct from Liquor Conn "I B Order Dept . Victoria. B.C lhls advertisement is not puolln or dlspiayea by Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia ---oi Me25 BEHOLD, REALIZE SALE OPENS TOMORROW. 9 a.m.. CONTINUES SAT. & MONDAY AND PROFIT! GABERDINE COATS !7.r,() Gaberdine English Jg jg jg $2.00 Gaberdine Ertg- j J J QQ S7.50 Gaberdine Eng- &4 O li,h nuke JJL0. O -i"-U-Kg MEN'S & BOYS' SHOES $4.50 Men's Shoes Now $5.50 Men's Shoes Now $7.00 Men's Shoes and Oxfords, Now Boys Shoes, 11 to 13'' Now Silk Tics I Work Sox 45c 8.. 19c $2.25 $275 $3.50 $1.95 31.45 $1.00 45c SLICKER COATS $4.50 Ladies' Slicker ! 7C Coats. Now P-E- $3.00 Children's Slicker Q-fl 7tZ $1.50 I) SETS THE WHOLE CITY ABLAZE Nothing ever equalled it! Think what this big merchandise event means to you right now in these hard times. You can buy high grade merchandise, only soiled by water or smoke damage, at prices you never thought possible. Nothing being held! Positively everything being reduced to the lowest possible price! So be sure and come and pay us a visit. It will pay you! Act now and save. B0NT PUSH! DON'T SHOVE! Please be patient, the doors will be open from time to time to avoid overcrowding uiwuaanraBiiiuii 1 1 umibiiiiub DRESS SHIRTS Dress Shirts, Arrow, Tookf ' now selling almost at pivc prices. wiilimil'iiiiaiinirtg im IIIIH Ill Silk Ties Rpr. ROc Fancy Dress I Canvas Gloves Sox 75c 48c Reg. 20c RUBBERS Lndiew' Rubbers Now Children's Rubbers Now Now 3.75 Men's Lumbermen Rubber Boots 10c 25c 45c Men's High Grade Rubbers- VO $1.95 BLAN(ETS 75 Pairs of High Grade Wi Grey Blankets, selling now o i-'r'' Sri1" Prices. Don't miss th. IR 4I OTI4TFTPCI I lA ThWAve.W. I COME, DON'T MISS I O. V KLAJ 1 01il0. JL-LQ. Prince Rupert I THIS GREAT SALE