l-'il, .3; a f R I t' i.Jjl 1 'i 1 m - 1 :W. f .J i tit : 1 ;. : t 1 : , ) ' I i . :t ' 'Til ' if '' , PAGE FOUR Ygfe jBE I day and next week. Wth every 3 1 'J' 7 jk TT 1 ' 1 l1 1 V Ipl Hi , gg. Salt or Overcoat sold at S15.00 I I JT 4 A F J MmA jLjK" I K.1HWrVBIflMI-. CI IHHHH' HHMHFSTf I BUM I. A AA ft A A m Hi . till iHT W Kl ?ki 9 The Mexican government has "muscled-in" on Agua Caliente r; cetrack profits to such an extent that the purse tor the great handicap was cut from $100,000 to $50,000. Now the owners of Phar Lap, Australian wonder horse, wonder if fifty grand is worth fighting for. CANADIANS WIN GAME Canuck Rugbyists Defeated Powerful Japanese Opponents By Score of 21, to 8 Today TOKYO, Febe. 4: The Canadian English rugby team defeated the powerful Meiji University thirteen today by a score of 21 to 8. Twenty thousand spectators saw the match. JUNIOR BILLIARDS Feb. 4 Jewelers vs. Hawks. Feb. 8 L of N. vs Jewelers. Feb. 11 Hawks vs. Empress. Feb. 15 L. of N. vs. Hawks. 1 OLYMPIC WINTER GAMES OPENED AT LAKE PLACID LAKE PLACID, N.Y., Feb. 4: With Governor Franklin D. Roosevelt and other dignator-ies taking part in the ceremonies, the Olympic Winter d!&s were formally opened here this morning. The sports will continue for the next week of ad and will include all forms of winter athleUc activities. UP YOUR SLEEVE Everyone knows that staminastrength in reserve is as important as muscular strength. Bovril not only develops the muscle and the frame; it develops stamina by storing up a fund of energy in reserve. VRIL Builds Strength in Reserve 17 ; i 4; 1 : 4 ' DROP LETTERS The government of Brazil has officially dropped the letters K, Y and W from thp alphabet. , WINNIPEGS WIN FIRST Defeated United States 2 to 1 in Overtime Opener of Olympic Hockey LAKE PLACID, N.Y, Feb. It-Canada's Olympic hockey team, the Winnipeg, defeated the United States team by a score cf 2 to 1 in overtime today at the open-ins of Olympic Winter Games. The amateur hockey series will be continued during the course of the Olympiad in the next few days. SPORT CHAT The season's playing schedules for the American and National baseball league have been an nou-.ced this week by the league fhonuls The season in both leagues 'will open on April 12. In the Na-Ik.ii.ii League Boston will play on u i.niii'i riuv at Rrnnltlvn Chi- 1 err- SOCKS Dress Socks per pair Men's All Wool Heavy Socks, per pair . st.!t Monday ntM Junior omiara .kg .it Cincinnati. Pittsburg at . . i) . and Pulladelph at Mew WMi. William Murray I .., :.; in ihe American League tiie 'Bmpre) bfa seore Of 200 to 160. io-Jt.una dav will see S LouU play- ! ii..: Chicago, Cleveland at Detrpit. V& WPWW 3P tW by an : IS i Max t Washing ton (April U. aWWt WW? M W The Icacua ttatldlnK for the e- 1 1 a i i ii iv dL r iiiinuciiJiiiA aim - ( W 'sJV.naioii u.t Iioaton. The season in o.nn K uuues will close on sep-t3,uDcr 25 with the World Series en- icuiiik immediately. Seattle Gets Big Snowfall in the final postponed game from ; cond half of. Uic season to date is as follows: O. Jtl Av. Jewelers i 4 3673 $18, Empress i 3610 nolooatM tn the onnnnl mtlni? ' lgU Of Nations 3 255 Itawk 5 W8 of the Ontrl,o Football AMociatJon ; sanctioned a substitute rule fpr the first time in the history of the association Use of three alternative players by each team in the Ontario Qup competition will be perm.lt-ted. In future. The new rule compels each club In the competition to car ry 14 players. Bach substitute can only be used, once dyrjng n game, and pn np occasion can a replaced player return to the field. In the International Division W. U. ,L. event of a player being injured, he Toronto 14 may be replaced but he cannot par- Qanadlens 13 Helps te in the game again. Toronto 0. Qhlcafo 7. 5 5 Ajnericans Z F i iMai Maroons jjjJV" Arnerjcju Division 1 Rangers Chicago Detroit Boslon 18 :li . 8 5 10 4 9 11 13 12 16 0 0 16 11 885 881 HOCKEY SCORES Hockey Standings 20c 20c Fine Cashmere Socks Qi A A All colors, 3 pairs . VivV Men's All Wool Heavy O ff 0 Socks, reg.75c,for ... GLOVES Canvas Gloves per pair 10c SHIRTS! SHIItTS! Men's Dress Shirts 7An Reg. $2.50, for Tookes & Arrow Shirts, rejjular !X95cto$1.50 Grey Work Shirts 75 C Hundreds of All Wool Flannel Shirts at Half Price Special in Men's Work Shirts $2.00 Work Shirts Q for S Vx at B. C. Clothiers, Ltd. nrVtiKrl Airanna Aacf Piiinitn Dnnntil D A othing like it before! People lay seine to the doors of the stqro suffocation, Conie! The greatest sale in the history of the city J If the crowds are too bijr f or you Saturday, conic nct week. Sale Re-opens Tomorrow- SPECIALS IN UNDERWEAR Men's Wopl Ribbed Underwear Reg. $1.50, Now per garment Men's Fine Cashmere Underwear, garment Men's Combinations each : Empress Won . i CHANGES IN In Billiards pnm v 4tw LI utcnant Governor Will Officiate Fr 1'lrst Time Nova SftiMa Ooveinment Llnc-up Will P.e Changetl W3;dnce confeHeraUon. 75c 50c 95c Turnbull's Cpmbina- Q4 Off tions, each V Stanfield's & Ceetee Underwear at Half Price SWEATERS Men's Wool Sweat- Q-f Aff ers, reg. $4.50, nowV Silk & Wool Sweaters, 4 pockots $7:0; S3 45 HUHHERS Children's Rubbers per pair Men's Rubbers per pair 45c 75c Hij; Reduction in Gum Hoots PHI DAY andSATCUnu.Hji l.iulf Halifix pl's.-ln.in, tun a me:nbt r of the assembly, has bee :i . ppoimed 4 member it the pow cmmi sion. but It U understoo i Premier Harrington will aMumc i be mpontlblllUef or chairman Hon.. Jotapb MaDonald. membfi , foe Cape Breton Ontre. will move UP to the ftnnt benches as mlnl. -ter oil the government wit hoi portfolio. The oppAJiUon line-up will a:-t ' '" Ipear much the same as last yea- ibive the able support of William No dnt has been set( but it 1 1 nnoim. K. c, who resigned the customary to start the sMslqn in leadership last year because of ill-February or early In March.' Last i health. Mr. ChUholm has been In year the opening date was February 18. Hon. W. II. Covert, wh.0 succedM the late Hon. FranK SUrvfleJd as Lieutenant Ooyernor of the prqv- lrfe. w.ll offlciat in the JcgUl. be4tr health the last few mon,ths and is expected to take an active att In legislative atUes ths wfftter Angus L. McDonald, former pro fessor of law, who succeeded Mr tuje for the first Ume since his ap'icnln1,r chief of the LiberaH aolntment. 'Jn the province, is not a member The front line of the aovernme.ii ' the assembly but he will be a n tows has been shuffled many Prominent figure during the sev 33 times since the Conservatives were He will occupy a seat at the 3j svytpt into power in 92, and thi? rljfht of his followers In one oi 30 year a numbof ministers, will be hfi chairs, reserved for dlsttngul-24 !p( r?ats new to them. vUltorsi, Last year Mr. Mc- - Col. Oie Hon. Gordon 8. HatPPa.W wa;sHn the floor nearly ij rlnfton will face the assembly fpifcvery minute "the house was h 32 bis second session as prime minis- seaslon. lie was in (he. fray front 28 ; let, but he will be without his for- ta"t to finish, although he was 25, trier first lieutenant and attorney, not permitted to speak. jencral. Hon. W. L. Hall, who now I C.N.R. steamer lrlne John, Cap- lis a Justice of the Supreme CouH i 8EA1TLB. Feb. 4: Seattle wore tain Nell .tirijmn. is due in nort Ptiof Novm Rcotta. In Jutlpi ltnll'ni ;Ncv Stcwnrt I)6ctor a fresh white mantle la.st plght foj- 6 o'clock this evenina; from Van--place will be Hon. John Doull, who! Appointed Coroner lowing Intermittent snow showers cbuver via the Queen Charlotte Is- ;who resigned his ppslUoQ as prqv-j throughout the day: Weatber offl- lands wlih pastengers, mall oni jlncial wcretary to become attomej'' VICTORIA, Feb. 4: Dr J W cials predicted that there would be freight and will remain here until general. Hon. J. Fred Fraser, for-' Vosburgh, new physician and sur-probably more $now and cold. 10 o'clock Saturday night when sheimerly chairman of the Nova Scoth'geon at Stewart: has hepn nnnnin. i Coasting Is a very popular diversion will sail on her return soouth over power Commission, will appear ted a coroner by the provincial gov- jfor the children now. the same route provincial secretary. Dr. Fergus lernment, it Is announced. ConiP With the Croud HLANKKTS 50 Pair of the Finest Wh u V' ,. len Blankets, reg. pri VyA to $14.00, will be sol-' Htf Price. MEN'S SUITS Blue Serges & .Wor?:. , styles and colors, ui - S10, $12, $15 OVERCOATS 75 Men's Overcoats r Blues and Finest V Latest Models, at HaU l'nc MEN'S OXFORDS 50 Pair Men's Black CO 7f Ovfnrds PANTS and OVERM Ls Hundreds of Pairt of ' .. 50c 10 $145 M'i 1'ant, 31,95 l inn Dress Pant at Bit Rcdcitiim HUNDREDS OF OTHER BARGAINS DON'T MISS THEM Don't wait, come now and get your share! B. C. CLOTHIERS LTD. Note the Address- Third Ave.W SAVE MONEY "Roll Your ft UuHh ZIG-ZA" CIOARETTE F'itM ahangei will be noUd at km often -,nd former minuter of hlfhwavsi, 20 Leal JjOOK 'A ng of tne lourtn season or fiova;" nunnng guvcrnmem, wni Scotia seventeenth lgUla lure ' lead the Liberal force. He wi'li i . : i ....- t:' L.r.l .li. ttniv c M." "' " w DmnJ ZIG-ZAP refuse imitoti1 Wliv Jones never feels tirt The rtsjon U ",,1 keP the tcctW Y Clfan.ru.