AGE TWO PAJLY EQIT1QN THE DAILY NEWS. PIUNCK RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every A-'ternoon, Except Sunday, by Prtnce RupcsJ HUy .news. Limited. Thin'. Avenu If. t, PULL EN - - - anaglns-Editor SUBSCRIPTION KATES Cttj delivery, bjr mail or carrier, yearly period, palp In adva,nce. For lesser periods, paid in advance, per week ,. .,,, . By mail to all parts of Northern and Central British Columbia, paid In advance for yearly period ..' Bj mall to all otlrer parts of British Columbia, the British Em-plri? and United States, paid In advance, ppr year . By mall to all other countries, per year Contract rates on" application. Ed(tQr and Reporters lelepnonc - ... , . 86 Advertising and Circulation Telephone . 98 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations A WONDERFUL PICTURE 10c! OPPORTUNITY LOST An opportunity has certainly been lost bj the governments concerned in connection with the oonstroetion of the hiffhwav eaat fmm hprp 5vroml hnnrlvArl man Viavo ficulties. But why make lieht of the diffioultiM? Whv should the administration at Victoria pretend that they did not pay their bilk because they were too busy in the department instead of because they did not have the money? They seem to be afraid to tttist the people. Unless we miss our guess another effort will be made to camouflage the aituation when the legislature opens. We suggest ft would be much better to make a clean breagt qf everything. Also it should be made very clear who is responsible for the present situation. The people ought to know. M Thirteen loiU Or His Neck Mr. H. V. Duneoml. OriMjr Ltk, Alt.. vritM: "My tiul)nd vit roTrr4 rtb boils, lTiii u wpy m tmrt-n pn U nerk at cw. il inta tTryttuog powiDie, txii net tan r did dv good until b xl nurdycC Blood bitters, sad befcrf I t bad uH on bottU lb? boils wert U (909, and h Lu not Ua Lo'tlicrwl viU tLrm inr." T WJbuju ( v , Lie . ivivuui. vai. , . , ji . ... tMm u ww' NURSING HONEST The city outside pf the business section was wonderfullv cimation and, "we paieh; 3iQ y. beautiful this morning. The rather depressing deep ever- bv instinct, a person with jofty id-inere areans were all decorated as for a great feast by costly e "W811 aUw' wUrtaf ; XT , . . . . ., , . xsexc in importance in tne caninet'cnanees l , announcerl , aa Aiit frr fjtit.HM todaj is the appointment of Hon. Edgar N. Rhodes as min- Maisonneuve as soldier General. rmce Rupert wijl-be mtef eteu m iheppbintmeint of the pwuned biography, thus Hpn. Alfred Durapleau, minister of marine, as acting I howM the "Pp"1 irt wnWj minister of fisheries. No doubt, a permanont appointment Jf e" regard hte Ulteret will be made before long in jine with the policy df keeping indomitable courage trie important depprtment pf fisheries separate and dig- Concluding, he says, she was "the tinct from that of the marine. soul of the expedition that settled Hon. W. A. Gordon, taking over the labor portfolio in Mru Hr wy Mimuuted ajui' . . ithe tour, her tadomlUble courage tstt u.wu..ttnuuiimiitailuiiHnigrauonf Will .noaouot kj. her angelic find his duties, under present circumstances, arduous and ; rweetness comforted the w? and tWDg onough. wounded. Her life was truly a ro- The three other appointmgnts to the Senate, besides ownee. of obriatn cWvatry 9he that of Xtr Moio-h la not only aerletad at the birth of the ..... ......w.., vb, vi ifavc muni: vvMt.v i, ' . t :Ui 1? "iireftt great Canadian Canadian) metropolis, metEomltt Miuiyia poiuicai lines. put powerfully aided by ensuring Its1 continuous existence by Inducing colonitjta to come and settle here and by procuring funds for its' maintenance. . . . Some of the old luan faA,n,.t .j u.. 1 1 . 1 The following Is the scale of charges. m,de for readjuM notices: Mur'sge a.rd Eniragement f ai.nownccmentf az Birth Notices 60c. Funeral Notices tl. Cardi pf Thanks. 12. name. per THE DAILY NEWS Thursday, Febnnrv 4, Man in (he Moon Whftt we all like about Prince Hon. Dr. JlacLarcn. in Address (a Rupert is thjt toe winters are mild Xqm$tJSjv3ohni4)eM:ribes mw is, ijfiapm seen. r ''vftf'W'i j East is ea$t and west U west put ST- John, N Fb. 4: Many are Uiey have a lot, In common thja Uie legends and stories that have winter coal bin, f it instance. I grown about the baauUlul life of 3 00 j who, when but seven Jeanne Mance, county Constable Pardon, miss, a iye8 & ac- dG?lded W 'dfdfc1 but swlpunhit 1 not allowed in this 0!hi- lifo" in th the service crvliA di if find Qpa. The 1 ne 1 w I? 8.00 Thursday, Fe. i. m first authentic biograpny to be , pity Flpper--Why didn't you tH written In English however. Is tbatjme before I tindreied? by the late Dr. Forgan K.C., Lit. D ' Constable WelL the re ain't no hit. B., wntten several years ago.:iaw against undressln"" and mibjished under the auspices t of trt Religious Hospitaler of St., Th rninM frlno p,,,nnA ,m Joseph, Uom Dieu, Mont-real. leaw of gbteUBc. did not forget i Of. rggp apty and vividly de,; onc h, ,ett belllnd HJs wn re. crlbes the heroic Jeanne Mance, ' lvpri -a-rt fro Rivir,, ,Vinu I when he writes "A foundress of I i communities and a Qurse by in- 'This is the clSIX from whicJi Uv; ' Spartan used to throw their ce- fectlve chUdren. Wbh you wr; Dad." ermine. The stark boughs of the alder were all scintillat- L' r atuL Tem uWn'j H mm Ut, a local yqoj lady ; Ing with crystals and ermine covered the ground. Here means to attain her ends. wwc with 1 anci mere in tne ousnes tne rooms ana tnnisnes and other 1 And it was hex fuv ctMuactevj w- f 99 " hii-ds were chirping happily almqst as if they were evifnd achievement tht hi u. pr. ..J' .SuYdJLIfSstietoe nectinrr snriner. It was a most satisfvinrr nicture and the' to ohoose as mV2l,vJL ffi-1 JZn v. v " ' .T. t lilj.Qf his address before u gwdi w rr TTMV. M ..M'lP class of nursw at QeBfft! Pbr lu ia uiciureMiueuutHi. it reiuinus us now easily me earin i. HomitaL St. John. Joanna And so tlff to p na war in may be made over, decorated and improved if only suf- Mance. the First cann N- ' jUiP Qjhmi aUfr H U tei been a J a. . ii fli .j 'tji..!kathop intoj-Atltiff naiaA fills lst I iicieni power is appuen in me ngnv way. up m aagress ir. Afwj wmHyii" "."wtn " j described the story of ltT ll(o iplwpW dl lttl FEDERAL CABINET CHANGES . olW WSIil , who Outstanding new strength is brought to Premier Ben-'tJeauTwiand ni,aa-rt nw4.!ivi fhmmS nett s federal cabinet by the appointment thereto as min-jbips wttiun this ramstwjafcie jrleiy time he ppe 9, w wi-ister without portfolio of Rt Hon. Arthur Meighen, for-'R ?r vr the uttie wifnyidftw-mer Prime Minister. Mr. Meighen will also be a notable " blesed w1tn p4 hWe tlwrj acquisition to the Senate of which he has been named a"SHi?f&& member, air. Meighen's experience and admitted ability nt dm J,X efw wr rjNntmf in public affairs will sejTe the Premier in good stead in the honors of Indian tnraHen. 'sraajj Boy-Np, tt taw wot these trying times. Next to Mr. Bennett, it may be fairly AIt foundaUon of the ijptHjMaw ne pd expected that Mr. Meichen will be the outstanding mpm. "- Dauversterp of La Roche nw- ber of the administration. !e. "S0 ?' M.!L . ."1. tnereon uwrwii to iu found tutum a hospital Hlit and !IM Smlthni-c I'hinnmnn fn h. 1 fill fill tz.'itK ith ?","!Wt? Is floinR to Jai spr 01 imance. m . wioaes nas already been acting mm- f? mfp Tntif vtteZ' Pong Tom. chines, ha. been fin- lavci iMWiue auu nas suown martfeq apmuqe m mat e- TT th f:ZT u,. 0. with opUon of three! partment. He should carry on very creditablv the duties LT !)T8J, nntKnH m3ntn' "nprisonment. by supi-! Of h,i5 portfolio Which ranks next to that of fte Premier- Ta ?iuTron?DrtLar- dUry Magistrate K. L Oale at Smi- Sjlip IP active importance. .Mres. have been reprints 'e.rVacc?mf ted here Saturday morning by train j on his way to Oka 11a. Carry & Save; specials I - for appearance :prir,rkhef Sat. & Mondayi "m;iiui vc iiucr uy me people who pay Uiejoulitt manners and refinement, taxes and no return ha heep secured for the mojjey ex- innDirin great interest and pir pended. Bv spending a little more the men could nave been ' m fcnw of the Iroquois Kept working and happy instead of discontented, the high- "r "nJ dUff presented to her a few dollars into the of the go coffers merchants. hm4 thf. of her con" lne present nollCV. it Seems. Was illnnrniVfl nnrl nnt , ttona am) natslatad In her wnrk Yn. Alberta Creamery Butter ()Q0I per lb Corn Flakes Crisp is 1 delicious, par pkg. . Bacon llachlne sliced Cello-wrapt. 4-lb. pkg. 1 Jelly Powders Mallcln's well carried out. Large sums wore expended on camps and Aow an energy that would be Jj "nJLtr. , i rW HoUed Oats Extra Laige tnnm, nf ikm V,.,,.-. ,; fj remarkable in a man. thl fnll chased and not used. Debts were incurred and many of ?JttJ!l!Z TT 23c! Uve land and civUbtation to become "nmawsre, per pug. to found a new colony In a Krange , orano. j-io un lilt h ICULT SITUATION ' barbarous country, hd to auc- Everyone must realise the difficulties tne governments icor 1118 and KM" whteh have had in carrying on and nrqviding wney when the ' . money market, of the work! ave hw dosetl aginst feriioTfr Wfhe vcM bjfmppiny is uue mem in ineir Ull-iof the work to which she had con seorated herself in her fervour of devotion upheld her In her task, for she possessed, unalterable confidence in the Supreme Master. "Jeanne Mance might well be called the Florpnce Nightingale of Canada's Nursing System.' Sergtant Andrew Falrbalrn, chief of the Smttbtrs' detachment of the provincial poUre, eame dawn from SmiLbprs to Hazel (on pn the train which arrived here thi morning from the Interior. t ? t jtggs UV- rresn sjRtas Seott'a In cartons, 3 dot. atfeed Pjaehes De4 Mpnte in heavy syrup. p.f tin Blskberrtes in hanvy syrup. No. tins, per tin 5c 10c He them have not been paid. , , Pe"t Penut Butt Butter- r--Sqiitrrel r 1 a. u-der leader in m an expedition expedition destined destined -&,Mtrrel 1 n J KJ ' 21c Chocolate Eclairs -Hed O O n Arrow, new shipment, lb.P' Pork it Beans- Clark's On per lfrc. Up - 9V Codeo-Braid's uM, Tumyer p ked wtth each lb. per tin Toilet Rolls- 7 for Molasses No 2 tins 3 for 1. , Crlteo per 1-lb. Un WBd Rose Pastry Flour P?r 10-lb. cotton serk Pink Salmon Esjuttjr hi per tall tin Seville Orange Marmalade Empress brand 4-lb. tin 36p 23c 25p 42p 9c 43c Thrift Cash & Carry "fJAHUV A Nil SAVE" tOl Third Ave A Few Dpors Pown From Moose Hall rhtmr 179 &JIBi: mtM Kill lJiBt: TtpcWl polIiilieTfvcT ten to serve the time and U expec- j Cars Qumped Ipto Frisco Bay Thirteen irebt oar loaded wi'i c?pper oA ifttsT&audUe w?r. UtfBpcd into San Francisco bay a few 1 ;yx ago when a leak in 4 railioaa bare cauced it to list and ink. It will take g. lot of pull to B-' them out agam. Picture to the ight. KROPUCED I N MASK CARNATION is the largest selling brand of unsweetened, evaporated milk in the world today! Only Canada's finest herds produce milk for Carnation con den scries. There, after evaporation, it is packed and shipped to every part of Canada. For Carnation Milk, hermctkaUy sealed In the can, keeps good and wholesome under any climatio condition. You'll Znjoy Cooiint With It Cook wjth Carmtiflo it's a pkamre. Smooth, creamy, favorite recipe will turn out better improved in ttc and texture, YquIJ be specially pleased whan you use Carnation, in cream sourts, saqces, dressings, cocoa, ke cream, and candy. Also, use Carnation in place of cream. Undiluted, it is just right for corTee, fruits, and cereals. And you cut your cream bill square in two. ' At proved for Baby FeiJing The highest medical authorities recommend Carnation Milk as an excellent milk; for bbje because of its purity, unifprmity, nutritiou&ness, richness in vitamjnj and minerals, and super-digestibility. Tifli Uw Good It hi Grnationl "from ontled Cows Have You These Free Booklets? Aik jnr trtttr ft Cr uslhm tiij. And (it ( tttitwt intmttiil mtw btkUtl,f'rTi Cf-xri Ch Mk i "Ctmltntli BtHfl". Writt Ctfttttm C. Limilii. 1)4 Akbtt SI Vticftrr, MX.. miX. FROM CANADIAN POW5, PACKED IN CANADA IN CANADIAN-MADE CANS AND CASES It's got to be good to be ADVERTISED READ THE GROCERY ADS TOpAY All the king's horses . . . and all the king's pien can't make a success out of a bad product. No amount of adverihjjng will create a market for it. The more it's advertised, the more Its defects become known. A Good Product Well Advertised grows as swiftly and naturally as a wihy plant. People try it and like jt. They tell others, They like U. Soon tt product is found everywhere . . . and its -name, spread abroad by advertising, is on every tongue. When you see something w((luy and cpjiBiitently advertised, you can be pretty sure it's well worth having. If it veren't . . . if it didn't represent an honest and worthy value ... the maker couldn't afford to advertise it. Look Over the Advertisements in this Paper Some of these names you know. Others, perhaps, ariof newcomers, all are entitled to your trust . . . ajl are hero because tjiey have potential friends bringing some new comfort or convenience. Hut something real tp contribute to your advantage . . . your service . . . your happiness. THE DAILY NEWS TELEPHONE 98