islxlsiBSBsnlaB In the big, new, family-size package. Pure, crisp, light, flaky and always FRESH. The Fish which made Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Siorage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Someone Asked the Other Day why the Daily News had such a large circulation in the city. It was easy to answer. The reason is because those responsible for the production of the paper put the very best they can afford into its makeup and sometimes more than they can afford. They give the people the best possible for the money. ONLY 1 0c. a Week that is the price of The Daily News Delivered to Your Home It's worth ten cents a week to get the Waterfront Whiffs on Saturday. It's worth something to have the topics of the day discussed in an impartial and interesting manner. It's worth something to follow the adventures of Tillie the Toiler every evening. It's worth a good deal to be able to read the local advertising and to know where to buy and what price to pay. The Daily News is a paper that is representative of the city and no one need be a'shamed to send it away to their friends. Telephone the office and the boy will call and collect. THE DAILY NEWS Third Ave. Prince Rupert Moose Legion Annual Dance Two Hundred Persons Present at Enjoyable Affair in Moose Hall Last Night ((it"' it'i- '. ; ' The annual dance of the local Moose Legion' ''whs' held last niRht in the Moose Hall and proved to be a of dance music was dispensed by Bob Greenfield and his Premier Orchestra. At midnight deliclou3 buffet refreshments were served. B. J. Bacon was as usual ,a genial master of ceremonies. Ole Ste-savlg preiided at the door and the committee in charge of the affair consisted or Ted Rorvik, Joe Ratch-ford, Fred Hardy, Fred Scad-'cn and Olllis Royer. A. J. Matheson, who has been on a brief trip to Kalen. returned to the city on this morning's train The Flavor of Your Cooking is Wonderfully I in proved Mat we tbow you how to put nrw flor in your old farorite diahn? Thit little book "New Magic in the Kitchen" ii filled with recipe for the moat delightful thing! to eat pudding, cakea, aalada, ice cream- 180 tea ted recipea in alL Try thU rtcipfor Cream Rice Pudding H n rira H np Eft Br.aJ IHiwu 1 ( 1 Uupoo. mlt cap rMU 'A M iWoofhlj mni nak la doaM. ilk mIi vatil rfa i. t.aW .4bw.ur.UorlMd. A.M aoaden4 kaaMtlriain, od OMliau mokiaf far iftaaa Buaoua. Sm hot or eoM. Gift this coupon today. Your copy of MAe Magic" uiU b truuled aix lutrly frr. TV. Hori. Ck. Utmiui 2 Hoauf Arctdt Blda., Vaacowcf n..M ms4 im run tf a fur Mw Con Baal "Nr. MW U Ik. KIldMO." Creamery Butter 4 lbs. B, C. Fresh Pullets Extras Ega, 4 doz. Sliced Bacon, 2 lbs. Efg, 2 dot Blue Ribbon Tea. I lb Blue Ribbon Coffee, 1 lb, Gold Medal Pudding, 1 pkg. for Aylmer Chill Sauce. 1 bottle O-l Baaaaaaaa2BaaaaaaaaVBflaVBTYTBaaalsM WEEKLY SPECIALS 99c 99c 99c Aylmer Peaches, 2's, 2 Una Aylmer Raspberries, 2's, 1 tin 99c Aylmer Soup, 1 tin 99C v Star of Italy Olive Oil Va-gal. tin 85c Empress Vinegar, qt., 1 bottle. 25c Soda BlsculU, 1 small pkg., 10c 99c r- Fresh Rhubarb, Lettuce, Celery and Cabbage at prices that are right We give prompt attention to all ' mail orders Mussallem's Cash & Carry Stores I "Where Dollars Have More Cents" sSJl PAGE SIX TUB DAILY NBWi BmBBWWBHW" Thursday, January 23 NEWS OF THE MINES AROUND PRINCE RUPERT Steady Development of Lome Creek Placer Workings Haahti to Operate Silverado Georgia River to Resume Work Soon , The discovery of Dr. W. H. Martin of the Biological Board of Canada that the loss by fishermen at the mouth of the Naas Rlvar of gill nets was due to the action of lellyfish and similar organisms which bind the nets, discounts the theory that was held by some of the fishermen prior to the Investigation that the trouble might b? due to discharge of milled rok from the Granby Co.'s concentrator at Anyox. Exclusive of allowance for A.- preciatlon, depletion and taxes, the operations of the Granby Consolidated Mining, Smel ting and Power Co. Ltd. for the quarter ending September 30, 1931. showed a loss of $5,696. Income from ether sources for the quarter amounted to $57,879. For the nine months eydlng September 30 last, operating Income amounted to $69,349 and other Income $160,317 or a total of .299,6 6. Dividend have been reduced to an annual rate of 50c. per share by the de- laration of a dividend of 12c. psr share payable February ,11932, to shareholders on record of January 15, 1932. The February and May quarterly disbursements were cn the basis of $2 per share annually, while, with the disbursement on August 1, the rate was reduced to $1 per share The dividend Jmt. declared brings the annual rate to 50c. per share. While' the disbursement is retfercd to as a dividend, In reality the company has paid no dividends since '1919. In 1927 payments were Initiated to shareholders as a return of capl tal from reserve fund for depie lion and depreciation. In 1927 $1 per share was paid. In 1928 1 was increased to $3 per share' and In 1929 $7 per share was paid while-last year$5 5 prr-rhare-r distributed and this, with 'the pay ment Just announced, brings the I total capital return to $17.62 per share. While, under the curtailment . t c. m,,l , is o. 1 Store Mfth 18-81 No. Ave, I'hone , ... . - au... owJnK the I(,M prl.e Qf metaj Oranby Co. shipments of reflnsd copper curtailed to 26V4 per the sluice Is carried down an in- side drainage tunnel at about six! percent grade to the tailings dumo ' Into the creek at the portal of: this tunnel about six hundred fee ' south of the new shaft. A minimum grade of five Inches and where possible nine Inches to the1 box has been sustained In the In -! stallatlon of this sluice Five 12-foot gold-having boxes with para'- . lei pole riffles are used. Front Week-End Specials Milk All brands 9 tins $1.00 Nabob Melon it Lemon Jam J C - Tlllson's Health Bran- large pkg 25c Boneless Pickled Pigs Feet QCn nor lar UO . Malkln's Best Coffee 1-lb. tin Dry Prunes Large size per lb Malkln's Best Spinach 2's 2 tins 40c 10c 35c Best Foods Relish Spread aCn 8-oz. Jar Malkln's Best Orange Mar malade, 2 Vi-lb. jar Best Foods Horseradish Prepared Mustard, Jar Brooms Good quality 5 string; each Olobe Lunch Tongue l's per tin Sweet Juicy Oranges 5 doz Roscdale Toilet Soap 3 cakes . Fairy Bath Soap-- 6 cakes Gold- DQsrWaJhing Pow-de'r. per pkg. 35c. 20c 40c1 25c 95c 10c 25c 30 c Alberta Market P. GAMULA. Proprietor Fifth Street. Phone 208 these the sluice Is 12 by 12 Inches lined with lagging. It Is found, however, that the lagging weau rapidly and It la being replaced by blocks. Much of the gold In these gYavels Is quite coarse and practically all of this is collected in the riffle boxes. However. ft some flake and fine gold can be (seen on the lagging,! will be found! that a greater saving of this will be made by the blocks being ir. ?ael n! trLl Steady- m-oirress is beinz made with development work . vrv pmnvohin afir Th- haii in connection with placer workings on Lome Greek near )ntn bedrock and from was appropriately decorated for the j Pacific ill the interior. F. Neville,xwho is in Charge of the ; two to three feet of gravel is ai3 occasion and there were about two work, has ordered material for builkhoiises arid construe-! taken. The total thickness be-hundrcd dancers present. Prom 9 tjon wjU start as soon as the material arrives. When theitween bedrock and the lava is 12 p.m. until 2 a.m. a splendid program , Un,nn ,W0rl tho nwomf ' ovow nf fivp -will to 16 feet- where the bedrock 13 uuimuuuoco aic v,.,.ur v, i- " , - 0ft more than it Is hard. Pay 1: be added to and the Work speeded up. The equipment to be iusuallv best where there a tnln installed will operate at high pres- ; layer Qt ciay jn the gravel just sure; Water will be supplied by cent of rated capacity, this does above bedrock and this is used as pumps and a large yardage will be handled dally. It Is understood that a grant of $700 has been obtained from the government to recondition the road, from Dorreen to the workings and Mr. Neville will add another $300. Besides repairing the road, a bridge will be put across Lome Creek, Dan Hume, who returned not Imply that Anyox operations :a guide by Tornqulst. Pay will of the company will be correspondingly restricted. Operations will be continued on practically the same scale as before although actual shipments of concentrates to smelter will be limited to the a-greed quota. Above Matson and Schulz, sayi to Dr. Joseph T. Mandy In an offl- average about $3 to $6 to thenar (about one-half cubic yard' with gold estimated at $15.85 per ounce In the operation is is estimated that one marr will produce about 12 cars per day. Work Is being carried on by two mining men and one man tramming, giving an estimated production at this capacity and grade of about 144 car: Stewart last week after a visit t.jjclal report on placer mining in the; yielding from $332 to $664 a week Vancouver and Seattle, stated that, Atlin district, Emll Tornqulst owns Clean-ups are made about every while In the south, he had seen two leases and Is working on an-j two weeks. For the two weetci! Wellington Beaton, president of ! other lease. The operation constats, previous to June 27. 1931, a clear-! the Georgia River Gold Mines Ltd . j of drifting under the lava and If .up of 54 ounces was recovered j and that the latter had stated tha: meeting with good success. Du-- while In another two weeks 104'. I arrangements were under way frr Ing the latter part of the 1930 sea-'ounces of course gold was re- the resumption of . development .son work was concentrated upon covered as well as an ' appreciable , work on the company's well known the project of Installing the bores. quantity of fine gold in the black property a few miles below Stewart underground through a drainage sand. In the latter clean-up trie T-i i , - i n i i .. iM 1L . tunnel in a falltnfv Inmn avlt n ' V. &n ..In. . . 4 ... I I 1 uii ruiwauu VsUiuu cuiiv ui ins . .1 nnai nugget wciHiira o uuuten spring. a low level down the creek. This has been completed and the re- John Haahti has secured a fult,ls a weU centralized operation Involving a minimum of tramming. working lease on the Silverado property at Stewart from the - w , , working distance of about fifty It are now engaged 0 . in " getting tnlniit. " ... , , ... . .f.'i .wii o the drift workings. workings. About About thlrlj thirty It is expected will commence in a very short time with an increase in the size of the crew as condi- feet south of the Incline portal ; the creek Is tapped by a short tunnel to the Incline. Sufficient water for sluicing is let Into this 7 . t. v. , ". tunnel by a small wing-dam gaic undertaking, Mr. Haahti statd'4W '.a r . , . , that the depreciation of the Can- rcqulrernents lni , dlm adlan dollar made the operation the Ue f,00r Qf posilble and that he expected to be the s,u,ce entrance. From he able to ship a sufficient tonnage of high grade silver-lead ore containing also a small gold content to Selby sufficient to make good wages for all employed. 10 dwt HAS SHE Mr BOVRIL? Remember Bovril strengthens you against the risk of colds, chills and influenza. Wednesday &ThursdJ, Feature starts at Ui iV. THURSDAY MATINek,,., Feature Starts 3 :05-.l5ct Conan Doyle's Favoritt NWJ "The Speckled Band" With British Cat-L,n m, dinf, Raymond Massty, j, gela naddelry Shl Holmes solves my&trriom murder. Can you Comedy ANDY CLYDE 1. 1 "TAXI TKOL'BLfS Cartoon "THE BLACK SPIDER' . FOX NEWS FRIDAY and SATL'RDAJ -PRIVATE LIVES' Recalls Early Dayt Tne rouowing b u Twenty Years Ago colunv xne natives are taking up tne Vancouver Province B, B. K. raaio teiepnone. Tnw morning iner, cnief engineer of Ov ( Premier Gold Mlnlntr Co Ltd and """ously and free from all flooi Peter M. Wells of Port Simpson. Trunk Pacllle Railwu . - started work last week on th; neer- A8ether, It U a mo-t vho Is vtaltlng In the city, was In Welch of Foley. Weli:b & Em- property with a picked crew of "-u""'-"uai'lc i,u ciucicui Jtwtrw.iTeiMii.iuu wun james umi., i an way contractors . n mii; : -j ui nun. "uwk- iic wcw new uitiuic uitiuic Oil aiiini a 11 luanacj iiianaxer 01 ui wie mc VSIU1 uassiar uannerv. VaniirIV. i I irom I rum a a irm trip miann Iniana as aS I r.i- J : v.i miner, nrhn an aurvlatorl u-lf 1 him ir. the venture The flrs,portal i4 about 1611 feet above tno at the head off,ce of tne Casslar selton. From railhead ao: load of supplies being taken up to I creek on the ea5t bank- u cx" Packing Company In Vancouver, selas Canyon they n, thP nmn hv Owpn Mr Pirlrtpn r. nuuugu mc liamic weai uiacuMing me lulling Sliuaiion . QlSiance Oil lOOt f " chan"el at of'rl,m a ,0P' cently. Mr. Haahti and thrae of about his associates as a preliminary crew i fifteen degrees for a WE SPECIALIZE IN COAL YjprtYi'yvurervise. jjuyriecacu. tAdt satis; jes. which give the grratrst hrit for the money expended, toileting that a satbfird cut tomrr h the greatest art i merchant can have. I'hone ui for a trial order and Join the family nf contented householders who are using the best fuel in town. Philpott Evitt & Co. Ltd. COAL Itay the real Coal our famous Edson and Csssldy. Wellington In any quantities. Also Bulkley Valley Hay, Grain and Robin Hood Flour. Prince Rupert Feed Co PHONES 68 AND 558 I'hone CIS ALL OUR COALS ARE IN A DRY SHED Delivered Dry to Your Bin. You are assurrd In getting full wrUM JASI'LR WILDFlRi: EGO Per Ton, $12.50: Cash Price fl'5 lASI'EIt WILDFIRE LUMPPer Ton, $13.50; Cash Trice I4 PEMBINA EGG Reg. Price, $12.50; Cash Price Dry Jack Pine and Cedar HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 TELEPHONE 657 VALENTIN DAIrtY FOK SKEF.NA I1HAM Creamery Butter & Cottage Cheese FRKSIl PASTEURIZED M"-AND CREAM RAtt Early Delivery ThrouboI ine iUj